When we see the corruption all around us in the courts, in the institutions, in every level of society, we can give in to despair, to helplessness, to fear. That is how they work. That is how they continue to succeed. We need to keep our courage up and remember that the truth is crawling out. Actually, it is no longer crawling but is standing up. It is still a brushing off the debris from all the piles of BS it was under, but it is gaining strength and soon will be striding forth for all to see.

BTW, re compost as the best fertilizer, I am heartily in agreement. There is a mushroom farm which gives away its spent horse manure that it gets from the racetrack. Apparently, it is good for only three cycles of mushrooms and the mushrooms remove the harmful chemicals. The Covid thing stopped this as there was no horse racing for two years. Well, it is back and so is the mushroom manure. My neighbor and I picked up bags and bags of it and spread it around generously. What a difference it has made to my garden! I had forgotten how precious the stuff is to plants. Mother Nature work well without the help of chemical corporations!

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A good start at correcting the underlying causes of corruption would be a 28th amendment, stating:

1) Corporations and other collectives, whether government chartered or not, are not "persons" and have no God-given or natural rights protected by the federal or state constitutions.

2) Donations of money are not speech.

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I supported Aaron Schwartz's drive to make the material on Jstor available to the public. There is no reason a fifty, hundred or hundred and fifty year old document should be nearly inaccessable. Funny thing is, while I was working for a university, I got a few of them. No files. Printed out. Badly. Funny thing is that they didn't always mean what the people citing such rarefied material were claiming they did. There is probably less shocking fact in those docs than there are cherry picked quotes that would become apparent as soon as anyone got ahold of a copy of the thing. But elites gotta elite, right?

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Americans don’t know that our form of govt is a Republic – not a democracy. Americans don’t know that the Constitution was written to protect the minority from the majority. Americans don’t know anything about our Republican form of govt and its structure, designed to protect the People’s liberty and rights from being taken from the People by the Govt. Americans don’t know because it’s not taught in the govt schools.

In 2020 the wolves attacked and the sheep fought back. Actually, the sheep did no such thing. The sheep embraced the wolves and the wolves do what wolves always do, they ate the sheep. Question: How to turn sheep into lions? Answer: Abolish the monopoly that govt schools have had since 1852. Let the marketplace have a go at educating American children via private, religious, or home schooling. Or, maybe, abolish formal schooling entirely. But there’s no maybe about abolishing the Dept of Education – another example of the federal govt giving itself powers and authority that the Constitution never intended it to have.

The great men who founded our nation were not victimized by compulsory education, of sitting in a classroom 6 hours a day, 5 days a week for 12 years, having conformity and obedience to authority beaten into them. Their brains were not lobotomized by a bombardment of entertainment that victimizes today’s youth and produces a nation of sheep pursuing a life of ease and comfort while demanding that govt keep them ‘safe’ from wolves.

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Amazing work. One correction. Manning spent 7 years in prison. Obummer commuted the 35 year sentence in 2017 before leaving office. Manning ended up back in prison for refusing to testify before a grand jury. Suicide attempt got a judge to agree to a release. Irrespective of anything else, a seriously troubled individual who could have benefitted from mental health assistance versus prison. But our betters would rather throw dissenters in jail.

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Great piece, Kyle. Thanks for telling Aaron’s story. As an American expat living abroad for 42 years, for the first time have been considering returning as an option. So many moving parts - most days my experience is like the music has speeded up in a game of musical chairs.

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Thank you for your well researched article, it's such a sad story of what happened to Aaron Schwartz, but God will repay those who did this and who do evil in this world. On that day there will be only real Truth and justice that will be dealt out to those Psychos and Narcissists who have taken control who seemingly get away with all their hypocritical evil ( Justine Trudeau, Gavin Newscum, Nazi Pelosi, Hitlery Clinton etc), it will be nothing like the fake "justice' we see in the overtly corrupt courts of compromised men .

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Excellent post on all points. It would be great if we could get the regenerative farming info to RFK Jr. and Dr. Lyons-Weiler. I may be naive in thinking it would open their eyes to their erroneous solutions, but I can hope. Thanks for this great piece.

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Thank you, Kyle, once again, for writing about what is most near and dear to my heart. Bottom line, exposing the truth will get a person canceled, jailed, hounded and or killed. (Glad you qualified the word suicide with "supposed".) I assume it has always been this way but now Pandora's box, like a busted sewer line, is so overflowing with deception and evil that we are neck deep in crap while the majority of folks can't smell the sick soup we are swimming in. Your sanity is pure oxygen. Anymore, my question is WHAT will it take for eyes to open and minds to comprehend?

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Jul 17, 2022·edited Jul 17, 2022

CHD has 2 articles re one lion fighting the wolves:

1) https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/samuel-sigoloff-military-doctor-exemptions-covid-vaccine-mandate/

2) https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/dod-covid-vaccine-mandate-army-dr-samuel-sigoloff-exemptions/?itm_term=home

Lions in human form 1) seek the truth 2) base their actions on the truth and 3) have the courage to fight those who seek to destroy the truth. Where did this lion get his training? In the govt schools? As Jacques Cousteau would say: Zis eez naht so noh noh eet can naht bee

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1) Why should I have money stolen from me to fund what some self-styled 'researcher' wants to investigate in the first place? There are no public interests, only private ones. Let them find their own funding.

2) Why should we continue to tolerate patent and copyright anti-law? Information isn't property; It's not a naturally scarce resource. See Stephan Kinsella's writing for more on this.

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Schwarz got railroaded and is a travesty.

I have zero pity for Snowden, Manning, or Assange. Snowden and Manning willingly signed binding contracts with full knowledge of the consequences of breaking them, before doing just that. Assange agreed as a willing accomplice.

Classified information is classified for a reason. Argue against it all you want, the reality of the matter is that you do so without all relevant information; as such, any opinion you have on the matter is malformed at best. Things like plans for war, the intelligence used to create them, and advanced technical projects used to execute them should not exist in the public domain because they are worthless in that event.

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True that! I'm a songwriter so the repetition thing is built in.😅

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Indeed. Especially if they are sourced from Wikipedia. LOL.

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Biden has not "persecuted" Chelsea Manning and she is not behind bars.

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deletedJul 17, 2022·edited Jul 17, 2022
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