As with so many modern man made tragedies, the story of the fires in Maui is complex. I can’t cover all the aspects in one post, so look for more in the not too distant future.
While living in California during the 70’s I had a close friend who had grown up in Lahaina during the late 40’s, 50’s and early 60’s. He often told me stories about growing up there which instilled in me a desire to someday spend time in Hawaii and Lahaina.
By 1982 I was living on the Big Island of Hawaii. Some months after moving there I was approached by a British guy about my age who was trying to get me to invest in a board game he’d invented. Although I appreciated the guys earnestness, it soon became apparent that he was a con artist. While the average tourist coming to Hawaii might have believed his story - he did have a prototype board and a few other game pieces - traveling around much of Latin America for many years prior to moving to Hawaii had taught me a few things. After he finished his pitch I said something to the effect “That was good. You’re a con artist, aren’t you?” His hopeful attitude deflated. To ease his pain I told him that I thought he had done a fine job and that I held nothing against him. He brightened and we began a conversation that revealed we had enough commonalities to warrant a loose friendship.
One of those commonalities was music. Some weeks later he and another friend told me about an upcoming concert taking place in Lahaina in a few weeks (I don’t recall who it was). He also told me that he knew some of the Beatles and that he had the address to George Harrison’s house on Maui. So we hatched a plan to go to the concert on a Friday night, camp on the beach and rent a car the next morning to go to George Harrison’s house. Two weeks later we took the short flight from the Big Island to Maui and did just that.
I fell in love with Lahaina. It was a lovely mix of that quintessential Hawaiian funk, especially in 1982. As the former capitol of the Hawaiian kingdom and later the whaling and trade capitol of Hawaii, Lahaina is steeped in history. Prior to the fire it was home to many of the working class folks who work in the high end resorts to the north.
As we’ll see in a future post, Lahaina’s fate was sealed not by its rich history, but by the fact that it’s location is now coveted by elites who see nothing but dollar signs.
And yes, we did go to George Harrison’s house, but he wasn’t at home.
trying to separate truth from fiction
As is often the case with stories that it thinks will serve the interests of the elites that control it, the legacy media was out of the gate quickly with this story. Because of that, they set the stage for many of the stories that followed, even many of those now coming from alternative media. I’m still reading stories from some of my most trusted alternative media sources that amount to little more than regurgitation of legacy media misinformation that has now become so ingrained that most take it as fact. It reminds me of the early days of covid, 9/11, the Las Vegas shootings and other events. So let’s start by considering a few of the talking points that so many now take for granted.
hurricane dora…?
It’s become a widely accepted fact that the winds that drove the fires on Maui were due to hurricane Dora passing to the south of the islands.
Those of you who live in Florida and the Gulf Coast of the US may have been sensing a prick in your brain about this. Me too. It’s not something that’s widely known, but where I live in Southern Arizona occasionally gets hit by remnants of hurricanes. In fact, as I write this, hurricane Hillary, which is a category 4 storm, is currently rounding the tip of Baja California and is predicted to move up the West Coast of BC and impact Southern Arizona, Southern California and Southern Nevada. (Update - one day later - Hillary is now less than 500 miles away and still no winds from her.)
Since moving here shortly after returning to the mainland from Hawaii, I’ve seen this hurricane scenario happen about once every several years. In every instance, the winds do not arrive until the storm is nearly on top of the area. To be fair, occasionally peripheral storms will develop far from the core of the hurricane that can generate lightening and winds of their own.
Those of you who live in the previously mentioned hurricane prone areas will be able to verify that wind associated with a small hurricane arrives about 50 miles ahead of the hurricane proper and the wind from a large hurricane arrives about 150 miles ahead of the storm. And when that wind does first arrive it doesn’t do so as 80 or 90 MPH gusts, as was the case on Maui. It builds up gradually.
Hurricane Dora was a small hurricane that, at it closest point, was 500 miles from Maui. Those who are still reporting that the 80 and 90 MPH gusts that hit Maui were due to hurricane Dora might want to reconsider.
Furthermore, by the time the fires began in earnest on Maui, Dora had already passed to the South West of Maui and was more like 700 to 800 miles away.
So why did the legacy media immediately begin propagating the false idea that the winds on Maui were due to Dora? Why is everyone else parroting that story?
global warming?
Con artists abound today. One of the most refined cons being promulgated today is global warming. I don’t claim to have all the answers but there are some things that can be proven by looking at what we do know. Do I think it’s due to rising CO2 levels? There is no hard proof of that. Do I think it’s due to car exhaust? Again, no hard proof. Do I think it’s due to cow farts? No. Do I think its man made? Possibly, but not in the way and for the reasons - like some of those just mentioned - we are being told.
I think it may be more due to things we’re not being told, some of which are so verboten that mentioning them will mark you as a conspiracy theorist.
But after three years of spotting patterns and talking about verboten topics and suffering the consequences for pointing out the truth ahead of the curve, in the same way Trump moves up in the polls every time he gets indicted, I’m beginning to see signs that being labeled a conspiracy theorist is now becoming a sign of legitimacy. The powers that be are shooting themselves in their collective feet.
It also helps knowing I’m not alone. Some of the previous and following information comes from a recent interview Robert Malone did with some friends of his who live on Maui.
In my mind the most damming information presented in that interview is the video of a weather service satellite loop that not only shows hurricane Dora passing to the south and later to the southwest (which conveniently diverted everyone’s attention), but also shows an anomalous, outright freakish, sparkling cloud pattern that comes onshore to Maui from the east just as Dora passes far to the southwest and just as the winds begin on Maui. Although it was not made clear, the implication was that this anomalous formation was due to an HPM weapon. My conjecture is that it was possibly as a result of HARP, but just as possibly it could have come from the DEW facilities on Maui (explained shortly).
Another important take away from that interview is that the historical record of temperatures in Lahaina show no warming over the past 80 years or so.
dews - directed energy weapons
In terms of the Overton Window, the topic of DEW’s is currently the furthest outside of that window. In the same way some of my early posts about the covid plandemic helped expand the Overton Window on that topic, I hope this post helps expand the Overton Window regarding DEW’s. I say that because, as of right now I don’t know of any presidential candidate that’s willing to talk about the reality of DEW’s Why? Three primary reasons.
Because global warming caused by DEW’s serves the globalists plan to impose fear and mayhem for future takeover.
Because of the conspiracy that exists within the scientific theocracy.
Because talking about DEW’s will get you labeled as a nut case.
If and when we have a presidential candidate that’s willing to spill the beans about DEW’s, we may have a candidate that I’d be willing to endorse. (Yes regular readers, I will finish assessing candidates.)
the globalist dews conspiracy is based on an ancient ploy
Let’s say you’re commoner living in the Central Highlands of Mexico and the year is 1400. The Aztecs are in full control and the primary means of control for the ruling elite is the conspiracy that exists between the rulers and the high priests of the ancient temples scattered around the kingdom. That conspiracy is the knowledge of planetary motion, including eclipses. For obvious reasons, it was verboten for commoners to know about these things.
Imagine the power our modern rulers would have over us if we had no knowledge of these things.
Now, imagine that in our time there is a conspiracy between the high priests of science and the globalist elites, a conspiracy that involved a secret technology that enabled globalists to wreak havoc, instill fear and impose control. A conspiracy that is verboten to talk about. A conspiracy that, if talked about by commoners, would immediately get them labeled as nut jobs, shunned from greater society. That modern conspiracy exists, and the verboten knowledge is the existence of DEW’s that are capable of wreaking havoc by changing the weather, starting fires and burning cars and metal buildings to the ground - all undetected.… or so they think (coming up).
In the following 11/21 post I made clear that DEW’s not only exist, but that the technology has been designed to be deployed in both war situations and against civilians.
That post was so far ahead of its time that it may have been missed by the conspiracy theory police who at that time were embroiled with trying to make covid into a world takeover event. If they didn’t tag me for that post, they will for this one - even though I’ll be presenting even more undeniable evidence.
As will be pointed out, DEW’s technology has advanced greatly since that post.
dews associated facilities on Maui
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has two primary facilities that work on DEW’s. Here’s what the AFRL says about them.
The AFRL Directed Energy Directorate operates two major telescope sites that are used to advance SSA technologies. One of these sites is located on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, and the other site is located on Maui, Hawaii. The Maui site is called the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site.
The AMOS site consists of two facilities that conduct SDA operations and research and development (R&D). The first facility is the Maui Space Surveillance System (MSSS) and the second is the Maui High Performance Computing Center (MHPCC).
Research thrusts at the AMOS site include satellite detection and identification, atmospheric compensation and resolved imaging, astrodynamics and orbital metrics, sensor development, laser propagation through the Earth’s atmosphere, database cataloging of satellite images, and high-performance computer modeling and simulation. In addition to its use as an R&D facility, AMOS has been called upon to help identify and/or track spacecraft payloads and communication satellites.
The unique focus on research and development as well as operations provides a rapid development cycle from concept to operational implementation. Researchers are exposed to the actual needs of the operational space community and are able to provide innovative answers in an operationally relevant time frame.
Directed Energy weapons come in 3 primary forms; High Energy Lasers known as HEL’s, High Powered Microwaves (HPM’s) and particle beams. As they pertain to Maui, the latter seems less important so I’ll just be considering the first two.
Here’s what the Congressional Research Service has to say about DEW’s.
DOD defines DE weapons as those using concentrated electromagnetic energy, rather than kinetic energy, to “incapacitate, damage, disable, or destroy enemy equipment, facilities, and/or personnel.” DE weapons include high-energy lasers (HEL) and high-powered microwave (HPM) weapons; other DE weapons, such as particle beam weapons, are outside the scope of this In Focus.
HELs might be used by ground forces in short-range air defense (SHORAD), counter-unmanned aircraft systems (C-UAS), or counter-rocket, artillery, and mortar (C-RAM) missions. The weapons might be used to “dazzle” (i.e., temporarily disable) or damage satellites and sensors. This could in turn interfere with intelligence-gathering operations; military communications; and positioning, navigation, and timing systems used for weapons targeting. In addition, HELs could theoretically provide options for boost-phase missile intercept, given their speed-of-light travel time; however, experts disagree on the affordability, technological feasibility, and utility of this application.
In general, HELs might offer lower costs per shot and—assuming access to a sufficient power supply—deeper magazines compared with traditional munitions. (Although a number of different types of HELs exist, many of the United States’ current programs are solid state lasers, whichare fueled by electrical power. As a result, the cost per shot is equivalent to the cost of the electrical power required to fire the shot.) This could in turn produce a favorable cost- exchange ratio for the defender, whose marginal costs would be significantly lower than those of the aggressor.
Similarly, HPM weapons could provide a nonkinetic means of disabling adversary electronics and communications systems. These weapons could potentially generate effects over wider areas than HELs, which emit a narrower beam of energy. As a result, some analysts have noted that HPM weapons might provide more effective area defense against missile salvos and swarms of drones. HPM weapons have also been considered for use as nonlethal “heat ray” systems for crowd control.
(As I pointed out in the previously linked post, HPM’s have been used for crowd control for years.)
The last paragraph is critical for much of the thesis that follows.
There have been numerous stories in the alternative media about the use of lasers to supposedly set fires on Maui and the Paradise fires in California. Many of you have likely seen some of the photos circulating on the internet that purport to show laser beams used to set fires in both places. Don’t be fooled. As the following video shows, weaponized lasers cannot be seen. In other words, photos showing visible lasers to set fires are fake.
Here are some reasons why I don’t think lasers were used and why I do think High Powered Microwave’s were employed.
1) Due to the nature of lasers, the beam needs to be narrowly focused to achieve effective levels of heat and destruction. As will be pointed out, the type of extremely intense heat and destruction on Maui had a wider spread.
2) HPM’s have the potential to cover a much wider area while still achieving a high level of destruction.
3) The heat from a laser is similar to the heat from a cutting torch - it works from the outside towards the inside.
4) As their name makes clear, the heat from an HPM’s works the same way your microwave oven does - from the inside out.
5) Because microwaves are drawn to molecularly dense materials, microwave ovens work very well on dense materials like liquids, meats, potatoes and so on. They do not work well on less dense materials like plastic, which is why you can put food in a plastic bowl in a microwave oven and not have to worry about melting the plastic. This explains why some folks returning to their burned homes on Maui are surprised to find unscathed plastic items in the rubble. However, you cannot put aluminum or other highly dense metals into a microwave oven because it can cause overheating or even an explosion.
6) HPM’s destroy property but leave valuable forest and land resources intact. This makes them the perfect weapon for globalist elites seeking to take control afterwards.
Rape and kill, the oldest tactic for taking land.
The damage we are seeing on Maui is very telltale of High Powered Microwave DEW’s; molecularly dense metal cars are burned to a crisp while a less dense tree or wooden house right next to the cars are unscathed. A dense metal building is burned to the ground while a less dense wood framed house is untouched next to it.
Due to the density of glass, the burned cars also have no windows.
As the previous Navy video shows, laser beams are narrow and function more like a cutting torch. Rather than setting an entire metal building ablaze, their effects would be more narrowly defined, more like slicing and dicing.
Aluminum burns at a relatively cool 1,200 degrees (F). Almost all mobile homes and travel trailers are made of aluminum and many newer homes have aluminum roofs and siding. We all remember the photos of row upon row of mobile homes that were burned to a crisp in the Paradise fires while the less-dense trees that surrounded them are unburned.
This is not the work of random forest fires, nor is it the work of laser beams. This is the work of High Powered Microwave weapons.
Many metals are typically alloys composed of different metals. Depending on the alloy, metal will melt at anywhere between 2370 to 2800 F. Some of the cars we see in Maui show the beginning stages of melting metal while the aluminum components have been turned to dust. This would indicate temperatures somewhere between 1,200 and 2,400 degrees.
If we work from the assumption that the fires were due to HPM’s, then the reason for the hit and miss pattern of the fires in Maui and Paradise can also be explained. Why one building is burned and the one next to it is unscathed would depend on the density of the materials used in construction. Wood is less dense than metal or glass, which explains why trees often remain standing while nearby cars and mobile homes are toast.
We need to also keep in mind that the frequency of HPM’s can be precisely tuned to affect some materials and not others.
Because modern building codes require ever more dense metallic materials in construction, we can blame them for much of this destruction. Molecularly dense glass may be stylish but it serves as an attractant for HPM’s. This is why we often see older buildings go untouched while modern buildings next door loaded with metal and glass are burned to the foundation.
It seems safe to assume that at least part of the moral of the story is; avoid mobile homes, travel trailers, metal roofs, metal siding, metal studs, metal beams and excess glass. In other words, if you’re in the market for a new home, avoid metal and glass as much as possible. Instead, go natural; wood, adobe, straw bale, cob. Those are very low density materials also have a very small footprint.
And whatever you do, don’t fall for the increasingly popular idea of building with metal shipping containers, they are a death trap for HPM’s.
no sirens, no phone service, no water, no electricity
One of the primary military uses for HPM’s is to knock out the electronics in military hardware; missiles, drones, aircraft, ships. A large scale HPM attack like the one used on Maui is indiscriminate. Because the destructive path is so wide the beam cannot avoid hitting the more sensitive components that control the electrical grid as well as the cell towers that transmit phone calls. It seems logical to conclude that this is why so many lost electricity and phone service.
There are some questions regarding why the tsunami sirens did not go off. There is a video of a Maui official explaining that the sirens are meant to warn about tsunamis, not fires. He went on to explain that officials were concerned that if they used the sirens that folks might flee mauka (towards the mountains) towards the fire, rather than makai (towards the ocean). The sirens are also located near beach, not mauka where the fires originated. There seems to be some logical reasoning to his comments. However, once the weaker leading edge of the HPM had begun to creep over Lahaina, it seems that the possibility exists that the HPM would have knocked out the electronic components that enable communication between the sirens and their operators. This brings up the question of the reliability of that comment from that official. Perhaps it was true in the early stage, but not later as the siren system got knocked out by the HPM.
The pumping of water is also controlled by electronics, so if those electronics got fried by HPM’s… no water.
Of course, ultimately we need to raise awareness about the use of HEL’s, HPM’s and particle beams and strive to have them banned.
maui police chief
While doing research for this post I was surprised to learn that John Pelletier, who was the incident commander of the strip when the fiasco that was the shooting at the country music concert in Las Vegas that happened on the evening of October 1, 2017, was installed as the police chief of Maui in 2021. Both cases are embroiled in deep conspiracies, blatant controversy and globalist dirty tricks. Just who does Pelletier really work for?
All of this begs the question - if these fires were purposely set, why so? We’ll get into that in another post.
Thank you - well laid out discussion and I am looking forward to the next post.
Being from Texas and quite used to tropical storms I kept saying that was way off about Dora. Looking at the radar had me scratching my head about Dora driving winds 700 miles away. First indication something is very fishy in Maui. The HPM knocking out phone and water systems makes sense.
We are certainly living in interesting times. I live in Ontario and there were wildfires in the spring. Wildfires rarely, if ever, occur in spring as it is so wet. Wildfire season is in late summer when it is hot and dry. Then there are fires in Kelowna, BC. Kelowna is located in the rainforest part of BC. My friend who lived there for five years says that fires in that region do not exist. The do exist on the other side which is in rain shadow. They are talking arson now. Tenerife in the Canary Islands is burning. Crete and Greece are burning. The Yukon is burning, and who knows where else in the days to come. Arson is suspected in all of them, but it is all due to Global warming, don't you know? Yes, this is all an example of the insane global cabal at work. They bleat about CO2 levels but then start fires all over the world. What is the greatest source of CO2. They pretend these fires are natural but we know better.
On the positive side, if there is one. They always and always overdo it. If it worked once, then it will work again and again. But the human mind can be fooled only so many times. More and more people are waking up, and what I am seeing on the alternate news is that people no longer trust their governments and are starting to take over and not complying. In Lahaini, the community is coming together to solve their problems without government interference. In London, the people are sabotaging the cameras that will report on them in the ULEZ (ultra low emmision zones that ban cars), and playing Robin Hood against the "king John" government of London. They are refusing to pay fines, and there is not a whole lot the government can do when a lot of people do not comply.
We are starting to recognize that the WWIII is here and it is the plutocrats and their government minions who are the enemy.