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Regular readers know that my politics don’t really fit in any of the typical pigeon holes; Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, Progressive and so on. That wasn’t always true. For most of my life the world was more cut and dried than it is today and for most of that time I embraced a series of views that encompassed some aspects of all of the above, with a bit of a tilt to the left. I like to think my views are still where they’ve always been, but somehow my views are now being embraced by many on the right, while I’m being abandoned by my lefty friends. I’m left with the incongruous feeling that the earth has shifted beneath my feet.
This article will likely further muddle my political positions. But I’m beginning to think it’s time to question everything that has brought us to this point. Staid, political institutions are in large part responsible for the trouble we now face and tough times require tough questions that need to be aired.
For much of my life, those in favor of allowing abortion have been repeating the mantra “my body my choice”. Again, as regular readers know, politically, I favor personal freedom above all else. So, some of you who are anti-abortion may be surprised to learn that I take a freedom-of-choice position on that issue as well. For the same reasons government cannot mandate covid kill shots, it also cannot tell people to not get an abortion, or prevent them from doing so. When personal freedom becomes the guiding principle, answers to societal questions become simplified.
Do I have views on abortion? You bet. But they’re my views and I don’t see it as anyone’s responsibility to force my views or anyone else’s views on the greater population. I have no idea what’s going on in the lives of those seeking an abortion, so I’m in no position to dictate terms to them. I expect the same type of respect in return.
the bizarre video
Having said that, I have to say that I found the contradictions of the appearance and actions by those participating in the protest in front of the capital in Austin, Texas this past weekend, bizarre. Here was a group of people protesting the fact that Texas wants to restrict their freedom to have an abortion while at the same time they’re wearing masks, the ultimate symbol of submission to the most draconian, freedom stealing agenda ever conceived.
Those who shout “my body my choice” or similar slogans at protests like the one in the video - while wearing a mask - are guilty of the sin of omission: They’re focusing solely on one tree in the forest while ignoring the grandeur of the entire forest of freedoms. Adding insult to injury, it’s probably safe to assume that most of the people in this video have also been vaccinated. All of the mandates that have come down over the past 18 months, the masks and especially the kill shots, are now widely viewed as the most destructive, demeaning, intrusive, deadly impositions on our right to personal freedom in the history of the world. It’s inconceivable to me how someone can stand for ‘freedom of choice’ while wearing a mask or taking the covid kill shots. It’s so hypocritical that I don’t see how anyone can take these protestors seriously.
one of those tough questions
If you’re against the plandemic mandates, what’s your position on abortion? Freedom is not a one-way street.
If that question doesn’t make you unsubscribe, then I salute your value of freedom, your ability to respect others, to live and let live.
a parting thought - matters of the heart
So many of the problems we face today seem to stem from a focus on materialism, while ignoring other aspects of our being. Clearly, the protestors in the video have all been well fed materially, but seem to be under-nourished in matters of the heart - especially the ability to think critically. Masks are highly problematic in this regard. Allow me to explain.
After nearly 45 years of practicing yoga, which includes breathing exercises, I can attest to the fact that, in the same way good nutrition is critical to the health of our body, unrestricted breath is critical to good mental and spiritual health. Anyone who is a runner or does vigorous exercise can attest to how good it makes them feel afterwards - the ‘runners high’ is the spirit rejoicing after having just received invigorating nourishment. This isn’t original thinking on my part. This has been corroborated over the millennia by numerous other sources - the Hindu, Buddhist, Christian (including Jesus and Rudolf Steiner) traditions all point to breath as being nourishment for the spirit, our soul, matters of the heart, or however you chose to describe it.
In short, the soul and life stealing plandemic mandates can only be construed as evil. Don’t trust anyone who says anything through a mask. They’re not thinking clearly.
Everyone wants to talk about masks! They are indeed a travesty.
But your article was about this "protest," and about the basic issue of freedom of choice.
What struck me the most about this "protest" was how organized and contrived it seemed. I have been involved with protests where I was given a printed sign to hold. They are clear and they keep the messaging of the protest aligned with whatever the protesting group is trying to say. But the way these guys lined up and went through a little synchronized performance was a bit over-the-top for me. Who were these people, really? Who paid for all that stuff?
The t-shirts say "Bans Off our Bodies" and the sponsoring organization was NOW. Who is really behind NOW? Who knows. But women's liberation is a whole subject unto itself. The story goes that the "dark state" decided to support it because they thought it would help break up the nuclear family, which it has helped to do.
I see the whole "progressive" movement of modern times as a kind of revolt against bodies. Bodies eat and bodies poop and bodies need to be hauled around, and now agriculture, pollution, and transportation are three of the hottest issues on the planet. And the most obvious "solution" for all of them is to get rid of bodies. Right?
From all traditional perspectives, of course, that's an evil thought. Human life revolves around the body: feeding it, clothing it, housing it, moving it around, looking at it, having sex with it, etc. etc. Are we really talking about giving up human life? Though a few "progressives" might be genuinely suicidal, probably most would deny being genocidal.
Yet there are deeper truths (or at least facts) hiding behind this whole struggle going on on Earth. And one of them is that we ARE NOT bodies; we are immortal spiritual beings. We do not actually need biology to survive as beings or personalities. We can do things, have fun, even fall in love, without bodies. Of course, you look at human life on Earth today, and your most sensible answer to that fact is: So what? We live on Earth in bodies! Let's just learn how to deal with it! This is sensible.
The younger generations, in some ways, act like they come from somewhere that doesn't use biological bodies, or where all the problems they present have been solved. If they could actually remember this, then this could be a real conversation. But as things stand, they act more like crazy people, driven to delusional thinking by too many science fiction movies and video games. That's the way I currently think of them, and that's a shame, because they are the ones who will be making the decisions that determine how the future on this planet (which includes my future, I might add) looks.
I feel very fortunate to have stumbled across the above information. I believe it gives me a perspective that is livable, if not that hopeful. But I meet very few others who share this perspective. From my point of view, it was inevitable that the above facts would eventually become more obvious here, and would cause, probably, even more confusion than normal. I invite others to look into these subjects further.
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