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Welcome back all of you wild and crazy, freedom loving heretics! Thanks for all of the likes, it really helps. And welcome all of you new subscribers! Here at the Secular Heretic we call a spade a spade and, as you will learn more about today, we don’t cut the globalists any slack.
I apologize for missing last weeks posting. I’ve been sick.
In keeping with my long-term policy of tracking death-by-jab statistics tabulated by the CDC’s VAERS site, I’d like to point out some statistics that Dr. Jessica Rose recently compiled regarding the VAERS death-by-jab numbers. She put together this self explanatory chart to highlight the numbers.
I don’t think anyone has done more research over the past 30 years determining how the pieces of the ‘big picture’ puzzle fit together than David Icke. I included a link to his show on Gaia in my last piece, but alas, that didn’t work. If you are inclined, watching his show makes joining Gaia worth the small investment. His influence will also be present in this piece.
For many centuries a handful of elite people have known about a set of esoteric techniques that can be employed to control the masses. As regular readers know, this is a topic I’ve covered extensively here in the past. Why? Because understanding this provides the keys to kingdom of freedom. To the dismay of many of those who run the world, David Icke has determined what these techniques are. I revealed some of them in my last post. What follows are some more.
Point number one: our existence, our perception of reality, is based on what we know, the limited information we have to work with. The houses we live in, the food we eat, the medical practices we seek out, the entertainment we choose, all are based on the information doled out to us from the various sources we depend on. In the same way a computer simply manifests what gets programmed into it, we are walking, talking embodiment’s of our purposely limited programming. A more powerful computer packed full of information will yield a more comprehensive set of results than a smaller one with less information.
An early example of how elites limiting information to the masses can prove useful can be found in the Catholic churches early stance to only speak Latin during services and not allow their followers to read the Bible. Among many other atrocities, this led to witch hunts, burning people at the stake and the inquisition, all of which resulted in the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people over those dark years. In spite of the fact that all of this was contrary to the teachings of the Bible, the elite Catholics running the show were able to convince their followers that these atrocities were necessary because the purposely limited information (programming) doled out by Church leaders left followers feeling subservient to their elite overlord Priests and Bishops.
It all boils down to this simple formula: Controlling information = controlling perception = controlling behavior. In other words, our perception of reality, hence, our behavior, is based on the limited information we receive. In short, the reality of our existence is founded upon a complete illusion created by those who control what information we see and hear.
The question then becomes, how do we improve our ability to see our perception of reality for what it is - a contrived game plan being employed by elites who seek to manipulate us for profit? If we are to believe that our perception of reality is dependent on the information we are provided, the answer is simple - expand our information base. The elite are constantly trying to “limit our sense of the possible and hold people in a perceptual prison” (Icke) and we need to be aware of that to overcome it.
Of course the most blatant modern version of how this formula is played out is the covid plandemic. Because most people had long ago been convinced by the elite medical ‘authorities’ that viruses exist and are causative of disease and that vaccines are the cure, it was very easy to pull off this plandemic and get people to line up for the exceedingly profitable, exceedingly toxic jabs. Those of us who had long ago expanded our information base to include information questioning the ‘official narrative’ about vaccines and had consequently had our perception of this realty altered by this expanded knowledge, were able to avoid all of the plandemic hoopla.
The plandemic provides a great example of how ‘science’ has ripped a page from the textbook of the Church on how to use information to control the perception and behavior of the masses. The mystical aspects of quantum physics aside, science has become just another form of opiate for the masses… another religion.
Because we have all been born into this world of make believe, if we are to set ourselves free from this illusion we must experience a revolution in how we perceive the world around us - we must wake up to the greater reality of our existence - expand our perception, change our behavior and break out of the ongoing servitude. Just keep in mind that the seeming complications of doing so are merely a perception of the problem. If enough of us do so, the world will be fundamentally changed, forever.
who and why?
Of course this brings us back to the perennial question: Who are the elites and why are thy doing this?
In earlier pieces I’ve talked about some of the billionaire movers and shakers working behind the scenes to manipulate what we see and hear. I’ve also talked about some of the families who have historically ruled quietly behind the scenes for many hundreds of years. Today were going to dig even deeper to get at the root of the matter. A lot of people have varying ideas about who or what the force is behind the dark agenda running the world, but I’m going to narrow that down to what Icke says are the two most likely entities, which, as it turns out are one and the same.
In pre-Islamic Arabic tradition there is a lot of talk about the Jinn - also known as genies. This tradition was so strong that it was later adopted by Islam.
The Christian version of the Jinn are the archons, a term commonly used by people we now label as Gnostic. The wording used to describe Jinns and archons is very similar. It’s the same force under different names.
In an earlier piece I talked about the Gnostic tradition, that it was a belief system that parallels Christianity but was in place before the rise of Christianity. Many believe Jesus was Gnostic. The Roman Catholic church has always despised Gnosticism and this has carried through to most other forms of Christianity to this day. Every time the Gnostic’s gained a foothold somewhere the Church would come and tear them down.
A good example of this is the Gnostic Cathars of Southern France, who are said to be an offshoot of the original form of Christianity taught by Jesus and Mary. One needs to read the extant books of the followers of Jesus, found in the Nag Hammadi scripts, to glean this information. The Cathars were destroyed by the Church at the siege of the Château de Montségur castle in Southern France in 1244.
Another place where the Gnostic tradition got a foothold was at the library at Alexandria, where it has been estimated that half a billion scrolls of ancient world knowledge were once held. Again, destroyed by the Church one time and by an Islamic force a second time. This Islamic force would later be known as the Moors who would go on to take Iberia 70 years later and rule it for 700 years until King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella arose and kicked them out.
In that earlier piece on Gnosticism I touched briefly on the discovery of the scripts found buried in clay jars in a cave near Nag Hamadi Egypt in 1945. It’s clear that these scripts date from about 400 AD and had been untouched by the Church authorities of the time, authorities who had sought out and destroyed all other documents of any early religion and history having to do with the teachings of Jesus and Gnosticism. As I’ve explained previously, Constantine’s Bishops went on this rampage to ensure that the select few texts that were chosen at the two Councils of Nicaea to become the Bible had no competition. Fortunately, they missed the Nag Hamadi scripts, which are now available in a number of modern books. I’ve read several of them.
A common theme in the Gnostic texts revolves around the Archons. Archon is a Greek word meaning ruler. The discussion around the Archons centers on the fake reality these ‘nonhuman rulers’ had created to control the human race. I should clarify here that the Archons are described several ways, but mostly as warped, twisted forms of consciousness that inhabit human bodies that love to take on roles of leadership.
The website Gnosticism Explained describes the archons this way.
In Gnosticism, the archons (from Greek arkhon, “ruler”[1]) were malevolent, sadistic beings who controlled the earth, as well as many of the thoughts, feelings, and actions of humans. They assisted their master, the demiurge, with the creation of the world, and continued to help him administer his oppressive rule.
According to a Gnostic text called the Reality of the Rulers, the archons “have bodies that are both female and male, and faces that are the faces of beasts.”[2] Thus, they’re not truly male nor female, nor human nor animal. The ancients found this kind of boundary-crossing to be deeply threatening, and this description of the archons implied that they were forces of chaos, so “mixed up” as to be “the farthest that a created being could be from God.”[3]
Perhaps not surprisingly they’re also described as being either reptilian or as little greys - as in little grey aliens. In all cases they worship technology as a means of furthering their agenda.
The similarity between the fake reality described by the Gnostics in the Nag Hamadi texts is eerily similar to what we are seeing today with the phony reality being put before us by the highly controlled news media and big tech censorship. Keep in mind that their game plan has always been to create a phony reality based on limited information to generate profit and satiate their warped appetite for death and destruction. Perhaps the scariest ploy is the up and coming role that virtual reality will be playing in the Metaverse. The Metaverse provides us with the ultimate example of how Archon technology is being used to create a fake reality as a means of controlling the masses - a completely fake universe to completely enthrall the masses with their dark, high-tech version of reality.
How does one defeat this force? Easy, just stop believing what you’re being told by those who are running the show. As more of us do so, those few archonistic families who have been dictating what information we see and hear will lose their power to control what we perceive as the reality they want us to believe, which means their ability to control our behavior will become nonexistent. No revolution, no protests needed.
Next we can expand our perception of reality to the limitless possibilities that actually exist. We are divine beings of spirit and matter. We need to spend more time focusing on that and less time with our noses embedded in the glitzy distractions of archonistic technology. I have two things that I like to do to stay in touch with reality. One is to spend time out in wilderness areas hiking through the mountains. I have no cell phone, but if you do this, be sure to leave it behind. The second is to work in my gardens or with the livestock. Doing any of this puts me in direct connection with the reality of my ancient, historic existence on the earth and allows my soul to fly free and explore the vastly greater possibilities of reality. Servitude to those trying to control me naturally falls by the wayside.
I’ll leave you with some quotes that serve to highlight the archon role.
“We are grateful to the Washington post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to March towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.” – David Rockefeller, speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany
The archonistic Illuminati planned Lincoln's assassination to stop him from speaking out against them. It was carried out on April 15, 1865. Lincoln had been quoted as saying, "The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes."
"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply." - Nathan Mayer Rothschild
"The US and UK governments' relentless backing for the global spread of genetically modified seeds was in fact the implementation of a decades long policy of the Rockefeller Foundation since the 1930's, when it funded Nazi eugenics research -- i.e. mass-scale population reduction, and control of darker-skinned races by an Anglo-Saxon white elite. As some of these circles saw it, war as a means of population reduction was costly and not that efficient." - F. William Engdahl in his book "Seeds of Destuction"
"The master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger - among nations. But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world. The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up... It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order." - Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File"
I call them philanthropaths:
• “Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship – Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (
I’m hoping it will catch on so every time someone hears “Bill Gates,” “George Soros,” “Rockefeller,” or any of the other names of socio/psychopaths masquerading as philanthropists, they’ll immediately think “philanthropath.”
Archons have no power until we give it to them. I was but a five or six year old when I was sent to Catholic Catechism class. The nuns taught us that there was a devil on our left shoulder and our guardian angel on our right. The devil was always whispering evil suggestions and we had to listen to the angel. I personally was no angel and got into trouble often enough, as young children tend to do. Yet, I became very afraid of my left and of course very few children can tell the difference between left and right, right? I became afraid of corners and dark spaces because the devil was there and would make me do bad things. It got so bad that my mother, bless her, had to go to the school and straighten them out. They gave me a better explanation, and the situation was resolved. It was a blessing in disguise that started me on the road to free thinking. I learned that adults didn’t know it all either, and there was room for doubt in what I was taught.
The Archons really only live through us, and when we don’t follow their suggestions, they are nothing. But alas, they appeal to our darkest selves. The Cabal only associate with their own, so they feed off each other, strengthening the power of the archons. The evil feeds the evil and it grows to where it is today, global ambitions of domination and control.
I received a link for a Twitter account that shows a brief video of one of the Club of Rome, a part of the Davos clique talking about over population. He is hideous in his sincerity, the archons clearly sitting on both shoulders.. I hope this works.
And yes, the antidote to evil is Nature, honest work, love and fellowship. We will win in the end. It is just not going to be pretty in the meantime as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are charging us whipped on by the evils in the hearts of those who would be kings.