I am fortunate in that I have some friends with whom I share the Covid lies. We enjoy using our wit to disparage the official lies. The lies seem to get more preposterous every time they open their mouths. They can contradict themselves within the same two sentence paragraphs. We the unclean unvaxxed are responsible for spreading Moronic almost instantly all across the world without having been able to travel anywhere. We even spread it to cruise ships of fully vaxxed passengers and crew! How miraculous! Or perhaps I should say diabolical?

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Happy new Kyle, pdf link from Dr David Martin https://www.davidmartin.world/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/The-Criminal-Conspiracy-of-Coronavirus.pdf, outlines the crimes commented if someone is trying to force you into using EUA drugs he instructs the person to present this Document to the persons trying to force this upon you. Dont know if it works but it does lay out the crimes commented by forcing you into a corner. Also you might like this link (https://www.bitchute.com/video/WVlMdnQg2Yzw/) you mention what the hospitals are getting paid for all this 13,000 here 39,000 there these are the chump change #s we know of the researcher here talks of some hospitals receiving 479,000 per kill

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Is the EMA paper you speak of the one from Germany questioning doctors that have examined the GMPs and what was found out of spec in the resulting product? The article I read was in German, but was also translated to English. I have been trying to find it again. I found the link on another substack. Probably Dr. Toby Rogers or Steve Kirsh (sp?). Thank-you!

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Hey Kyle, good one... did you see the Canadian COVID Care Alliance video called More Harm Than Good, it is short, on Rumble and probably why Dr. Malone got deplatformed on Twitter, he thinks... fyi,

funny new TV ad from Schizer on rumble, (if you know German, the name Schizer is even funnier), anyway, https://rumble.com/vrynaa-schizer-because-we-care-about..


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Maybe it's just because I'm terrible at math, but it seems to me that if you have every 200th batch be laced with more toxins, and you simply made sure you rotated where you started your distribution cycle so that it was different areas that got the bad batches, you could do a pretty good imitation of random and make it very much harder to pin down causality.

Just a thought. I probably stole it from someone, but cut me some slack cause I'm old.

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Great post. Will definitely check out Team Enigma. Thankyou.

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It's on........ Lawyers Reiner Fuellmich and Vivienne Fischer are ready. Tour booked for USA - you lucky things! I would swim there to be present if I could!

Send this on to as many as possible.......



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This discovery by Team Enigma is one of the more curious twists in this story in recent days.

Some have come to the conclusion that this variation in toxicity among the batches was not random but done on purpose for experimental purposes. My first impulse was to think that this was the result of poor manufacturing quality controls. But if these variations were purposeful, that paints a different picture.

It makes for a more complex and creepy vaccination scene. If a person wants to be vaccinated against something, he has to go into that crossing his fingers that his vaccines come from a "good" batch! For me, it's just another reason to concentrate more on improving mental and physical health as the best defense against disease rather that depending on drugs. I have better things to do with my life than live it as someone's guinea pig.

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Thank you. My large family in rural NE Iowa has seen a large number of deaths ( among a fairly low population) in the 50 to 70 yr range. Some were extremely healthy, some with a history of health problems. All dead had been vaxxed once or multiple times within 6 months.

I'm not sure if they are experiencing higher than normal deaths or because of the nature of rural areas everyone knows everyone else any their lives.

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"The bat in the room"

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Kyle, keep up the good work exposing the evil and speaking the truth about this lie called Covid. As a Born Again Believer I had a check in my Spirit in January 2020 that the Democrats were using this lie to take down Trump and for the "New World Order" aka Great reset.

It is amazing how the Governments know which variant everyone has even though the PCR test was never designed to detect whether or not someone has Covid or what strain of covid it is.

Hospitals do not even have the test equipment to determine the Covid strain. The only way they can keep track of the strains is because the Governments are following a release schedule.

ALL THINGS COVID ARE A LIE.................ALL!!!!

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It is certainly hard to miss a deliberate effort to injure us.

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The other day, Mike Yeadon, a former Pfizer exec, spoke with Dr. Reiner Fuellmichs, who lead a legal team bringing suits in the EU. He talked about the batch problem starting around 58:00 of this video: https://brandnewtube.com/watch/dr-mike-yeadon-sca-session-86-the-fog-is-lifting-jan-7-2022_Sfu45Y5WpsPUVn2.html

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I’m sorry but the virus does exist, it has been isolated, people just don’t understand that you cannot isolate a virus without having some host cells to grow the virions in.

I believe Covid was lab engineered, the vaccines are dangerous and this is all largely about vaccine passports and changing the economy, but COVID is a real virus.

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When you note an important study, can you please give a link or full citation?

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