Jun 15Liked by Kyle Young

5G might as well as well be 5 feet underground where we are all likely to end up.

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I'd like to see us all get a chance to live a normal life first. But we may have to get off our butts to do so.

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My butt is BORED. I want to DO something!! I'm going to be FREE by the end of this year, of everything, if not sooner. I'm not a kid, but I'm a helluva pissed off bitch! Woof!!!

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Good! That's what its going to take - more people getting seriously pissed.

Have you read The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey? Might be a good place to start.

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I'll see if my WOKE library can get it... They wouldn't get or carry "Pasteur or Bechamp?" by Ethel D. Hume. A friend of mine gave me a copy, and I saw online it was EASY to find and order, and not so expensive, either. smh

But it's worth a try, yep!

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I think you might find Edward Abbey…he was highly thought of in a small niche of SW environmental types, back

in his time… Very interesting guy.

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He spent a lot of time tromping around in my neck of the woods. I met him on one occasion.

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Okay, just FYI: I JUST NOW saw this comment of yours. Snark unnecessary! ^_^

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I love Edward Abbey. I stand up against tyranny, while I have people telling me there is no evil, and making excuses for what is taking place in this world.

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He was a great writer, but he was also a bit of a cad.

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true, but I like rebels.

I used a few of his quotes in one of my Nature posts.

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Jun 17Liked by Kyle Young

Another direction to check out is

Robinthepagefamily (FB) … also called White Walking Feather … pinned at the top of his FB page is his book ‘Graduating Life with Honours’ … available for free download.

May 1st he started doing a weekly podcast with Carla Wilchuk … going thru and discussing the book … also free for joining in live or to recordings.

He has gone further down the path of truly emancipating himself peacefully (and 78 acres of land in Ontario, Canada), than anyone else I know.

He shares his knowledge and understanding as ‘Paceam Arts’ … the Art of Peace.

He is on FB and Telegram and has a website … well worth checking out imo.

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I don't know if this says anything about emancipation, but I'm not on either FB or Telegram. Do you have a link to his website?

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And... I've been seriously pissed for YEARS, lol.

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Exactly. The US was wired all the way to China by 1904. Wired for communications and power distribution. Satellites aren't needed except for people worried about being abducted and anal probed by aliens.

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I am so with you I almost AM you.

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nothing normal about a life on our butts. Enforced helplessness .

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Being scared little bunnies is not going to stop anything at all.

Let's kick some ass. We don't even have to engage with these psycho creeps, we can simply UNDO THEIR TECH. Oh, yes. There are ways. And we outnumber these psycho creeps by BILLIONS, plural.

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We don't NEED 5G. We could apply our best brains to Better Ways of Living instead of how to kill every fucking thing on Earth. Yeah.

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You can go ahead and switch back to dial-up if you want.

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Dial-up? I'd rather have fiber optics. But I don't do Wi-Fi, if that's what you're referring to. I'm WIRED, baby. ;)

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no doubt.

If all the wiring went away, what would you do?

Can you go ahead and do that today?

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Here's an idea: GET OFF MY BACK. Thank you.

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Ah, but you love and crave the attention, how you get it?

oh, yeah, lots of substacks, works

have a nice bummer day, no one on the planet has it as hard as you boo hoo hoo

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Okay, you’re a self-educated psychologist now, huh. Mocking other people’s struggles is a sign of psychopathy, didja know that? What you don’t seem to understand is that your goal is clearly to HARM. You’re not helping anybody, especially yourself. Because what you DON’T get is that talking to me, and surely plenty of others, the way that you do, hurts YOU. It doesn’t hurt me. I don’t “crave attention,” as you seem to think. I crave TRUTH. And JUSTICE. Yes, for myself, and for everybody. And I loathe people who lie and try to hurt others. I’m not a boddhisatva. I still feel hatred. I’m trying not to, but so far, it’s pretty hard to quit that. But I don’t hate YOU, I just don’t care about you that much, y’know. You’re some kid, probably, and I’m grandma age. I will fight back, but at some point this kind of fighting, like what you’re doing, is stupid. The kind of fighting I like is TAKING DOWN OPPRESSSORS, and I want the vile muffo rat bastard psychopath filthy rich oppressors that are committing GENOCIDE, ECOCIDE, trying to start a nuclear WWIII—- THOSE are the people I want to fight, not smartass kids like you who really fail to get the Bigger Picture. Okay? Okay.

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Impressive presentation. Keeping all your Posts to send to other people. Am quite amazed those funding the Gates's NGO continue to do so. Everybody involved with all these schemes are equally guilty as they ALL KNOW WHAT THEY DO. The deliberate destruction of Earth and all organic life creating this 'Extinction Level Event' has no equal to any evil ever perpetrated on Earth before now. There is only one punishment possible to equal this crime against Earth, itself.

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Thank you BC3.

Will anyone prosecute and convict? Or are all of the people who are required to do so on the take?

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There are MANY of the POPULAR 'Perpetual Hippy Wanna Belongs' having the developmental level of 5 yr olds. and Social Functional Level of age 13 involved as Minions to the Demonic U.N. Nazi Uniparty hiding the Black Nobility. Many are identified...Enough.

As during the Revolutionary War; less than a third of the population is necessary to bring this International Death Cult Mafia to it's knees...Begin at the top with the 13 Family's descendents to remove access to resources and watch the spiders, snakes and lizards scurring around trying to escape. Even their bunkers require air and they can be choked out as the vermin they are.

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In this day and age of tech wizardry, handful of people can run incredibly effective ops.

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I'm the dog. I chase rabbits. Not a dolt, but I don't have a lot of tech wizardry going on, lol. I can LEARN, tho.

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Me neither. I came of age too late. Thankfully.

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Absolutely...Literally, a handful; less than a third.

Issue is getting the correct people in the correct place

and the enemy now has all the cards since their PURGE

of the now WOKE Military reinforced with FOREIGN AGENTS.

Wonder what these machines you're showcasing look like

to operate and function in their capacity as DEW's? Would

be magnificent to trace them while active and remove them

from use.

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What a novel idea!

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Soooooo many times on SS I've wished we could comment with photos!! ^_^

PS, Kyle, you have one of the BEST pages, doncha know. Cheers.

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Glad to amuse you...Laughter is so necessary in these times. 🤣😂🤣😊

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Jun 16Liked by Kyle Young

On the take.

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Fuckin' A. It's almost beyond imagination, what these Evil Ones are trying to do (and have been doing for thousands of years, in smaller scale!)

Just let us not become like them in bringing the Justice.

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Read that book. No one was harmed.

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Wait, I've been arf listening to Judge Napolitano and Douglas MacGregor...

What book? (sorry!)

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The one I mentioned in another reply - The Monky Wrench Gang.

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Got it! Ta, Kyle, sounds like just my kinda book. ;)

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The Edward Abbey book “The Monkey Wrench Gang”…short attention span? 😉🤪

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Oh, now I see why you’re being snarky… Hey, guess what? When someone gets about 40 comments to look at in the space of an hour, sometimes it takes time to get to them all. 😉🤪 too. ^_^

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Yes you have a “plate full” as they say! 😉

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Not sure what the snide remark is for, but I just got this title suggested to me last night.

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Must all be transparent; and STUPIDITY, ERROR, MISTAKES towards just trying to get, "A LITTLE PROFIT." is NOT acceptable or tolerated towards providing FORGIVENESS.


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I don't know what you mean about "forgiveness." I'm not talking about "forgiveness."

As for Constitutional Law, I think it's maybe a bit too late for that kind of stuff... And Constitutional Law is based on NATURAL LAW. Natural Law, as in, when someone breaks into your home and kills your family, you grab a weapon and KILL THEM.

If we can't take them down with reason, righteousness, and law, then we'll have to go ahead with whatever weapons we have. I'm not interested in torture and their despicable kinds of tactics, but I AM interested in STOPPING THEM, whatever the cost. Does this make sense? I'm FED UP.

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Heard that from Dr. Robert Malone...It's all JUST a little mistake and all needs to be forgiven as we all have the right to create business to create 'A LITTLE PROFIT.'

Couldn't believe what was wrote...Justifying their Hegelian Dialectic to create problems as 'RACISM, SEXUAL CONFUSION, CLIMATE CHANGE' to justify the answer where PROFIT IS HARVESTED through Omnicide, Disability, Sterility and Cyber-Digital Slavery of the whole human race and all life on the Planet through mutilation of all organic DNA.


It's Hegelian Dialectic justifying arrogance towards stealing power and feeding greed concurrently. It's the same ole, same ole with The Black Nobility's Death Cult.


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Yes. Robert Malone is a CIA operative and a liar.


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Ya, the jews aren't human, silly!🤣😎🤔 🖕🫵🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱

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I'm with you; I ABHOR this violence against Nature and against us.

What can I do?

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Buckminster Fuller said "Think globally, act locally".

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Yes, I am down with the idea... And BF was very cool. I saw his Dymaxion House in a museum in Detroit... SO freakin COOL. I want one! Anyway, yes. Local.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Kyle Young

Thank you Kyle. Do you remember the play or movie, 'Stop The World I Want To Get Off'???

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I'd prefer that you stay here and help change it.

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My question is always this:

How do these evil doers protect THEMSELVES and their spawn and the offspring of their spawn, from the "fallout"?

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Evil villains always produce an antidote in case their poison is used against them.

Fortunately, buried in the fine print, Moderna published the antidotes in it's mRNA patent. Some of it is mentioned in this post.


Many also have bugout places far from syphilization.

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Ok, so they have bugout places far from the unwashed masses.

Everywhere they "live", or fly to, in their private planes, they are hermetically sealed in purified environments?

Because this shit is literally EVERYWHERE.

So, anyway, that has always been my question: How do they and theirs NOT breathe in this crap? Do they don gas masks whenever they attend their conferences or step outside, amongst the unclean, jabbed and chemtrail poisoned?

I've not seen this.

I've been photographing and filming chemtrails since I first became aware of geoengineering. 20 odd years now.

My question about geoengineering has always been the same.


"Geo-engineering is the most dangerous diabolical thing that has ever happened to us."


My comment can be found there too...

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I didn't mean to imply that they never breath it. I just meant that they know how to detox from it when they do breath it. They likely have the very best air filtration systems in their homes, limos and private jets to minimize exposure. Plus, they can afford the best care available. That would entail flying to Panama on a regular basis to get stem cell treatments (illegal in the US) and all of the other very expensive treatments options that we cannot afford.

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I get it Kyle.

They can get those (unaffordable to most of us) treatments in Mexico and Dubai too.


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I just watched part of that. Interesting, but I'm always surprised by people who can see through the covid con but not the global warming con or the virus con.

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I only (willingly) hang with folks who can see though ALL the cons.

That doctor is a Canadian renegade...

Too bad his treatments are unaffordable.

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Jun 15Liked by Kyle Young

Maybe Geo Engineering is causing our climate to be irrational and could possibly destroy our Ozone layers completely with all the 5G radiation it could kill all life on the planet with the help of MRNA vaccines we are doomed thanks to Bill Gates and his WEF globalists They will die first I am sure Hell is waiting

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One of the problems with the infamous UN climate report is that it does not take into consideration geoengineering. If anything is happening to the climate I think you are right, it can be blamed on geoengineering.

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We're NOT doomed if we wake up and take action. HOLD FAST.

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Jun 26Liked by Kyle Young

What happened to him? No new posts since 2019.

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Jul 1Liked by Kyle Young

On your new post someone posted a link


I’m not on telegram

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I'm not either.

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Thanks for monitoring and reporting, Kyle. It took me a while to get to this.

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Thank you for the link a while back, John.

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Thanks for the link. I just checked it out. Glad to see someone with her legacy background writing about this. We need many more to do so.

This topic reminds me of when I first began writing about covidcon here in November of 2020. I was the only person doing so here at the time. I felt like a lone voice shouting in the wilderness. It was nearly a year before others joined in.

I've been writing about geonengineering for nearly a year. I hope that Elizabeth's article is an indication that the tide is beginning to turn on this topic as well. I suspect that when we see as many people writing about geoengineering as have been writing about covidcon, we'll witness a backlash against geoengineering just as we have witnessed a backlash against jabs and the medical industrial complex.

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Jun 16Liked by Kyle Young

I've never wished for a massive coronal mass ejection... and I mean MASSIVE. I mean one of those that totally destroys electronics on almost an entire side of the world and in the area above the world and has the potential to knock us back to the horse and buggy age. I'm starting to think that's the only thing that will stop these monsters, or at least slow them down. Until they, in their arrogance, start saying they can control the sun...

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I understand.

But at this point I have to wonder what the impact on earth would be when a million satellites get destroyed and start raining toxic/radio active debris down on earth.

Hopefully they would come down a few at a time over the course of many decades.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 16Author

I just read maybe about half of it. Enough to know I didn't need or read anymore.

One of the benefits of living at a high elevation in the clear skies of Arizona is that I can step outside my remote farm house just about any clear night and see satellites passing overhead. Sometimes chains of Musks sat's can be seen 10 or 20 a a time like baby ducks in a row passing overhead.

I've also seen an intact, giant dinosaur skeleton exposed after a severe storm eroded away the soil in creek bed.

I've also driven across the flat prairie toward the Rocky Mountains and watched as the tops of the tallest mountains come into view first, then the shorter mountains, then he entier mountain range.

I also lived on the beach in CA and watched as boats sailed away and passed over the curve of he earth (known as the horizon) and disappeared.

None of that is possible on a flat earth.

I'm not sure what kind of a cave people like him live in, but they need to get out more and look around.

I'm sorry, but I'm not willing to forgo what I see with my own eyes.

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Here's part two, that covers balloons and satellites...

For anyone else that may be interested in this hoax, to justify fake and phony space fource, the fifth US military arm...hilarious


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I lived in Hawaii for 14 years, the night sky is spectacular, we did a lot of star gazing, never saw satellites...

If they are up there, what energy source would they be using, do you know?

Really, a real dinosaur? By any chance did you take pictures?

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I also lived in Hawaii 40 years ago. If I went high enough on the dry side of the big island I could see them. But the humidity was too high closer to the coast. Most of the planet today has so much air pollution that little can be seen. That makes it easy for people like agent to pull the wool over people eyes. Most people under 60 have never seen clear air.

They use solar and nuclear energy and probably some secret forms of energy we don't know about.

Yes, a full, intact dinosaur embedded in a massive piece of limestone. That was about 1965. I was with my cousins. It was on their farm. Cell phones would not be invented for decades. We thought about trying to get it out but it would have required massive equipment. Due to the limestone formations there, that region is known for dinosaur fossils. A 1/2 mile walk down he creek bed today will urn up hundreds of small fossils. A nearby creek is called fossil creek. Today there is a museum not far away from that farm that has a lot of dinosaur skeletons.

Like I said, agent needs to get away from his computer and get out more.

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Kyle, 30 years ago I knew the entire dinosaurs industry was completely controlled and propagandized by the Smithsonian it's a huge business...HUGE!

It's also used for money laundry, did you know that.

I was born in 56, I too have a lot of worldly experience and don't believe anything without looking into it myself, and I can assure you dinosaurs and the way we have been programmed to believe they exist is a hoaxes, I know, it was hard for me to come to terms with is as well...


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You're calling me a liar? That I didn't see what I saw? What hundreds of thousands around the world have seen en situ?

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Who and what made your eyes? Do they see exactly as others "see"?

Do you see as a bird sees? What do you see? Does your "position" affect what you can see? Hello? Can you see more than what is outside of yourself?

How do you know what you see is "true"? How much can your eyes "see"? Can you see what is producing the phenomena you "see"?

Because you see it?

That's Disneyland. Goofy talks, Mickey Mouse walks on two legs.

The Male Gaze is NOT the "god given" measure of "reality".

Anyway, seen enough cock fights go on and on for mutual pleasure on the internet, so bye bye.

You're gonna "SEE" some real cool stuff in the sky soon Kyle. Have a blast with it.

Or as a man once advised my son regarding "lady boys":

"It's the prettiest ones. "

They , being male, know how important the "male gaze" is.

That is, until the female "part" becomes a trick.

So yeah, That's what your supreme "male gaze" will get ya.

Buy the way, the "medical system," you decry was all built upon "the gaze of the male physician"

Anyone read books still? Try "The Birth of The Clinic". Foucault.

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You are a Lier, yes! 🤣😎

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Of course I'm not calling you a liar...

Read it and come to your own conclusions...or don't.

Good night, Kyle


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We could see the milky way from Puna on the Big Island. Just a few years ago, every night it wasn't raining.

Now, tell me we can see the milky way, but not the satellites ? I've seen "satellites" enough times to know I ain't seen 'em all that much.

but then men like to brag don't they, and they'll always join together with that


I suggest everyone keep a copy of Theodore Geisler's (Dr. Seuss) "The BIg Brag. "

Read it every morning before turning on your umbilical devices.

I can see it's a tight little group here. That's interesting, what substack has really done. Really interesting. Just like MSM.

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Bingo. Time of illusions piled on illusions.

IT's truly extraordinary. They'll still believe anything the "Man" spews out. Anything. It's frankly, hopeless if you ask me. Just hopeless. Disneyland rules.

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Remember what I said, especially about lying to the children, Kyle! You will be held accountable by the Creator. That is Truth!

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Here's part two, that covers balloons and satellites...

For anyone else that may be interested in this hoax, to justify fake and phony space fource, the fifth US military arm...hilarious


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Good luck Albert. "Illusions become them"

off topic: isn't it interesting how us "little folks" have had our "like" buttons disabled

We're only allowed to "like" the really BIG Money Makers/aka/"Influencers"

Some stupid joke sugarstack has become.

We need to get back out on the streets or call it a life, folks. Face to face, eyeball to eyeball.

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Here's part two, that covers balloons and satellites...

For anyone else that may be interested in this hoax, to justify fake and phony space fource, the fifth US military arm...hilarious


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No one? I and many others have been yelling screaming and activating over this for twenty three years now.

I love how this culture ignores for as long as possible, and then acts born again when noticing that damn it, the Sun does rise in the east!!

Good luck getting anyone to care, is all I can say. People who can manage to deny DEW destructions in the town next door can deny anything, and everything, and they will.

I just say these days, "It's all killer tech. KIss it goodbye, or kiss your life goodbye. "

So, when it comes to holding those responsible to the damage done..............

Hey, no need to look to the "big guys" for "blame".

I'll tell you who put up this technology. Every guy on the block who likes money, that's who.

Deal with them. They are all around you. If you need a long list of the companies they work for, let me know.

Your friends. The guys at the bar. The guys with the shiny new pickup trucks. The guys working for Gates" sister's company Avista, laying black communications cable everywhere after the attacks by DEWs.

That's who's responsible. THE UNIVERSAL SOLDIER. The tool of the system.

Fifty years ago we said "Hey!! It's the Universal Soldier who makes war happen. "

Dig it? The US boys heard that loud and clear, and ended it. They took responsibility.

No one can do squat about the apparitions on the scrimming mirrors, And that includes crafty Sasha, dear. She's first and foremost a business woman, and didn't seem to find much of anything amiss with Pharma before covid, now did she? Ditto for so many of them. There was no money in it, honey. You think anyone as made their monies from american murder assoc or their pimp pharma for decades is really sorry about that? You hear them offering to donate some of their cozy lifestyle monies to all who were injured and left without loved ones? Ya think?

What people have to understand is that these people themselves have spent their lives FOLLOWING THE MONEY.


You won't get answers from these "born again truth tellers". And if you do, they may morph the next day. Just saying. These folks have cozy retirement incomes and hold lots and lots of stocks in Pharma, They ain't needing to tell the WHOLE truth, cause the WHOLE truth for them is contained in their bank ledgers.

You are quite correct that it is nothing but arrogant hubris to state that anyone in the US , and especially anywhere close to California which is wired up like a cosmic microwave oven!, is not subject to 5G.

Still dreaming the "American Dream".

You know who came here from russia/ukraine, all that after the end of the soviet union? you know who ran that country then, don't you?

I've met several of these women over the years. They come from mafioso families. That's how you get from Ukraine to US elite university to become a business person for Pharma. You gotta have "connections", you know? She ain't that smart. If she was she could have figured this whole scam out from day one, as many of us did. Or maybe forty years ago, as many of us "health nuts" did? What blocked her from seeing/hearing/knowing????

We all know these folks won't tolerate questions they don't want to answer, right? And everyone that's left after Sasha burn policy is just verbally walking on eggshells all the time. It is truly pathetic, and reminds me of the scene at the desks with the nun in Blues Brothers.

There's something to trust.

Listen, if they can't pretend and maybe even believe that they're privilege protects them from any of this, what have they got left? What?


So, I'm glad I came here and see how many respondents you have feeling great going into this , finally, now. Better too late than never, I guess. Good on you. The show must go on.

But no one really wants to end it. What would they do then?

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there are indeed dark lords running the technology that veils our original system. the big question that I have been exploring and writing about is WHERE ARE WE? are we in a hologram? under a dome? or are we in an Infinite Universe? Are we in a simulation? where ever we are, it appears that something is hijacking, our Reality. Something is spying on us, and manipulating everything about life here. Most people do not want to think about these things and refuse to see the evil things going on against all life. All biological life. You give even more evidence of this evil that is way more advanced then we are, using their technology to control all of us, and manipulate life here.

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You have lost it, dude. There are no stinking Satellites in space. Stop with your lyin to the children! Wakey ² kyle. I don't think you are that bad. Just don't lie to the children.

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If you had any brains, Weather Modification was perfected by Nikola Tesla where he won the Nobel Prize in 1915 for Wireless Power and Irrigating the Desert. Is there a problem with irrigating the desert? Or making it rain over hydroelectric plants? I'm getting the feeling that you work for Walmart or Sparkletts. https://teslaleaks.com/f/nikola-tesla-wins-nobel-prize-in-1915-for-irrigating-the-desert

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Those NOAA animations are fake as fk too. That's from a "satellite" huh? Do any of your satellites have a zoom feature?

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And they've been under illegal gag orders for decades now.

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