the transhumanist divide and conquer agenda - part 1
nanobots and directed energy beams vs our native microbiome
A topic oft discussed here are the techniques being employed to create division among us - what those in the military have historically referred to as ‘divide and conquer’ tactics. A new form of technology, what the military calls a ‘dual purpose technology’ (technologies that can be used against both civilians and enemies) are nanobots.
From the perspective of those conducting covert operations against either enemy troops or civilians, the beauty of nanobot technology is it’s inherent stealthiness - it’s invisible to the naked eye. As you will learn, the mode of controlling this technology is equally invisible. Unlike the deployment of tanks, ships, planes, artillery, armies or riot police, all of which are highly visible and therefore traceable, invisible nanobots can, and are - as your read this - being deployed against both civilian populations and enemy forces all over the globe.
Why should we concern ourselves with nanobot technology? Because it’s a key component of the greater transhumanist agenda that I’ve written about here, here, here (the most read piece in this blog) and here. Just to briefly inform those who may not be familiar with this agenda: The elites deploying transhumanist technologies seek to alter and control us by using remotely controlled nanobots to alter the very blueprint of life on earth. Their hubris allows them to think that they can move life from one based on biologically diverse forms that are capable of adapting to changing situations and environments - life as the Creator made it - to one based on the whims of a few, very hubristic billionaires who think they have a better idea of how life on earth should proceed.
To grasp just how dark this agenda is we need to first come to an understanding of just how beautiful our native, extremely well adapted, generational microbiome is. Compared to many medical fields, research into the human microbiome is relatively new, with much of it having occurred over the past 20 years (it’s ongoing). It’s only been during the past 5 years or so that some of that research began filtering down to people like us. If you haven’t heard about any of this research, don’t feel bad, you’re in the majority. The only reason I know about it is because I’ve been following a few cutting edge doctors for many years who have been on top of this subject. About 5 years ago one of them interviewed someone I believe to be the leading contender as the most well informed person on earth about the human microbiome, Dr. Zack Bush. I was impressed with his ability take this complex topic and a paint beautiful mental picture of how this community of microbes came to exist and how it benefits us in so many ways, some of which we still don’t fully understand.
Just how complex and integrated into our very being is the microbiome? I’ll let Dr. Bush answer that question.
“It is, in its entirety, vital to life and the reason why we are here today. Without the microbiome, life on Earth would not exist.”
“At its most basic definition, micro means small, and biome means living creatures — essentially all the living microbes on and inside the human body. Today, we know human cells are not at the foundation of the human microbiome, but rather it’s the fungi and bacteria that are. It is estimated that we have 50 to 70 trillion human cells, which pale in comparison to the 1.4 quadrillion bacteria and 10 quadrillion fungi inside our bodies.”
As Dr. Tom O’Bryan adroitly pointed out after learning about this, “We are microbes having a human experience”.
Just as the mind expanding information about our beautiful microbiome was beginning to reach the masses, the techmeds intervened with their phony covid-19 story. At the very least, their timing is questionable.
The motivation for much of the ‘official narrative’ agenda being imposed on us over the past 2 years has been to quash the idea that we can overcome disease and maintain health by nurturing our microbiome. Why has there been so much effort directed toward this? Because there is no profit for the techmeds in nurturing the microbiome. First of all, patent laws do not allow for the patenting of natural microbes. Secondly, the techmeds are only interested in the material realm because there are no profits to be had in the non-material realm. So the techmeds have no interest in pursuing something as close to the realm of spirit as non patentable microbes and their yet-to-be-fully-understood connection to who we are as an individual, who we are as a community and who we are as a society. And yes, microbes are often referred to in terms affiliated with community relationships. They are integral to all life. Dr. Bush again.
“As human beings, our neurologic capacity begins with our connection to the microbiome”
Which begs the question: When we think we’re thinking with our brain, are we actually thinking with our brain or is our microbiome acting as a processor to run the thought process through our ancestral microbial network to come up with a thought relevant to what we think is the end result our thinking process? Given that most of our microbiome resides in and around our gut, just how true is the old adage, ‘I have gut feeling…’? When we have a profoundly insightful thought, revelation or vision, is that coming from our brain or our microbiome?
Here we come to the crux of the matter, the point at which the techmeds seek to create division. If we lose our ability to interact with and contemplate our relationships with the microbial kingdom, we lose touch with who we are… we literally lose touch with our primal link to our ancestral reality. The techmeds know this, which explains why they’re deploying nanobot bioweapons in numerous way to sever those relationships. As I’ve mentioned in numerous articles, the most obvious deployment of nanobots right now are the covid jabs. And as I pointed out here, this was all predicted by Rudolf Steiner 120 years ago.
Because our microbiome seems to be somehow tapped into the greater cosmos, maybe it could be thought of as a biological communication network that has capacities and powers way beyond our understanding. Personally, I like to think of our microbiome as our primary intermediary between us and God. As you may come to see, it might also be construed as a link between us and our ancestral roots. Anyone who has ever practiced shamanic journeying will know that connecting with ancestral resources is entirely possible. Those who are naturally adept at journeying have even been able to catch glimpses of the not-to-distant future. How is this possible? I don’t know. And maybe we’re not supposed to know. But I do think the unfathomable reach of our microbiome has something to do with it.
We know that the human microbiome extends well past our bodies because we can often smell the microbiome of others when they get near us - and vice versa. The reality is, our microbiome extends much further than that. How far? Again, I don’t know, but if it is indeed the antenna to the cosmos it seems to be, then it could reach much further than we might think, in ways we do not yet understand.
At the point when we’re within smelling range we are already sharing each others microbiome. If we are to believe that who we are - our consciousness - is largely dependent on our unique microbiome, than coming within smelling range of someone means that before any words pass between us we’re already communicating on some level. Speaking for myself, I find one of the most arousing aspects of a woman is the scent of her natural microbiome… it speaks to me in ways I don’t pretend to understand. In my mind, to cover that with an artificial perfume is blasphemy.
Think of nanobots as a means to sever those incredibly human, incredibly special relationships - to gain control.
Of course this ‘war on the microbiome’ agenda is being driven by the false claim that viruses are dangerous things that must be feared. Thankfully, all of you heretics reading this know this is just more divide and conquer tactics. Viruses do not cause disease. They may engender an inflammatory response, but it’s their job to do that to protect us from things like EMF’s, vaccines and other toxic intrusions.
To reinforce the fear agenda, the elites try to mandate that we socially distance and wash our hands with antibiotics to keep ‘germs’ at bay - more divide and conquer tactics, used to instill fear of viruses and make people line up for their highly profitable nanobot, bioweapon, voodoo jabs. All of these agendas - social distancing, sanitizing, church and business closures, mandatory jabs - are all anti-microbial, which means they’re anti-life. As Elana Freeland points out in a soon to be released interview, “If they’re anti-life then they’re satanic”. I couldn’t agree more.
The truth of the matter is that we are a community of beings who, for hundreds of thousands of years, have shared our microbiomes with each other through family, tribal, community and social relationships. All of this has made us stronger and more able to adapt to the innate vagaries of life on earth. Our strength lies the extremely diverse nature of our microbiome. Nanobots seek to take away that diversity and replace it with a simple digital system of zeros and ones controlled by a few deranged messiahs pulling levers behind the curtain (more on that to come).
our mothers are much more important than we think
How did our microbiome come into being and how does it make us who we are? What do I mean by “generational attributes” of our microbiome? On an individual level one of the most important generational transfers of microbes occurred when we passed through our mothers vagina at birth. Vaginal mucus is choked full of beneficial microbes that our mother gleaned from her mother and her mother from hers and so on back through countless generations. Those friendly microbes ended up in all of our bodies orifices as newborns, where they set up housekeeping for the rest of our life. Then our mothers colostrum passed on another important source of microbes, more pertinent to the development of our gut microbiome. This is how ‘generational’ microbes have been passed from mother to offspring for countless hundreds of thousands of generations. There are specific sets of microbes that exist in every family line flowing back through all of the mothers of that majestic line, back into time immemorial. This may explain why the Jewish faith long ago determined that lineage should be traced through the mother, not the father. After all, if Dr. Tom O’Bryan is right and we are, in fact, microbes having a human experience, then we all have much more in common with our mothers family line.
(You may be thinking, ‘what about those born by cesarian section?’ I’ll cover that in the next article in this series.)
As we grow throughout our childhood years we’re exposed to numerous microbes native to the area in which we are reared. If you were lucky enough, as I was, to be born into a farming family before the prevalence of pesticides, at a time when the farm family spent more time outdoors working on the land than indoors, then you would have received a healthy inoculation of microbes native to that local landscape that would help you overcome reactions to the toxic plants, insects and animals of that area. If you were born, as I was, as a fourth generation member of a family in specific area, then you would have inherited immunity to poisonous insects, plants and animals that your ancestral predecessors developed and passed on to you when you passed through your mothers vagina.
When I was a teenager a friend and I discovered a cave while hunting. The opening to the cave was only about 18” high so we had to get on our bellies and crawl through some vines to get in. It was a hot day so we were both shirtless, wearing cutoffs. Early the next morning my mom got a call from my friends mom asking if I was alright. She said yes and asked why. Turns out my friend had a severe head-to-foot rash from poison ivy - the vines we crawled through to get into the cave. I was untouched. I was the fourth generation of that place, my friend was first generation.
Spending time amongst other members of our local community and region helps to further share and disperse an even greater array of beneficial microbes that all of those people have accumulated from widely varied farms, animals, ecosystems and mothers. Doing this also allows communication to occur between all the various microbiomes regarding any threats that may be present, so that an immune response can be generated.
the war on our food
This microbial diversity gets compounded even further when ruminant animals are incorporated into farms and gardens. For all of you non-farming folks out there, a ruminant is any animal with multiple stomachs; cattle, goats, alpacas, and sheep are the most common farm ruminants. Wild versions are; deer, giraffe, buffalo, elk, pronghorn, moose to name a few. Ruminants have the unique ability to take up native microbes while grazing or browsing on native vegetation and use those microbes in their rumen to help with digestion. Think of the rumen as a big fermentation chamber where the forage first goes to be broken down into more digestible components. As with any fermentation process - beer, wine, kombucha, pulque, kefir, yogurt and so on - this process causes an exponential growth of these beneficial microbes, (in this case within the rumen) and the excess microbial production is passed out and spread across the landscape to further enhance the microbial population of the landscape upon which the animal is foraging. In other words, when farm ruminants are well managed they can play an important role, not just in maintaining fertility on farm lands, but improving it while improving their own health. This is a key component of biodynamic farming as first put forth by Rudolf Steiner 100 years ago.
I apologize for taking this microbial story so far, but it’s helpful to grasp that all of this microbial history lies at the core of what makes us human and why the divide and conquer techniques the elites are imposing are so satanic.
And here we come to the core of the problem as it pertains to our food. This traditional farming history has largely been abandoned in favor of the modern, technologically driven agricultural model which says that it’s more efficient to keep farm animals in a CAFO feed lot and give them ‘feed’ - animal waste products, corn, soy, alfalfa, silage and God knows what else - none of which has anything to do with their ancestral dietary heritage, then it is to have them forage on pastures as God intended. In other words, this is yet another example of how the elites use divide and conquer techniques - separating farm animals from their natural habitat - to generate inferior but highly profitable (for them) food. This type of farming has nothing to do with producing nutritionally dense food for us to consume and everything to do with providing the elites with yet another get-rich ‘industry’… high-tech, modern farming.
This so called ‘efficient system’, being so out of sync with the natural flow of microbial life, leads to an explosion of disease which means the animals are deemed ‘in need vaccinations’. And what’s in the vaccines they give to CAFO animals? Nanobots, mRNA tech, spike proteins etc.
What are the negative downstream side affects of this? When you buy compost or manure from your local garden store, chances are it was made with manure from vaccinated animals, which means it’ll be rife with nanobots that you then spread into your garden to become part of the fruit and vegetables you eat.
manipulating nanobots from afar
From the perspective of the hubristic scientists working on nanotechnology, this piece begins to provide a picture of what nanobots are all about. This hubristic piece focuses more on the medical uses of nanobots.
In this previous article, I reminded everyone about the promise that curing cancer and other diseases would come with mapping the human genome. Mapping the human genome was completed in 2003 and we still have no cure for cancer. Before we let these materialistic elites take us any further down their conspiracy nanobot rabbit hole, allow me to point out that, just as with mapping the human genome, none of their nanobots will ever do anything to improve our health. They are functioning in a wholly materialistic realm that completely ignores our microbiome and its non-materialistic relationship with who we are and how we function. As long as we continue to put our health into the hands of hubristic people who only see dollar signs, we will continue to see declines in health and longevity.
Unlike our very elegant microbiome which functions on mystical levels of complexity, nanobots have no independent collective conscience, nor do they interact with us or our creator in any mystical way. And they have absolutely no connection to our all important ancestry. Without those connections, our immune system is lost.
Compared to the complex elegance of our microbiome, nanobots are far below tiny, stupid, insects. They require direction to perform even the most fundamental tasks. How is this direction given?
As I’ve pointed out in several earlier pieces, these nanobots are made up of highly conductive materials that are very susceptible to electromagnetic influences. This means that once a persons body contains a sufficient amount of nanoparticles or nanobots, like the good little robots they are, they can be ‘commanded’ by high frequency EMF’s to form into specific shapes to complete specific tasks. Anyone who has ever put a handful of iron filings on a table and manipulated them with a magnet under the table, or anyone who has ever used a compass to find their way out of a forest will understand how nanobots can be directed by external EMF’s. There also seems to be graphene oxide nanobots of a less sophisticated nature that may be designed to do random bad things at the whims of random EMF’s that we encounter in our day to day lives. Some of the crude pieces of graphene oxide found by independent researchers in various vials of covid ‘vaccines’ may be there for self replicating nanobots to use as a building material.
And yes, we all have nanotechnology within us, even those of us who haven’t taken the jabs. Nanotechnology has been used in chem trails for many years and it’s now in the air we breath and the food we eat - even organic food. Unless your drinking water from a spring or a well, your water likely also contains nanoparticles. To gain a deeper understanding of this, see my soon to be released Rumble interview with Elana Freeland, the worlds leading authority on geoengineering.
Has anyone ever seen anything written anywhere that definitively proves 5G technology is completely safe? Of course not. No studies have been done and no research has been published verifying the safety of 5G. To the contrary, this article explains that the reason 5G technology is not yet fully operational is due to potential conflicts with “radar altimeter performance” used between airplanes and control towers. Because of these apparently unforeseen conflicts, the date for full 5G operational status has been moved back from 12/5/21 to 1/5/22. Are we going to see airplanes dropping out of the air when 5G is fully deployed? When we see human beings dropping like flies on the street, like the early covid-19 scare tactic videos from China showed, then we’ll know that it or some other form of Directed Energy beam is being used to target people.
Do I think the new 5G or 6G cell phone technology will be the primary form of commanding nanobots? No. If you think I’ve gone completely off my rocker about any of this then you need to read this 5/11/20 Department of Defense (DoD) paper describing one such targeting technology, Active Denial Technology (many thanks to the reader who sent me that link). ADT is another example of a dual purpose technology. Although this DoD report describes this particular Directed Energy beam as only penetrating the skin to a depth of 1/64th of an inch (the same 5G technology used for cell phones, only much more focused) it fails to point out that the magnetic effects of such a beam can reach much deeper. This is a prime example of allowing part of the truth to be known to obfuscate the real agenda. And who knows what other kinds of beams have been developed? We have to assume they are not telling us about their most effective weapons.
a scenario
Imagine a fully vaccinated person who has also been exposed to large quantities of nanoparticles from chem trail fallout. This person will have a sufficient amount of nanoparticles and nanobots within their body to be easily manipulated - possibly even killed - by specific frequency commands sent through Directed Energy (DE) beams. More general commands sent from 5G towers may induce specific forms of disease that begin to slowly cull the population over a period of time so drawn out that it doesn’t become overly pronounced. Still other commands may direct nanobots to disable reproductive abilities in both men and women. Both the diseases and the infertility issues will provide a windfall of income for the techmeds.
Some nanobots may not need any commands - they may be preprogrammed to do all of the above. As I’ve pointed out in previous articles, according to VAERS data, the latter is already happening within certain lots of the covid jabs.
Expect to see DE beams used to control crowds in the riots that are sure to occur as Biden begins to impose Chinese and Australian style lockdown and vaccine passport systems here in the US. They are likely already being used in the recent anti-lockdown, pro-freedom riots in Rotterdam.
This all lies at the core of the transhumanist agenda - severing our mystical ties with our innate microbiome to turn us all into compliant, controllable bodies who do nothing but generate profit for the elites.
We all need to fight back! Call them out for being the satanic fools and conspiracy theorists they truly are. Shed the light of truth on them and watch them crawl back into their dark dungeons, cowering in the light of truth.
In part 2 we’ll look at preventative measures as well as herbal remedies for 5G and nanobots. Yes, our microbiome can overcome this if we give it what it needs.
Thanks Kyle.I just had a discussion with my hubby tonight and said if they want us dead why don’t they just give us a tablet and be done with it ?Of course he said there would be no money to be made in that !So much suffering right now definitely must be Satanic not sure I signed up for this lifetime 🤔
Thought-provoking post, thank you. I’m interested in your next piece addressing C-section births. I have 1 of each. Firstborn was C-section when, as a first-time mother, I did what my doc told me. Then I got a little wiser and had the 2nd at home with a midwife. Additionally your info about Directed Energy beams in the scenario you outlined seems like it may have already had its first high-profile dress rehearsal at the 11/5 Travis Scott concert in Houston. As I said, thought-provoking!