Thanks, Kyle. You've had one heck of a journey since that first jab.

I am interested in the shilijit. I know that Dr. Andy Kaufman sells it. Which do you recommend?

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The second I read K2, I was like 💡 Activator X....and then you mentioned Weston A. Price!!!

Back in 2010, I was suffering from Crohn’s disease, and walked away from my Doctor and Big Pharma all together, after I had given them 2 years to fix my condition, and the only thing that was accomplished was getting me loaded up on lots of drugs and all of their toxic side effects.

Everything changed for me one night around 3 AM when I was sitting on the toilet crying to God because of the pain I was going through, and the hopelessness that I felt at the time. I had nonstop, burning acidic diarrhea in those days, and nothing seemed to help.

Right when the burning stopped, I would feel the urge to go to the bathroom once again, and thus the cycle repeated itself.

I had lost a $12,000 a month sales job due to my health and had quickly burned through all of my savings, Just trying to get better.

I finally hit my breaking point, and cried out to God, and I immediately got a response. It wasn’t an audible message, rather it was something like telepathy that I just understood. And this is the summary of it:

You aren’t getting a miracle fix, rather there are things that you need to learn and information that you need to find. If you put in the work, than I will lead you to a cure down the road for your ailment.

That motivated me to research nonstop for several years, and the very first thing that I stumbled across was a cookbook called nourishing traditions.

It was written by Sally Fallon, and Dr. Mary Enig? This cookbook didn’t just teach me how to make clean recipes, it completely changed my life and my perspective on a lot of things.

It introduced me to the Weston A. Price foundation, and I spent time thoroughly re-searching all of their material.

And I used to think I was so smart, and looking back now I realize just how dumb I was. Thankfully that book slapped a lot of the stupid right out of me.

Using the knowledge that I had learned, I cured myself naturally of Crohn’s disease, and then I started trying to wake up everybody around me, asked to what was going on.

This was when I first realized that the air water and food supply were purposely being poisoned. And this was also around the same time when I started experiencing censorship online. Back in those days censorship was not as prevalent as it is today, but it was still being done.

I highly recommend everybody reading this comment to have a look at that cookbook if you are unfamiliar with it.

The introduction to that book is an A+ education, on what proper nutrition is.

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and Diet Dictocrats https://a.co/d/0hOu829

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

It's pretty obvious, at least to me, that they succeeded in eliminating the soul from many around us. Now if we could only eliminate the soulless.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Fascinating information, Kyle. And, yes--I, for one, am extremely interested in learning more about your shilijit source.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Great you have recovered from that nasty business. I do have queasy tummy so I didn't look or read all your post. But just need to comment on how good is it that New Zealand, from what I have read in comments, they have exited the who, the wef and the un. I pray this is true. Of course nothing from our lamestream media. At the very least they are getting the truth out there. Thank God.

Australia continues to barrel forward towards being totally controlled by the corrupt who, wef and un. I pray more people here about New Zealand's new stand. Thank you God.

Thank God I am still here in the land of the living but this disease I have continues to worsen. I am trying hard to turn it around.

Anyhoo, very grateful for still being here by the grace of God. By the Grace of God.

God Bless you Kyle for all your hard work, excellent hard work, helping people to make sense of the madness. God Bless you and yours. I continue to pray for the beautiful United States of America and Canada.

Sending you BIG BIG LOVE with BIG BIG HUGS thru the ether.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Definitely interested in high quality Shiljit! My husband & I ordered some from an individual seller who collected it himself in the Himalayas.

Truly amazing substance, but this was many years ago now. When I purchase commercially available Shilijit it is a pale comparison to the real stuff. Great for pets too by the way.

I use the "regular" variety for our Collie with painful hips. It does help, and is great overall. Athletes use this wonder of nature to increase performance too.

So the answer is a big yes, imo!!

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

I'm interested! Have all over joint pain after working in surgery - really bad by end of my week. Better when off work ( away from coworkers and patients with many 💉💉). This is the weekly pattern. Take NAC, D, K2, high C, Mag, Quercitin, colloidal silver and pot iodide. But not all at same time or every day. This all over pain is new since Feb when mandates backed off and I'm back in nursing😣

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Your trials and eventual success with Morgellons are inspiring because not only are sufferers belittled but information like yours is denied a wider reach on purpose, to cover up the role of geoengineering, WiFi, and the poor diet and worse medical care which are foisted on us. No one wants to admit that our governmental agencies now intentionally sicken and kill people under the cover of “helping” them.

Info on K2 that you may want to dig into: yes, nattokinase provides vitamin K2, as you describe. But did you know why some nutritionists prefer the K2 from chicken eggs, goose fat, and emu oil? I have no academic credentials, but my reading tells me that there are two kinds of K2 that people can absorb. The K2 in natto (a fermented soy product from Japan) and some cheeses has the technical name of “MK-7.” Another type of K2, also fat-based, is “MK-4.” It is found in avian fat, the only animal-derived K2. By the way, MK-4 passes through the placenta to a human fetus, which signals to me that it’s better absorbed by humans than MK-7, which does not reach the fetus. At WestonAPrice.org there’s a good article about it titled “In Defense of Vitamin MK-4,” by Elizabeth Schlinsog.

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After fifteen years of Morgellons/CDB I've experienced a good deal with the junk and I know you're on the right track when you speak of how the tech is using our own bodies as building blocks. I am also sure there are a variety of sub-variants. Some leaning more toward the mineral, some plant and some animal (primarily insect). The tech is biosynthetic. Alive yet not alive.

I think the individuation of the tech to the host and the variations are what, in part, make it very hard to kill. What works for one individual may not work for another, depending on the variables, and this also makes it confusing. I think this is by design, of course.

I also think we have to keep telling one another what's working and keep trying. Nano noble metals (silver, gold, copper), Borax, Oregano, NAC, VIT C, D3 w/K2, Lumbrokinase, MSM, Cilantro, as well as grass fed animal proteins and solid multi-vits are helping right now. I have a major die off in progress. I learned about most of these from studying what other people are using.

I'm not sold on the idea of bad batches vs. not so bad batches of the injections as I am the variations of sub-species within the batches that work more slowly in some individuals and kill others immediately. For instance, the type of MD/CDB I have is more insect-like and less fibrous-like. Other people have things that look a lot like miniscule plants coming out of them. Still others what appear to be exclusively crystal-like structures.

I think the desire to track the progress within various races, blood types, etc., is one reason for the vaxx cards and other forms of tracking. I do believe everyone who has been infected with MD/CDB prior to the injections have been targeted for study. Again, one reason why doctors have and were instructed not to treat it and the outight lies published on various sites as "studies". Personally, I have volunteered to allow doctor to remove the materials from my body in their offices and not a single one would do it.

I noticed you didn't mention Clifford Carnicom and I'm wondering if there is a reason for this? I'm curious. Also, The Charles Holman (it's Holman, not Holeman) Foundation has been pretty much debunked by this point as yet another data mining and misdirection operation. Evil stays very close to Good. Not that I'm saying the Holman organization is entirely evil or that it's leaders even understand who they serve.

Ultimately God is in control. Satan is a dragon on a leash and God told us the dragon would be unleashed for a time to serve His plan. To separate those who love Him from those who don't. I have come to accept this because it's true. Jesus is the only escape. I love the Truth.

As strange as this may sound, I am a better person by far than before I became sick and I would never go back, even if it meant fully restored physical health. Though I pray for that. For myself and everyone. God Bless.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Hey, SecHer, I have been suffering from a host of wildly odd symptoms that the Docs have no answer for-- and then I realized I'm living with ultra-jabbed folks whose environment includes multiple sources of EMFs. I have been supplementing with nattokwinase and NAC and partially thanks to you I now have ideas for further remediation of the poisons I'm unfortunately living amid. Urban living (which I'm forced to do right now) is highly toxic, and since i'm older, I don't see having the energy to leave the living situation but maybe there are things I can do to detoxify? I feel so G-D helpless in this world right now.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

I'll read the rest of what you have here, Kyle, but this was my comment on the Rumble video link which I lost patience with very quickly indeed.

"Maybe I'm just becoming an old cynic but I'm really not buying into this one, in spite of being predisposed to believe the data and knowing that Covid was a put-up job and a hoax. I don't need a performance from this guy, nor to be told how precious humanity is, nor what the probability of us being here is (where the f**k did he get that one from - and what a completely meaningless number!), I just want the data, its implications and some sort of proof the data is real. This pretending and straining and asking to start again is tiresome and pitiful."

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Ever tried CDS from Dr. Andreas Kalcker !?!?!?! An amazing stuff !!!!!

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Totally interested in the black shilijit source. Dear lord, thank you again Kyle, for being 10 steps ahead and sharing your knowledge and experience!!

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Jan 25Liked by Kyle Young

just reading this now - I would love to be added to the list

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Jan 7Liked by Kyle Young

Hi Kyle! I have lyme disease and am well-educated on the medical industrial complex. I would like you to add me to your list please! ...for the shiite. Thanks!

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Thanks for this info... I have restacked it with my own note which you all might find interesting?…. I am also interested in the shilijat.

It’s interesting that the present commissioner of the Metropolitan police here in the UK, (sir) Mark Rowley, spent time in the Himalayas during the 4 years previous to 2022 when he took up the post following being allegedly ‘pulled out of retirement by the then Home Secretary Pritti (fucking corrupt) Patel’. He, as well as most other senior police officers & military personnel, is involved at top level with fucking everyone over within this ‘program’. I have researched these men & women for 5 years intensively. I will be posting all findings here on Substack in the coming weeks after I’ve finished this present uni module. Check my page for updates if interested.

Please do let me know about the shilijat. And where do you source your lumbrokinase etc please? As most supplements are tainted now with nanotech so are a false tincture so to speak!

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