Dec 21, 2021Liked by Kyle Young

Thanks for the recent articles, especially the well researched sections addressing 5G. I have negative effects from the updated 5G system (nausea, dizziness, random nose bleeds etc), and my daughter has even more severe reactions to it, which include heart effects. She is currently on heart medication (beta blockers) to control tachycardia/arrhythmia, but the doctors (of course) don't understand that the 5G is causing the issue. She is an otherwise very healthy and fit young woman in her late 20's. We do not use WiFi, but Ethernet to connect to the internet.. We are considering a move to a more rural area, (we are currently in the suburbs), but unfortunately they are updating to 5G just about everywhere. It is a big health problem for everyone, we just happen to be able to feel it. 5G is a Satanic weapon and will be used for surveillance and will work in conjunction with the poison clot shots.

Thanks again.. and may God bless you and lead you to all Truth through His Holy Spirit.

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Thanks for another excellent article, Kyle! I'm late to THIS party because Saturday was my birthday and my husband and I had a lovely gathering of old and new friends in our home! We are blessed with fabulous people in our lives.

I think this comment of yours sums up the basis of finding solutions, remedies, and antidotes:

"...anything that stymies, alters, directs or changes our personal evolution as a human being is a direct assault on our God given freedom."

That God-given freedom includes optimal health: Physical, psychological/mental, and spiritual. We are each a full package of living breathing Divinity!

My husband and I had a Hague water system + reverse osmosis installed in our home within the first year of moving in. Fortunately, it was a brand new home. The water is amazing to bathe/shower in and also to drink! (And thanks for your tip about chilling the drinking water. I'm fairly petite and sensitive to cold, so I typically drink room temperature water, but I'll ease into the chilled stuff!)

I love your list of "we need to avoid those negative aspects of our modern society that destructure water"! I cook almost all of our meals from scratch and only rarely use refined fats/sugars/flours for this same reason.

I also convinced my husband to replace the fluorescent in-home lighting with halogen. It's not as good as incandescent, but it ain't as evil either, haha. By the way, I will buy as many incandescent bulbs that you want to sell, and pay handsomely. Our house is 1,464 sq. ft. and, aside from the halogen fixtures, all the others are ready for REAL LIGHT! (I'm not kidding, so contact me if you want to sell some bulbs.)

Finally, I think it is imperative to start thinking of and referring to ourselves as "living, breathing spiritual men and women" or we fall prey/pray to the black magicians and their word-spells. As a writer, singer-songwriter, and musician, I am becoming acutely aware of language hexes and how do un-do them.

As Michael Tsarion eloquently states: "Evil contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction." So let's keep our Divine Sparks of God party going on full blast, and see how quickly we can — like martial arts masters — turn the black magic back upon the evildoers!

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Thank You Kyle, another great article.

Prior to the plandemic I was focusing more on the teachings of Buddha, but I have turned to God. And find myself praying more to him. I am of the belief the more we focus on God the more difficult it is for the globalists, aka the freemasons. They want to remove God. And within their trans-humanism programming, they plan to turn off God thinking, that is if it gets that far. I pray this does not take place and will do all I can to stop it............... I digress:

They are threatened by the mere word - God, because it has so much power. So I have tuned in more. And will continue to do so. Since I have been trying to be more connected to God, I find I am afforded more peace. Yay!!

Re the charges of treason and premier Daniel Andrews, it was stuck out in open court!! The litigant was not even given the chance to appear before the magistrate. It proved yet again how corrupt our legal system is. But we will not give up. That was round one, as far as Andrews goes. This is one angle we are working with. Many others are happening too. So in God's time we will succeed, one way or t'other!!

Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas, the birthday of Christ. God Bless You Kyle, God Bless us ALL. Again thank you for all your great work.

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I dunno. You keep losing me at Rudolph Steiner. I find it hard to deal with those who discard the most clear cut evidence of God in our world, aka Jesus of Nazareth. Maybe it’s because of the historical dominance of Christianity in our culture that so many feel comfortable looking elsewhere for meaning. Or is it that we view our religious patrimony as worthless because it was given to us as children?

I can’t see it that way. My parents were early wanderers through religious traditions but when my father was wounded in WW2, he was in a line of soldiers laying on the ground as a Catholic chaplain went down the line of those men. My dad wasn’t Catholic, but had noticed that the guys who were had a kind of resolve, a fearlessness, which made them more effective, and he was drawn to them.

As he recounted it to me sixty years later, he said he wanted to know what exactly made them that way? What was it, from what seemed like just a more ritualistic religion than he was familiar with (almost no religious upbringing at home, some cousins who were Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist) that was “different”? When he made it back home he spent two years exploring that question. It was much more complex and fascinating than he thought. He had the usual problems with Catholics and Catholicism—the corrupt hierarchy, hypocritical in-name-only “cultural Catholics,” “Mary worship,” perceived obsession with sexual rules that seemed random to him. Catholics were “weird.” When he explained this to me I realized that his much longer journey to belief was still not dissimilar to my own, though I had only briefly abandoned my childhood beliefs while in college. But Catholicism is often described as a lifetime of conversion. But my dad did it in three years. He was shunned by his entire family of mostly secular pagans. Ten siblings who mostly stopped talking to him because they seemed to think he had joined a kind of cult. And this was at a time when at least 40% of Americans were Catholic. He walked away from them but prayed for them daily. Eventually they came around.

My mom was a convert too. Her story is even stranger. But I’ll leave that to another time.

There are really good and profoundly transcendent reasons that the Catholic Church has remained dominant for 2000+ years. It is an extremely reasonable belief system that is astonishingly thorough in its philosophical underpinnings.

Of the many things I learned from my parents—sterile field first aid as a five year old, how to read music, how to lay a tile floor, how to drive a manual transmission car—nothing can remotely touch what they taught me about the universe and the God who created it, and the thousands of recognized saints who contributed to our understanding of the Earth and the cosmos He made for our exploration and benefit.

I just don’t understand why so many who were given a similar gift are so keen on tossing it into the trash.

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Thank you for shifting the focus to solutions. Haven’t tried Cowan’s device and thus can’t comment on it, but less expensive devices for structuring water that I have used with good results include elite shungite-charged water (indirect method only), purple “Tesla” plates, and sacred cubit tensor rings. IMO, they are worth looking into and experimenting with. In my experience, they help address - and possibly transform into a positive state - both physical and non-physical stressors.

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Well, we are on the right track, at least.

But I must say, what always amazes me about people is their reluctance to contemplate the ultimate meaning of spirit ("soul") which would be all that is formless, massless, timeless, and all that is causative, creative, and intentional.

Spirit does not need water; it created water. It does not need food; it created food. It does not need energy; it created energy. Of these things I am sure just as surely as most humans are sure they are false. And thus we get all these wise men (and women?) trying to complicate spirit with concepts like structured water, light bodies, and such things. It's not that these things don't exist or have no importance in our world. It's just that spirit is simpler and more basic. Those who have gone truly exterior and have seen without eyes, heard without ears, or moved something without a hand have some sense of this simplicity.

Spirit created biology. It's OK if people want to think it was The Creator. But for me, that gives biology more dignity than it deserves. It is spirit that deserves more dignity, not its creations!

Now, human beings - and some other higher animals - are kind of special because there are normally two spiritual entities involved. There is a Genetic Entity (GE) that arrives at (or before) procreation and oversees the physical development of the body, and its subsequent operation. Then there is the "I," the "higher self," the "IS-BE" (immortal spiritual being). This being normally arrives around the time of birth and gives the organism its character, its drive, its intellect. Both beings are quite capable, but the higher being is, in theory, capable of all that the GE is capable of, but would simply rather not bother with all that.

There may be other spiritual entities involved in the life of a person. This may vary from person to person. But it is generally acceptable in most of this universe to consider oneself the one that is ultimately in control of one's life, or at least is capable of being.

So, however the mechanics of food, structured water and all the other energetic stuff works out, the buck stops with you, and if you're not up to the task, you'll likely take a beating no matter what else you get right. If you can't exteriorize from the body with full perceptions and full ability to do all the body can do (and more), then you have more work to do. I know I do!

Our ultimate key to survival, from my point of view, is free beings (as defined above). More of us need to become free beings, and more of us need to become friendly with and tolerant of free beings. Free beings do not act like imbeciles, morons, or criminals. Anyone acting that way and claiming they are "free" is just putting on a show. A real free being is likely to remind you of someone like Christ or the Buddha. But they are capable of some profoundly amazing things to the point where it might seem scary to most people. And that's why we are where we are today, being trampled by imbecilic criminal morons who are so afraid of free beings they'd rather see a world in eternal slavery than face or cooperate with someone truly free. So let's not make that mistake.

While most of us are far from free, we still can learn much that will help us recognize the difference between someone who deserves our support and someone who doesn't. And the free beings, to the extent that they exist or will some day once again exist, do need our support if we really want a better outcome for Mankind than what the petty totalitarians of Earth have in mind.

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Excellent article Kyle! Blessings to you and your family!

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all must go one step further and read Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer's GERMANISCHE HEILKUNDE! The final solution - https://germanische-heilkunde.at/ryke-geerd-hamer/?lang=en etc.etc.etc

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