Everyone wants to talk about masks! They are indeed a travesty.

But your article was about this "protest," and about the basic issue of freedom of choice.

What struck me the most about this "protest" was how organized and contrived it seemed. I have been involved with protests where I was given a printed sign to hold. They are clear and they keep the messaging of the protest aligned with whatever the protesting group is trying to say. But the way these guys lined up and went through a little synchronized performance was a bit over-the-top for me. Who were these people, really? Who paid for all that stuff?

The t-shirts say "Bans Off our Bodies" and the sponsoring organization was NOW. Who is really behind NOW? Who knows. But women's liberation is a whole subject unto itself. The story goes that the "dark state" decided to support it because they thought it would help break up the nuclear family, which it has helped to do.

I see the whole "progressive" movement of modern times as a kind of revolt against bodies. Bodies eat and bodies poop and bodies need to be hauled around, and now agriculture, pollution, and transportation are three of the hottest issues on the planet. And the most obvious "solution" for all of them is to get rid of bodies. Right?

From all traditional perspectives, of course, that's an evil thought. Human life revolves around the body: feeding it, clothing it, housing it, moving it around, looking at it, having sex with it, etc. etc. Are we really talking about giving up human life? Though a few "progressives" might be genuinely suicidal, probably most would deny being genocidal.

Yet there are deeper truths (or at least facts) hiding behind this whole struggle going on on Earth. And one of them is that we ARE NOT bodies; we are immortal spiritual beings. We do not actually need biology to survive as beings or personalities. We can do things, have fun, even fall in love, without bodies. Of course, you look at human life on Earth today, and your most sensible answer to that fact is: So what? We live on Earth in bodies! Let's just learn how to deal with it! This is sensible.

The younger generations, in some ways, act like they come from somewhere that doesn't use biological bodies, or where all the problems they present have been solved. If they could actually remember this, then this could be a real conversation. But as things stand, they act more like crazy people, driven to delusional thinking by too many science fiction movies and video games. That's the way I currently think of them, and that's a shame, because they are the ones who will be making the decisions that determine how the future on this planet (which includes my future, I might add) looks.

I feel very fortunate to have stumbled across the above information. I believe it gives me a perspective that is livable, if not that hopeful. But I meet very few others who share this perspective. From my point of view, it was inevitable that the above facts would eventually become more obvious here, and would cause, probably, even more confusion than normal. I invite others to look into these subjects further.

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Thanks for chiming in Larry. After all the subscribers that I've lost due to this post, you and others here remind me that that there are still people 'out there' who are able to see the big picture.

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Kyle, don't you moderate comments, or is that too time consuming? (Re: SuzannePLozano ad).

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I'm on the road. Will mention why to everyone soon. Just deleted it.

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You lost subscribers over this? On what, the abortion issue? It's a rough one.

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Apparently. No explanations, just a considerable exodus after posting this.

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Hmm... My girlfriend is typical of the confusion that abounds over this. She thinks the fetus is a live human being and would not have an abortion herself, but feels that others should be allowed to choose. She was unaware of the organ harvesting aspect of all this, but perhaps that is overblown as an issue.

It took her a full 2 months before she was certain she was pregnant, the last time she was, and so she sees 6 weeks (the Texas law?) as too little time. She would like to see more emphasis on making it safer to go ahead and have the baby and raise children so that fewer women would feel forced to abort.

I believe that the full human personality does not enter the body until birth, but that the "personality" of the body does contribute to human experience. So it's a difficult call to make. But "abortion rights" does seem to align with "vaccine rights."

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Fake virus, fake pandemic, fake,pcr, test.killer geantherapy injections. People need to be educated on viruses. Viruses are created in our cells to protect us and to expel diseases and toxins. Viruses are good. They are not alive they are substances created by the cell to protect the body. You can not catch a virus, because it is impossible. You can learn more on this subject from TIM BARNETT. Also,Unveiling the virus Hoax. Covid Exposed. By AAJUNUS VONDERPLANITZ. You can get this information on Danny Boy Limerick

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Thanks for your reminders.

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Are you in a competition for "dumbest comment"? Believing YouTube videos, paranoia feeding bloggers and Fox News doesn't make you smart. It makes you insane.

Are all the dead bodies not enough for you? Fake bodies? Fake coroners? Fake statistics from CONSERVATIVE states like Wyoming and Idaho? Fake ICU's?

Because a blogger said something half-assed about viruses that we should believe? What about Epstein Barr, Zika, SARS, Measles, HIV, Polio...??? Yeah, this was a blog about critical thinking, not so much!

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This is not a conservative/liberal issue in spite of your unsubstantiated attempt to make it so. Just for the record, if you would take the time to read some of my articles you'll find that I come from a left leaning background.

Do you know who Dr. Kary Mullis is? No? He's the guy who won the nobel prize in 1993 for inventing the PCR test which has been used to determine cases of covid. He said his test should never be used to determine viral infection because it will give too many false positives. There are numerous interviews of him saying this online. He also called Fauci "an idiot". He conveniently (for those promoting the plandemic) died in August of 2019, just before the plandemic went into effect. There are numerous videos online of him saying this and many other things that back up what Noel has said. As to the existence of the virus watch this - https://www.bitchute.com/video/1JsRuXjT3DlA/ If you don't believe this one I can provide about 20 more that support this information. As I said before, it would be good you would take the time to become informed before making comments.

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PCR tests are an effective way to measure the presence of a virus and also to measure viral load. They are used widely for monitoring HIV, Hepatitis and many other viruses. The data shows them to work, no matter any suggestion that they do not. People rely on them daily for monitoring the presence and/or progression of diseases and data shows that PCR indications of a virus and high viral load correlate with the presence of disease and disease severity. There would be tons of data if this were not the case.

I find YouTube videos by people already convinced, or trying to convince others, that the COVID-19 is fake, a plot, a means of "government control" or other such nonsense to be full of stuff copied from other equally questionable sources, cherry-picked quotes and observations, and out of context anecdotes. Show me an actual theory that has been tested by rigorous data gathering, unbiased testing and peer reviewed and I will gladly read it. However, the level of epidemiology, virology, and even basic cellular biology needed to undertake such a study, let alone have a valid opinion on, is pretty much a few levels above your pay grade. No offense intended. Mine too.

As long as people think they're smarter than Fauci, people will continue to die. And people like you will have to live with yourself for encouraging them to be that stupid.

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And so very out of context on the PCR "controversy". Either you know and don't care or you don't want to know. Either way...

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Lean left, right, I was right leaning when my eyes where closed. I believe all life is a Gift from our Creator, with that said I also do not judge people any more who the hell am I. Just a guy married 33 yrs kids grand kids, and still making mistakes. All I ever wanted was to leave the world a better place you teach your kids right and wrong set them free in GODS hands, if life was a pitcher in baseball the curve ball would be its ace pitch. Almost everything I believed in has failed me or is failing up is down, down is up that does not work for me. Breathing unrestricted is our first line of defense against sickness, you are kind in the way you described those folks in the video, and I agree with my body my choice. We are in a long drawn out war I fight this way for when I am out shopping I resist all BS signs, as if life is back to normal. This horror movie ended for me awhile back I prepare for whats coming I did not work my butt off for evil to come along and steal my families future, the evil will be turned up in the next few months with this vaxx failure happening variant my butt.

God Bless all

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Really appreciate you thoughts Steve. I'm sure you are not alone in them.

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Kyle do you have a Telegram account? I do and have watched warehouse workers filming massive deliveries of cadaver bags being shipped in while they are situating the pallets. I also have a fiend who witnessed an accident of a man slumped over his steering wheel and rear ended the driver in front of him. The driver in front hit from behind guided the vehicle that hit him to the break down lane this happened on I-95. When the police came he then watched paramedics in full protective gear and sealed fitted full face shields zip the accident victim (man behind in car) in a body bag. People need to be very aware of this and alert while traveling because the jab participants may die while driving. Let us remain prayerful warriors.

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No Telegram. Except for this forum, no social media.

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Great article, I can agree to all you mentioned. I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ ), but I do believe in freedom of choice in terminating an unwanted pregnancy (at the very early stages), although it is always a very sad situation, and never something to take lightly.. I will continue to refuse the injections they are attempting to force on us through manipulation, intimidation and other coercive methods. They are continuing to put masks on young children, and trying to force adults to participate in this sick, ritualistic abuse. How could anyone with logical thinking skills believe it is protecting someone's health to be muzzled all day in a filthy mask? This world has gotten very demonic and people better wake up fast to the blatant tyranny and evil agendas of the ruling elite.

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Couldn't agree more.

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Thank you for writing this!! I have been saying this for years -- although maybe not so eloquently! If you give the government the power to say, "You must not do that with your body," then you are also giving them the power to say, "You must do this with your body." Forget that! I always hate it when people say, "I'm pro-life. Well, unless you were raped," or "Well, unless you might die giving birth." WHAAT?? Who's body is this, mine or yours! I was appalled that Dems were all pro-vaccine (thinking they are pro-science, but whatever!), and the GOP was saying, "My body, my choice." It's like the Twilight Zone! Didn't Martin Luther King say something to the effect of, If any group of people loses their rights, then we all do?

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You're right, there are too many questions, opinions and belief systems for mandates. Freedom is the only solution

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I played pickle ball through out covid. Out of hundreds of people playing only one mask. If I am in an elevator with 12 people, I'm going to wear a mask. If I am in a building with good ventilation, high ceiling like a big box store no need. Walking on the sidewalk with lots of people passing by, not going to wear a mask. If I had to stand in line to see Eric Clapton, likely will wear a mask. If someone decides to rob a bank during covid, probably should wear a mask.

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Given the injury that he suffered from the vaxx, Eric would likely not want anyone in line that had it. Thanks for the chuckle.

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Eric Clapton has proven to be a man of conscience. He would never discriminate based on anyone's decision to accept or decline the offer to be vaccinated. We need more Eric Claptons, and fewer of the usual suspects who assault us for exercising the medical ethic principle of informed consent. This has gotta stop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNt4NIQ7FTA

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Yes critical thinking and the many hidden things that could interfere with this?

Are they paid actors? Is it Group think, Mind hiving? Are they greatly deceived and believe what they are defending? We could hold endless conversations about why. at least it wasn't the Satan Worshiping group that showed up this time. https://youtu.be/1r98-33BrMk

This podcast link is very interesting and worth the time to listen fully when you have time. "Gangstalker Wars Security Industry Specialist Tells All" https://govbanknotes.wordpress.com/2021/08/30/whistleblower-justin-carter-exposes-targeted-individual-industry-frequency-technology-voice-to-skull-neural-capture-and-private-dna-databases-without-consent/

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Thanks for checking in Summer.

I've seen a lot of speculation online that satan worshipers are involved, that the overall death toll from all of this amounts to a massive sacrifice. We'll likely never know the truth. Thanks for the links.

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Sorry its off topic But IMPORTANT I want everyone to watch this I followed Dr Bradstreet and this topic along time The video explains it well https://youtu.be/4AaAGYocbnk It came form this site https://althealthworks.com/eight-holistic-doctors-who-died-knew-this-hidden-cure-for-cancer-and-autismyelena/ and this site has it https://gcmaf.se/

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Erin Elizabeth, the former partner of Dr. Merocla, has been keeping track of all the holistic doctors that have died mysteriously (murdered?) over recent years - there are many more than the 5 mentioned in your link. She does that on her website Health Nut News.

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I am aware of Erin, Its good she is aiding to keep this info available also aware of the long list of names from other owners of web sites, years before her info. Many removed by censorship.There are still others when you know where to find them. Many of us know there are more questionable deaths being added to the listed and discussed by many independent channels. The battle is with the opposition moving within their globalist enslaved nation- states, unwilling to cut the strings. However that video was only covering the topic of MD's and holistic works researching and treating with GcMAF There are Global xyz govt's.,corps,DS industrial military complex, etc....America was agreed upon to be this global arm of military control. Some of theses entities move like giants to prevent and remove any oppositions moving against this world's deceptions. Including any competition that challenge with proof,and bring healthy, non harmful,non-patented remedies, and information to the public. Such as the video and links did show. That end link has the research trials results, the product and the scientific favorable evidence of it's curative responses against ill human health diseases, viruses etc and threatens what the sick health industries control. It fortifies immune function,corrects what the rx patents have diminished within our natural immune system. It's imperative we unite. We all need to be prayerful unending, even when we cannot see, there are many works in the invisible taking place which includes dedicated and courageous workers in the physical. I am watching the attempted enforcement of this virus experiment and the Afghan situation testing our military forces presently. The Lord also warned it would be hard to trust. However organizing along with our choices united, those involved in the good fights will become more public soon.

These are testing times "Come out of her my people" is loud IMO. The smallest thing any one can volunteer to do in brotherhood can be the greatest gift in this fight to unite powerfully as one body in the voice who has called us by his name. Human nature and all that separates us is being threshed and shaken. Do we choose this world's ways or do we choose wisely fully accepting and offering what must be endured to the end? Seeds planted, sprouting,hidden for awhile to branch out in courageous spirit standing as the strongest trees for the harvest that will come in it's due time? We are who we have been waiting for. Spiritual unity whole heart, mind and spirit in hope,love and belief in one another inclusive by faith in all our strength the call/voice inside us all, who knew us first and the plans he has for us. God Bless your and every beings' works and actions which empowers what is worthy, true and righteous Amen We must be willing to look inside too. This is a 99.97% curable virus, without these harmful experimental"patented" drugs which have been allowed to harm people knowingly. These experimental potions have been publicly warned by accredited world scientists and physicians what is going to happen to trial participants human health due to them. I realize people believed they had no choice, needed a job,had to get on a plane, etc..unfortunately they also trusted the fake potions, and profiteers, possibly due to they had no internet and believed the constant programming. The largest contained assets in controlling the public are medicine and the syndicated news entities who are also deceptively educated and or threatened to fool/deceive the masses.

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You are very welcome I enjoy and admire your work, Kyle! I have been exceedingly busy on we the people organizing,training and work on lawful actions. Here is updated info on the satanists petitioning court actions to retain abortions as their religious freedom to sacrifice babies. https://www.guardiangazette.com/2021/09/07/satanic-temple-confesses-they-perform-child-sacrifice-rituals-through-abortions/ and this https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2021/09/satanists-admit-they-are-making-child-sacrifice-through-abortion-an-official-ritual-by-the-satanic-temple/

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Abortion is a choice? Most of us who are anti abortion believe that life begins at conception. So, abortion is the taking of a life. Whether the life is outside the womb (as it is after birth) or inside the womb, it is still life. A fetus has a different DNA than the mother. The fetus is a unique person. There's a higher difference between mandating masks, and vaccines....which is an enrichment on personal freedom, and the 'right' to abortion...which is essentially killing a unique human being. We are not allowed to kill people who are born. Why should we kill the unborn?

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A huge difference not higher difference...

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Good grief.. it's late at night.....an enroachment not enlightenment.

I still like your work, Kyle.

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Thanks for your comment. I appreciate your open mindedness and your willingness to hang in there with me. As I thought might happen, many have not.

I'm not going to debate you on the question of what constitutes the life of a human, but I do have a question. Is a human life more than just flesh and blood? The writers of the Bible seemed to think so. Genesis. 2:7 ; 6:17 ; 7:15, Ezekial. 37:5 ; 10, Acts 27:25, Job 12:10 ; 33:34, Psalms 146:4 ; 150:6

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Love your work Kyle. And I loved your comment regarding people who wear masks, they know not what they think!! That is my spin on it. So true, not able to think critically through a bloody cult mask.

Anyways I am attaching a link to Covid Medical Network. I am unsure if you have this in the States too, would love to know if you get the chance. Is it the same?


It has great info in it.

All the best gorgeous one. Take care. Ciao for now.

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There are several groups of doctors similar to the group in Australia. Several are world wide and at least 1 exits in the US. I'm sorry, I don't have links for them at hand.

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As a yogi myself I really appreciate Kyles thoughts about the breath. A mask being like trying to stop a mosquito going through a chain link fence. I really don’t think it’s important to make adults feel comfortable as what I see everyone supporting by doing so, is masking children is okay when is clearly it is not.

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The mosquito through a chain link fence analogy is about right. In an earlier post I pointed to a very large Dutch study showing masks are ineffective. There have been even larger ones completed since then that affirm the Dutch study.

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Thank you, Kyle, I am on the same page with you about this. I am pro choice re: abortions and pro medical freedom, no mandates, no forced compliance about masks, shots, no lockdowns, no pokey passports. And yes, people on both sides are divided about these which I think is THE SAME ISSUE, MEDICAL FREEDOM AND CHOICE. It is NO ONE ELSE's BUSINESS and NO ONE SHOULD TELL ANYONE ELSE WHAT TO DO. I truly find it bizarre and hypocritical on both sides. Oh well. You said it better than I did in an upcoming post about the Democrats. Will quote what you said.

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Thanks Celia. Your constant feed of posts is a great resource.

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ditto, we do what we can do.

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Amen to all your comments today.

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Thanks Joanne.

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Sep 7, 2021
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Good points Priscilla. Thank you.

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Sep 6, 2021
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Yes, they begin with the brainwashing at a very early age. I was lucky to have parents who were educated in a small country school that taught critical thinking. I didn't get any of it from the system I went through.

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Sep 6, 2021
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Appreciate your thoughts.

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Brass Player, MD's recommend changing your mask at least every 2 hrs for a new one so to decrease the chance of bacteria building up under the face masks warn for hours a day which can cause bacterial pneumonia. Dentists are also claiming it causes teeth rot. I have a family member who has congestive heart and low oxygen levels at times critical and should have a medical mask wearing exemption. However MD's are few to give their patient's that medical mask exemption. He has been hospitalized 2 times, for bacterial pneumonia covid negative. It required 3 days of intravenous antibiotics and 10 day take home RX due to having to abide by mask mandates. Stay safe

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Sep 9, 2021
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Hi Jimmy Ty for these treasures.I suspect the EBS is to follow this global vaccine quarantine. All communications, ATM's, will be controlled by Space Link. Precision and perfection with national and global levels are quite complicated. Biden may have just triggered the switch? https://welovetrump.com/2021/09/09/breaking-biden-just-imposed-vaccine-mandate-on-100-million-americans/?utm_source=newsletter_ssp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ssp Prepare to have water, generators cash and 3 weeks of necessities. These actions are for plans coming prior to the 10 days of communication darkness, phones having only 911 ability. Only few people know the exact time? Let us shine as the lights our Heavenly Father has chosen his people as servants and victors armored in his promises to bear these truths in all our strength. Hope love, fortitude, faith, enduring the seasons throughout the harvest to come for us to rise being delivered in divine interventions. No fear. Cast the enemies sinful attempts at the feet of our mighty Lord. We will be safe in our homes to witness historical cover ups, corruptions, Tribunals etc.. filmed 24/7 -8hr video 3x daily repetitively for 10 days. Brotherhood. championing the good fights, bringing the good news faithful in the plans God has for us. If my people who are called by my name .... 2Chronicles 7:14 So be it.

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Sep 7, 2021
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Ty I have requested the home health visiting nurses arrive with a plastic shield for him to wear when they come due to they require it in his home.. Have you washed your masks or are they disposable? I haven't been sick,my teeth are fine. However I am retired, in good health and only require short trips mingling with the public. I used cloth masks that I washed. Only had to wear one a few hours while in public places. No one in my family wore masks at home and remained free of covid, even while around people who did wear them while visiting. Its a person's choice. Just as it should be to be vaccinated or not. Considering these experimental vax do not cure this virus and were not necessary(moot) while already existing remedies were kept from people who needed them and out right banned to be prescribed even by pharmacists etc... Some state's and places of business when covid first arrived the masks became mandatory were dependent on each Governor's EO mandates which may have differed from one another. Presently only some businesses (fed & state offices, banks)are mandating their employees to wear masks its not a public mandate for the public in my state. Here is a web site provides information look to the right pane open some of the reports. Most people in my state are choosing not to wear them https://thecovidblog.com/about-us/

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Sep 6, 2021
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Thank you for your thoughts. I agree with much of what you say. I would just add that yes, the plandemic is fake, but the mandates and vaccines and all the injuries and deaths caused by them are not.

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Sep 6, 2021
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It seems they like to run these programs in third world countries to work out all the kinks and then implement them in developed countries. Thanks for the links.

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Sep 9, 2021
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Thanks for the info. Heard about the non-human tests coming back positive. I posted some info about the FDA 'approval process for Phizer' in a few earlier pieces. Glad to see that Darrel Hines has come to the same conclusion.

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Sep 9, 2021
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