Welcome back to the sietch all of you freedom loving heretics! I hope your journey through the past week was filled with great things.
Thanks to many of you, the documentary Died Suddenly is now approaching ten million views. In case you haven’t yet seen it, go here.
While watching before posting it last week, I remember having a nagging feeling that I should watch it again, that there was something else there that neither I nor the film makers had put together.
I just watched it again this morning and I think I’ve put my finger on what that is. To get at this we need to do what the savvy makers of the film did, start at the beginning and then fill-in more details.
In 1798, Thomas Robert Malthus, an English cleric and scholar, wrote “An Essay on the Principle of Population”. Malthus proposed that there is a strong link between resource availability and population growth, and that as long as resources were abundant a utopian society would be out of reach because the population would grow beyond available resources. This led to the idea of the Malthusian Trap, which now pervades the minds of many globalist elites seeking to cull the masses.
The current, somewhat revised version of Malthusian theory - that the upswing in population will collide with a downturn in planetary resources soon, causing a massive plunge in the human population - is not materializing either as predicted, or as planned, whatever the case might be. The globalists have been telling us for decades that if the worlds population is not drastically reduced by the auspicious year 2030 that great calamity will befall humanity. For lovers of Satanism, Luciferianism and all the other dark arts being called upon in our time by these non-human souls, the Malthusian Trap is their most pernicious wet dream.
And yet, here we are, 230 years after Malthus warned the world of impending doom and… there remains plenty of planetary resources to go around. Granted, centralized banking, globalist corporations and their puppets in NGO’s like the WEF and the Bilderberg Group have seen to it that many of those resources remain hidden (like diamonds and precious metals) and that most of the rest are not being equitably distributed. Nevertheless, the resources exist. It would seem anyone with any modicum of critical thinking skills would have long ago determined that Malthus and his rabid, globalist, eugenicist followers are baying at the moon.
As I hope I’ve made clear here over the past 2 years, and as Died Suddenly makes very clear, the effort to stem the globalists mentally constructed day of reckoning by reducing the population through the imposition of genocidal tactics such as viral fear porn, lockdowns, closures, masks and most deadly of all, toxic jabs, have all been enthusiastically endorsed by eugenicists like Jeffry Epstein and Bill Gates. When one connects the dots on the work that Whitney Webb has done in her new books One Nation Under Blackmail (vol 1 and 2) on those whose lives were intertwined with Jeffry Epstein (like Gates, Clinton, Trump and many others) and their involvement or complicity with child porn and child sex trafficking, it becomes clear why they are also the same warped globalists involved in promoting the phony Malthusian population/resource model as justification to cull the worlds population. Gates, Clinton and Trump all promoted every aspect of covidcon, including the DoD funded, DARPA created, bioweapon jabs.
The Malthusian model was and always has been a construct meant to fulfill the dark motives of those who worship at the alter of eugenics and blood sacrifice. They want to create a world of masters and slaves where the masters use the slaves as they see fit. The pedophilia we are now discovering has been running rampant among elite globalist circles for some time is part of that.
It’s now all beginning to look like the greatest crime of the millennium.
We are now far enough along into covidcon that we can look back at events of the past few years and see how they were used to reinforce the idea that resources are dwindling and in turn, how that was used to create the illusion that the population is out of control.
Its easy to understand how the vast majority of people who may not be paying close attention can translate shortages of food and energy resources, not to mention the rise in prices of everything else, as proof that the globalist Malthusians are right, that resources are running out because there are too many people.
But as I hope I made clear in the linked articles, all of those events were manipulated by the globalist powers-that-be to help germinate the idea that resources are running low. It’s another attempt to create a mental construct in the masses. And we can be sure that in the not too distant future we will be told to brace for ever more shortages and greater costs - all completely manipulated by globalists to squeeze us slaves for ever more profit.
Thanks to control of the globalist media and the positioning of multinational corporate insiders in the government, the masses can be manipulated into believing whatever they’re being told. This is the play book used by the tobacco companies, the military-industrial-complex and now big pharma - all of which are run by money grubbing, globalist, Malthusian eugenicists. Even though all of you heretics know beyond any shadow of doubt that the jabs have been an absolute disaster, they are still being promoted in the lame stream media by those who seek to enrich themselves at the cost of human suffering. This is their goal. It’s what they do. It’s all part of the plan to make the Malthusian ideology become reality.
By the way, because its corporate socialism - all subsidized by US taxpayers - it’s also highly profitable.
Welcome to the great reset.
more on jab toxins
As long time readers know, I’ve been following independent research being conducted on the contents of the covid jabs since May of 2021. Here are a few of those articles.
Recently the Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis, an international group of researchers working out of Germany, published their Summary of Preliminary Findings. As the name of the paper implies, this is an ongoing project looking into the contents of the mRNA covid “vaccine” vials as well as the blood of those who have taken the jabs and… those who have not.
Comparative pictures of blood from unvaccinated and vaccinated people and photos of the same crystalline structures found in the vials also being found in the blood of vaccinated people are all compelling.
Here are the opening comments from the paper.
The COVID-19 vaccination programmes must be stopped immediately
The German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis has made its initial findings publicly available in a wide-ranging report:
1. Toxic substances were found in all of the samples of COVID-19 vaccines - without exception.
2. The blood samples of all the people who had been vaccinated showed marked changes.
3. The greater the stability of the envelope of lipid nanoparticles, the more frequent are vaccine side effects.
The last point corresponds with reports that in the latter days of the primary vaccination program, efforts to keep the mRNA vials at the super-chilled temperatures required for preservation faltered badly. It’s now thought that many people getting jabs late in 2021 and early 2022 may have received doses that in some regards, may have been less harmful due to spoilage - but still not harmless.
There can be no doubt that the inclusion of these toxins in the jabs was no accident - far too many vials have been tested by far too many people and have been found to contain similar materials. The only conclusion left to be drawn is that has been a purposeful part of the globalist depopulation agenda.
And what is the most direct way of getting all of those toxins directly into the bodies of billions of people? Create a mental construct about a deadly virus and then come up with a “vaccine” for it that also happens to contain those deadly toxins.
And what is the most efficient way to make excellent use of those toxins - many of which are magnetic - to generate injury and death among the vaccinated masses? Like iron filings on a table being manipulated by a magnet underneath, radiate them with EMF’s.
carnival cruise ship docks in Sydney with 800 cases of covid
On November 11 the Majestic Princess docked in Sydney with 800 cases of covid after a 12 day trip from New Zealand. Carnival authorities stated that “95 percent of customers were vaccinated before getting on board.” Yet, one in five passengers tested positive. The head of Carnival Australia said that after a few passengers showed symptoms the rest were required to get tested “…according to protocol”. Those who tested positive were required to go directly to a private residence via private transportation - no public transportation, no hotels. Masks were made mandatory for everyone, including those who tested negative.
This event serves as a prime example of how people are being manipulated into the mental construct being put forth by the globalist Malthusians.
To the best of my knowledge, most cruise ships are not using 5G. Musk’s StarLink system is the only 5G system currently in orbit. Because of the inability of 5G to transmit over large distances, it requires LEO (low earth orbit) satellites. Due to this anomaly, 5G may never be suitable for cruise ships. Instead, most cruise ships are using a combination of 4G satellites in MEO (medium earth orbit) and geo synchronous satellites in an even higher orbit. None are safe for us or those on the cruise ships.
However, there is a much bigger problem on cruise ships - wifi units. Wifi units are notorious for emitting dangerous forms of EMF’s and these signals are compounded when being emitted inside the metal cabins of a cruise ship. Because the signal can’t just easily pass out through the metal walls and dissipate into the atmosphere, they remain in the room where they continue to bounce around and wreak ever more havoc on the occupants by de-structuring the water in their bodies. It’s like being inside a protective Faraday cage, but with the EMF’s being emitted inside the cage, they remain trapped in the cage.
Because passengers demand ever faster internet speeds, wifi units are constantly being upgraded to emit ever more powerful signals. Not every room on every cruise ship has wifi. It’s an additional cost on most cruise lines and you can often choose what level of connectedness you want - more bandwidth will be more expensive and.. more dangerous.
If I had to speculate I would say that all of the ‘infected’ passengers had wifi in their cabins.
Cruise ships - the new, hip form of slave ships. A weaponized globalist construct aimed directly at the upper middle class.
The WIFI connection on board the cruise ships explains a lot. I have had several sets of friends who went on cruises in the past year. Poor sods all had three to five shots, but they were good to go. They all came back with Covid! One woman complained she had become deaf in one ear and now had to wear a hearing aid. She and her husband had gone on a 30 day cruise so that could explain that problem. Some complained their cases were the worst ever, and some were mild. I looked at them in amazement as they were still believers and talking about getting their flu jabs as well. Crazy people living in a world of crazy megalomaniacs.
golly, I always reckon'd cruise ships were more'r'less bougie "club-med"-type Hells on the High Seas whar everythin' was cure-ated fer folks too lay-zee ta pick up a damned guide book an' explore somewhar's new like real human-beans. Then I larned that these top-heavy floatin' Ho-tells (am sure many have lots ta tell on'em! likely top-heavy'uns too... ) wuz petrie dishes fer all manner've ills due to "canned" water an' re-cirulatin' air. Bad 'nuff? Right? But now knowin' 'bout the WiFi "aspic" of this sorry form've "entertainment," I'd say callin' it "a weaponized slaveship" is bein' generous! (Bonus cruise ship factoid; I understan' there are Wunnerful Pedo-World-a' Disney cruises drawin' famblies... talk about horrors, egads! Tootoot, next stop Lil' St James Island!)