War is being conducted on the American people. Covid was about bioweapon jabs developed by the DoD being used to injure and kill millions and generate billions in revenue for the medical industrial complex. The fires in California are about Directed Energy Weapons developed by the DoD that are mostly being used to destroy property to free it up for developers of 15 minute cities, but also to kill Americans. We have been told by leaders from both parties in Washington that Israel has the right to defend itself against attacks from its neighbors. Does that apply to Americans who are being attacked by their government?
The death toll in the California fires currently stands at 16. Fires are still burning. More bodies will likely be found. Because most people fled their homes when ordered to do so, the death toll has been low. Due to the high level of unquestioning compliance, and for other reasons that will be covered shortly, property destruction has been unprecedented. A few independent minded folks choose to stay and save their homes. Several pumped water from their swimming pools onto their homes to save them, something I’ve been advocating for decades.
The most important thing I learned from my numerous posts about the Maui fires (use the search tool - look for maui fires or dew’s) was that those who get into the burned zone shortly after the fire to shoot video of the aftermath can provide vitally important information about these war crimes, even if they don’t realize what they are filming at the time. As evidence in the following videos show, these are purposefully conducted crimes. The corporate media is participating in a coverup about these crimes when they call them “wildfires”.
Granted, there are a lot of extenuating weather conditions that go into creating a favorable environment that allow fires like the ones in LA to burn at this unprecedented level, but many of those circumstances can be generated by the geoenginering technologies described in my numerous posts about that topic (search - geoengineering). As earlier fires in Paradise and Malibu California, Canada, Texas, Ruidoso NM, Maui and number other places have shown, geoengineering weather conditions to maximize fire destruction, combined with the use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW’s), makes for a brutally efficient way to destroy God’s creation and the ill conceived constructs many people call homes and businesses.
As I’ve pointed out in a number of other posts, and as will be made very clear in this post, the mindless, shabby constructs that the banking/construction industrial complex forces us to live and work in, play a key role in perpetuating these fires (search - natural building). This brings us to the ultimate arbiter of who is behind all of this, every aspect of it… the banking industry.
As has been the case with many other recent “natural" disasters, global warming is being blamed. We are hearing many of the corporate media reporters talking about carbon being the culprit. No one is talking about DEW’s. With Trump having picked Howard Lutnik to run the Department of Commerce and with Lutnik running one of the largest carbon trading scam companies in the world, we can expect this carbon scam to continue during the Trump administration.
In the case of LA fires, the overriding issue that typically gets ignored is the fact that southern California is an artificial oasis created in a desert. The official annual rainfall for LA is 14.25”. That’s nearly 4” less than I get here in the desert of Arizona. It could be said that the corruption that now plagues LA can be traced back to the ruthless politicians and real estate robber barons made famous in Marc Reisner’s book, Cadillac Desert. Those early California politicians and robber barons stole all of the water from Owens Valley and a lot of the water from the Colorado river to supply water to Southern California and turn it into the artificial paradise it is today. That makes Southern California a fragile human construct that is so far out of touch with the natural world that most people living there don’t know they live in a desert.
Of course there are many other issues that come into play:
LA’s 2028 Olympics/Smart LA 2028 (15 minute city) plans, the history of Marxist Mayor Bass as a terrorist with the infamous Cuban Venceremos Brigade (training alongside M16 and Weather Underground terror groups) and her questionable “selection” as LA Mayor, not to mention her relationship with fellow Marxist, VP Harris
the fact that Mayor Bass declared a fire emergency then abandoned her responsibilities and flew off to Ghana to attend an inauguration party
the fact that woke DEI has run amok throughout California
the fact that Newsom spent 20 billion on homeless initiatives which was more than he spent on preventing fires
the corruption in LA and California government,
Mayor Bass cutting the LAFD budget by 17.5 to 30 million (depending on how you calculate it)
the fact that the Pacific Palisades reservoir (Santa Inez reservoir) was offline and empty at the start of the fire and the fact that LA fire chief Crowley was not informed about it
the public feud between Mayor Bass and LA fire chief Kristen Crowley (the latter is a beneficiary of DEI) about fire department budget cuts
recent laws passed that allowed insurance companies to cancel policies a few months ago in fire prone areas
the fact that politicians in California spend more time and money on niche ideologue issues than on the basics of keeping their people safe… and on and on and on.
Referring to Californians complaining about fire department budget cuts, empty reservoirs and inappropriate funding, WEFfer, YGL graduate and California governor Gavin Newsom whines to Biden that, “We have to deal with this misinformation…”.
The incompetency of California officials is breathtaking in its scope.
To top all of that off, because the Biden administration has sent hundreds of billions of our taxpayer dollars to Ukraine and Israel, we can expect those who lost everything in the LA fires to only get a paltry $750, just like the Maui fire victims and hurricane Helene victims.
We can also expect FEMA to step in and do nothing while spending countless millions in the process, just as they did in both of those places.
forensics and types of dews
I was notified about the fires early on Tuesday afternoon about 3 to 4 hours after the original Palisades fire had begun to burn. Even though at that time only about 200 acres was burning, (now well over 30,000) the decade I spent in Southern California and the fact that I check the weather several times a day informed me that this small fire could quickly blow up. I made some lunch and sat down at my laptop around 2:00 pm and watched video after video of the fires until about 8:00 pm. By that time it was becoming abundantly clear that this fire was going to become a major event. I’ve spent most the days since then watching ever more videos.
Due to the dense smoke, most of the videos from the first two days that show the fires raging, although morbidly impressive, are not very telling. What I was waiting for were the videos of the aftermath. Those didn’t begin to appear until Thursday, with more on Friday. I’ve lost track of how many videos I’ve watched, possibly hundreds. What follows are those I consider to hold the most damming evidence for the use of DEW’s in the LA fires.
You regular readers are well informed about DEW’s, but because it’s still a little known topic, allow me to quickly reiterate the primary types of Directed Energy Weapons capable of doing the hard-to-believe things we’ll be looking at in the following videos. Currently we know of three primary types of Directed Energy Weapons; High Energy Lasers known as HEL’s, High Powered Microwaves (HPM’s) and Particle Beams. (There are numerous others - search - directed energy weapons).
Keep in mind that even the hottest “wildfire” comes nowhere near hot enough to do the things you will be seeing in these videos.
While it’s certainly possible that Nd:YAG lasers operating at 285.91 THz or 1963.3 nm (invisible to the eye) are capable of starting these fires, they are not capable of doing the mind bending damage I’ll be pointing out in the videos.
And no, none of this means that I think arsonists played no role. However, whether it was a random person starting fires with torches or some nefarious dark technician fulfilling orders from some self aggrandized predatory elite to manipulate DEW’s, all are arsonists of the worst kind. Whatever the case, the motto of the predatory elite is to not let any emergency go to waste. If a fire was started by a random arsonist, it may very well have been taken advantage of by those in control of DEW’s.
One more thing. As with the suppression of the knowledge of any secret weapon technologies, it’s important to remember that what we are allowed to know about and what is currently operational is a difference of about 10 years or more. In other words, the weapons we’ve recently learned about were likely being used 10 or more years ago (possibly many more years ago). Additionally, there may be DEW’s being used today that will not be made known - to those willing to do the research to find out about them - for 10 or more years. In earlier posts I’ve speculated that plasma beam weapons may be one of the DEW systems currently being used that we are currently being told are not yet operational. If you want more details about the history of these weapons, who is developing them, how they function and their capabilities, use the search tool and look for - dew’s .
To understand how important this evidence is we need to keep in mind that we are being told this is a “wildfire”. Wildfires feed off of naturally occurring organic fuel sources like lignin rich trees, brush and grass. Wood ignites at 572 degrees and burns at temperatures ranging from 1472 up to 1742 degrees Fahrenheit. For metals to melt, bend and twist, as is shown in these videos, the fire needs to be above 2,300 degrees. Glass melts at 2552 to 2912 degrees. Of course it has to be much hotter for the glass to be vaporized, as was the case with many of the cars, mobile homes and luxury homes shown in these videos.
This means we could be talking about fires burning at temperatures well over 3,000 degrees! Folks, that just ain’t possible in a natural “wildfire”.
It gets more absurd. The problem from the viewpoint of the perpetrators using these HPM’s is that there is no “wildfire” fuel load in the first video featuring the Tahitian Terrace mobile home park. It’s a completely man made environment of pavement and mobile homes made mostly of metal, with little to no vegetation fuel load of any kind. Yet, all but one of the mobile homes was turned to dust.
How can this be? All of this defies conventional knowledge about fires.
I should also mention that most of the homes and businesses that burned would have had digital electrical meters. As I’ve explained in earlier posts, these meters are not only capable of tracking your household activities, they also throw off dangerous amounts of radiation. Most importantly, they are notorious for starting house fires. I have some friends in Colorado who lost their home to a digital meter that overheated and burned their home to the ground. I’ve not been able to verify this, but stories have been told that the blue tooth systems in digital meters can be sent a message that can cause the meter to overheat and cause a fire. Can HPM’s cause this to happen? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn it’s possible.
You won’t hear anything about any of this from the corporate media.
enter hpm’s
By now I hope most of you long time readers have gotten rid of your microwave oven, or at least you never use the one you have. The radiation it emits is harmful to all life. Most of us are familiar with what happens when we put aluminum or other metallic objects in a microwave oven. In the case of aluminum, it can actually burn. Other metals can become so hot that they can cause damage to the oven or even cause a greater fire in the kitchen. A microwave oven is the equivalent of a tiny High Powered Microwave (HPM) weapon.
The reason HPM’s are so effective as a weapon system is due to their ability cover a much wider area than an HEL (lasers require a narrow focus) weapon, as well as their innate ability to be drawn to metal and follow it a great distance (like electricity). As the microwave travels through the metal, it excites the dense molecular structure of the metal, which causes it to become very hot, very quickly. Of course, once the metal becomes red hot it’s going to ignite anything combustible that’s nearby - fabric, wood, paper etc. From the perspective of the predatory elite, mobile homes and the parks where they congregate are metal rich targets, especially when they’re located on coveted real estate. The use of HPM’s is how a 100 acre mobile home park with zero “fuel load” can be turned to dust by a “wildfire”.
We can tell when HPM’s have been used because things that should burn like trees and plastic, don’t, and things that shouldn’t burn, like metal, do.
Just how does this technology work? Here is how Defense Systems Information Analysis Center describes a type of HPM designed to target electronic systems in enemy weaponry. If you read the entire article you will learn that the frequencies can be attenuated to account for weather conditions and to cause other effects.
HPM DEWs are similar in nature to a high-power radar transmitter with the exception that they can produce extremely high peak powers over tens of megawatts. An HPM DEW generates electromagnetic (EM) energy in the RF/microwave frequency range of roughly 1 to 35 GHz and uses an antenna to direct the energy to the target of interest. Because the HPM beam is typically much wider than a high-energy laser (HEL) or KEW, pointing and tracking is not as critical. Once the HPM energy hits a target, it can penetrate to the target’s electronics via both intentional ports of entry (POEs) (i.e., front doors), such as an antenna, or through unintentional POEs (i.e., backdoors), such as cracks, seams, and cables. When the EM energy enters a target system, it reradiates inside and induces currents/voltages in the pins of the electronics that are sufficient to produce either a long-term electronic upset or permanent damage. Additionally, because HPM DEWs can electronically attack a system with or without antennas and produce effects that last long after the energy is gone, DEWs represent a new form of electronic warfare (EW) known as an unconventional electronic attack (UEA).
As I’ve pointed out in earlier posts, the Navy has advanced HPM systems mounted on ships that can go anywhere in the world to attack offshore or onshore targets.
Keep in mind that after I point out what can be seen in these videos, YouTube may take them down. Please repost these videos to Rumble, Odysee and Bitchute where they have a better chance of survival.
The first video was taken by Fabian Lewkowicz from Santa Monica who posts on a YouTube channel called Santa Monica Close Up. He has an electric bike he uses to ride around the LAFD logistical control centers as well as into the burned areas.
In this video he spends a lot of time in the Tahitian Terrace mobile home park in Pacific Palisades. Mobile home parks are targeted by the powers that shouldn’t be because they are often located in areas where real estate values have soared well beyond the value of the mobile home park. The Tahitian Terrace is located on a bluff overlooking the beaches of Pacific Palisades and Malibu - some of the most valuable real estate in the world. Although all of the videos I’m presenting here have great forensic evidence showing the use of HPM’s, right now, of all the videos I’ve watched, Fabians video has the most instances of solid forensic evidence for the use of HPM’s.
Here is what to look for in this video: Every time he walks by a burned car, look on the pavement for the melted and slagged metal from the engine block and the wheels. Often times you will see it in solidified puddles that when hot were running downhill from the car(s). In many cases the windows are not just melted, they are gone. This car information will apply to all of the videos here.
In this video and many others, water can be seen running down the street. This is due to broken water lines that occurred after the fire destroyed buildings. What little water is left is now just running down the street.
Also look at the large metal beams that were once the foundations for the mobile homes. Most of them are twisted and severely bent. Also note that there are no porcelain sinks, toilets or other nonflammable fixtures left in any of the homes. Most everything has been turned to dust. As I pointed out in an earlier post, this was also the case with the World Trade Centers on 9/11 - there is no charring from the fires and little to no unburnable rubble, as is the case with normal fires.
Also watch for untouched plastic items like lattice fencing. Because of its low molecular structure, plastic items can be left untouched by HPM’s, unless it’s in close proximity to metal.
At 50 minutes into the video a metal building is scorched and smoldering, but the wooden shed next to it is untouched. This is not a wildfire. This is HPM activity.
Although Fabian slows down a bit when he briefly focuses on the metal structure next to the wooden shed, overall he doesn’t seem to be aware of what he’s filming. He typically walks right by these fire anomalies without any notice.
Here is what Tahitian Terrace looked like before the fire. Note that fire resistant ice plant (a water retaining succulent, now considered an invasive species) is growing on the slopes and much the landscaping was done with fire resistant plants. Tahitian terrace did everything right to prevent a wildfire. The problem is, this wasn’t a wildfire.
Here is Fabians video of Tahitian Terrace.
In the following video we see a conglomeration of cell towers on top of a mountain, just above the Eaton fire, the second largest of the fires burning in the LA basin. Is there technology here capable of causing the fires?
The incompetence of LAFD was highlighted by the blockage of Palisades Drive and Sunset Blvd. Here’s what happened. As the fire became ever more threatening to Palisades, residents there were told to evacuate the area. They did so in such high numbers that the street became gridlocked. Then LAFD told the people trapped in their cars to abandon them and flee to the ocean. They did so. That left the street blocked so LAFD and LAPD could no longer get into the neighborhoods threatened by the Palisades fire. So what did they do? The called in a fire-break bull dozer to push the cars out of the way so emergency vehicles could get through. It was pointless. There was no water because the reservoir was dry.
So LAFD abandoned Palisades. As the smoke became overwhelming HPM’s must have been used. Here is another video from Fabian of what the abandoned cars look like now. Note all the slag that ran from the melted engine blocks and wheels, and the unburned trees. It got hot enough to melt metal in cars sitting in the middle of the street, away from the “wildfire”, but not hot enough to burn the trees in the middle of the wildfire!?
This was no wildfire. This was HPM’s being used to steal real estate and enrich car dealers.
In this next video we see more burned cars with slag on the pavement next to them, their windows are melted or are completely disintegrated, large plastic roll-out garbage cans are intact, and a plastic child's picnic table sits unscathed, all in a neighborhood that’s been destroyed. Also note the unburned trees.
One of the things that dumfounded me during the first days of the fires is how readily people abandoned their homes and cars. This is why I found the following two stories inspiring. Not everyone is a sheeple willing to be led to slaughter.
This older gentleman defied evacuation orders and saved his home.
Here’s a family that defied evacuation orders and saved their home.
Be free.
I first noticed something on twitter while I was looking for memes before noon on January 7. A news story about a fire in Pacific Palisades where cars had been abandoned at the corner of Sunset and Palisades Drive was making the rounds. I posted it as the headline of my Tuesday Tidings that early afternoon far before most had any awareness of this. I am almost positive that I am the first person who posted on substack regarding this Palisades Fire though it sounds like you caught on early as well.
The reason it caught my eye was because I knew exactly where the corner of Sunset and Palisades Drive was and had an instant visual in my head of the location. Indeed it is near adjacent to Self Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine which I attended for so many years and I knew one person who lived up that road. My instant question was why the people had fled their cars: this is near the ocean far before Sunset becomes the crowded boulevard it later becomes. I don't even recall a stoplight there back in the day. Palisades dead ends into Sunset there. During crowded SRF services we often parked on the street right around there and walked down to the temple. So if the people were all fleeing by making a right turn headed down towards the Pacific Coast Highway and the ocean the traffic should not have backed up like this. Now it definitely would have backed up if they were all trying to turn left onto Sunset heading up the hill towards Will Rogers State Park. But the only reason I could see for them doing that is if they had a visual on flames down the hill towards the beach which they did not want to drive through. The right turn here would have been 10 times faster for everybody involved.
You now mention that first responders told them to abandon their vehicles there and flee on foot. This blockage of cars on Palisades Drive would have prevented stopping the then small Palisades Fire in its earliest stages. Who ordered that and why?
Some notes on this Kyle:
Those woke clueless politicians and bureaucrats were installed so that when things like this happen they will get the blame rather than the globalists installing them and setting the woke agenda. It’s backwards from what most think. The “competency crisis” is a deliberate controlled demolition masquerading around as an accident of well meaning useful virtue signaling idiots:
The wildfires were not caused due to incompetence, but rather “on purpose malice” posing as incompetence, and they are likely being started with DARPA directed energy weapons a certain shade of blue is a shield), 100% unvetted terrorist illegal immigrants (“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”—Obama), looters, and Antifa posing as firemen, just as in 2020:
https://tritorch.com/degradation/!AntifaDressedAsFiremen.jpg [image]
dutchsinse: All of SE Quebec Erupted Into Wildfires ALL AT ONCE June 2nd: https://old.bitchute.com/video/d07sl4jc6a3u
Globalist Goals: rewild America, clear off the shores for the military, kill most of us, shove the rest of us into 15 minute prison cities. To do this you must first destroy the old cities and systems and rebuild new ones.
The Color Blue Has a Wavelength of 6.66 - .Gov Buildings Are Now Being Fitted With It: https://old.bitchute.com/video/oOnsDFeRy4Z2
Paid arsonists are destroying these cities so they can buy them up for pennies on the dollar.
https://tritorch.com/degradation/ArsonistsStartingForrestFiresInOregon2020AntifaTactics.pdf [pdf]
All of this destruction is geared toward maximizing pain and death, while destroying economic, social, physical, and mental productive capital on a vast scale. All designed to lead directly to global dependence-based enslavement where you will eat ze bugs and own nothing and be happy about it - or else.
In other words, their goal is to demolish our ability to sustain ourselves, transforming us into slaves reliant on their "generosity" for our survival and they’re reaching a level of control where Harari feels confident telling us that our Free Will is over while contemplating killing us outright out loud in public:
“Mr. Harari, thinking about all this, puts it this way: “Utopia and dystopia depends on your values.” … The useless class he describes is uniquely vulnerable. “If a century ago you mounted a revolution against exploitation, you knew that when bad comes to worse, they can’t shoot all of us because they need us,” he said, citing army service and factory work.
Now it is becoming less clear why the ruling elite would not just kill the new useless class. “You’re totally expendable,” he told the audience. … “We don’t need you. But we are nice, so we’ll take care of you.” —Source (worth reading in full): https://archive.is/rWLoO
Dutchsinse (9/9/2020): NIGHT 2: Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) off California -- Color enhanced2020; https://old.bitchute.com/video/zD4BRqfQ0jpz
What DEWs look like when used:
What DEWs do to cars, Maui edition:
Blessings to the California victims.