Great article! I was 2 years ahead of you at a small Baptist college, and clearly remember Kent State as a freshman of 18. I also remember getting the flu freshman year, but no flu shot required. It was also the year I stopped religion after dealing with their version and forced chapel twice a week. And getting in trouble for going to class barefoot in cutoff jeans. And trouble for making a beer can pyramid in my dorm room. There were other trips to the Dean of Women as well. I also learned to hide my escapades better. I remember the girl next door who quit eating and didn’t leave her room for weeks. I tried to help her and talked to the nurse more than once, with no assistance. She left at Christmas and did not return. I dated one boy who ended up in Nam, but never heard the outcome.

It was a sad and scary time for all of us, and turned me into an anti-authority nut as well. I’m still fighting every day and turn 71 tomorrow. The herb you mentioned has always been helpful to me. In fact, based on my learning about the many cannabinoid receptors in our body, I believe the fact that mine were all attached naturally kept me from needing any fake poison shot or treatment for a fake illness. 😉 May my natural immune system carry me forward, and I look forward to your series of articles.

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