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narco subs - part 3
did trump aid the cartels and banksters while pretending to be hard on our southern border?
The macho guy in the video is uselessly shouting “alto tu barco!", a rudimentary way to say - stop your boat!. Of course no one inside can hear him because of the loud inboard diesel motor and the noise of waves slapping against the hull.
The wisest mind has something yet to learn. George Santayana
I lose a lot of subscribers when I write pieces like this. But I continue to write them in the hope that at some point enough people will to come to terms with who is ultimately responsible for what’s happening along our borders and that change will become inevitable.
Over the past 47 years of living near the Mexican border in California and Arizona, I’ve watched as deep state agencies like the Border Patrol, US Customs and the DEA, all working on behalf of globalist corporations, have transformed the US border region with Mexico into one of the most militarized zones of the world. In other words, the US border with Mexico has become an extension of the highly profitable military industrial complex. Those of us who live in this region are reminded of this daily because we are subjected to check points, random stops (harassment) by the Border Patrol, invasion of private property by ‘authorities’ of all stripes, an almost daily routine of low level Border Patrol helicopters and the seemingly constant white noise of aerial surveillance drones. If you want to learn what it feels like to be on the border between two hostile Middle Eastern countries come spend a few weeks with me.
Also during that 47 years NAFTA was imposed, which made clear to anyone who was paying attention that globalists were taking complete control of the border to ensure they were well positioned to take full advantage of border hype and fear mongering.
early history of smuggling
For 49 years before becoming the last state to join the contiguous continental US in 1912 (a mere 110 years ago), Arizona was a territory. Its border with Mexico was a porous, somewhat nebulous thing. Not surprisingly, migrants moving both north and south were a way of life. Especially to some of the multi-generational old timers here, some of whose families go back to when this area was once a part of Mexico, migrants are of much less concern here than to folks in more northerly states that don’t share this history.
Smuggling has also been part of the tapestry of this region since before Arizona became a state, although in the early days it wasn’t drugs - cattle and arms were popular during the time of Poncho Villa and those products were going south, not north. As for Cannabis, back then it wasn’t illegal and Poncho Villa got his from local farmers, and paid them well for it.
Ah yes, the good ol’ days, when smuggling was profitable for US cartels, not Mexican ones, and farmers could sell their products directly to consumers without regulation and fees.
Those of us who know these issues more intimately than the authorities would like, tend to see smugglers and migrants as two different topics. For the most part, migrants are people who, for reasons often having to do with ethnicity or class, have been oppressed in their home country and are seeking a better life. Most of them know nothing about how to do so through the complex legal channels, nor could they afford to do so if they did. Smugglers, on the other hand, are cut from a very different cloth. Most of the ones we see and hear about in the news crossing the border with illicit drugs are nothing more than sacrificial mules who work for those running the world wide drug trade - the cartels and the bankers who enable them. To those globalists, smugglers are nothing more than pawns in their worldwide drug game. Some of them will die of thirst or starvation during the challenging physical effort to carry an 80lb pack of drugs on their backs for 3 or 4 days across extremely rough, mountainous, desert and forest terrain in 110 degree heat. Some will get killed in double crosses or ambushes with rival cartels, or shootouts with authorities on either side of the border. Some will end up in prison. In other words, they risk life and limb for a few crumbs from the globalists table, all for playing the role of being a sacrificial mule for cartels and their banksters. They represent the more vivid, brutal side of pharmacopeia reality that we are all currently living in.
Some of you well informed readers are aware that smuggling drugs is not the only type of smuggling that now occurs along the border. In terms of profitability, human trafficking has overcome the trafficking of Cannabis, which means it’s become a major industry unto itself. This, of course, has attracted the attention of the cartels. Migrants and their family members may work for years to save enough money to send their most capable family member north in an attempt to cross the border. Fees paid to cartels and their coyotes to get one person across the border can be $5,000 or more. A more savvy migrant may know to look for an independent coyote living near the border (either side) who will do the job for much less, because independents don’t have to pay a large cut to the regional cartel. But the independent coyote also risks a deadly run-in with the cartels while doing the job. Hence, there are fewer and fewer freelance coyotes.
Then there are those completely independent migrants who are so poor and desperate they don’t have a pot to piss in. They’ll do whatever it takes to get to the border and then try and cross on their own, without knowing anything about what they’re doing or where they’re going. Whatever you may think of these people, you have to admit they are brave souls. Absolute desperation can inspire bravery, however foolish it might be. Sadly, these are the ones that often end up lost and die of thirst, starvation, snakebite, or get taken by a mountain lion while trying to cross.
Then there are the young women who, under many different circumstances, find themselves in an extremely difficult situation with pregnancy and flee to the US to have their baby, knowing it will be protected here. I have a friend who once lived in a dense bosque along a ciénega and enjoyed walking along the ciénega at sunrise. One morning he heard the muffled cries of a young woman and found a 16 year old Mexican girl who’d just given birth to a baby a few hours earlier. She had been abandoned by her coyote and group of migrants - left alone to have her baby, outside, in the dark of night, in a wild place she knew nothing about. If my friend had not found her, both she and her baby would have died.
That, my friends, is the definition of bravery brought about by desperation.
Long story short, due to threats, murder and other forms of treachery, the cartels have forcibly taken over nearly 100% of all forms of smuggling across the border.
Those sacrificial drug smugglers play another very important role in the bigger Kabuki Theater we’re being shown by the legacy media. When lumped together with migrants as part of “the border problem” they serve as the prefect distraction from the greater reality, the real problem - those who are pulling the levers behind the curtain - the cartels and the banksters they (and we?) work for. The reason those globalist fat cats love figures like Donald Trump and the legacy media is because by focusing our attention on smugglers and migrants, they serve the globalist objective - to distract us from the reality that they are making billions while their sacrificial mules serve as the face of ‘the border problem” on the evening news. This is exactly what Donald Trump, the cartels, the globalists in the MIC and the banksters they all work for want you to think. As long as we are all preoccupied with “the border problem”, we are not focusing on who is causing the problem.
No, the problem does not lie at the border, it lies with the globalist enablers, those banksters sitting in their ivory towers in the City of London and Wall Street who enable the cartels.
If you want to know about what’s really happening along the border, and why I see no difference between Republicans and Democrats, read this piece I wrote back in April. You might want to be sitting down when you read it.
Donald Trump was the first person to run for President who successfully turned border issues into campaign issues. As I pointed out in that piece, he was also very successful at turning all the agencies having anything to do with ‘controlling’ the border into cash cows for the military industrial complex (MIC), lavishing billions of tax payer dollars upon them for more useless hardware (arms, drones, helicopters, etc) and hundreds of millions more to no-bid contractors for a wall that’s now riddled with holes and has been washed out by monsoon rains in numerous places. Additionally, thanks to Trump, over 60% of Americans now live in an area of the US where Constitutional rights no longer exist (details in the previous link).
If you want to learn more about what it’s like living in my small town near the border, read this Bloomberg article that features an interview with a friend and neighbor.
So… here is Trumps regrettable legacy:
Two thirds of the US population (the border region) now have restricted Constitutional rights.
Illegal activity across the border continues, unabated.
Smuggling along our coasts is on the rise.
Trumps boondoggle wall, paid for with your hard-earned taxpayer dollars, has done nothing to stop migrants.
The globalists in the MIC and other industries that supplied border agencies with useless hardware - paid for with your your hard-earned taxpayer dollars - are much richer.
Because Trump brought in that slimiest of swamp creatures, Alex Azar, to run HHS, and because Trump spun up Operation Warp Speed, and because Trump signed into law the EUA that authorized emergency use of the experimental covid bioweapon jabs (using nonbiological tech), millions of people were killed and have permanent disabilities, millions of mothers have lost babies and millions more are now infertile.
We also need to consider NAFTA and the ensuing globalization it brought to the borders with Mexico and Canada. I’ve written earlier about my personal story of running up against the NAFTA/globalist wall trying to import Moringa leaf into the US from Mexico, and how Trumps so called “improvements” to NAFTA have essentially killed the freedom to start a cross-border, bootstrap, entrepreneurial enterprise. To do that today a fee must be paid to the globalist infrastructure to participate. Just like the mafia and the cartels, they want their cut. If you don’t pay you get shaken down like I did. In spite of Trumps willy-nilly, pointless overhaul of NAFTA, in the opinion of this long time border resident and frequent crosser of la frontera, Trumps so called “improvements” to NAFTA only served to strengthen the stranglehold globalists have on international trade. It did nothing to help local or regional farmers and other small scale entrepreneurs. This control would include that less well understood part of the globalists Great Reset, the role banksters play in the management of the highly profitable illicit drug trade (coming later).
the borders trump conveniently ignored
Trump did us no favors when he directed Americans to focus on our Southern border and ignore the coasts. This coming from a man who has a lot of property along the coast of Florida. It should come as no surprise that smugglers began to increasingly turn to the much more porous East and West coasts to bring in their goods.
The 100 mile border exclusion zone, endorsed by Trump, came back to bite him in the butt when the FBI raided his home in Mar-a-lago earlier this year.
While smuggling was already a sizable industry on the West coast when I was involved in the homegrown industry there 40 years ago, it’s much, much more so now. With the ever increasing difficulty of bringing drugs across the Mexican border, and with money to burn, the cartels have taken to building their versions of what the US government has long considered its stealthiest and most potent war making machinery, submarines. Of course the submarine technology used by the cartels to smuggle drugs is no where near that used by the US Navy, but it is advancing every year.
Most of these subs are not true submersibles because they are too light and hence, to weak to withstand the hull pressure that comes with complete submersion. Instead, these craft are designed to skim at, or just below the surface of the water, which makes them much less visible to aircraft and satellite surveillance, radar tracking, infrared tracking and high powered binoculars.
There are a few fully submersible models but even those are only capable of submersing to a depth of 5 to 10 feet. Beyond that, hull pressure overtakes the current technology being used to make these subs. Even with their limited submersion capabilities, the engineering and structural costs of building a sub with this limited capability is tremendous. Apparently the cartels have either had a hard time finding qualified engineers who are willing to work for them, or they have deemed the cost too great or, both.
So far, the only fully submersible subs that have ever been found were still waiting in the jungle to be loaded and launched. Not a single fully submersible narco sub has ever been caught doing its job, which implies that they’re likely an effective means of avoiding authorities.
All of these subs are typically built in remote jungle locations where the jungle canopy is too dense for long range US surveillance aircraft and satellites to penetrate. These locations are sometimes close to rivers that exit in a short distance to the ocean, so that upon completion they can be loaded and launched directly into the river under the jungle canopy to avoid having to be launched on an open beach. Coastal mangrove swamps are the preferred building sites because the dense cover of the mangroves not only hides the operation from satellites but also allows launching directly into the ocean.
Historically, most of these subs have been built in Columbia. Although other countries of northern South America and parts of Central America are known to be involved with the cartels, as of right now the only other country where these types of subs are being made is in the Costa del Sol region of… Spain (read on).
Because early sub models had limited ranges, they were only able to go as far as Western Central America or Mexico. Newer models are capable of reaching both US coasts and some are now making the journey across the Atlantic to the Costa del Sol region of Spain.
Today this region of Spain serves as the international headquarters for much of the drug trafficking that occurs throughout Europe and the Mediterranean region. Traffickers from Italy, Columbia, Mexico, Japan, and Chinese Triad members can all be found operating here. The Costa del Sol region is to underground drug trafficking what Wuhan China is to ‘above’ ground bioweapon trafficking. The difference being, unlike the bioweapon research being funded by the US taxpayer dollars which have been funneled by Fauci to the lab in Wuhan, the drugs exported from Costa del Sol are not intentional bioweapons - they do not have high-tech killing mechanisms embedded in them. They are just plain ancient plant based drugs that have been outlawed so as to drive up their price to generate windfall profits for those who control the trade - the CIA and other international operatives who require untraceable funding to run their dirty little operations all over the world.
Some of the latest news to come out of Costa del Sol is that cartels there are now making their own custom subs to deliver cocaine from Columbia, hash from Morocco, Spanish homegrown Cannabis, and last but not least, homemade, tax free cigarettes to many countries around the Mediterranean, the UK and northern Europe.
Wait. Tobacco? Lest we forget, nicotine is much more addictive than those other drugs and is also responsible for the deaths of far more people.
It’s long been thought that most of these subs are just making a one way trip and then scuttled, but there is evidence to suggest that some of the better equipped models are able to refuel and return home to make repeat trips.
Over the past 10 years H I Sutton has tracked over 200 known narco submarine incidents and has compiled this video of the different types of submarines currently being built and used by the cartels.
There appears to be a psychological disconnect in so many americans. there was a news story recently about some murders in new mexico and all the comments were outraged because the people involved had spanish names and they assumed they were "illegals". they have spanish names because NEW MEXICO was a spanish colony for hundreds of years. the capital of spain in the new world was in new mexico. for five hundred years, hispanics have been living in the west, in places like california (spanish name) arizona (spanish name) new mexico. cities with names like los angeles san francisco, the west's history is spanish history. it says something about the level of ignorance in schools in this country. without "illegals" nobody in this country would eat. you'd all starve to death. drive through the san joaquin valley and see who is picking the food that goes to your stores. drive through any vineyards in the u.s. and see who is picking the grapes. trump's son, eric joked about ICE showing up after the harvest and all the illegals were gone. trump himself not only hires thousands of illegals, he married two of them. drive by any meat processing plant in the country at shift change and see who comes out. who cleans all the motel/hotel rooms, who works construction, who does landscaping? it is an open secret that our government helps "illegals" to work and maneuver in this country. they can get a driver's license in virginia and maryland, get bank loans for mortgages, enroll their children in schools. banks, government, and corporations make this possible. until americans figure this out, that the powers that be WANT "illegals" here, they will continue to be ignorant and manipulated into seeing "illegals" as the enemy. it's sad but the reality is that americans are the most obese people on the planet and now they can barely reproduce. corporations and the government will make sure "illegals" are in abundance while playing both sides against each other so these entities can exploit cheap labor with the threat of ICE and deportation.
This is one reader you will never lose by exposing the truth. I share your content and I applaud your initiative. I've been watching the man behind the curtain for 40 years and yet this column continues to surprise and amaze me.