hello and Merry Christmas to you Kyle. Our Christmas was beautiful. I did have a weepy day with a heavy heart for those who are not awake and I felt somewhat afraid of what was to come. The next day God gave me this:

Nothing Formed Against You Shall Prosper - Isaiah 54-55

and so I said, Thank you Jesus for always watching over me. Kyle you are doing a good job my friend. It is time we connected with our FAMILY of God and reaching out to one another. Love your work, love you in Christ. Viv

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What a beautiful, reaffirming passage.

Thank you Miss Monty.

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thanks Kyle and blessings to you. I am kinda glad the holiday is over and I still am slightly apprehensive about what is to come soon, but on the other hand I stand on my faith and the Word of my Creator, YHWH and ONLY Him. But don't you wonder why some people say no to the jab and do NOT have a solid relationship with Jesus? What leg do they have to stand on? and will they only be able to resist so long? I for one, am willing to die for my God given rights because I have somewhere to go after I die, but being human we never really know until we are faced with it. eh? just some things to ponder. God bless America cause we need you now Father.

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Merry Christmas, Kyle. Thank you for the prescient, precious present of Christ's word. I'm still not sure why some of us are gifted now with eyes to see and ears to hear exactly what he spoke of, but I feel in my heart that there is a reason and we will comprehend it soon.

As always, thank you for sharing your perspectives and perceptions with us! Much love from central California💖

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The mystical ways of God.

Blessings Sharine.

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Merry Christmas, Kyle!

It's sad to hear that you've lost friends. It's wild to realize how big this thing is, to realize that I'm not the only one losing friends over this. It's been an emotional rollercoaster of a year; the entire year my eyes have been opening and I have been learning more and more. And also thanks to you and this blog that have helped!

Kyle, some day people will know the truth. It's a pain feeling crushed by government censorship and the ignorance of those who sleep through it all, unaware of the bigger picture. But this is the story we're in right now. I think it's just the process of opening my eyes that is painful, but once I know and accept the truth, it gets easier.

Knowing the truth is vitally important, because then you can do something about it. Like how you are writing this blog and helping to spread the truth. This new year, I want to start a substack too. I am going to write essays and my experiences in comic book format. I've always done sci-fi comics and stories, and never saw myself as someone writing non-fiction, but the world nowadays is so much more intensely sci-fi than I ever could have imagined. Philip K. Dick was on to something.

Anyways, sorry for such a long comment! I really appreciate your blog, Kyle! And I hope you have warm, happy holidays, joy, and good feelings! You are a light in the darkness! <3 Merry Christmas!

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Please do start that blog and help bring about the change we all seek. Your idea sounds wonderful.

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Merry Christmas, Kyle. Thank you for all your writing and research. I think many of us who read your posts are on similar journeys. Not only are we here to help each other through this dark transition process, we will be the ones building back a better more just society where love, not greed and fear, guide our world.

I read an article in Off Guardian this morning which was an inspiration.

Last month they published an open letter from musician Alison Blunt to her band leader, concerning the Covid “pandemic”, vaccine mandates and the all-out assault on human rights going on across most of the globe. You can read it here.


They also printed the many responses from all over the world to the letter which can be found here: https://off-guardian.org/2021/12/24/merry-christmas-messages-of-support-and-solidarity/

Fear less. Love more.

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Just read Allison Blunts letter. I'm now a new fan of her music:) Thanks for posting the link Joanne.

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Joanne, thank you for sharing the link to Alison Blunt's letter. As a musician/singer-songwriter myself, I stand in sovereignty and alignment with her. These two paragraphs were the most profound to me:

"I’m certainly not prepared to ‘show my papers.’ I have a sovereign right to live freely and breathe freely. I am no threat to anyone except those suffering from cognitive dissonance and mass hypnosis who yowl in pain when they are presented with facts that don’t correspond to their mass media-fuelled virtual reality, online existence."

"On discovering music improvisation I started to understand sovereignty. Without a score, without a leader and with nothing materially external to follow, this kind of music-making can have a profound impact on life, both on and off stage. Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand in this music-making – as in art, as in life."

As for the second paragraph, I began improvising early in childhood: Dancing freely, writing poetry, and making up melodies with my voice as the only instrument (before I began playing flute, guitar, bass, piano, and drums). I can attest that "going off the page," as we improvisational artists say, involves individuation, being out on the edge where most fear to tread.

My favorite "famous" artist to refer to as a prime example of improvisational freedom is Miles Davis, who over three decades fathered three distinct genres of jazz music — Cool, Be-Bop, and Avant Garde — while completely unconcerned with fame or fortune. It is living as CREATIVE beings that brings us into full-spectrum expression as Sparks of The Divine. This is the true fortune. F**k the fame!

(And I apologize for my profanity at the end; sometimes an expletive is the best way to get across my passion!)

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Merry Christmas Kyle

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Thanks Kanadian.

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My small contribution to the fight .... https://jeremypoynton.substack.com/ ... "Postcards to Johnson"

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I hope you have/had a great Christmas Day and enjoy the festive season, the silliest of all seasons!! I too thank you for all your great work, which has been both interesting, informative and affirmed my thinking. I was somewhat awake before this kicked off but the details were always messy. And what I have continued to learn, especially here in Melbourne Australia, has been a greater awakening for me. I did not know the amount of corruption that has taken place over decades, which has led us into this evil mess. Such an evil plan by the globalists and the links here are scary, especially when you see those who have bought the narrative treat them like rock stars!! It is insanity. I continue to pray to God. I continue to pray he shows us the right way, God's way and will bring these evil poor excuses for humans to their needs. I pray for them too!

God Bless YOU and yours Kyle. Best wishes. More power to your arm. Thank YOU, sending much love.

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Yes, the great reset is turning into the great awakening. Blessings to you and your freinds and family Jules.

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As a Christian who has been around the block a few times, the one thing I keep coming back to is, truth exists in many forms. This, I believe, was the foundation of the early Christians before Constantine stamped them out and imposed his 'official' version of Christianity on the Roman people. So... I'm willing to explore anything heartfelt, honest and forthright. Just bookmarked V of R. Thanks Kieron.

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I don't know about you, Kyle, but I find that, despite the "busy-ness" built into the social constructs, I always have the luxury of time to read and view SO MUCH AMAZING STUFF BY AMAZING PEOPLE! Also, time to DISCERN truth from BS, haha.

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Thank you Brenda.

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