'Quiz'; answer: Poisoning by 5G irradiation.

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If this is so the real end game is not eugenics - but EVIL. It also means the end of this age is upon us.

To kill every human before the arrival of the Messiah. He (Satan) must know his time is short.

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From Land of the Brave and the Free to the Land of the Coward and the Slave. That just in 20 years. Theses zionist neocons are pure evil. The analogy with the Pravda is very pertinent since most of the jewish oligarchy controlling the West, USA and Israel, indeed come from the ex USSR. Strange as it seems, today in Russia, I live there today, Russians, as incredible as it may seem, behave freer than the average American or Westerner. Here the lockdowns have been over for a good 6 months and no one really takes very seriously this Rockerfeller Foundation, Adolf Hitler Gates, Davos billionaire eugenicist Club dark comedy. The real problem now is the international traveling. I refuse ever taking again the plane since I am from Canada, another zionist neocon colonial possession and tyranny, if things do not change. Americans will have to wake up before they find themselves in a New Nazi Germany or a new bolshevick zionist neocon USSR. Or worse !!!!!! Brave New World dystopian nightmare.

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