"What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so."
~ Mark Twain
In the last post I presented satellite evidence that indicates cymatics is being used to manipulate the weather. Some of you had questions about how cymatics worked. Let’s get into that.
I also presented satellite imagery showing chemtrails. We’ll also see more of that today.
But let’s first consider some recent satellite images of cymatic activity over the US.
This first image loop is from this morning. This is the mid-level moisture loop of the Southern Rockies. There are four things to look for in this loop.
First are the standing cymatic waves that cover much of Colorado.
Second are the waves in the northern part of Chihuahua, Mexico that are heading south. This is what outflows typically look like as they spill out of big thunderstorms that are pulling cold air from very high up in the chilly part of the atmosphere. The problem is, here there are no big thunderstorms. They seem to be emanating from some high, thin cirrus clouds. And the waves are not the single large, lumbering wave typically associated with an outflow coming from a large storm. They keep coming.
I’ve seen this pattern numerous times before. At first I believed it was just an unusual type of outlfow pattern. Now, I’m not so sure. I think it might be a use of cymatics in an attempt to drive the clouds up to condensation levels.
The third thing to look for are the chemtrails being injected into some high clouds in West Texas. You can just make out a chem trial with an east/west orientation just before it becomes hidden by the clouds.
The fourth thing to note is how that same batch of clouds become highlighted from below. On the NWS website its possible to slow these loops down. Doing so makes it apparent that a wave of some sort if traveling southward that passes beneath that cloud group, forcing them upwards just enough to cause them to become brighter. Again, this may be some sort of cymatic maneuver trying to force the clouds high enough to condense. This becomes more apparent in the loop after this one.
This loop of Mexico provides a better perspective of the clouds in West Texas being highlighted, as well as the questionable outflows in Northern Chihuahua.
The are two big features in this loop. First is the binary low pressure system over the Gulf of California and Southern Sonora. Second is a high pressure system over the Gulf Of Mexico (the orange area). Low Pressure systems always rotate counter clockwise. High pressure always rotates clockwise. The two working together are pulling up a bit of tropical moisture from Mexico, thrusting it northwards into the Southwest US. That’s where the moisture came from that generated the storms over CO, OK, KS, NB that can be seen in the loops below.
The following loop of the West coast shows the injection of a lot of chemtrails into two roughly parallel, high thin cloud banks heading toward the West Coast. The chemtrails stand out because they’re all perpendicular to the prevailing cloud patterns. There is also a tight bunch of them over the Lake Tahoe region stretching south toward Santa Barbara. There are a lot of chemtrails in this loop.
I’ve been told that I should refer to chemtrails as geoengineering. Certainly chemtrails are one aspect of geoengineering, but if I refer to all of the different aspects of what I’m describing in this post as geoengineering, I lose the ability to distinguish one aspect from another. Besides everyone knows what I’m talking about when I use the term chemtrail.
I included the following loop because it shows storms being generated over the panhandle of Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska in much the same way that storms were generated about a week ago in West Texas. A cymatics pattern to the west over Colorado (more easily discerned in the second loop from the day before) seems to be influencing the dynamics of the storms. Those storms have the same signature bow shape that the storms 10 days ago in West Texas had and those storms had very active cymatics on their Western periphery.
The cymatics over Colorado are easier to see in the following loop taken the day before the previous loop. We can see how the moisture coming north from New Mexico is being forced upward and to the east as it encounters the cymatics over Colorado, generating storms across the southern portions of Colorado. By the next day that all translated into the much bigger storms seen in the previous loop.
The following loop of the Pacific Northwest shows a very clearly defined cymatics pattern over Eastern Oregon, Idaho, Montana and down into Nevada. This is a good example of standing wave cymatics. The weather pattern passes by but the waves remain stationary.
Folks, this ain’t normal.
Below is a loop of what the NWS calls the full disk. This is the GOES 18 West satellite. The composites above are generated from this.
Isn’t our planet is beautiful?
about texas weather
The previous post dealt with some of the wild weather that Texas has experienced recently. I recently came across a document that details the weather modification programs that are officially underway in Texas.
You can read about them here.
If you live in Texas, did you give your consent to the state to poison you with chemtrails and bombard you with non-native ELF’s? Did anyone ask you if it was ok to spend your tax dollars on these programs?
how are atmospheric cymatic waves created?
Several of you asked this question. Generally speaking, cymatics are wave frequencies generated by sound. They can be likened to the ripples that spread out from the impact of a stone thrown into water. Just as the ripples in water can vary in shape, size and frequency, depending on variables such as the temperature of the water and the shape and size of the stone and the force at which the stone is thrown, each of us generate our own unique cymatic wave forms when we speak, sing or make any kind of sound.
The tone and tuning of our speech also plays a role in the resulting cymatic wave form. Certain frequencies are universally known to generate fear, others anger or joy and still others can generate feelings of love.
Earth generates a cymatic wave form known as the Schumann resonance. This is an Extra Low Frequency (ELF) wave which is generated by the 50 lightening strikes that occur every second around the earth within the resonant cavity that exists between the ionosphere and earths surface. The fundamental (Schumann) frequency of earth is 7.83 Hz. Because we have evolved with this frequency, we resonate with it very well. The same cannot be said for all man made ELF’s, cymatic waves and EMF’s.
Fun fact - it’s the ability of the ionosphere to reflect ELF frequencies that enables us to pick up radio stations hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles away.
The wave forms that can be seen in the satellite images above are possible because some sort of man made device is causing cymatic waves to occur in the targeted areas.
Weather systems are dynamic. They’re in constant motion. One of the easiest ways to distinguish a certain type of cymatic wave from somewhat similar looking natural waves generated by downdrafts falling out of storm clouds (outflows - more on that coming up) is that those types of cymatic waves are stationary - they don’t move. These are referred to as standing waves in cymatic research papers. Clouds and weather systems will pass by but the standing cymatic waves remain stationary.
That’s not weather.
As I’ve pointed out in several earlier posts, I don’t have conclusive evidence of what device is being used to create these cymatic waves, but as I’ve also pointed out, all signs point to the new HAARP technology I described in this post a few weeks back. The description follows.
That new technology is called Ionospheric Current Drive (ICD). This portable technology allows HAARP facilities to be located on ships along the equator, which of course, allows for more precise control of hurricanes. Extra Low Frequencies (ELF) are used in tandem with Super Small Size Field Aligned Scattering Mirrors (SSS FAS) to create the same kind of ionospheric heating that was previously done by the much larger ground based facilities located closer to the poles. This gets into a whole ‘nuther field of dark science called frequency chirping that’s way beyond the scope of this post. Suffice it to say, ICD is another type of HAARP facility. In other words, it’s another type of DEW.
As I pointed out in last weeks post, this technology is now likely portable enough to be mounted on large trucks and medium sized boats. That means it can now be deployed just about anywhere in the world.
The Air force ran the original HAARP program, but in 2015 they turned it over to the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska. That was probably because one of the original, large, land based HAARP facilities was located near Fairbanks. As I’ve been pointing out, those land based facilities are being phased out in favor of the more effective, portable systems just described. This would explain why the Air Force was willing to relinquish control of the older HAARP facilities to the U of A back in 2015.
So, who is running the newer ICD, SSS FAS HAARP systems? I don’t know. I can’t find anything about that. Because they are portable means they can be hidden or camouflaged. I can tell you that the National Science Foundation (NSF) and NASA are both funding research for this.
When I conducted a search on the National Science Foundation website for “weather modification” I discovered they have given out 30,000 grants to conduct weather modification research. 30,000! 1,534 of them were for over 1 million dollars! These are largely based on the phony idea that global warming is a problem.
Here is a link to 25 pages (about 20 per page) of research papers done in conjunction with HAARP and ionospheric current drive systems. Most were done in conjunction with NASA, some with the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) and others with the DOE. These are likely some of the primary perpetrators of cymatic weather manipulation.
We also can’t rule out the possibility that private defense contractors are involved. After all, we know that Raytheon provides the National Weather Service with advanced weather processing abilities. What are the interconnections that we don’t know about?
Like covidcon, it appears that cymatics, HAARP and any other form of geoengineering are all just more ploys by the MIC to siphon taxpayer revenue into corporate coffers. After all, some of the same corporations that do research and development on DEW’s are also doing research and development on weather manipulation. As I’ve pointed out in previous posts, that would include Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.
In the same way Fauci has been lying to congress about the funding of HIV and covid research to provide cover for HHS, NASA and the other agencies listed here lie about what they’re really doing. Those lies provide cover for the MIC.
Clearly, this new ICD HAARP technology and the use of cymatics is being kept under wraps.
gravity waves?
In last weeks post I pointed to satellite images that show how cold air spilling out of big thunder storms hits the ground and splashes outward to form “outflow” winds that can spread for hundreds of miles across the landscape. Here in southern Arizona those outflows can move across the landscape until they hit a mountain range which forces them upwards into colder air, causing moisture to condense into clouds that can generate a whole ‘nuther storm. These outflow dynamics have been well understood by weather forecasters for many years.
I’m bringing this up again because NASA seems to be trying to generate a false narrative about this phenomenon. The NASA video below begins with a mid-level moisture satellite loop of a storm over Oklahoma. NASA then overlays a computer generated depiction of how a “gravity wave”, supposedly generated by a storm in Oklahoma, supposedly generated a tornado in Southwestern Pennsylvania. This took place in 2013. We are told that the wave got there 12 hours before the tornado. In other words, the wave was long gone by the time the tornado formed. Why Pennsylvania? Because that’s where the tornado hit. NASA tells us that eleven hours later (nearly a full day later) that same Oklahoma storm generated an even stronger wave.
This is the same type of propaganda machinations that were used throughout the covidcon debacle.
The circulation in the atmosphere created by natural vortices that generate tornadoes has been well understood for generations. Why is NASA now trying to create a new narrative that tornadoes can be created by “gravity waves”? If I had to guess I would say they are doing so to cover up man made cymatic waves on behalf of the moneyed interests behind geoengineering.
deep state connections to icd tech
The first experimental test using the new, portable HAARP technology known as ICD was conducted in 2011. The paper describing it can be found here. Behind the affiliations tab on that page we find that Technology Solutions, BAE and Vesperix Corporation are also involved in weather modification. All are located in Arlington VA, the heart of the deep state beast.
Technology Solutions is now called Red Matter Solutions. I’ll let them describe what they do.
BAE has a big stake in the Hegelian dialect regarding climate change. They work this topic from the beginning to end. They help generate the idea that there is a problem. They hype fear about it, and they offer some very profitable (albeit, completely bogus) solutions. Here is what they say about that work.
Climate change is one of society’s greatest challenges. There is growing recognition of its impact on the operational sustainability of businesses as well as the need for companies to proactively manage the impacts they have on the environment.
Solving the challenge of climate change requires all of us to act together. Our approach to climate resilience includes both assessment of physical and strategic impacts on our own sites and operations and the development of a wider decarbonisation strategy that encompasses the transition plan and sector net zero roadmaps.
Vesperix creates guidance software for microwave systems that operate in the 5 to 20 GH (ELF) range. This is the same range in which cymatics operates. ‘Nuff said about that.
All HAARP instruments are ionospheric heaters. There is no argument about that. That terminology is used throughout HAARP literature by those who create and run these systems. This applies to the older land based systems now being phased out, as well as the newer, portable ICD systems.
The question becomes, what is the effect on all life here on earth by all of this unnatural heating?
The ionosphere is not static. Like weather, it’s dynamic. It has always been affected by natural, cosmic forces.
But now it’s also being affected by man’s unnatural, hubristic machinery. Those uses range from weather warfare to manipulating the weather to enabling investment schemes on Wall street and the agricultural commodities markets on behalf of a tiny handful of globalist elites. The rest of humanity be dammed.
A reader recently sent me to a site called HeartMath where you can monitor what’s happening to the ionosphere in your neck of the woods in real time. If it turns bright, the ionosphere above you may be under attack by some form of HAARP. If it’s dark blue, there is probably no attack.
NASA once provided a real time, world view ionospheric map, but they shut it down in May of 2022. It wasn’t long after that when I began noticing cymatic patterns in GOES 18 satellite images. Here is a screen shot of the last ionospheric image NASA provided.
I did not consent to any of this. Did you?
We must fight back. Inform yourself. Write letters to the editor of your paper. Attend city council and county board meetings and exercise your first amendment rights. Put your state and federal officials on notice that you know what’s happening, that you did not give consent for your tax dollars to be spent on this (or anything else).
Be free.
I leave you with a live studio version of Iron Sky by the Scot, Paolo Nutini. This song includes an audio clip of Charlie Chaplin giving part of his speech warning us to beware of machine men with machine hearts.
the question is WHO wants to destroy biological life on Earth? WHERE do they come from? Who or WHAT are they? AN enemy never asks permission.. I really can't stand the concept of revelation of the method concept where people say THAT they are telling you what they are going to do, subliminally, through symbolism, through movies and so forth.. THAT is NOT asking anyone for permission by hiding the the information in the first place. It is not asking permission when NO one knows that they are even asking. They show you these things in order to control your mind and your thought and your attention. Do we live in a FREE UNIVERSE? Do we live in an infinite Universe? I don't think ANYONE knows for sure where we actually truly are, let alone WHO WE ARE. Meanwhile thanks for all your work to point out that strange things are manipulating our weather, our world and our lives.
Wow, nice photo's Kyle - seen this: June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled in favor of protecting individual human rights and bodily sovereignty of teachers and other staff of the Los Angeles School Unified District’s (LAUSD), reversing a lower court’s dismissal of their case against the LA County’s School District vaccine mandate for employees.
Announcing this huge win on behalf of their clients, Health Freedom Defense Fund issued a press release, stating that the case was won;
“On the merits, the majority ruled that the district court had misapplied the Supreme Court’s 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts when it dismissed LAUSD’s lawsuit on grounds that the mandate was rationally related to a legitimate state interest. In Jacobson, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a smallpox vaccination mandate because it related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox.
The majority, however, noted that HFDF had alleged in the lawsuit that the COVID jabs are not “traditional” vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 but only purport to mitigate COVID symptoms in the recipient. This, HFDF had alleged in its complaint, makes the COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine.
The court recognized that mitigating symptoms rather than preventing the spread of disease “distinguishes Jacobson, thus presenting a different government interest.” Based on this reasoning, the majority disapproved the trial court’s contention that, even if the jabs do not prevent the spread, “Jacobson still dictates that the vaccine mandate is subject to, and survives, the rational basis test.”
The court held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.”
When HFDF asked the court to opine as to whether or not the CDC’s claim that the COVID-19 vaccines were ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?”
Legal Precedent for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment
Per the HFDF press release, “Judge Collins wrote that the district court “further erred by failing to realize that [HFDF’s] allegations directly implicate a distinct and more recent line of Supreme Court authority” for the proposition that “a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment[.]” Citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Washington v. Glucksberg, Judge Collins noted that the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is “entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions,” and that HFDF’s allegations in this case “are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right.”
The Kingston Report
A Legal Precedent is a LEGAL "Rule Of Law from God". It cannot be bought or suppressed.
A forced medical treatment which BionTech/Pfizer said should have been licensed as a Gene Therapy Injection (2015) and which targets the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes (2023) - but what for?