I really enjoyed this interview and the bacground perspective you gave in it. It's wonderful to see some of my favorite substack writers coming together. I sometimes ponder where do we go from here...

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Thank you Amy.

I know where you want to be going...

As for me, I'm not sure. For right now it seems important yo just keep chipping away at the machine.

I like your meme ideas.

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"Which is the way that's clear?"


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Thanks for the flashback.

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Sep 15Liked by Kyle Young

Secular heretic and Unbekoming are two of a handful of substacks i still pay to read and are must reads as soon as they hit my inbox. Keep up the great work Kyle. God bless.

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Thank you Jerms.

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Sep 17Liked by Kyle Young

You mention that you have read many of the esoteric and spiritual texts. You may be interested in reading the Urantia book. Based on Christian principles but has the off world foundations. I won’t say that I understand it, but it is fascinating.

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I did read some of that many years ago. I should probably revisit it.

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Sep 17Liked by Kyle Young

The best I can explain of the nugget that I got from that book is understanding the triad. The book explains the role and function of the thought adjuster, which is the conscience, or Holy Spirit.

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Wonderful to read this. Informative especially since I am newer here and havent had a chance to go back to your earlier articles. Grateful for your research Kyle and that you have the talent to share the information so that many of us can understand it clearly. Very sorry to hear that you lost your mom so tragically. My brother in law died 20 minutes after getting his second pfizer. A massive heart attack in the parking lot walking back to his car after getting the jab

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Thank you Karafree.

Apart from war (Viet Nam in my case), the covid jabs must rank number one for the number of people who know someone who was killed by a large event.

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Thanks Kyle,

I managed to miss the 1971 and 1976 required-flu-vaccinations due to moving, first when Dad retired from the USMC and we moved to rural Texas, and again when I came over from Japan to start college in Austin, and there had already been so much bad-press from the Swine-Flu vaccine under Ford, that it was no longer required.

The US Civil-War firmed-up the status of the germ-theory, when surgeons who washed their hands before surgery had 3X the survival rate for field-amputations as those who did not. Doctors who washed their hands between autopsies and delivering babies had a similar improvement in outcomes, leading to hospital births eventually becoming as safe as homebirths with a midwife...

Morgellons remains an interesting mystery to me, as it has been for almost 20 years now...

Our 2021 "firings" led both of us to do more of this truth-seeking and sharing.

We are combatants now, brothers in arms of the pen, it seems.

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I guess at this point I'm thankful I lived through a bout of jab induced pneumonia in 1971 vs potential death from the covid jabs.

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

Morgellons seems like a massive transhumanism experiment gone awry.

Carry on.

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Sep 17Liked by Kyle Young

Appreciate all that helpful information. Unfortunately I have to have a cell phone because of my job, but seems like that should not preclude my right to privacy, and a land line. I'm hoping to follow up soon with the phone company.

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Interesting and obviously real history on stack. Good general info too. Thanks.

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You are welcome matt.

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Sep 16Liked by Kyle Young

Awesome Kyle, thank you.

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Thank you Un-silent.

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I also enjoyed this article and the resources listed. Your writing is very informative and eye opening. Like you I remember JFK'S assassination. I was a graduating senior in high school. So many connecting events after it happened. I stopped believing the government then. It never made sense. None of it. And things kept getting weider. And it hasn't stopped.

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Sep 15Liked by Kyle Young

I adore unbecoming. The only stack I take the time to read through slowly..and save

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Kyle Young

Hi Kyle,

I read your interview by Unbekoming on his stack. What follows is comments made there.

Be well.


Good day Unbekoming and Kyle Young,

I am late reading this so my comments may have already been made by others. Nevertheless, I wrote when the topic you discuss touched me.

> discuss the dangers of 5G technology. What prompted you to start researching this topic, and what are some of the most concerning aspects you've uncovered?

REPLY: Excellent question. One thing no one (the ph company won't tell you) realizes is by owning a cell phone you give up the right to privacy. In the eyes of the communications industry the cell phone is a broadcast technology. So when you choose to use it, you forever give up the right to privacy in their system even land lines are no longer protected. YOU HAVE GIVEN UP YOUR RIGHT TO PRIVACY. Very big issue for me. But no one seems to care or mention it.

For that reason alone I don't own a cell phone and never will. Wired communications protection of privacy is baked in. Many times in court snooping on a wired device (typically a phone) was ruled illegal and unconstitutional. People don't know that.

It was really driven home to me by the work of fsf.org, the Free Software Foundation. Therefore I only use a wire connection with my computer too.

Sadly people today don't even know what privacy is. Grimly Public/Private partnership ( a soft form of fascism) can spy on you. It is a one way mirror. The everyday citizen cannot spy in return as these entities did not give up their right to privacy. A one way mirror. The average citizen is on the wrong side of that mirror.

> So if you know that the rollout of 5G is going to cause what appears to the masses to be a pandemic, why not take advantage of it to make a literal killing with a fake jab

REPLY: Also massive pollution and toxins in earth air and water are pilling up and spilling over. US health and longevity was 4th in the world around 1970. It fell to 79th by 2020.

So the combined rollout of 5g Covidcon etc provided excellent cover to create a false narrative about the massive health failure in the US. And as Kyle has said the failure makes these folks rich.

> Aluminum is toxic to all biological life. Prior to it being mined, all aluminum was bound up in the earth’s crust in bauxite, a form that prevents it from being absorbed by any biological life.

REPLY: It seems quite plausible that the bacteria that began Terraforming the Earth 3+ billion years ago early on realized Aluminum was useless for life and sequestered Aluminum in a composite mineral bauxite.

> During my early years on Substack I also faced a lot of backlash from readers. I’ve noticed a big shift in the past year or two. I hardly ever see naysayers on my ‘stack anymore. It seems the rest of the world is catching up.

REPLY: It has been amazing to watch the re-awakening of the citizens to the nefarious activities brought to you by the Public/Private partnership. Sadly I thought we were all awake more or less in the 1960s and 1970s. How wrong I was as the people went to sleep and only now are re-awkening.

My concern is people will once again begin to doze and then fall deeply asleep. That the deep biological function of peristalsis also happens psychologically. We have been squeezed for a time. A period of relaxation will come. People will doze and forget. The cycle begins again.

Peristalsis doesn't need to lead to loss of consciousness. Rather it can take the form of breathing, breathing in a psychological sense. Kyle has explained how he has taken the insights gained through perseverance of research, and to help his fellow humans, guides everything he does. I am sure his energy level and clarity of mind and body is much greater than he ever expected. That is healthy psychological peristalsis. May it be so.

> I’ve written some about the secret societies that have so much influence over society. That’s a topic that needs more coverage.

REPLY: Consider the work of Larry Romanoff which is very extensive. Chapter One of his ebook titled Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion found here https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/14861/

Is worth a read. I am reading the entire ebook at present.

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Yes, there was a lot more I wanted to say, but the interview was already quite long.

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Sep 16Liked by Kyle Young

I tried to get AT&T to install a analog wired land line, and they said they couldn't do it because they had phased them out. What is the alternative? Seems like I should have the right to have a land line..

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I assume your referring to a phone line. It's been so long since I've had a phone of any kind, I'm not sure what the current status is.

I have two brothers that both worked in management for SW Bell. I know that it varies from one jurisdiction (company) to another. In many cases the landlines are still there, but there may be some issues with the switching stations. In some areas, smaller independent phone companies make use of old land lines. You might look in to that.

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Sep 16Liked by Kyle Young

Thank you, that sounds like great advice. Will check it out.

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You should fight for it. Question is have you ever owned a cell phone? If you have it doesn't make any difference. You have forfeit your privacy rights as far as telecom's are concerned. No one has ever challenged this in court.

I have never owned a cell phone. Never! I have never borrowed one either. Phone companies don't want you to know privacy is baked in. I suspect but don't know for sure that fiber optic lines can be construed to be wire lines.

Assuming you never owned a cell phone, you should insist on privacy equivalent to a wired line. And you want it in writing that the phone company is providing you with all the legal rulings that apply to land lines and wired phone service. You also need end to end encryption and it needs to be updated frequently. ( If possible you should provide your own encryption)

If they won't do this and refuse to give you a land line tell them they have forced you to bring this issue to the Public Utilities Commission. Privacy is a big deal. If the phone company and the Public Utilities Commission (that oversees the phone company) fail to respect your privacy you can take them to court. You will win. You should make public issue of it in you area. That is create honest and truthful accounts of your experience with the phone company and their disrespect of your privacy. Utilities hate bad press.

While I have always had a land line, when I have had to ask the phone company to honor their maintenance of their system such that I continue to have service "in the manner to which I have become accustom". They told me to get a cell phone. I said "Are you discriminating against my right to privacy?" The back off right away and a trouble man was out fixing the situation the next day.

You should find organizations that are watch dogs of phone companies to help you if the phone company stonewalls you. I wish you luck.

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He's done zero research. His sources are the Alex Jonestein channel where you can buy Iodione from the bottom of a 5 mile deep coal pit, to protect you from the non-existant "Fukushima Radiation" and some dick pills. Jonestein said to "take the whole medicine cabinet" for fake Covid. He's so far back in history, like 130+ years, that Nikola Tesla won the Nobel Prize for weather modification for "irrigating the desert" in 1915, while actually modifying the weather back in 1899. Irrigating the desert is bad? It's not like I've been publishing this to 1000+ Facebook Groups since about 2009. Maybe the Secular Heretic was under a rock this whole time? https://teslaleaks.com/f/wardenclyffe-tower-revisit-chapter-for-peer-review-ft-submarines

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You can resort to ad hominem attacks or you can take on the issue directly. I see you have chosen to do the former.

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Mindblowing BS. 5G is non ionizing and couldn't hurt a flies butthole. Nor is it "radiation". Did you ever take a single science class?? I doubt it. It's also only 1/10,000 of 1 watt of power. How is 5G supposed to hurt you? Show me some proof in an reproduceable study that 5G hurts someone? If 5G was dangerous, wouldn't all the morons be dead already? Maybe you should switch back to dial-up and hide under a rock? EMF is bad... Fracking, by blowing up your fresh water aquifer, is Good! Buring down the Amazon for bio-diesel and Ethanol is Great! EV's, with a perpetually running motor and salt is baaad... 5G Causes Covid19 Hoax. 5G technology cites 6 of Nikola Tesla's Patents on Radio and Wireless Power https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/5g-causes-covid19-or-symptoms-conspiracy-or-nikola-tesla-wireless

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Right. We were also told the vaccines were safe and effective.

As I pointed out in the post, the materialistic paradigm in which modern "science" operates does not recognize the human biofield, let alone harm caused to it by non-ionizing radiation. And because the behemoth telecommunications industry has billions of dollars to throw around, they have done a fine job of suppressing information about the harms of non-ionzing radiation.

But if your so confident that non-ionizing radiation is safe, I'd like for you to lay out in the full summer sun for 10 hours with no clothes on. Then get back to me and tell me that non ionizing radiation is safe.

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I hard wire my laptop with a long cable and turn off the wi-fi. It can be done.

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