death by aluminum - the toxic aluminum thread that connects vaccines, 5G, dew’s, geoengineering and ‘wildfires’
we did not consent to this
No creature has ever been found to utilize aluminum. It’s deadly to all life on earth. Oxidized aluminum is 99 to 104 times more prevalent in human blood than any other toxin. The only way we can get that is through inhalation or injection. Dietrich Klinhardt PhD
There were a number of things that motivated me to begin writing this ‘stack in November of 2020. Perhaps the biggest impetus was an injury I suffered from a vaccine in 1971. Consequently, a lot of unfavorable words about vaccines have been written here since then, including the use aluminum as an adjunct in vaccines and the toxic effects it has on the human body. CHD and RFK Jr. have covered this topic extensively.
I’ve also written about the multiplying effects that 5G can have on toxic, metallic nano particles, not only in our bodies, but in the bodies of every living organism on earth.
But I’ve not yet covered how aluminum plays into the topics I’ve been dealing with more recently - “wild fires” created by DEW’s (especially on Maui) and geoengineering.
These topics are so esoteric that few are covering them, even on alternative platforms like Substack. Hopefully, as happened with covidcon, that will change as more come to learn about what’s really happening.
Those of us who were early to write about covidcon faced a lot of criticism by those who labeled us conspiracy theorists. Thankfully, we’ve been vindicated. To equate the paucity of information about what I’m writing about here today with conspiracies would also be a mistake. The fact that few people know about these things and that even fewer are writing or talking about them doesn’t mean they’re not true. A small cadre of people, all of them much smarter than I am, who have done tremendous amounts of research, are talking and writing about these things. A few have even made documentaries in attempts to educate the pubic and get the word out. I’ve mentioned some of these people in recent posts and will mention more in this one. The bought-and-paid-for legacy media has purposely ignored them.
This needs to change. That small cadre of people deserves much more exposure. This is my small attempt to do so.
I highlighted one of those documentaries last week and because I feel it’s so important, I’m going to do so again right here. If you want to learn about the world wide management agency that implements the will of the powers that shouldn’t be, watch this documentary (hint, it’s the UN.)
Another documentary, The Dimming, is the source for much of the information in this post. If you watch both you’ll find that, thanks to the UN/Paris Accords, aluminum connects the two documentaries and… much else.
Some of you are familiar with Dane Wigington and his exhaustive work exposing the realities of what was formerly known as weather modification, now widely recognized as geoengineering. Like vaccination, geoengineering is another one of those pseudo sciences that only the predatory elite can afford to promulgate throughout human consciousness, to the point of making it seem valid. As was the case with vaccinations and Rockefeller medicine during the 1920’s and ’30’s, geoengineering is now being elevated as a “science” by the demonic predatory elite, with numerous universities beginning to push the official narrative about global warming as a “major problem” and geoengineering as the solution. Here’s Harvard’s spin on the topic.
One of the points that Dane Wigington comes back to several times in The Dimming, are the on-camera discussions of geoengineering “scientists” admitting that they had not studied the toxic effects of dumping hundreds of millions of tons of free aluminum powder into the atmosphere around the world via chem trails. These pseudo scientists freely admitted that at least a million people could possibly die from the harmful effects of the other toxic elements they were using (no time frame given), but then go on to claim that many more could die if they did nothing. How many would they project to die if they included aluminum in their calculations? Two million? Ten million? I’m sorry but this makes no sense for a number of reasons.
First, to be using a known toxin like aluminum and not doing any studies on the effects of spraying that much in the atmosphere around the world is just plain irresponsible.
Secondly, as Dane makes very clear, there is mounting evidence that chem trials and other geoengineering techniques are more responsible for global warming than normal day to day anthropogenic activities.
But the primary reason it makes no sense is because none of us gave our consent to be sprayed with toxic chem trails.
Who do these arrogant bastards think they are? I can tell you what they are. They’re psychopaths. Only a psychopath would casually talk about killing a million people while not even considering the fact that they have no right to do so.
Who is giving the green light to this program? Who is providing cover for these psychopaths? The answer - signatory nations to the UN/Paris Agreement, ostensibly to ‘fight global warming’.
In this same vein, Science Times says that over the next 100 years 1 billion people could die from global warming. Whose global warming?
If Dane is right, and I believe he is, then what we are witnessing is global warming induced by geoengineering to purposely cause a massive culling of the human population. We know this is the plan because for decades the predatory elite have been telling us the population needs to be reduced.
To his credit, RFK Jr recently interviewed Dane Wigington. Dane presents a lot of undeniable, compelling evidence. Why is Trump or any other candidate not talking about this?
dew use in viet nam
As I’ve pointed out in recent posts, the use of weather modification goes at least as far back as the war in Viet Nam.
Early on it was discovered that the same tools that could change the weather also had other war-time uses. Thanks to a reader who commented on one of my recent posts about the Maui fires, I listened to an interview on Patriot Underground that included Gene Decode, a former Navy submarine officer who was at one time stationed at Pearl Harbor. He described a recent conversation with a Viet Nam vet who had been involved with DEW technology during the Viet Nam war. In 1972 his job was to oversee the mounting of an early version of the high powered microwave’s (an older version of the HPM’s used on Maui) onto the sides of KC135’s, which would fly over North Viet Nam and direct invisible microwave beams from 30,000 feet at radar installations in North Viet Nam to disable them. This, of course, would enable US bombers to fly unseen over North Viet Nam. This Viet Nam vet had to sign a 30 year non-disclosure agreement about the work he was doing.
That interview also included Eric West, two of whose videos I included in the last post. It’s a rambling interview that contained some interesting kernels of information.
One of the tidbits mentioned by Decode was regarding a few other DEW weapons I’d not heard of, which prompted me to do a search. Turns out there are far more types of DEW weapons than I was previously led to believe by a government source, and more than I can cover in this post. Here are a few. Hopefully this list will finally quell those sadly uninformed people who claim that the existence of DEW’s is a conspiracy theory.
Masers - From Wikipedia
A maser (/ˈmeɪzər/; acronym of microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is a device that produces coherent electromagnetic waves (i.e. microwaves), through amplification by stimulated emission. The first maser was built by Charles H. Townes, James P. Gordon, and Herbert J. Zeiger at Columbia University in 1953. Townes, Nikolay Basov and Alexander Prokhorov were awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics for theoretical work leading to the maser.
Modern masers can be designed to generate electromagnetic waves at not only microwave frequencies but also radio and infrared frequencies.
Ultra Short Pulsed Laser’s (USPL) - From American Military News
The U.S. Army is building the world’s most powerful laser weapon, capable of vaporizing targets and interrupting adversaries’ technology signals. The weapon is over one million times more powerful than any other laser developed before…
…will stand apart from current lasers by emitting short pulses that rely on low energy, unlike current lasers which typically produce continuous waves.
According to the report, the system being developed will reach a terawatt for 200 femtoseconds, or one quadrillionth of a second. The split-second laser would be capable of incinerating a drone. The laser is also being designed to interrupt electronic signals by emitting an electromagnetic pulse. NewScientist reported that the United States hopes to have a prototype in trials by 2022.
MIRACL laser - From Wikipedia
MIRACL, or Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser, is a directed energy weapon developed by the US Navy. It is a deuterium fluoride laser, a type of chemical laser.
The MIRACL laser first became operational in 1980.[1] It can produce over a megawatt of output for up to 70 seconds,[2] making it the most powerful continuous wave (CW) laser in the US.[3]: 5 Its original goal was to be able to track and destroy anti-ship cruise missiles, but in later years it was used to test phenomenologies associated with national anti-ballistic and anti-satellite laser weapons. Originally tested at a contractor facility in California, as of the later 1990s and early 2000s, it was located at a facility (32.632°N 106.332°W) in the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.[4]
CHIMERA - From Inside Defense (10/20).
The Air Force Research Laboratory is sole sourcing an 18-month contract to Raytheon to experiment with the company's directed-energy weapon prototype called the Counter-Electronic High Power Microwave Extended Range Air Base Air Defense (CHIMERA).
PHASER, THOR and HELWS - From Popular Mechanics.
HELWS, developed by defense contractor Raytheon, is a laser weapon system mounted on a Polaris MRZR all-terrain vehicle. The laser is coupled with an advanced electro-optical/infrared sensor designed to detect, identify, and track drones. Once the command is given, HELWS fires a laser at the target, destroying it. Raytheon touts the system as being able to operate from a standard 220 volt outlet, firing dozens of shots before recharging. The Multi-Spectral Targeting System is the same surveillance and tracking system installed on MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper drones.
The next weapon is PHASER, a microwave energy weapon. Also developed by Raytheon, PHASER is a microwave radar transmitter mounted on top of a shipping container. As Popular Mechanics described the weapon last year: “PHASER is high-powered microwaves cannon that emits radio frequencies in a conical beam. It doesn’t cook a drone with heat. Instead, the weapon disrupts or destroys their circuits with a burst of overwhelming energy.” PHASER needs just one microsecond to overwhelm a drone’s electronics, sending it plunging to the ground. The conical nature of the beam means that a single pulse can catch several drones in midair at once, making PHASER particularly useful against drone swarms.
The third weapon is the Tactical High Power Operational Responder, or THOR. THOR was developed by the Air Force Research Lab as a “counter-swarm electromagnetic weapon”. THOR also ships in a shipping container, takes three hours to set up, and according to AFRL requires very little operator training. THOR also uses high powered microwaves and cost just $19 million to develop.
Link to the above graphic. Note that there is no biological life in the graphic. This is the transhumanist world the demonic forces want to impose upon us.
big pharma corporations and dew corporations - the same racketeering game plan using the hegelian dialectic
Part of the big pharma scam I’ve documented here over the past 3 years was that Moderna’s co-founder Derick Rossi, had previously worked at DARPA on ‘mRNA vaccine’ technology. He is now a rich man.
I’ve also documented how this work was done under the guise of the US military as a military “countermeasure”. Labeling it as such allowed the DoD’s DARPA to provide much of the funding and research for all the jab makers - all courtesy of US taxpayers, millions of whom were injured or killed by the jabs.
Here is a link to the Phaser DEW technology being developed by Raytheon.
In the same way that big pharma insiders capitalize on the phony pandemics they create, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin benefit from DEW’s. It’s just another version of the Hegelian dialect. Create a problem to generate a reaction and then offer the predetermined solution. Massive fires generated by DEW’s serve to reinforce the idea that global warming is real (the problem) which creates fear (the reaction) to promote the idea that more taxpayer money is needed to fight global warming with geoengineering (the solution). Of course the ultimate goal is the culling of the population.
We pay for all of it in so many ways.
Raytheon and Lockheed Martin also do much of the weather modeling for the National Weather Service. It comes as no surprise then that anyone who works for the NWS is under a gag order to not reveal the truth about their sources. How is it that private, unelected entities at Raytheon and Lockheed are able to tell public officials what to do, or not do in this case?
There is little about the weather on our planet that is natural. Hurricanes can not only be created, they can be steered. High pressure domes that create heat waves can be generated by HARP and other manipulative weather technologies. Clouds can be generated and seeded to create floods. This is why the NWS can predict what the weather will do weeks and even months in advance.
Much of this has to do with the aluminum and other elements that now permeate our skies. In my neck of the woods, chem trials spraying hundreds of millions of tons of aluminum into the atmosphere to block the sun (ostensibly to prevent global warming), prevents daytime heating which helps to generate our afternoon thunderstorms during the monsoon season. That same material traps much of the heat that would otherwise dissipate into the atmosphere at night. Consequently, we’ve just gone through one of the hottest, driest summers on record.
There’s more. Aluminum oxide is endothermic (heat attracting). To make matters worse, the stuff being sprayed in the atmosphere is at the nano scale (approximately 40 microns), which vastly increases its surface area and consequently, its negative properties.
Aluminum oxide, titanium oxide and zinc oxide are all desiccants, which is why they’re commonly used in deodorants and cosmetics. They’re also all toxic.
Pilots and crews on airlines are especially vulnerable to the toxic milieu that permeates our skies. Most of these toxic sprays are released at the same elevation that commercial airlines travel. All modern airlines bring outside air into the cabin. Much of the time those planes are flying through the plumes of recently released chem trails. Could this explain why so many pilots and crew members are having heart failures and other health issues?
It’s for this reason that I don’t see myself flying any time soon. It’s one thing to be constantly micro-dosed with these elements here on the ground, but it’s a whole ‘nuther thing to knowingly fly right into toxic chem trail clouds and have that air pumped into the cabin where people are breathing.
I’ll pass on that.
Aluminum is prevalent in the earths crust. However, because it’s always been bound up with other elements, it’s never before in history been available in its free, oxidized form. It’s for this reason that aluminum is not used in any way by the human body. In fact, it’s not used by any living organism on earth. Quite the contrary. Aluminum is poisonous to all life on earth.
On the PH scale aluminum oxide is alkali. Because it’s being sprayed all over the globe we are now seeing soils becoming so alkali that they can no longer support crops or native plant and animal species. Forests are dying in vast swaths all over the earth. Recent estimates are that up to 70% of all animal species are now gone.
a farmers tale
Being a farmer surrounded by millions of acres of wilderness I can see that here. This has been the most silent spring and summer I can remember in nearly 40 years of living in this region.
I have a friend who farms organically but uses conventional farming techniques: tractors, rototillers. He doesn’t use mulch. I abide by Joel Salatin’s idea that Ma Earth is a modest lady, preferring to keep herself covered at all times. This isn’t just a down-home adage. It’s science.
When the soil is covered by a mature layer of plant life or a layer of decomposing mulch, at the interface between the soil and the bottom of the organic material a layer of humus forms. Humus is nothing more than decomposing organic matter. But in reality, it’s very magical stuff! Humus is able to keep oxidized elements in suspension so that they don’t interfere with soil PH. In other words, humus provides the optimal PH for any given situation.
However, there is still the fact that aluminum and other oxidized elements are desiccants. But wait, mulch also acts like a sponge to help hold in moisture.
This past winter my pigs did a fine job of pooping out and spreading the seeds of all the produce I fed them. After spreading a deep layer of mulch from the goats over that garden area early this spring and running the micro jet irrigation system a few times, I was rewarded with a wild, beautifully random array of butternut squash, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes and kiwano melons.
That’s the power of mulch.
back to aluminum
Aluminum is derived from bauxite, which is mined in many places around the earth. Unfortunately, the process of separating aluminum out of bauxite is relatively simple and inexpensive. Because it’s so common and cheap, aluminum oxide has become ubiquitous, not only in our every day lives, but for use in weather modification and, because of its endothermic properties, as an accelerant for fires. With nano particles of aluminum oxide now blanketing much of the earth, fires are able to catch under situations where under normal conditions, they may not have caught. And, once they get going they burn more quickly and hotter.
That’s not all. According to Christine Trame PhD (stop 5G on earth and in space), many types of nano particles absorb 5G radiation. Given the affinity aluminum has for heat it comes as no surprise that 5G radiation at the right frequency can set aluminum powder ablaze. As we saw in Lahaina, that can even occur in the water. Not a pleasant thought for those who have taken numerous aluminum tainted jabs.
It must have been thirty to forty years ago that I first came across information about the dangers of aluminum and decided that I would cut aluminum out of my life as much as possible. I stopped buying aluminum foil and got rid of any cookware that had aluminum in it. The problem is, thanks to geoengineering, we’re probably all ingesting more aluminum (along with strontium, barium and a host of other toxic elements) than ever before.
So who is making this toxic stuff? According to The Dimming, a company by the name of American Elements supplies much of the nano elements used in geoengineering. Here is what Wikipedia says about them.
American Elements is a global manufacturer and distributor of advanced materials with a more than 35,000-page[1] online product catalog and compendium of information on the chemical elements, advanced materials, and high technology applications. The company's headquarters and educational programs are based in Los Angeles, California. Its research and production facilities are located in Salt Lake City, Utah; Monterrey, Mexico; Baotou, China; and Manchester, UK.[1]
This private company is responsible for releasing vast amounts of toxic nano particulates throughout the planet.
Were any of you asked for permission to be poisoned by them? Or by the unelected ‘officials’ in the agencies which provide them cover?
Now we need an article on detoxing aluminum from the body 😁
The birds have gone silent. I bought a trailer last year and went to one of my favorite spots and on the first day I noticed that there were no birds singing or very many flying. At higher elevations I hear a few in the morning, but then silence. I have been walking at a cemetery for 15 years and there used to be a variety of birds there. Now there are mainly just black crows. It’s noticeable that they are a lot fewer if you pay attention. Very sad. Also how many insects are splattered on your car windshield anymore?