Dec 17, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

The search warrant permitted them to destroy your irrigation system? Do the govt thieves think you should be thankful they didn't burn down your house or steal your livestock? The more I learn about what our govt and its employees are doing, the more cynical I become about believing our nation is the greatest place to live on God's Green Earth.

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What government:)?

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Fascinating story Kyle. What sucks is that even though cannabis is much more accepted today and "legal" in many places, things really haven't changed. You still can't grow like you were without spending an absurd amount of money complying with their rules, all so that they can create quasi-monopolies and keep prices as high as possible. I will probably always buy on the black market. Because fuck rules.

They don't need to legalize cannabis. They need to delete every law concerning cannabis.

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Your first paragraph is full of truth and your last sentence hits the nail on the head. There is no need for laws of any kind to control Cannabis. What we need is to reinstate laws that allow an individual to seek redress in court when harm is done - especially from big pharma jab injuries and deaths.

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The government should not be allowed to limit liability for anybody or anything period. Yes it's appalling that they have exempted big pharma from any and all liability for vaccine injuries. But the idea that anybody at all can be exempt from liability for any of their acts is wrong. All people must be wholly responsible for the consequences of their actions.

Corporations should not exist. Fictitious legal entities are a nonsense. You want to be in business - great - be in business as a person. You commit criminal acts leading to damage - your whole fortune is on the line if you commit that much damage. So don't.

And obviously there should be no immunity (limited or otherwise) for government or their agents either

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Yup, it all amounts to subversion of the justice system, the Constitution and freedom in general.

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One additional comment here. It's not just the cannabis business that works this way. It's the whole economy. The purpose of "regulation" in all industries is exactly this - the creation of "quasi-monpolies".

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Absolutely! That is the exact purpose of regulation. To make it too expensive for small businesses to compete. It certainly isn't for safety or customer convenience.

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Oh my what stories! What con artists! (not you, the "goober-mint" guys. I'm SURE whatever they con-fee-skated got put to good use--theirs! The second tale was killer (literally, then heavens ya knew to high tail it over ta yer friends). Reminds me' a Fahrenheit 451 when the "copters" lose track've Guy (that badass book lover) but they NEED to make their dramatic man hunt on the 6pm nooz so they track/kill another man and make a bit ta' do 'bout it so they / the viewers git their catharsis. Thankfully Guy finds safety...and the very cool bookpeople. Funny the book angle ta yer own story--and that ya had the book in your head--like in the novel. Anyway, talk' about the POT callin' the kettle black (ha ha)... wow.

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Hee hee. Always enjoy your comments DMCC:)

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

It is shocking that the government willingly and apparently readily cooperates with drug cartels, even when that involves harm to American citizens. I suppose this is just another example of capitalism in action. If so, it is clear that capitalism is completely incompatible with a democratic society. The grip of capitalism on the USA is apparent in the laws that Congress will not pass, and in the censorship imposed on us, since at least 2020 (the latest iteration).

Thank you for sharing your story.

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I'm not sure capitalism actually exists in this country anymore. Too much control of the kind I described above. I much prefer the infinite diversity that comes with freedom

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Susan, you are incorrect. Capitalism can only exist in FREE MARKETS. Our markets are highly regulated and the regulators partner with industry (corruption) to maximize profits to those on positions of power. It is called “corporatism” and is often accused of being the inevitable bad side of capitalism but it is its very own distinct and disgusting thing that arises from markets NOT being free. It is capitalism captured and crippled and yes it generates nearly limitless harm.

Some good news though ... Corporatism is fragile because it relies on consumer good will ... negative PR can cause lasting and immediate harm to profits. Also, people easily unite in their loathing of corrupt business practices. It is something most everyone can agree on. We saw a despicable fashion house irreparably harmed by scandal last week ... so fun. We have seen Disney take a quivering step toward humility... this is the power of pissed off consumers. POWER TO THE POCKET BOOK!!!

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Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Belle. I think you are incorrect :-). If we define capitalism as a system which permits private ownership of capital then capitalism can happily exist in entirely unfree markets - just as it does today. Private ownership of regulated monopolies and massive government subsidies to the politically connected is still capitalism.

On the other hand, what is true is that free markets cannot exist without capitalism.

So capitalism is a necessary part of a free society, but it it is not sufficient in and of itself - and by itself, does not guarantee freedom.

Fascism (per Mussolini's definition - fusion of corporate and state power) is still capitalist, for all it is almost completely unfree.

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Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Hmm. I suppose you are correct that “capitalism” could refer to a strict definition of capital in private hands but I was referring to it as a DOMINANT system of trade. There is nothing pure in this world (also nothing sure in this world in case you are a Billy Idol fan) and systems of trade are no exception. Even communism cannot fully eliminate private capital.

The dominant system of trade the US is often assumed to have is “capitalism”. However, it has been so bastardized and polluted with regulatory interference that it no longer represents capitalism (as a dominant system of trade). It is a disservice to it as a concept to label it “capitalism”. Instead we must call it by its proper name of “corporatism” and, by naming it, take a step to address it.

Anti capitalist chatter is rife but CAPITALISM is not the problem!!! Massive corporations in bed with slimeball pols is the problem!!! It is a bit like prescribing lockdowns and toxic vaccines to fight a disease then blaming the destruction on the disease … the harm from artificial limitations on free markets by bloated governments should never be counted against capitalism. We must stop allowing free market exchange to be blamed for the harms caused by greedy elitist politicians. Calling the beast by its proper name is an important first step if we are ever to address it.

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I agree that capitalism is NOT the problem, and it is indeed part of the solution.

BUT defining terms properly is critical to winning the argument.

Free market capitalism is the solution. And the free market piece is what is missing today.

Capitalism without freedom is little better (perhaps no better) than socialism or communism - it's just another variant of slavery.

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There have been good and very special things about this country, and there have been other things. If you study our history carefully, it's complicated. The developments of 2020 and beyond have very deep roots.

I say "have been" because I am uncertain how much is left of the "good and special".

Francis Fukuyama has interesting things to say about our system, patronage, and clientelism, as well as about rent extraction, practices I never learned much about in school. Some years ago I read his 2-volume work, _The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution_ and _Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy_. It was a very long read -- playing audiobooks while commuting to work, for weeks on end -- but well worth it.

Here is something I came across that is a much quicker read than Fukuyama's two-volume tome: http://www.ridge.uy/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Fukuyama_Francis.pdf

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I read some of the link to Fukuyama and found it frustrating. He seems stuck on working within the existing idea of democracy. Anymore I'm not so sure elevating someone into a position where they can take advantage of others, or be taken advantage of by others is the way to go. Especially in a society that allows globalist entities to become so powerful that they can manipulate those elections and use those officials to their benefit.

Maybe if we had a justice system that worked and better availability to PI services.

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I read books for what I can learn and use. The rest, I toss. I liked his discussion of the origins of Hinduism, too.

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No justice system works without God.

Societies which honor God find they have fewer problems, and the solutions are provided for them.

Societies which rebel against God find they have many problems, and no solutions work.

It really is that simple.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Great story!

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Thank you!

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Fantastic experiences to share. Thanks. Reinforces all else we see daily. Same with Fentanyl in many ways except this will not just please folks, it will remove them, especially the youth.

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Sad but true. Fentanyl is just the latest example of the deep state using drugs to generate revenue for dirty ops. Just also happens to help to cull the herd - its a two-fer deal.

Thanks WIllis.

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The synthetic opiod supply is primarily fueled by PRC, a little revenge for opium wars. Another large shipment, oddly enough, of raw opium was just seized in Vancouver BC. A more traditional form for expats in Van? Deadly games they play.

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Kyle, I’ve wondered since I was a kid why the government continues to wage its losing war on drugs ... now I know! Thank you 🙏

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I've seen them do this in my area for an operation that was selling raw milk. Ruined the farm families involved.

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Another great example of how globalists shut down competition from the little guys.

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You're slaughtering pigs; we're trying not to butcher a Christmas concert this evening for which we are not entirely ready. Will read your post during recovery time, tomorrow.

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Just sing your hearts out. I'm sure everyone will appreciate the effort.

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It went well and I am recovering at home. Can't seem to get enough sleep today. I would normally have been singing alto -- I learned the parts -- but during rehearsal last week I happened to notice that nobody was giving any attention to lighting -- they were just going to turn the lights on like it was Sunday morning, for an evening concert. And we have professional and semi-professional musicians, not just people like me, that you'd think would have noticed.

I ended up designing the lighting, programming the DMX controller, and running lights for the show. I had reprogrammed the controller before (I am a programmer, after all), after kids got into it and jumbled things, but otherwise I had zero experience with lighting. Sound, yes lots, screens some, lights never (apart from dimming for showing videos or for candlelight services). But it's a pretty basic system. I programmed 39 scenes controlling around 16 channels. And I got to flash the lights at show-start and end-of-intermission!

It was a very interesting experience, and it was quite amazing to watch everything come together.

Well, I'd better get up and have lunch before sunset. There's a candlelight service coming next weekend, and I am running screens and probably lights too. I will re-use as many of the presets as I possibly can.

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I’ve been to two Christmas concerts in the last week ... middle school and high school ... they were SO GOOD! You guys kill it up there!!!!

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The link is this, I hope. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0xKgfj_WOQ

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Just watched it. Interesting.

Earlier today I watched two liberals, Russel Brand and Tim Robbins (got an oscar for his role in Shawshank Redemption) have a conversation about the same topic (the past 3 years). I find it really interesting how two conservatives and two liberals can have separate conversations about the same topic and come to similar conclusions. Any insight about that?

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Another amazing narrative! And a whole lot of truth re the war on drugs. 

I was listening to a recent Neil Oliver interview (Dec 16) with a Dutch journalist Eva Vlaardingerbroek, on the situation in The Netherlands. She was asked how she is different now from before the plandemic, and she says learned the nature of good and evil and who to trust and believe. She learned about the nature of governments and how they lie and lie and lie. She has learned the true nature of people, of good and evil. We are a blend of both.

I asked myself the same question when he did, and paused the interview. My answer was much the same. Would I ever go back to the "innocence" of March of 2020? No. I cannot unsee what I have seen, nor do I want to. Actually, it has been a long and worthwhile journey into the nature of the Simulation. It is far from over, but it is one hell of a trip, although my choice of drug is wine, rather than cannabis. But to each his own.

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I included a video of Eva V in this earlier piece. https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/whats-happening-in-the-netherlands

I wasn't impressed with her take on farming issues but I did find her ability to question the narrative refreshing.

Do you have a link for that interview?

As I've mentioned in earlier posts, I stopped smoking Cannabis in 1988.

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Great article.

There's a famous quote by a senior DEA agent Dennis Dayle:

"In my 30-year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration and related agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be working for the CIA."

source: Peter Dale Scott & Jonathan Marshall, Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies,and the CIA in Central America, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991, pp. x-xi.

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Saw that somewhere.

I've said it here many times before and I'll keep repeating it as long as needed - the CIA, FBI, FDA, CDC HHS, USDA and all other gubberment agencies need to be dismantled. They ARE the deep state and they're working for globalists, not the people.

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Reading now. Having trouble getting past the "Be Everything" Bob Moran drawing with the little girl touching the dead rabbit's ear, among numerous other details. I just keep staring and finding more. Rev. 11:18 is really good too -- especially the part about "destroying the destroyers of the earth". Can't wait, and they really are destroying it. It's literal.

It is enlightening to read your "on the ground" story. You bring out a side of it that I have not seen.

One (long) comment about "Big Pharma is making tens of billions while killing millions of men, women and children with their covid jabs, and the media sings their praises and no one gets busted or goes to jail."

This practice, in one form or another, goes back centuries. It is not new, although it has expanded. Then there is industrial farming and processed/ultra-processed fake food, that makes people sick. So then my God-fearing, metabolically ill peers go to their doctor/sorcerers for treatment for the symptoms of poisoning, receiving even more poisons, and they are grateful, and they praise modern medicine for its accomplishments. And that makes ME sick.

I belong to a large (not "mega") church that contains within it an aging sub-congregation, the older members and those of like mind, with their own sanctuary building and service (and aging lighting system). It is a good church, with faithful teaching, but metabolic disease is rampant within the entire church, all ages. Many have had one or more of the injections, many have not, and some have awakened and stopped having more.

The older seniors are particularly vulnerable. Their respected, benevolent doctors, that would never tell them what makes them sick in the first place, now tell them how important it is for them to bow to the vaccine god, and they believe. Or they need to move into a care home, and they must have the injections to do that.

Then there are the increasing strokes, heart attacks, cancers, and turbo-cancers, and the growing prayer list. It's not a huge increase, but it has been noticed and commented upon, without understanding. Leaders are being taken out. It is heart-wrenching to watch.

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If he hasn't warned his flock about what's really going on, it sounds like that church has a rather misguided pastor.

I've watched numerous city kids come out to the country and react the same way to rabbits ears. They're fascinating at the first blush of a 4 years old.

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The senior pastor, who I believe understood to a considerable degree what has been transpiring, left the state for Texas, and the middle school pastor assumed the primary teaching role, interim. He's young, and I don't know what he knows. His sermons are good, for what they cover.

Every one of the churches in this area that I know something about has failed to actively warn their congregation. Many participate in the deception. I do my warning 1-on-1 with people I meet "randomly", and I am far from alone. This church, at the very least, does not discourage that and, in fact, seems to be depending on it.

Perhaps part of the problem is that they are all livestreaming their services, on platforms where any such talk is forbidden. That, however, is not an excuse to stand by as people get sick or even die, and it doesn't explain or excuse the long-time deathly silence concerning the deadly, disease-promoting "standard American diet", or the fraud that is our "healthcare system".

I don't know. I go where I am directed. I say and do what I can, and I have had to depart from two churches since 2020. As the facts surrounding the present situation come into better focus, I say and do more.

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This is a wonderful account, thank you Kyle.

(PS: I would replace [covid jabs] for ['vaccines'], more accurate historically)

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