Question: Is US Government support of allopathic medicine mandates a violation of the First Amendment establishment clause?
If it can be demonstrated that Vaccines, Pharma and Allopathic medicies are derived from Egyptian religious practices, could this postulate hold up in court as a violation of the First Amendment's establishment clause.? See the remarkable history of "Pharma" from Raymond Obomsawin, PhD -
I don't know about Egyptian religious practices, but as regular readers know, I've written lot about how modern science, especially medical science, has become the prevailing religion. And given that congress has passed numerous bills that support this religion in many ways, not to mention the fact that they have also given tacit approval to covidcon, I would say yes, it does violate the establishment clause.
Did a little research. I think I understand the Egyptian connection now. It would seem that much our society is based on ancient Egyptian law, run by the Vatican (or the Jesuits, who I've written about here in the past). Because so much of this also includes our courts, I'm not sure pursuing this in the courts will go anywhere. But as I've pointed out several times, all is not lost. We can follow Vaclav Havel's example and form parallel structures that bypass the 'system'.
The 'diagnosis' of "Covid" effectively disallowed certain protocols to be utilized while mandating dangerous protocols to be enacted that then increased the chance of mortality. There is no doubt that this protocol was designed to increase the death rate and continue to drive the fear.
In the US there was the use of Remdesivir, Dexamethasone, Fentanyl and ventilators. In the UK there was heavy use of Midazolam with morphine to ensure the numbers justified the panic.
With regard to adoption of a new RT-PCR protocol for hospital admissions this also falsely manufactured death statistics for "Covid." Add to this how it was incentivized-$$$$$ while hospitals are under extreme financial duress. The US hospital system had it's worst financial quarter on record in the middle of a "pandemic." Administrators were under pressure to alleviate that financial pain and exploit all openings in the CARES Act.
This all matters for several reasons. A pneumonia patient has a very good chance of surviving with correct support. However, if the patient tests ‘+’ for the non-existent pathogen an entirely different medical protocol goes into action and with this, there is little chance of survival.
In the US, particularly in The South, bacterial pneumonia is an issue and specifically amongst the poor and obese. Of note in the Summer of 2020 (and 2021) there was no return to baseline mortality rates (for the first time in recorded epidemiological history) instead there were peaks.
It is also of note that antibiotic prescriptions in the US during this time dropped precipitously as these were no longer allowed due to new medical mandates via the CDC that asserted we were now treating a "viral" disease not a bacterial infection. This was massive malpractice that led to many deaths.
It is also of note the large numbers of coded "Covid deaths" (laden with fraud) listed bacterial pneumonia as a comorbidity.
Thanks for pointing out that the gubbernet was paying billions to incentivize those deadly protocols. A good friend, who was mildly sick in the hospital, was killed by the incentivized remdesivier/ventilator combo.
I also would like to know what it is my entire family has been battling for 2 weeks now, if not a bio weapon. We all have had some of the same symptoms & some of us have had worse symptoms. 1 of us even vomited, most had fever,dizziness, disorientation , headaches & SEVERE body pain. This 2nd week, feels like we are “wired” on speed, any physical activity we try to do, exhausts us, lost taste & smell & the congestion & cough started. Excessive thirst has been with all of us from day 1. Our ages are all varied from 17-72. 2 of us took meds from a dr, yet we are all still not well. This is NOTHING like any of us have ever experienced.
I'm of the opinion that the idea of weaponizing viruses serves to keep people afraid of them. If we are not afraid of them then future highly profitable vaccine programs will die on the vine. I also have to question the science behind the entire story of the spike protein - it seems to be another one of those ghosts that no one has ever isolated. Having said that, in numerous early articles I uncovered enough foreign materials found in the jabs to make almost anyone sick, or kill them outright.
So yes, I do think the jabs are weapons, but I'm not so sure about them being bioweapons - I don't think that viruses or spike proteins are the culprits.
The ability of the spike protein, when partially broken down by the body's immune system, to "seed" protein folding disorders appears very real to me. A local acquaintance of mine recently died of "Sudden CJD". The rates for that formerly rare disease have skyrocketed since the "spike protein" bioweapons were deployed.
Amyloid fibrils explain the weird white "clots" that embalmers have been pulling out of blocked blood vessels in order to introduce their embalming fluids. Amyloidosis can destroy any organ in the body. See WMC Research for serious inquiry into the ways this bioweapon harms its victims.
Has anyone figured out what this “illness” is? Please read my post about our symptoms -my daughter had a 104.2 temp for 2 days & these 2 weeks have been a bitch, so if we have not been “poisoned” in a way that could be spread from others (& I know who we were exposed to as she said she was sick & still had to work (restaurant of course), then I would very much like opinions on what it is. Again, have tests been done on ppl who have this “not a virus” & is research being done to see what it’s doing to our bodies?
Sounds similar to directed energy weapons. Read substack by Frances Leader from yesterday, I think. Videos are there too. Are all your family injected?
I’ve been on all. A really great guy I met on Substack is a licensed herbalist & is helping me out as I’m still having symptoms after getting sick with “Covid” (so they call it) about 2 weeks ago.
All very true. I never thought ppl would turn on one another so fast. I’ve never seen anything like it. Family members, best friends etc. and so many defending these “vaccines” even now with all that’s being learned. They still get the boosters. Get their kids jabbed too. If ppl don’t wake up & stop the madness, there will be more deaths & injuries from these “vaccines”.
I’m afraid it’s all going to get worse. Very much so. Many are suffering from the economy now too. One of my clients is the founder of Rightchain. I’ll have to ask him that question about what happens to the supply chain. As for prepping, may not be a bad idea. Homesteading too. Heck, I live in what we call “the country” for this area & there are some serious homesteading going on out here.
People are AFRAID of viruses because they are ignorant about them. People believe viruses are deadly, cause virtually all diseases, are in the air and unavoidable, that everyone is vulnerable, and no one is immune. They believe this because all their life pharma, doctors, health officials, school teachers, govt, and media – virtually all authorities – have dispensed this inviolable dogma. And as believers of the dogma, millions fell prey to the covid brainwashing.
The question to ask is: Why are some people NOT afraid of viruses? As for me, when I heard in Feb 2020 that a virus had killed residents in a nursing home east of Seattle, near the Microsoft campus, I was instantly UNAFRAID. The virus had attacked people who were old, sick, fed junk food, drugged, and with a history of pharma drugs and flu vaccines. This victim profile did not fit me. Also, fortunately, I had no TV and therefore was not subjected to subliminal hypnotism. OTOH, I was ignorant about viruses. In 2020, Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A Price Foundation wrote an article in the Quarterly Journal suggesting that toxic pollution and 5G was the likely cause of covid. This article was shocking. Fascinating. Unorthodox. Inspiring. (see link below)
Thus began my search about viruses and 5G. The book Dissolving Illusions convinced me that viruses do NOT cause disease. Nor do vaccines prevent disease. That book thoroughly swept away the dogma. What worked for me can work for others too. To attract readers, a companion book could be written that would distill and update the info in Dissolving Illusions. It would of course be viciously attacked by ‘authorities.’ Wonderful! Lots of pro/con publicity will produce lots of curious book buyers which will produce informed citizens. And most importantly, this will produce the Great Debate –Are Viruses Healers or Killers?
"... people who were old, sick, fed junk food, drugged, and with a history of pharma drugs and flu vaccines." I would take out the word 'old' and say, therein lies the rub for many, if not most illnesses.
True. One can be healthy, strong, and have boundless vitality when 'old,' or weak, sick, bored, and tired when 'young.' It depends on how you live your life aka your lifestyle.
5G can be considered a bioweapon. It has nothing to do with providing the public with speedy video downloads and everything to do with connecting our bodies to EMF/RF cellphones, wifi, and what's in the pipeline - microchips.
Tina - I and my family also have had very strange symptoms that I honestly think are more like poisoning than anything else. It is so very different from any regular sickness. Who can even imagine what the globalists combined with military research can come up with. We are not injected so it isn't that.
Everyone has opinions on different things & some even say it’s not a contagious “illness” . I beg to differ as I truly believe it’s contagious. The girl who was sick & told me she “tested positive for Covid” (I stress this because these so called tests can be made to detect what they are calling Covid) & several days later my family of 4 each got sick one after the other. When the first of us started having a high temp & vomiting, we did not leave our house because we each started getting sick within 1-2 days of one another & could not. I spoke to this girl & asked her symptoms. Identical. Is it possible we got it elsewhere? Of course, however, it’s a small town & easy to find out who is it isn’t sick or who has been sick. I’m not saying 5g & other things are not part of the culprit, but I do not believe that is what brought this illness upon my family.
Regardless, the best thing we can do is to try to reverse any damage done, treat what we can with “nature’s medicine” (thank God for those of you who specialize in herbs etc.) & try to fortify ourselves with a continued regimen of what is recommended by herbalist etc.
Tina, I had the EXACT same experience three weeks ago— vomit included. Since day 1 of the con, I haven’t worn a mask, (got into daily fights as I live in Los Angeles), went to many protests, disallowed anyone in my home WEARING a mask, and of course, took no injections. I never get sick, eat healthy, and never go to medical doctors or hospitals. We only see a nutritionist, take no drugs, look and feel great. We never got “covid”, let alone a sniffle throughout. Just under three weeks ago, I got a call from my dentist office saying their receptionist (injected mask-wearer) who I saw a day earlier tested positive for “covid”. I didn’t particularly care. I’d been in VERY close contact with A LOT of people who were sick with “covid” during the last 2 years and I wore no masks and my immune system was just fine. A few days after that call, I got the EXACT symptoms in the EXACT order you describe. I haven’t thrown up in over 45 years. I knew I was experiencing effects of a bio weapon. I knew I’d be fine, but it was wild to go through because everything about it was so odd. Like you, I’m not 100% yet—smell and taste buds still suppressed, fatigued after light exertion, but feeling good overall. My sense is that the increased amount of spike protein (bio weapon) now shedding/floating around from all the injected people, and the spike protein they’re putting in our food supply finally caused me to become symptomatic. Hoping you’ll all feel better soon.
Thanks for the input. I thought I was going nuts with these weird symptoms. I took my dogs out for less than 10 mins this morning & I had to sit down & get my breath. I’m a pretty active person & never get sick either & didn’t mask or avoid stores or change anything about my lifestyle from day 1 & I’ve too have been around ppl sick in the past 2 yrs. Suddenly, exposed to this waitress who was working sick & within days, was sick. I find it odd that after all this time, I suddenly get sick.
We have all been exposed to something... I too had similar symptoms earlier this year, right after my girlfriend had similar symptoms. Do I blame her? No. I think whatever caused her to get sick caused me to get sick.
Not really trying to “blame “ anyone, just stating a fact that I had not changed a single thing about where I went or what I did, but she was the first person, that I’m aware & so obviously sick, that has been that close to me during this entire nightmare. Thus, it just seemed logical that I got it from her as I called her & asked her to describe her symptoms from day 1 & they were pretty identical. I have never been “angry” with her as she is struggling to feed her family & although I don’t think it’s wise to be at work sick, I cannot be angry with her as she too is a victim of this. I am learning so much more lately about this so called “pandemic” & it’s leading down a very sinister rabbit hole.
And I'm not blaming you or anyone else either. We have all been programmed since birth to see disease as something that gets spread through the air or by contact with a sick person. That is false programming designed to direct profits to big pharma.
We are exposed daily to an onslaught of invisible harms that can affect our non-physical being, our spirit, our soul. This why traumatic events can lead to disease or why exposure to radiation can lead to disease or why exposure to 5g can lead to disease. None of those things can be seen or felt by the physical body, but they are all incredibly damaging to our spirit, which our physical body translates as symptoms of illness. Symptoms are not the disease. The disease is whatever caused the symptoms.
Before allopathic medicine and the MIC, there was HOMEOPATHY. We who refuse to be vaxxed, who refuse digital IDs, will eventually be denied access to MDs. We will then HAVE to turn to Mother Nature. Best to learn about and use homeopathic treatments now and so be prepared for whatever illnesses may befall us later. These 2 articles from Nov 2021 and Feb 2022 will get you started in your research:
My goodness - this is exactly the bafflement that I felt!! I do not live in Austin, TX, but I live close enough that I always used their airport and went to many wonderful concerts and art fairs there. The quirkiness of the place, and the free spiritedness of the place always appealed to me and I always got the feeling that these people were anti-government-control. I met many who lived solely through barter. It was wonderful.
Then came Convid.
Every single one (nearly) of these people turned into mask nazis and vax zealots.
People who would never eat a bite of any fast food, lined up EAGERLY for a junk injection.
To this day I do not understand, and they reFUSE to discuss it with me.
I feel like I woke up as a character in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
It truly gives me nightmares and I do not know what could be next.
Ditto. I'm American based in the UK and lost most of my alternative-minded organic Left-leaning hippie American friends for the same reason. It's been the most bizarre thing that has a number of possible explanations - hypnosis, mass-formation psychosis, psy-op, satanic inversion, chemtrails, etc etc - but still bizarre. I've moved through a lot of grief around losing people close to me, who then turned against me, and ended up in some weird traumatized place where I, and you and many others, suddenly find ourselves in this dystopian horror sci-fi movie.
I've taken a more expanded view lately that we're collectively going through a preparation process for human evolution, the awakening of consciousness. There's already been mention of a Great Awakening, even though that had various political interpretations, I sense it's the bigger idea of it coming through. Seen from that perspective, the 'evil elite' for want of another description, are doing us all a service by providing the context for our awakening. Because if all this Covidian cult nightmare wasn't happening, we'd still be cruising along without addressing the deepest darkest elements of humanity we're now having to face.
Collectively, we're entering the Underworld, not just in mythical terms. We crossed the threshold 2.5 years ago and we're going deeper into the abyss each day. It's up to each one of us to find our light within, that inner knowing of the truth, and to stay in love and act on it. Not so easy when we're in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but nevertheless essential. Our only alternative, imo.
It is just that their actions were totally and completely opposite their espoused values over very many years. It makes absolutely zero sense to me. They would never in the past have trusted any government official with their lives, and yet they did IMMEDIATELY with Convid. I almost believe they were poisoned somehow. Their brains were poisoned. I guess with propaganda.?
So troubling because I was so completely taken by surprise by their 180. Now I do not trust anyone.
Yes, I'm leaning more and more in that direction. I just watched an analysis of 9/11 by Dr Judy Wood about how the towers just disappeared into dust with no rubble and many other strange anomalies that point to alternative energy weapons. Now, they must be far more sophisticated.
Yes! But HOW??? I don't think the justice system is capable and anyway they are going outside of it, hence Emergency Powers that effectively suspend the law. It's going to get bloody, but this seems our destiny as we rise from the murk.
Dr. David E. Martin-The Fauci/Covid 19 Dossier. If you have not read this, it’s a must read. Dr. Richard Fleming has testified under oath that Covid-19 is a bio weapon.
My comment to Dr. Cowan in October of 2021 about the lab leak story reinforcing the virus theory is now one of his regular talking points.
I'm still learning about all of this but I'm now questioning anyone who says anything that reinforces the idea that viruses are causative of disease. For similar reasons that Dr. Cownan lays out, I'm even dubious about the whole spike protein story line. That's why I no longer make a point of following David Martin. He presents a lot of interesting information, but I think he's missing some critical aspects, like the terrain.
Richard Fleming is a bit of a shady character- sorry to be so blount. I would also be very, very careful with David Martin. My 2 cents on that.
In any case the Bio-Weapon theory is nonsense.
If the "bioweapon theory" is true we should all be relieved as it is only effective against 80 year olds with 4 comorbidities and assorted sickly people crammed into hopsitals that then have lots of toxic crapped jammed into their bodies.
The 'lab-leak' theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative. This ‘virus’ is not man made in a lab in Wuhan. The "virus" was birthed in the corporate boardrooms of Pharma/Finance and leaked via a memo. What we are looking at is a ‘virus’ that cannot be identified as SARS-CoV-2 (there is no evidence), so that’s the end of that story.
It was man made on a computer by Drosten et al in Berlin in January 2020 for reasons that we all know. The bioweapon thesis, by relying on the virus thesis, weakens all legal and other cases to stop the measures and vaccinations. Because then it becomes a question of what is the greater danger, and answers can only be subjective.
This may be a reason why it keeps resurfacing.
To keep lockdowns and all the measures in place or returning regularly, to force vaccination, you may still be able to by bringing the fear of a bioweapon.
Even many "in the know" are still trapped in the virus story and the Covid merry-go-round. Now I'm not talking about Germ Theory v. Terrain Theory, that's another discussion. I'm simply talking about the fact that the official narrative of "Covid" is a fiction- all of it.
It is an intelligence operation meant to provide cover for the controlled demolition of the insolvent Western economies. There was no pandemic- EVER. This is not an epidemiological story it is a crime story.
As long as good people continue to assert that this manufactured crisis was in fact an actual epidemiological event the ghouls that concocted this lie will have fertile ground to create the next one- which rest assured is in the pipeline.
"Covid" is the engineered destabilization of the global economy.
"COVID-19", the operation, is essentially a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion.
"Covid-19", the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION to other causes.
I respectfully disagree with your thesis that no bioweapon was released during the so-called pandemic. My research indicates without a doubt that the "spike protein" was developed in labs as a bioweapon. I admit it was a "fizzler" in some ways, like a firecracker that does not explode as expected. But the spike protein is *engineered* to cause massive long-term harm, particularly via amyloidosis, prionopathies, and other protein-folding disorders.
And the "virus" bioweapon / psychological operation was used to stampede the herd into accepting the "vaccine" bioweapons, which include all the negative qualities of the lab-engineered spike protein, "turned up to eleven", and untold other poisoning methodologies, some of which are now understood while others are still being identified. Reference e.g.
Meanwhile, you are right about the insolvent "Western" economies, the need to cover for a collapse/looting operation, and the fact that plandemonium is part of a larger operation by the parasites seeking to avoid justice.
I disagree with you as well but enjoyed your comment.
We all learn something new every day on this ride for sure.
I think they can try to produce a viral bioweapon- which they do at our expense- but it is simply not possible. Very different with chemical warfare.
I also believe we will be finding out within short order that in the vials of the vaxx (all companies) it is an assortment of heavy metals in these biologics that are destroying people.
I think we will be shown there is no mRNA in the vials. Is it decomposing? Is this yet another illustration of the questionable functioning of mRNA as delivery mechanism to begin with?
None of us should be forced to ask these questions at this stage.
I love that you are in the world with me, thinking for yourself.
And we do disagree, and I am confident that you have very good reasons for your skepticism regarding the reality of bioweapons in viral form. I wish there were a betting market somewhere for this, as I'm willing to wager there is real pseudo-mRNA (weaponized) in many of those vials, as well as the substances you speak of.
Either way, beware injections from psychopathic depopulationists!
So have any tests (blood work etc) been done on unvaxxed ppl who are sick with this illness that is not a “virus” & was only released during the so called pandemic that is still being spread. I know that whatever it is, is contagious & is still here. So what is it?
I did and I don't doubt your sincerity. However, it hasn't been isolated, or indeed satisfied Koch's postulate. The tests are not even remotely diagnostic. For myself, the balance of doubt leads to what the previous comment described.
I think maybe you should read what I suggested by DR David Martin. Also, the patents prove bio weapon. Covid 19 has hit my entire family of UNVAXXED (thank our good sense we didn’t get them)but it is also like nothing any of us have ever experienced & are still experiencing. I’m not sure why you would think these 2 Doctor’s are shady as their findings are backed up with the patents. FYI- I am aware there was no pandemic, but a bio weapon, get rich scheme-whatever you want to call it. It is a real attack on the human body & whether you think DR Richard Fleming is shady or not, he along with others have already followed the evidence which actually can be found with the patents & YES it is a crime story. The sad thing is they have MURDERED many in ALL countries & those who allowed them to put the poison into them in what they call “vaccines” are still facing possible health issues or worse. You can call it what you want but the fact is, they released something & it seems to be an altered form of sars & the “vaccines”seem to be a weapon in themselves.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything- take it or leave it.
I've been rather ill once with something that was not like anything I ever had or have had since. Proves nothing.
Most patents in the field of science and particularly Biotech are fraud. The entire patent process is rife with opportunties for fraud and manipulation.
There was and is no unique viral pathogen. The entire Biopweapon/lab leak/Wuhan virus story is part and parcel of the propaganda.
SARS itself was a computer generated fiction. Go back and look into that history.
I think we are on the same side here. I am simply looking for truth & trying to find a way to help my family to recover. I personally do believe these people released something on the public to cause it to spread & then they used propaganda to sell their “vaccine’s”, which I believe are worse than the “illness”. They chose to call it Covid-19, but I wonder will we ever know what it really is. Many lives have been & continue to be lost from this & I truly believe it was all planned & done on purpose for more than $$. Regardless, those of us who know that it was all planned, need to help one another with any possible info found.
No one in my family is vaccinated & with so many different opinions on what to take if you get the “not a virus” I truly am at the point of just continuing the vitamins I’m taking. I understand there are serious vaccine injuries, but what about those of us who are sick with this “not a virus”? Have y’all found reliable studies that have been done on the “not a virus” injuries in the unjabbed? I’m trying to find out if there are any “surprises” in store for my family that some kind of realistic trtmnt will counteract? Anyone? Btw, it’s really great to learn new things from obviously intelligent ppl. I appreciate all of you & am grateful that all of you are on the side of truth.
The Covid Con, the biggest con ever is starting to unravel. And yet there are those who believe, and believe with fervour. I organized a breakfast club of former colleagues that met once a month at a local restaurant. It stopped when the lockdowns began in March of 2020. |When things eased up in 2021, I tried to restart it. The biggest complaint I heard was that how were they to know if everyone had been jabbed and boosted. I repeated some wise words from fellow objectors, “Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to take the protection that didn’t protect the protected?” The responses were not pleasant. I dropped the whole thing. No logic, no thought, just fear. It appeared that I was the only one of the group of around 22 who had not been jabbed.
But hey, I am an Aries and I forgive easily. I tried again this August. Success as we had our first breakfast together in two and a half years. A quorum showed up and no one mentioned the jabs. We had too much to catch up on.
I am fortunate that my family did not ostracize me—they have always known I don’t follow the flock. We agree to disagree. I have a couple of neighbors and friends who either feel the same way, or we agree not to discuss the matter. I am retired so my job does not depend on conforming or virtue signaling. I sometimes feel guilty about not trying hard enough to convince others of the con but then one leads best by example. I can honestly say that had the con occurred if I were thirty years younger, I could easily have followed the bandwagon that most were jumping on. Forgive, and accept that not everyone is at your level of understanding. Love is still about acceptance, and as long as they do not try to force their ideas on me, I will live and let live.
Excellent article. It is fascinating how many otherwise-savvy people totally fell for the psyop.
With some I knew, the fear induction really worked.
It's been very sad to lose friendships and family relations over this.
I'm eager to figure out "why they fell". I lost one friendship when I told him that I judged that although he is very smart, his reasoning was in error because "Garbage In, Garbage Out". He was deeply offended that I held he had not noticed that his information sources were untrustworthy.
I'm sure psychologists will behaving a field day for the next decade trying to figure out why so many fell for covidcon and the medias promotion of it.
To be fair, it came in hard and fast from all angles and across political lines. For me, I only really understood Covid when talk of the “vaccines” started. The concept of untested genetic injections seemed obviously impossible—I smelled a rat quite strongly. But here we are. I’m grateful in one way, because it opened my eyes to everything else.
What happens to people? All I can think is that they were psychologically hoodwinked into believing that their like-kind (liberal, hippie, off-grid) we’re on board with experimental injections and that was all it took. Maybe having become older didn’t help.
I’m the inverse to Lenny and Leslie. Pretty patriotic my entire life, though pretty moderate politically. Never questioned 9/11, knew that Oswald didn’t kill JFK but didn’t really question beyond that. In sum, did not think the depth and breadth of the lies remotely possible.
But I always had a strong distrust of medication and pharma. Having had two elderly parents, I saw how they were pummeled with pills that changed them in every way for the worse, though my dad ultimately rejected all medication. (When he did this, his health visibly improved). He’s 97 and of sound mind and body. Maybe it sunk in with me over the years.
So the “vaccines” were the catalyst for me, and I’ve been slowly unwinding the past for the last two years. Some of it shocking, a lot of it repulsive, all of it heartbreaking. It’s no small thing to literally have a revelation that the world and life I thought I had, never existed. It all makes sense now.
I'm a fan of the culture and music myself. This was very hard to open my eyes to. Thank you for reading and understand what I was trying to bring about. I will look into Jan Irving as well. 💜
It is curious that so many who were able to see previous conspiracies from the deeps state, e.g. JFK assassination, 9/11 could not connect the dots and see that they were still being conned. I cannot explain it, except to say that I was also conned for the first few months. I could not see at first how this con job benefited the kakistocracy and the corporatists, until the underlying issues were pointed out by other more prescient than I.
I don't watch any news so the whole charade kinda got by me at first. Then I began seeing more comments online and, looked deeper. If it hadn't been for a previous bad experience with a flu shot in 71, or the fact that I thought zika and some of the other recent fear campaigns were bull hooey, I might have been slower on the uptake.
I never believed the you can do nothing to protect yourself - except wait fot the vaccine. It was that very message that convinced me that COVID was a scam.
O Kyle, yes yes yes yes yes! I share your thoughts, questions and values entirely and have had very similar experiences. I am shocked at how most of my so-called hippie friends swallowed the narrative hook line and sinker. They'd rather starve than eat a non-organic blueberry, but they are ignorantly blissful turning themselves into genetically modified organisms.
Truth is my oxygen and your columns leave me giddy. A thousand blessings be upon you!
The symptoms of Covid 19 and the adverse reactions to the vaccines can be explained by the overload of electro-magnetic radiation caused in the world when 5G was rolled out.
Question: Is US Government support of allopathic medicine mandates a violation of the First Amendment establishment clause?
If it can be demonstrated that Vaccines, Pharma and Allopathic medicies are derived from Egyptian religious practices, could this postulate hold up in court as a violation of the First Amendment's establishment clause.? See the remarkable history of "Pharma" from Raymond Obomsawin, PhD -
Good question.
I don't know about Egyptian religious practices, but as regular readers know, I've written lot about how modern science, especially medical science, has become the prevailing religion. And given that congress has passed numerous bills that support this religion in many ways, not to mention the fact that they have also given tacit approval to covidcon, I would say yes, it does violate the establishment clause.
Thanks for the link. I'll look into it.
Did a little research. I think I understand the Egyptian connection now. It would seem that much our society is based on ancient Egyptian law, run by the Vatican (or the Jesuits, who I've written about here in the past). Because so much of this also includes our courts, I'm not sure pursuing this in the courts will go anywhere. But as I've pointed out several times, all is not lost. We can follow Vaclav Havel's example and form parallel structures that bypass the 'system'.
You might find this document useful -
Thanks Frances. Skimmed it. Good stuff. I'll dive into it later.
This may help too!
The 'diagnosis' of "Covid" effectively disallowed certain protocols to be utilized while mandating dangerous protocols to be enacted that then increased the chance of mortality. There is no doubt that this protocol was designed to increase the death rate and continue to drive the fear.
In the US there was the use of Remdesivir, Dexamethasone, Fentanyl and ventilators. In the UK there was heavy use of Midazolam with morphine to ensure the numbers justified the panic.
With regard to adoption of a new RT-PCR protocol for hospital admissions this also falsely manufactured death statistics for "Covid." Add to this how it was incentivized-$$$$$ while hospitals are under extreme financial duress. The US hospital system had it's worst financial quarter on record in the middle of a "pandemic." Administrators were under pressure to alleviate that financial pain and exploit all openings in the CARES Act.
This all matters for several reasons. A pneumonia patient has a very good chance of surviving with correct support. However, if the patient tests ‘+’ for the non-existent pathogen an entirely different medical protocol goes into action and with this, there is little chance of survival.
In the US, particularly in The South, bacterial pneumonia is an issue and specifically amongst the poor and obese. Of note in the Summer of 2020 (and 2021) there was no return to baseline mortality rates (for the first time in recorded epidemiological history) instead there were peaks.
It is also of note that antibiotic prescriptions in the US during this time dropped precipitously as these were no longer allowed due to new medical mandates via the CDC that asserted we were now treating a "viral" disease not a bacterial infection. This was massive malpractice that led to many deaths.
It is also of note the large numbers of coded "Covid deaths" (laden with fraud) listed bacterial pneumonia as a comorbidity.
None of this was accidental.
Thanks for pointing out that the gubbernet was paying billions to incentivize those deadly protocols. A good friend, who was mildly sick in the hospital, was killed by the incentivized remdesivier/ventilator combo.
I also would like to know what it is my entire family has been battling for 2 weeks now, if not a bio weapon. We all have had some of the same symptoms & some of us have had worse symptoms. 1 of us even vomited, most had fever,dizziness, disorientation , headaches & SEVERE body pain. This 2nd week, feels like we are “wired” on speed, any physical activity we try to do, exhausts us, lost taste & smell & the congestion & cough started. Excessive thirst has been with all of us from day 1. Our ages are all varied from 17-72. 2 of us took meds from a dr, yet we are all still not well. This is NOTHING like any of us have ever experienced.
Allen and I have discussed this before.
I'm of the opinion that the idea of weaponizing viruses serves to keep people afraid of them. If we are not afraid of them then future highly profitable vaccine programs will die on the vine. I also have to question the science behind the entire story of the spike protein - it seems to be another one of those ghosts that no one has ever isolated. Having said that, in numerous early articles I uncovered enough foreign materials found in the jabs to make almost anyone sick, or kill them outright.
So yes, I do think the jabs are weapons, but I'm not so sure about them being bioweapons - I don't think that viruses or spike proteins are the culprits.
The ability of the spike protein, when partially broken down by the body's immune system, to "seed" protein folding disorders appears very real to me. A local acquaintance of mine recently died of "Sudden CJD". The rates for that formerly rare disease have skyrocketed since the "spike protein" bioweapons were deployed.
Amyloid fibrils explain the weird white "clots" that embalmers have been pulling out of blocked blood vessels in order to introduce their embalming fluids. Amyloidosis can destroy any organ in the body. See WMC Research for serious inquiry into the ways this bioweapon harms its victims.
As for fear-not afraid, pissed.
Has anyone figured out what this “illness” is? Please read my post about our symptoms -my daughter had a 104.2 temp for 2 days & these 2 weeks have been a bitch, so if we have not been “poisoned” in a way that could be spread from others (& I know who we were exposed to as she said she was sick & still had to work (restaurant of course), then I would very much like opinions on what it is. Again, have tests been done on ppl who have this “not a virus” & is research being done to see what it’s doing to our bodies?
Sounds similar to directed energy weapons. Read substack by Frances Leader from yesterday, I think. Videos are there too. Are all your family injected?
My family is not injected & will not be unless held down & forced & I promise to take a few down who try to do the holding.
Very well could be DEW's. Here's a piece I did on that in November of 2021.
Worked as a nurse, before mandates. Vit D, C, NAC, zinc, Quercitin, melatonin helped me and still do imo.
I’ve been on all. A really great guy I met on Substack is a licensed herbalist & is helping me out as I’m still having symptoms after getting sick with “Covid” (so they call it) about 2 weeks ago. is great. Telemed phone visit when I was very sick. Not covered by insurance due to ivermectin being shunned.
This website will produce a map showing the location of cell towers. Just type in your address when prompted and the map appears.
When this disease first appeared in early 2020, hospital doctors said the symptoms of the patients were those of radiation poisoning.
Also, consider trying ivermectin. Many quickly got well with this med.
Also, I didn’t get sick until exposed by a girl who was sick.
Could not get ivermectin 🤷🏻♀️
Go to FLCCC alliance. You can get ivermectin.
All very true. I never thought ppl would turn on one another so fast. I’ve never seen anything like it. Family members, best friends etc. and so many defending these “vaccines” even now with all that’s being learned. They still get the boosters. Get their kids jabbed too. If ppl don’t wake up & stop the madness, there will be more deaths & injuries from these “vaccines”.
I’m afraid it’s all going to get worse. Very much so. Many are suffering from the economy now too. One of my clients is the founder of Rightchain. I’ll have to ask him that question about what happens to the supply chain. As for prepping, may not be a bad idea. Homesteading too. Heck, I live in what we call “the country” for this area & there are some serious homesteading going on out here.
People are AFRAID of viruses because they are ignorant about them. People believe viruses are deadly, cause virtually all diseases, are in the air and unavoidable, that everyone is vulnerable, and no one is immune. They believe this because all their life pharma, doctors, health officials, school teachers, govt, and media – virtually all authorities – have dispensed this inviolable dogma. And as believers of the dogma, millions fell prey to the covid brainwashing.
The question to ask is: Why are some people NOT afraid of viruses? As for me, when I heard in Feb 2020 that a virus had killed residents in a nursing home east of Seattle, near the Microsoft campus, I was instantly UNAFRAID. The virus had attacked people who were old, sick, fed junk food, drugged, and with a history of pharma drugs and flu vaccines. This victim profile did not fit me. Also, fortunately, I had no TV and therefore was not subjected to subliminal hypnotism. OTOH, I was ignorant about viruses. In 2020, Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A Price Foundation wrote an article in the Quarterly Journal suggesting that toxic pollution and 5G was the likely cause of covid. This article was shocking. Fascinating. Unorthodox. Inspiring. (see link below)
Thus began my search about viruses and 5G. The book Dissolving Illusions convinced me that viruses do NOT cause disease. Nor do vaccines prevent disease. That book thoroughly swept away the dogma. What worked for me can work for others too. To attract readers, a companion book could be written that would distill and update the info in Dissolving Illusions. It would of course be viciously attacked by ‘authorities.’ Wonderful! Lots of pro/con publicity will produce lots of curious book buyers which will produce informed citizens. And most importantly, this will produce the Great Debate –Are Viruses Healers or Killers?
"... people who were old, sick, fed junk food, drugged, and with a history of pharma drugs and flu vaccines." I would take out the word 'old' and say, therein lies the rub for many, if not most illnesses.
True. One can be healthy, strong, and have boundless vitality when 'old,' or weak, sick, bored, and tired when 'young.' It depends on how you live your life aka your lifestyle.
5G can be considered a bioweapon. It has nothing to do with providing the public with speedy video downloads and everything to do with connecting our bodies to EMF/RF cellphones, wifi, and what's in the pipeline - microchips.
I tend to agree, although 5g is technically not biological in origin, but its effect on our biology has been clearly documented.
Tina - I and my family also have had very strange symptoms that I honestly think are more like poisoning than anything else. It is so very different from any regular sickness. Who can even imagine what the globalists combined with military research can come up with. We are not injected so it isn't that.
Have to agree that it could be a poison.
Everyone has opinions on different things & some even say it’s not a contagious “illness” . I beg to differ as I truly believe it’s contagious. The girl who was sick & told me she “tested positive for Covid” (I stress this because these so called tests can be made to detect what they are calling Covid) & several days later my family of 4 each got sick one after the other. When the first of us started having a high temp & vomiting, we did not leave our house because we each started getting sick within 1-2 days of one another & could not. I spoke to this girl & asked her symptoms. Identical. Is it possible we got it elsewhere? Of course, however, it’s a small town & easy to find out who is it isn’t sick or who has been sick. I’m not saying 5g & other things are not part of the culprit, but I do not believe that is what brought this illness upon my family.
Regardless, the best thing we can do is to try to reverse any damage done, treat what we can with “nature’s medicine” (thank God for those of you who specialize in herbs etc.) & try to fortify ourselves with a continued regimen of what is recommended by herbalist etc.
Tina, I had the EXACT same experience three weeks ago— vomit included. Since day 1 of the con, I haven’t worn a mask, (got into daily fights as I live in Los Angeles), went to many protests, disallowed anyone in my home WEARING a mask, and of course, took no injections. I never get sick, eat healthy, and never go to medical doctors or hospitals. We only see a nutritionist, take no drugs, look and feel great. We never got “covid”, let alone a sniffle throughout. Just under three weeks ago, I got a call from my dentist office saying their receptionist (injected mask-wearer) who I saw a day earlier tested positive for “covid”. I didn’t particularly care. I’d been in VERY close contact with A LOT of people who were sick with “covid” during the last 2 years and I wore no masks and my immune system was just fine. A few days after that call, I got the EXACT symptoms in the EXACT order you describe. I haven’t thrown up in over 45 years. I knew I was experiencing effects of a bio weapon. I knew I’d be fine, but it was wild to go through because everything about it was so odd. Like you, I’m not 100% yet—smell and taste buds still suppressed, fatigued after light exertion, but feeling good overall. My sense is that the increased amount of spike protein (bio weapon) now shedding/floating around from all the injected people, and the spike protein they’re putting in our food supply finally caused me to become symptomatic. Hoping you’ll all feel better soon.
Thanks for the input. I thought I was going nuts with these weird symptoms. I took my dogs out for less than 10 mins this morning & I had to sit down & get my breath. I’m a pretty active person & never get sick either & didn’t mask or avoid stores or change anything about my lifestyle from day 1 & I’ve too have been around ppl sick in the past 2 yrs. Suddenly, exposed to this waitress who was working sick & within days, was sick. I find it odd that after all this time, I suddenly get sick.
We have all been exposed to something... I too had similar symptoms earlier this year, right after my girlfriend had similar symptoms. Do I blame her? No. I think whatever caused her to get sick caused me to get sick.
Do I think whatever 'that' is, is man made? Yes. Do I think it's biological in origin? Doubtful. Here is what I think is going on - To use this as a excuse to mandate a eugenics shot is criminal.
Not really trying to “blame “ anyone, just stating a fact that I had not changed a single thing about where I went or what I did, but she was the first person, that I’m aware & so obviously sick, that has been that close to me during this entire nightmare. Thus, it just seemed logical that I got it from her as I called her & asked her to describe her symptoms from day 1 & they were pretty identical. I have never been “angry” with her as she is struggling to feed her family & although I don’t think it’s wise to be at work sick, I cannot be angry with her as she too is a victim of this. I am learning so much more lately about this so called “pandemic” & it’s leading down a very sinister rabbit hole.
And I'm not blaming you or anyone else either. We have all been programmed since birth to see disease as something that gets spread through the air or by contact with a sick person. That is false programming designed to direct profits to big pharma.
We are exposed daily to an onslaught of invisible harms that can affect our non-physical being, our spirit, our soul. This why traumatic events can lead to disease or why exposure to radiation can lead to disease or why exposure to 5g can lead to disease. None of those things can be seen or felt by the physical body, but they are all incredibly damaging to our spirit, which our physical body translates as symptoms of illness. Symptoms are not the disease. The disease is whatever caused the symptoms.
Excellent post re EMF’s. Thanks for the link.
Before allopathic medicine and the MIC, there was HOMEOPATHY. We who refuse to be vaxxed, who refuse digital IDs, will eventually be denied access to MDs. We will then HAVE to turn to Mother Nature. Best to learn about and use homeopathic treatments now and so be prepared for whatever illnesses may befall us later. These 2 articles from Nov 2021 and Feb 2022 will get you started in your research:
Not jabbed, but will read even though the first link says post shot.
Thanks Judy.
My goodness - this is exactly the bafflement that I felt!! I do not live in Austin, TX, but I live close enough that I always used their airport and went to many wonderful concerts and art fairs there. The quirkiness of the place, and the free spiritedness of the place always appealed to me and I always got the feeling that these people were anti-government-control. I met many who lived solely through barter. It was wonderful.
Then came Convid.
Every single one (nearly) of these people turned into mask nazis and vax zealots.
People who would never eat a bite of any fast food, lined up EAGERLY for a junk injection.
To this day I do not understand, and they reFUSE to discuss it with me.
I feel like I woke up as a character in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
It truly gives me nightmares and I do not know what could be next.
Boy scout motto, 'be prepared'... for anything. Prep.
Ditto. I'm American based in the UK and lost most of my alternative-minded organic Left-leaning hippie American friends for the same reason. It's been the most bizarre thing that has a number of possible explanations - hypnosis, mass-formation psychosis, psy-op, satanic inversion, chemtrails, etc etc - but still bizarre. I've moved through a lot of grief around losing people close to me, who then turned against me, and ended up in some weird traumatized place where I, and you and many others, suddenly find ourselves in this dystopian horror sci-fi movie.
I've taken a more expanded view lately that we're collectively going through a preparation process for human evolution, the awakening of consciousness. There's already been mention of a Great Awakening, even though that had various political interpretations, I sense it's the bigger idea of it coming through. Seen from that perspective, the 'evil elite' for want of another description, are doing us all a service by providing the context for our awakening. Because if all this Covidian cult nightmare wasn't happening, we'd still be cruising along without addressing the deepest darkest elements of humanity we're now having to face.
Collectively, we're entering the Underworld, not just in mythical terms. We crossed the threshold 2.5 years ago and we're going deeper into the abyss each day. It's up to each one of us to find our light within, that inner knowing of the truth, and to stay in love and act on it. Not so easy when we're in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but nevertheless essential. Our only alternative, imo.
My two cents.
It is just that their actions were totally and completely opposite their espoused values over very many years. It makes absolutely zero sense to me. They would never in the past have trusted any government official with their lives, and yet they did IMMEDIATELY with Convid. I almost believe they were poisoned somehow. Their brains were poisoned. I guess with propaganda.?
So troubling because I was so completely taken by surprise by their 180. Now I do not trust anyone.
It could be 5G or DEWs too....
Yes, I'm leaning more and more in that direction. I just watched an analysis of 9/11 by Dr Judy Wood about how the towers just disappeared into dust with no rubble and many other strange anomalies that point to alternative energy weapons. Now, they must be far more sophisticated.
I love that woman.... all the flak she has taken hasn't fazed her in the slightest. She is a real scientist!
I dread to think what tech will do next. We have to stop these mad scientists before they kill all life on this planet!
Yes! But HOW??? I don't think the justice system is capable and anyway they are going outside of it, hence Emergency Powers that effectively suspend the law. It's going to get bloody, but this seems our destiny as we rise from the murk.
Dr. David E. Martin-The Fauci/Covid 19 Dossier. If you have not read this, it’s a must read. Dr. Richard Fleming has testified under oath that Covid-19 is a bio weapon.
Had this linked in the article, you may have missed it.
My comment to Dr. Cowan in October of 2021 about the lab leak story reinforcing the virus theory is now one of his regular talking points.
I'm still learning about all of this but I'm now questioning anyone who says anything that reinforces the idea that viruses are causative of disease. For similar reasons that Dr. Cownan lays out, I'm even dubious about the whole spike protein story line. That's why I no longer make a point of following David Martin. He presents a lot of interesting information, but I think he's missing some critical aspects, like the terrain.
Richard Fleming is a bit of a shady character- sorry to be so blount. I would also be very, very careful with David Martin. My 2 cents on that.
In any case the Bio-Weapon theory is nonsense.
If the "bioweapon theory" is true we should all be relieved as it is only effective against 80 year olds with 4 comorbidities and assorted sickly people crammed into hopsitals that then have lots of toxic crapped jammed into their bodies.
The 'lab-leak' theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative. This ‘virus’ is not man made in a lab in Wuhan. The "virus" was birthed in the corporate boardrooms of Pharma/Finance and leaked via a memo. What we are looking at is a ‘virus’ that cannot be identified as SARS-CoV-2 (there is no evidence), so that’s the end of that story.
It was man made on a computer by Drosten et al in Berlin in January 2020 for reasons that we all know. The bioweapon thesis, by relying on the virus thesis, weakens all legal and other cases to stop the measures and vaccinations. Because then it becomes a question of what is the greater danger, and answers can only be subjective.
This may be a reason why it keeps resurfacing.
To keep lockdowns and all the measures in place or returning regularly, to force vaccination, you may still be able to by bringing the fear of a bioweapon.
Even many "in the know" are still trapped in the virus story and the Covid merry-go-round. Now I'm not talking about Germ Theory v. Terrain Theory, that's another discussion. I'm simply talking about the fact that the official narrative of "Covid" is a fiction- all of it.
It is an intelligence operation meant to provide cover for the controlled demolition of the insolvent Western economies. There was no pandemic- EVER. This is not an epidemiological story it is a crime story.
As long as good people continue to assert that this manufactured crisis was in fact an actual epidemiological event the ghouls that concocted this lie will have fertile ground to create the next one- which rest assured is in the pipeline.
"Covid" is the engineered destabilization of the global economy.
"COVID-19", the operation, is essentially a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion.
"Covid-19", the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION to other causes.
I respectfully disagree with your thesis that no bioweapon was released during the so-called pandemic. My research indicates without a doubt that the "spike protein" was developed in labs as a bioweapon. I admit it was a "fizzler" in some ways, like a firecracker that does not explode as expected. But the spike protein is *engineered* to cause massive long-term harm, particularly via amyloidosis, prionopathies, and other protein-folding disorders.
And the "virus" bioweapon / psychological operation was used to stampede the herd into accepting the "vaccine" bioweapons, which include all the negative qualities of the lab-engineered spike protein, "turned up to eleven", and untold other poisoning methodologies, some of which are now understood while others are still being identified. Reference e.g.
Meanwhile, you are right about the insolvent "Western" economies, the need to cover for a collapse/looting operation, and the fact that plandemonium is part of a larger operation by the parasites seeking to avoid justice.
I disagree with you as well but enjoyed your comment.
We all learn something new every day on this ride for sure.
I think they can try to produce a viral bioweapon- which they do at our expense- but it is simply not possible. Very different with chemical warfare.
I also believe we will be finding out within short order that in the vials of the vaxx (all companies) it is an assortment of heavy metals in these biologics that are destroying people.
I think we will be shown there is no mRNA in the vials. Is it decomposing? Is this yet another illustration of the questionable functioning of mRNA as delivery mechanism to begin with?
None of us should be forced to ask these questions at this stage.
All the best Jerome.
I love that you are in the world with me, thinking for yourself.
And we do disagree, and I am confident that you have very good reasons for your skepticism regarding the reality of bioweapons in viral form. I wish there were a betting market somewhere for this, as I'm willing to wager there is real pseudo-mRNA (weaponized) in many of those vials, as well as the substances you speak of.
Either way, beware injections from psychopathic depopulationists!
So have any tests (blood work etc) been done on unvaxxed ppl who are sick with this illness that is not a “virus” & was only released during the so called pandemic that is still being spread. I know that whatever it is, is contagious & is still here. So what is it?
Yes absolutely you hit the nail on the head it's a cover story, indeed. But as for bio-:weapons , well that's in the' cure' , isn't it?
Could it be in both? Did you read what I said about myself & my family?
I did and I don't doubt your sincerity. However, it hasn't been isolated, or indeed satisfied Koch's postulate. The tests are not even remotely diagnostic. For myself, the balance of doubt leads to what the previous comment described.
I think maybe you should read what I suggested by DR David Martin. Also, the patents prove bio weapon. Covid 19 has hit my entire family of UNVAXXED (thank our good sense we didn’t get them)but it is also like nothing any of us have ever experienced & are still experiencing. I’m not sure why you would think these 2 Doctor’s are shady as their findings are backed up with the patents. FYI- I am aware there was no pandemic, but a bio weapon, get rich scheme-whatever you want to call it. It is a real attack on the human body & whether you think DR Richard Fleming is shady or not, he along with others have already followed the evidence which actually can be found with the patents & YES it is a crime story. The sad thing is they have MURDERED many in ALL countries & those who allowed them to put the poison into them in what they call “vaccines” are still facing possible health issues or worse. You can call it what you want but the fact is, they released something & it seems to be an altered form of sars & the “vaccines”seem to be a weapon in themselves.
I read it twice when it first came out.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything- take it or leave it.
I've been rather ill once with something that was not like anything I ever had or have had since. Proves nothing.
Most patents in the field of science and particularly Biotech are fraud. The entire patent process is rife with opportunties for fraud and manipulation.
There was and is no unique viral pathogen. The entire Biopweapon/lab leak/Wuhan virus story is part and parcel of the propaganda.
SARS itself was a computer generated fiction. Go back and look into that history.
I think we are on the same side here. I am simply looking for truth & trying to find a way to help my family to recover. I personally do believe these people released something on the public to cause it to spread & then they used propaganda to sell their “vaccine’s”, which I believe are worse than the “illness”. They chose to call it Covid-19, but I wonder will we ever know what it really is. Many lives have been & continue to be lost from this & I truly believe it was all planned & done on purpose for more than $$. Regardless, those of us who know that it was all planned, need to help one another with any possible info found.
No one in my family is vaccinated & with so many different opinions on what to take if you get the “not a virus” I truly am at the point of just continuing the vitamins I’m taking. I understand there are serious vaccine injuries, but what about those of us who are sick with this “not a virus”? Have y’all found reliable studies that have been done on the “not a virus” injuries in the unjabbed? I’m trying to find out if there are any “surprises” in store for my family that some kind of realistic trtmnt will counteract? Anyone? Btw, it’s really great to learn new things from obviously intelligent ppl. I appreciate all of you & am grateful that all of you are on the side of truth.
The Covid Con, the biggest con ever is starting to unravel. And yet there are those who believe, and believe with fervour. I organized a breakfast club of former colleagues that met once a month at a local restaurant. It stopped when the lockdowns began in March of 2020. |When things eased up in 2021, I tried to restart it. The biggest complaint I heard was that how were they to know if everyone had been jabbed and boosted. I repeated some wise words from fellow objectors, “Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to take the protection that didn’t protect the protected?” The responses were not pleasant. I dropped the whole thing. No logic, no thought, just fear. It appeared that I was the only one of the group of around 22 who had not been jabbed.
But hey, I am an Aries and I forgive easily. I tried again this August. Success as we had our first breakfast together in two and a half years. A quorum showed up and no one mentioned the jabs. We had too much to catch up on.
I am fortunate that my family did not ostracize me—they have always known I don’t follow the flock. We agree to disagree. I have a couple of neighbors and friends who either feel the same way, or we agree not to discuss the matter. I am retired so my job does not depend on conforming or virtue signaling. I sometimes feel guilty about not trying hard enough to convince others of the con but then one leads best by example. I can honestly say that had the con occurred if I were thirty years younger, I could easily have followed the bandwagon that most were jumping on. Forgive, and accept that not everyone is at your level of understanding. Love is still about acceptance, and as long as they do not try to force their ideas on me, I will live and let live.
Good attitude.
Excellent article. It is fascinating how many otherwise-savvy people totally fell for the psyop.
With some I knew, the fear induction really worked.
It's been very sad to lose friendships and family relations over this.
I'm eager to figure out "why they fell". I lost one friendship when I told him that I judged that although he is very smart, his reasoning was in error because "Garbage In, Garbage Out". He was deeply offended that I held he had not noticed that his information sources were untrustworthy.
They did have all the captured media on board...
Thanks Jerome.
I'm sure psychologists will behaving a field day for the next decade trying to figure out why so many fell for covidcon and the medias promotion of it.
To be fair, it came in hard and fast from all angles and across political lines. For me, I only really understood Covid when talk of the “vaccines” started. The concept of untested genetic injections seemed obviously impossible—I smelled a rat quite strongly. But here we are. I’m grateful in one way, because it opened my eyes to everything else.
The massvive awakening. Every dark cloud has a silver lining.
What a rich post. Very looking forward to part 2.
What happens to people? All I can think is that they were psychologically hoodwinked into believing that their like-kind (liberal, hippie, off-grid) we’re on board with experimental injections and that was all it took. Maybe having become older didn’t help.
I’m the inverse to Lenny and Leslie. Pretty patriotic my entire life, though pretty moderate politically. Never questioned 9/11, knew that Oswald didn’t kill JFK but didn’t really question beyond that. In sum, did not think the depth and breadth of the lies remotely possible.
But I always had a strong distrust of medication and pharma. Having had two elderly parents, I saw how they were pummeled with pills that changed them in every way for the worse, though my dad ultimately rejected all medication. (When he did this, his health visibly improved). He’s 97 and of sound mind and body. Maybe it sunk in with me over the years.
So the “vaccines” were the catalyst for me, and I’ve been slowly unwinding the past for the last two years. Some of it shocking, a lot of it repulsive, all of it heartbreaking. It’s no small thing to literally have a revelation that the world and life I thought I had, never existed. It all makes sense now.
I think many people are having similar thoughts AL.
I inhaled every word 🙏
Thank you LL.
Me too!
I loved reading this did you know about the connections of Jim Morrison's Dad to Vietnam?
What an interesting looking post. I'm looking forward to diving into it when I have time. Lots of music I've long loved there.
Thanks, hope you like it!
I'm a fan of the culture and music myself. This was very hard to open my eyes to. Thank you for reading and understand what I was trying to bring about. I will look into Jan Irving as well. 💜
It is curious that so many who were able to see previous conspiracies from the deeps state, e.g. JFK assassination, 9/11 could not connect the dots and see that they were still being conned. I cannot explain it, except to say that I was also conned for the first few months. I could not see at first how this con job benefited the kakistocracy and the corporatists, until the underlying issues were pointed out by other more prescient than I.
Thanks Mike.
I don't watch any news so the whole charade kinda got by me at first. Then I began seeing more comments online and, looked deeper. If it hadn't been for a previous bad experience with a flu shot in 71, or the fact that I thought zika and some of the other recent fear campaigns were bull hooey, I might have been slower on the uptake.
I never believed the you can do nothing to protect yourself - except wait fot the vaccine. It was that very message that convinced me that COVID was a scam.
It IS hard to understand how so many people could not see through the overly hyped pitch about the jabs. It was worse than a used car salesman.
O Kyle, yes yes yes yes yes! I share your thoughts, questions and values entirely and have had very similar experiences. I am shocked at how most of my so-called hippie friends swallowed the narrative hook line and sinker. They'd rather starve than eat a non-organic blueberry, but they are ignorantly blissful turning themselves into genetically modified organisms.
Truth is my oxygen and your columns leave me giddy. A thousand blessings be upon you!
I love wild, non-organic blueberries:)
And your comments always put a smile on my face!
Thank you.
yep possibly the greatest con ever
Hmmm... We seem to be on the same wavelength:)
THIS is what the Wuhan Virus has wrought:
I’ve been thinking about the “mandates” and whether or not they exist(ed),
I think they, the “Commands” only exist(ed) as spells
and, (I may be getting the timeline a bit mixed up) but-
I think as soon as even the “possibility or likelihood” of them was announced,
it was as if they suddenly had “a life of their own” and had the guiding “force” of law; granted,
laws are just more spell casting- but laws, generally have the weight of said “force” behind them.
Corporations and business immediately fell in line (“lockstep”- if you will, we are talking
about fascism after all…;) ) and created their own mandates in “accord” with federal “policy”
But of course their “mandates” were voluntary ( plausible deniability built right in…)
And yes you might lose your livelihood if you don’t comply and take the shots- but still, no one
is “forcing” you…
In the political sense of the word mandate, we have inversion of the authoritative sense,
as it is taken to mean , “approval supposedly conferred by voters to the policy or
slogans advocated by the winners of an election”
I don’t recall any candidate whose campaign platform included their advocacy for the casting
of these “mandate” (command) spells, and consequently, I can’t think of any voter who could
have been able to “mandate”(endorse ) them in turn, with their vote.
These spells are a kind of “ policy of sound”, not any kind of “sound policy”.
First off, I have to say I make Béarnaise sauce nearly every day:)
Your comment is a very nice consideration of the deeper issues of the topic.
Thanks for covering that here.
thanks for your work.
The symptoms of Covid 19 and the adverse reactions to the vaccines can be explained by the overload of electro-magnetic radiation caused in the world when 5G was rolled out.
A Spanish study confirms:
Further research is archived here:
Bookmarked the first one.
As for the second one, I'm going to steal the idea of collecting all former emf articles into one piece:)
Excellent news! All hands on deck, dear Kyle! xx