As I’ve made clear in previous posts, I have some problems with Robert F. Kenndy Jr’s positions on a number of issues, expecially his beliefs that viruses exist and are causative and that some vaccines are effective. In spite of that and the possibility that some of the dirt now coming out about him may be true, does that mean he can’t move the ball further down the field in the right direction? I don’t see why not.
Besides, some of the things his detractors are saying right now are just… wrong.
Earlier this morning a popular Substack writer put up 3 posts that seem like a lame attempt to smear Kennedy.
The first one was titled - According to Robert Kennedy Jr., Climate Skeptics Should be Put in Jail. It’s about a Twitter post by Wide Awake Media.
First of all if you’re going to try and prove someone is unworthy of running for the president, wouldn’t it be more convincing if you could actually do it first hand rather than repost something that was a repost? That seems like reaching.
But let’s consider that video of Kennedy. I need to point out that I’ve watched 6 different versions of it and in all of them the audio did not work, so I’m not going to link it here. As near as I can tell, that video dates to 2014. I’ve found some partial texts of that video that indicate Kennedy is talking about the Koch brothers criminal track record and their massive contribution to environmental pollution. It appears his comments are directed at them and their ilk. (If anyone has seen this video, please let me know in the comments exactly what is being said.) In earlier posts I’ve written about some of the nefarious tactics the Koch brothers use, the damage people like them have done to the environment, the fact that they can do so and not have to pay for the consequences and the fact that they’re subsidized by taxpayers to do so. In my mind, all of that makes them worthy of being dragged into court on specific charges.
But what I want to focus on is the take away from the article - especially the comments - that the globalists pulling the levers behind the curtain who are responsible for millions of deaths and countless injuries due to their mindless rape of our planet are not the problem. This attitude, that those centralized, authoritarian, tax evading, subsidized, earth raping, freeloading, fascist polluters who are responsible for more chronic disease and deaths over the past 100 years than big pharma, are somehow sacred cows that should not be called out, doesn’t make any sense. That’s like saying that big pharma and its investors are all good and should not be called out for their crimes. As I pointed out in an early post, Pfizer still holds the record for having to pay out the biggest corporate fine in history - $2.3 billion. Apparently, they want us to think that because Kennedy calls them out, he’s a bad person for doing so? Who are these pro-centralization, pro authoritarian, pro-facsism, pro-corpoarte, pro-globalist right wingers? If they feel that way about the Koch brothers, I have to assume they think Fauci, Azar and Gottlieb should go Scott free.
Why do they hate someone who is seeking to decentralize, go local and improve our environment and our health?
Here is what I said, which appears to have been taken down.
The second post is titled - ADDENDUM: According to Robert Kennedy Jr., Climate Skeptics Should be Put in Jail. The main topic is a March 30, 2020 tweet by Kennedy in which he says that after the lockdown ends pollution might become worse.
Turns out, he was right. However, this is taken by the writer to mean that Kennedy “is a death cultist that supports the WEF, UN, CIA,CFR, Rockefeller, et al. One World Government agenda”. The writer offers no proof of any of that.
That comment makes clear that the writer never watched Kennedy’s recent speech in which he quotes his uncle who said, “I want to take the CIA and shatter it into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”
The writer is also apparently unaware of the fact that Kennedy has been battling Rockefeller medicine ever since he began speaking out against vaccines over 20 years ago.
What’s missing from that post is the explanation that Kennedy was talking about the problems fascists have been causing by their mindless rape of the planet long before the WEF even cottoned on to the idea that environmental issues could be subverted to promote their globalist agenda.
The third post is titled - ADDENDUM 2: According to Robert Kennedy Jr., Climate Skeptics Should be Put in Jail. This one is a tweet by Gonzola Lira that explains that Kennedys son is “fighting as a mercenary on the Ukranian side”.
Again, if Lira or the writer would have bothered to watch Kennedy’s speech they would have learned that Kennedy talked about that in the speech. It’s not a secret. Furthermore, in this 10/22 interview Kennedy said, “He said to me, when he heard maybe a little bit of anger and concern, 'Dad, this is what you taught me to do: to stand up for what I believe in.’”
Here is all of the text from that post.
As the old saying goes, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree:”
More stretching.
I commented saying I’m nothing like my father. Someone else said, “I was even less like my father when I was young”.
The fourth post is titled - ADDENDUM 3: Another Former Associate with Jeffrey Epstein Files to Run for U.S. President in 2024. This is a repost of three articles, one written by Brian Shilhavey, the other by Isabel Vincent and Melissa Klien and the third by Jeffry Oppenheimer. They all contain much more serious allegations, beginning with the one in the title. The proof for that seems a bit weak but it might be real - a photo of what could be part of Epstein’s list of flight passengers on his Lola Express shows the name of Bobby and Mary (#2) Kennedy. The article claims that Kennedy has admitted to riding on Epstein’s Lola Express twice, but no proof of that is offered. If that were true, that would be far less times than Trump… not that that makes it ok.
Shilhavey goes into some detail describing CHD’s revenue and taxes, explaining that CHD revenue and Kennedy’s salary both went up greatly during the plandemic. Given the greatly increased awareness about vaccine injuries and deaths during the time, it wouldn’t be surprising that CHD would grow and that Kennedy’s salary as the president of CHD would also grow. Also, the article doesn’t make clear how much of that income was from CHD and how much was from his law practice, which I would assume has also seen an increase in vaccine related injury suits.
Shilhavey also goes into some detail trying to connect dots between Steve Kirsch, Elon Musk and Kennedy. Since both Kennedy and Kirsch have adopted similar, safe, political positions on germ theory and both claim to be pro-vaxx while speaking out against some vaccines, the possible connections between Kirsch and Kennedy seem plausible. The Musk connection seems remote, but not completely out of the picture. As long time readers know, I’ve written unfavorably about both Musk or Kirsch.
All of the articles go into Kennedy’s history of philandering. He’s also had a traumatic youth, which isn’t mentioned in any of them, but that’s not an excuse to philander. But given the history of his drug use in his late teens and 20’s and his first two tumultuous marriages, it’s clear that like all of us, he is imperfect.
Oppenheimer claims that like Trump, Kennedy is Jesuit trained, citing a link to Wikipedia that at the time of his fathers death he was attending Georgetown Preparatory School. Going to that link shows us that he was indeed there at the time of his fathers death, when he was 14. But he graduated from Palfrey Street School in Massachusetts. The “Jesuit trained” claim seems like another stretch.
I’m going to keep hammering on the themes I began with my original posts about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. running for president. While I’m doubtful about his long shot chances of getting into the White House, I’m very interested in watching the good kind of havoc he’ll wreck on the democratic party, on the debate stage and throughout the campaign. His willingness to call out the fascists that rule our country, his willingness to call out the misguided rush to US involvement in the war in Ukraine, his willingness to call out the military industrial complex, his willingness to go after environmental criminals who have polluted our air and water and made us all sick, his willingness to call out the child sacrificing pharmaceutical industry and its high death and injury rate, and his willingness to say that all of this needs to end… none of that can be a bad thing. What other candidate in the last 50 years has said or done any of that?
As regular readers know, I’ve been practicing regenerative farming techniques for many years. I have to say, Kennedy’s willingness throw his support behind that and help save farmland, support small, local farmers and help clean up our food supply means a lot to me.
If I may reiterate - yes, he is far from the perfect candidate. But there will never be a perfect candidate.
As a Christian anarchist I don’t get caught up with any of them. I just try to do what I can to help move the ball further down the field in the right direction. If a candidate comes along who is going to do that, I’m certainly not going to discourage them from doing so. I may even write favorably about positions they advocate that I agree with.
There was a time in my life when my radio lineup was Rush, Hannity, Levin and a handful of other so-called "right wing" talk shows. All of those hosts had me believing that giant corporations were altruistic (after all, they create jobs and prop up the tax base right?), that RFK jr was out to destroy liberty in America, and that the Koch brothers were the reincarnation of Gandhi and Mother Theresa. It was only after cutting the cord from those poisonous, bought and paid for shills that I started doing my own research and coming to my own conclusions and I found these multimillionaires had been flat out lying to the public. Do I walk lockstep and in arm and arm with RFK jr now? Oh hell no. But when someone is 100% correct on an issue and backs up their stances with facts and logic, we must at least give them the courtesy of at least giving what they are saying some critical thought regardless of what "side" they are on in the *fake* left/right paradigm. People are beside themselves because Trump was brought up on charges for something he may or may not have done. Can't these same people err on the side of "something doesn't smell right" when it comes to accusations about RFK jr? Come on America, it's absolutely time for us to get our heads out of our proverbial arses. We are losing everything.
It's so refreshing to be fighting about RFK instead of Trump or Biden!