What do the recent drone sightings, the cyber truck bombing in La Vegas, the pickup truck assault in New Orleans and the increased fear mongering about bid flu have in common with the Manson murders? In different ways they all share psychological tactics learned from the MKultra program.
Over the past four years I’ve referred to the MKultra program a number of times. Most of that has been regarding the similarities between the intent of the MKultra program and the intent of the covid program. And just what is that intent? Tom O’Neil, author of Chaos, believes the intent is to manipulate one or a few people using the psychological techniques developed within the MKultra and MKNAOMI programs to commit atrocities. The atrocities then instill fear in the masses by being hyped by the CIA controlled corporate media. This fear is used as a means of manipulating he masses. It’s the Hegelian dialect - problem, reaction, solution. As I’ve written about extensively since 2020, in the case of covidcon, the so-called problem was a yet-to-be-seen virus known as covid-19. The purposeful reaction was fear. The solution we were sold were the exceedingly profitable covid jabs. We now see that same program being ramped up with bird flu.
In the case of the Manson murders, from the globalist perspective, the problem was a hippie counter culture that was not conforming to the official narrative about the war in Viet Nam and was becoming a threat to the globalist corporate powers that shouldn’t be. The reaction was fear hyped up about the counter culture, which culminated with the MKultra program successfully manipulating Manson and his drug ridden clan into murdering 7 people. Fear gripped the nation. The solution was the Manson trial and the ensuing social disintegration of the hippie counterculture.
This March 2022 post lays some of this.
The hippie culture didn’t go away. It sort of went underground. In an attempt to remove themselves from the grip of the powers that shouldn’t be, the true believers moved to the country. That gave birth to the back-to-the-land movement. The HINO’s (Hippies In Name Only) went into the corporate world. They came to be known as yuppies.
Although I didn’t come of age until the hippie movement was waning, I was following it closely through my teenage years. By 1974 I was living in southern California in a communal situation which soon provided me with an opportunity to move back to the land. As I wrote about here, I embraced that lifestyle then and still do to this day. I’ll mention a little more about that time shortly.
Because the MK projects have been ongoing since the late 1940’s, because huge sums of money have been spent on them and because they involve the DoD and the CIA, this is a vast topic. Tom O’Neil spent 20 years trying to piece it all together for his book Chaos and has admitted he still doesn’t have all the pieces of the puzzle.
This April 2023 post describes how MKultra morphed into the little known MKNAOMI, a joint program between the DoD and the CIA. This is where we see how bioweapon research at Fort Dietrich Maryland begins to play a role with those psychopaths obsessed with manipulating the human race.
Here is some of what I said about MKNAOMI in that post.
In this 2010 article in Truth Out - Hank Albarelli covers an early memorandum in which a bacteriologist describes the MK-NAOMI agenda: “Our mission was pretty simple and to the point: to provide the CIA with every means possible to maim or kill targeted groups or individuals through the use of toxic and lethal biochemical agents. We worked hard at it and delivered.” The objectives were - “How to knock off key people . . . knock off key guys . . . make death look as if from natural causes. . . [such as] method to produce cancer . . . and to make appear as heart attack.” That memorandum cites the case of an imprisoned “Russian . . . who had been subjected to the routine administration of intimidation, bright lights and more severe roughing, followed by insulin shock.”
I can think of some inconvenient doctors and scientists who conveniently died of ‘natural causes’ at opportune times. In the case of Dr. Kay Mullis, who won a Nobel prize for inventing the PCR test (who told us it should never be used to diagnose viral infection), that happened in August of 2019, just a few months before covidcon was rolled out. Of course the PCR test was then used to create the first ‘asymptomatic’ pandemic in recored history.
The approval authority for this project appears to come from this 2006 document from the Secretary of Navy regarding joint approval with the DoD.
“Approval Authority for research involving: (a) Severe or unusual intrusions, either physical or psychological, on human subjects (such as consciousness-altering drugs or mind-control techniques).”
Here is some more information I recently found about MKNAOMI.
MKNAOMI was another major CIA program in this area. In 1967, the CIA summarized the purposes of MKNAOMI:
(a) To provide for a covert support base to meet clandestine operational requirements.
(b) To stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials for the specific use of TSD [Technical Services Division].
(c) To maintain in operational readiness special and unique items for the dissemination of biological and chemical materials.
(d) To provide for the required surveillance, testing, upgrading, and evaluation of materials and items in order to assure absence of defects and complete predictability of results to be expected under operational conditions. [9]
Under an agreement reached with the Army in 1952, the Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick was to assist CIA in developing, testing, and maintaining biological agents and delivery
systems. By this agreement, CIA acquired the knowledge, skill, and facilities of the Army to develop biological weapons suited for CIA use.
SOD developed darts coated with biological agents and pills containing several different biological agents which could remain potent for weeks or months. SOD developed a special gun for firing darts coated with a chemical which could allow CIA agents to incapacitate a guard dog, enter an installation secretly, and return the dog to consciousness when leaving. SOD scientists were unable to develop a similar incapacitant for humans. SOD also physically transferred to CIA personnel biological agents in "bulk" form, and delivery devices, including some containing biological agents.
In addition to the CIA's interest in biological weapons for use against humans, it also asked SOD to study use of biological agents against crops and animals. In its 1967 memorandum, the CIA stated:
Three methods and systems for carrying out a covert attack against crops and causing severe crop loss have been developed and evaluated under field conditions. This was accomplished in anticipation of a requirement which was later developed but was subsequently scrubbed just prior to putting into action.
As long time readers know, I covered some of the nefarious work at Fort Detrick in early posts about the bioweapon research being done there and the relationship of that research to the covid jabs.
As for the pickup truck assault in New Orleans… in spite of the presence of an ISIS flag in the pickup truck and the driver posting online about his kinship with ISIS, the CIA has said the assault in New Orleans is not a terrorist attack. The mayor of New Orleans said it was a terrorist attack. Because of the CIA’s involvement in the questionable history of the term ‘terrorist’, I’m dubious on both counts. The driver had served at Fort Liberty Base (formerly Fort Bragg).
It turns out that the driver of the cyber truck, who apparently shot himself moments before the rental cyber truck exploded, had also served at Fort Liberty Base. (Or maybe the gunshot set off the high flammable materials he had in the truck.) What’s not being reported is that Fort Liberty Base is the home of the US Army 8th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne).
As Tom O’Neil points out in his book Chaos, the MKultra programs spanned numerous military bases, state mental institutions and universities. I have no proof that MKultra or any aspect of it was or is still being implemented at Fort Liberty Base, but the fact that these two men were both stationed there and that they both went berserk and committed these acts gives me pause.
Fort Bragg is also where Private William J. Kreutzer Jr. shot 18 people (killing one) in October of 1995. He was found mentally incompetent.
a california encounter
I lived in Southern California until the mid 80’s. During the first year of that time (74/75) I lived in a quasi communal situation that consisted of 4 houses on top of a small hill. We called it Knob Hill. I lived on the back porch of the largest house before moving to the avocado farm I described here. Many people filed through that small community during that year. One of them was a guy who we’ll call Jasper. Jasper was a nurse at a nearby mental hospital who was attending Mira Costa College part time to get a higher degree in nursing. Some of the people living at Knob Hill attended the same school, which was how Jasper came to be plugged into our community. Jasper was gregarious and full of energy. Although he wasn’t living at Knob Hill, he spent a lot of time there.
At one point he decided Knob Hill needed a big garden, so he began turning a large area of the yard by hand with a shovel. On the second day he came around 9 pm to dig and worked until 3 am. Things went rapidly downhill from there. He showed up few days later upset that nobody else had pitched in on the garden (I would have but I was about to move soon). He began maniacally digging again. It was becoming apparent to everyone who lived there that Jasper was not playing with a full deck.
While digging a day or two later he began talking to anyone who would listen about a new source of free energy he had recently discovered. I questioned him about this and soon determined that he wasn’t thinking clearly. I walked away. By then we were all becoming concerned about him. He left and came back about 10 pm in his VW bug, unloaded a huge pile of greenhouse plastic and a tangled ball of copper wire. The moon was full. He then formed the plastic into a big ball, maybe 5’ across, and began wrapping it with the copper wire. He was doing all of this in the middle of the garden he had been digging under a full moon. Once he was satisfied with his messy ball he ran some wire from his ball to the battery of his VW bug. All the while he was explaining that this was how to get free energy and how to energize gardens, but that it could only work when there was a full moon. Of course his explanations were much more detailed than that, but making sense of the rest of it was nigh on to impossible to grasp. He started his VW to “energize” the system and… nothing happened, at least nothing could be seen to be happening. I don’t know what he expected was going to happen but he seemed dejected. He left to go home around 1:00 am.
We all agreed that Jasper’s time there should end.
A day or two later when he returned he threatened the children of one of the women who lived there with a shovel. Someone called the authorities. The people that came were from the mental institution where Jasper worked. He was livid. Jasper was about 6’4” and weighed well over 200lbs. He was not about to go quietly. It took four men to wrestle him to the ground. They put him in a straight jacket, loaded him into the ambulance and drove off. We never saw Jasper again.
In his book Chaos Tom O’Neil explains that the MKultra program was being run in at least 80 institutions around the country. Some were universities, some were research foundations, some were pharmaceutical companies, some were hospitals, including mental institutions, and 3 were prisons. For reasons that will become apparent, many of these institutions were in California. As will also become clear, the MKultra program and its offshoot programs were still very active at the time of Jaspers story. Did Jasper work in one of those MKultra insitutions? I’m still looking into that. As of right now it appears that the institution where Jasper works may have been one of the numerous mental institutions that were shut down by Reagan when he cut funding during his time as the governor. Additionally, when Regan became president he cut Federal funding for mental institutions which forced many states to close mental institutions. Whichever was the case, it appears the institution where Jasper worked, and then became a patient, is no longer in existence, which makes it very difficult to find any information about it.
What was the original intent of the MKultra program and how does that pertain to all of the events I just mentioned? Let’s get into that.
The MKultra program began in the late 1940’s and officially ran until 1964. However, it’s helpful to know that the funding for MKulra was derived from what the CIA calls a “cut out” - a standalone program not overseen by CIA hierarchy or any other hierarchy. Cut-out funding sources can be easily continued under the table for decades. In the case of MKultra, because LSD and Special K (Ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic) were the primary components of the program, it seems safe to speculate that sales of these drugs funded much of the CIA’s MKultra program. As former CIA agent Mike Baker explained to Joe Rogan, these cut-out programs get special dispensation. One type of dispensation is that the people involved in them are essentially untouchable (one of the worst aspects of the deep state). That means they can essentially ignore orders from headquarters and carry on their work without being responsible to anyone. Most researchers who have written about the MKultra program agree that even though the CIA claimed the program was officially shut down in 1964, it nevertheless continued under different names, at least into the mid 70’s.
I side with those who believe it’s still operational in some form to this day.
After spending 20 years digging, scrounging, interviewing and researching, Tom O’Neils book Chaos - Charles Manson the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties is the most exhaustive work on the MK topics. When Chaos came out in 2019, the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic, one of the primary locations for the execution of the MKultra program, was still open for business.
The Haight Ashbury Free Clinic is where Charles Manson was introduced to Roger Smith, who became his parole officer (Smith went on to get a medical degree). How a medical student with connections to the CIA became Mansons parole officer is unknown. What is known is that Smith and the clinic were funded by grants from the NIH to study the effects of LSD and methamphetamine on the counterculture movement in Haight Ashbury. There is also evidence that funding came from the CIA. The fact that the Haight Ashbury clinic did not close until four months after O’Neil’s book was released in 2019 (sales were soaring) speaks volumes about the possible ongoing existence of the MKultra/MKNAOMI programs as late as 2019.
It would seem the conclusion to be reached here is that because the program was so successful at generating troves of information about how to control people, it was kept up and running. Control freak organizations like the DoD and the CIA are not going to easily give up the goose that lays golden eggs. Apparently, to keep that goose laying golden eggs the program has had to go ever deeper under cover. This was achieved in part by the CIA announcing in 1964 that MKultra was being shut down. MKNAOMI arose in it place. In 1970 the CIA announced it too had been shut down. I’m dubious about either of them having ever been shut down. I seems likely they just morphed into other programs.
A good example of how we know that the people involved in the MK programs are untouchable is the fact that Charles Manson, who after his introduction to his “parole officer” Roger Smith at the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic, was arrested a number of times, yet was released from jail every time, even after violating parole. That is, until he was arrested the last time for the Tate/La Bianca/Shea murders. However, by then he had fulfilled the CIA’s goal of stigmatizing hippies and the counter-culture revolution of the 1960’s and 70’s.
Yes, it worked. I remember 1969, the year of those murders, very well. I was 15. Like everyone in my small community at the time, my parents never locked their doors. After the murder and more so after the Manson trial, everyone became paranoid and began locking their doors. Hatred towards hippies raged. My parents began to chide me at any hint of my hair becoming too long.
During my time Southern California, on several occasions a friend and I visited her sister who lived near Laurel Canyon. Laurel Canyon was to LA what the Haight Ashbury region was to San Francisco. Laurel Canyon was the Southern California epicenter for CIA MKultra shenanigans. The area was home to people in the music industry that Manson had come to know through Dennis Wilson, the drummer for the Beach Boys. Wilson’s relationship with Manson led him to eventually fear for his life. Speculation has it that the mental decline of Brian Wilson, the primary song writer for the Beach Boys and the brother of Dennis Wilson, was due to drugs that Manson was supplying. Given Manson’s connection to the CIA, the question becomes… how much of all of this can we blame on the CIA?
It should be pointed out that Charles Manson was also heavily involved in Scientology and was believed to be involved in the murder of 15 year old James Sharp and 19 year old Doreen Gaul who were both Scientologists. It should also be noted that this may have been a targeted murder to draw attention to what at that time was the increasingly popular Scientology movement.
Vincent Bugliosi was the prosecutor in the Manson trial. He did what he was supposed to do - convict Manson without exposing anything about MKultra. He did so by dreaming up a scenario about a coming race war that he claimed Manson was trying to instigate. It’s helpful to remember that the Black Panthers were also active at this time. The CIA’ involvement with the Black Panthers will have to be a whole ‘nuther post.
cia director turner
To understand the significance of the MKultra program in greater society we need to understand the goals of the program. At this point I’m going to turn this over to the former Director of the CIA, Admiral Stansfield Turner and the testimony he gave to the Senate in 1977. Keep in mind that, theoretically, by this time both the MKultra and the MKNAOMI programs and any evidence of their existence were to have been destroyed years earlier. Admiral Turner is referring to some boxes of documents regarding the financial aspect of MKultra that had been found. We are told that these boxes are all that remained of the program. The highlighting is mine.
There are roughly three categories of projects. First, there are 149 MKULTRA subprojects, many of which appear to have some connection with research into behavioral modification, drug acquisition and testing, or administering drugs surreptitiously. Second, there are two boxes of miscellaneous MKULTRA papers, including audit reports and financial statements from intermediary funding mechanisms used to conceal CIA sponsorship of various research projects.
Finally, there are 33 additional subprojects concerning certain intelligence activities previously funded under MKULTRA but which have nothing to do either with behavioral modifications, drugs or toxins, or any closely related matter.
We have attempted to group the activities covered by the 149 subprojects into categories under descriptive headings. In broad outline, at least, this presents the contents of these files. The following 15 categories are the ones we have divided these into.
First, research into the effects of behavioral drugs and/or alcohol. Within this, there are 17 projects probably not involving human testing. There are 14 subprojects definitely involving testing on human volunteers. There are 19 subprojects probably including tests on human volunteers and 6 subprojects involving tests on unwitting human beings.
Second, there is research on hypnosis, eight subprojects, including two involving hypnosis and drugs in combination.
Third, there are seven projects on the acquisition of chemicals or drugs.
Fourth, four subprojects on the aspects of the magician's art, useful in covert operations, for instance, the surreptitious delivery of drug-related materials.
Fifth, there are nine projects on studies of human behavior, sleep research, and behavioral change during psychotherapy.
Sixth, there are projects on library searches and attendants at seminars and international conferences on behavioral modifications.
Seventh, there are 23 projects on motivational studies, studies of defectors, assessments of behavior and training techniques.
Eighth, there are three subprojects on polygraph research.
Ninth, there are three subprojects on funding mechanisms for MKULTRA's external research activities.
Tenth, there are six subprojects on research on drugs, toxins, and biologicals in human tissue, provision of exotic pathogens, and the capability to incorporate them in effective delivery systems.
Eleventh, there are three subprojects involving funding support for unspecified activities conducted with the Army Special Operations Division at Fort Detrich, Md. This activity is outlined in Book I of the Church committee report, pages 388 to 389. (See Appendix A, pp. 68-69).
Under CIA's Project MKNAOMI, the Army assisted the CIA in developing, testing, and maintaining biological agents and delivery systems for use against humans as well as against animals and crops.
Thirteenth, there are single subprojects in such areas as the effects of electroshock, harassment techniques for offensive use, analysis of extrasensory perception, gas propelled sprays and aerosols, and four subprojects involving crop and material sabotage.
Fourteenth, one or two subprojects on each of the following: blood grouping research; controlling the activities of animals; energy storage and transfer in organic systems; and stimulus and response in biological systems.
Finally, 15th, there are three subprojects canceled before any work was done on them having to do with laboratory drug screening, research on brain concussion, and research on biologically active materials.
A few comments about this part of Admiral Turners testimony.
We need to keep in mind that a “project” or even a “subproject” could span many years and institutions and have numerous subcategories. In other words, a I mentioned earlier, overall, this project was vast.
I’ve written a number of posts about the “magicians art” he refers to and how it’s used by the CIA, the military, the gubberment, globalists and especially, big pharma. Covidcon provides the perfect example. I’ll be writing more about that soon.
Please note that Admiral Turner said the MKultra program was “…in the past”. He also said he knows of no other programs using drugs in the way MKultra did. Unfortunately, he had earlier made clear that the CIA hierarchy didn’t know anything about MKultra, and given the “cut-out” nature of these projects, how would he know that the CIA was no longer running programs similar to MKultra? Additionally, because we know that by the time of Turners testimony bioweapons had already become a part of the DoD and CIA play book and because we also know that nanotech was in the works, he lied by omission about those aspects.
behavioral control
As this information indicates, when the MKultra and MKNAOMI programs were ‘officially’ wound down, research on bioweapons and nanotechnologies were being ramped up. The MK initiative to manipulate and control human behavior using psychoactive drugs on a few subjects to make them commit horrendous acts that could be used to instill fear in the masses, appears to have morphed - at least in part - into the vaccine agenda via the toxins used in all vaccines, but especially the toxic nanotechnology used in the mRNA related jabs (see my numerous posts about transhumanism). Using a clever ploy to instill mass hysteria about unicorn viruses, that nanotech can be directly injected into the masses. Event those who don’t take the jabs can be exposed by shedding. (See the FDA story I broke about shedding here.)
In early 2021 when I first began writing about the nanotech being found in the jabs and the transhumanist agenda behind it, I was ridiculed from every quarter. Over the years I found more information verifying this. Then in June of 2023 Dr. Ana Mihalcea posted about Biden’s version of the Nanotech Initiative (NNI) which verifies everything I had been saying for the previous three years. She recently made a new post about the presidents most recent NNI. If anyone still has any doubts about any of what I’ve been saying about nanotech and the trans humanist agenda over the past four years, Biden’s latest NNI report will put them to rest. The NNI is slated to get 2.2 billion in 2025. That totals to over 45 billion of your tax payer dollars since the inception of NNI in 2001.
The 2020 NNI update was prepared during the first Trump administration. We need to pay close attention to see if the new Trump administration allocates any funds to NNI during his next term. With the worlds preeminent transhumanist/WEF/YGL person, Elon Musk, currently whispering in Trumps ear, we should be paying close attention to this during Trumps next term.
As of right now, it look like things will get worse, not better, under Trump.
Be free.
I've debated about making a short post about some quickly developing news, but it could turn out to be much ado about nothing, so I'm just going to mention it here.
Right after I posted this article I watched Shawn Ryan interview Sam Shoemate, who got the 'manifesto; from the cyber truck bomber. Lots of interesting things are said in this conversation. Because of their backgrounds, I take some of what these two say with a grain of salt, but much of what they said verifies much of what I said above.
Then I watched a report by Jeffery Prather warning about a bombing of the House certification of the Trump electoral victory, which is to happen Monday (tomorrow). He then tears into the Ryan/Shoemate interview. I'm not a big fan of Prather because he is such a Trump yes man and, again, because of his background. But he also has some interesting points about the interview.
How do you do it? So much info that us peons aren't supposed to know and you find it and share with those who have eyes to read it! Thank you!
Your comment about Elon Musk right at the end of your article is spot on. I keep trying to tell people that he is NOT our friend and all they can see is that he saved Twitter (X) and therefore saved free speech. SMH* So sad what folks are willing to believe over the available facts. Elon is such a phony and dangerous at that.
I absolutely believe things in this particular realm will get worse with Trump too.
Have you read the Book of Enoch? It talks about how the demons gave humans secrets/knowledge that humans were never meant to have and it doesn't take a leap to see why.
This propensity to turn towards the dark side for gain of power/wealth is downright evil.
Your words today show this quite clearly.
I look forward to every article you write and pray you will continue to put the truth out there for others to read and share.