I notice all but one file are set to 1984—how apropos 😆

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Looking forward to your take on some of this.

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Too many rabbit-holes and too little time! I just started by searching for “2020” and came across the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) Ambitions for 2020 report (https://file.wikileaks.org/file/euiss-ambitions-for-2020.pdf), which has some juicy bits:

“The JIP-ICET looks into technologies such as nano-materials and structures, remote detection and health monitoring.”


“Advances in nanotechnology, data processing and sensor systems, and especially their fusion, will have at least two major consequences. Firstly, a vastly increased sensor grid. The world around us, and we ourselves, will increasingly become seeded with vast amounts of diffuse and networked miniature sensors. We will live in a sea of sensors and it will be increasingly difficult for individuals to unplug themselves from this information grid.”


“The second major consequence of the nano-data-sensor fusion is that the tools of military force will be transformed, becoming smaller, more autonomous, more intelligent and very closely integrated. Today’s individual big centralised manned weapons systems are likely to be increasingly replaced by dispersed miniaturised swarms of robots. Clusters of minute subcomponents, each with different specific qualities (sensors, communications, damaging agents) and integrated into networks will become capable of acting coherently and of morphing in various configurations to perform a wide variety of tasks. This lies beyond 2020, but the trend will be there, with more and more unmanned vehicles, robotics and miniaturisation. It may also offer us a technological means to compensate for declining will.

“The consequences of these two trends are, firstly, that the focus of physical power is shifting towards the cybersphere. Secondly, that kinetic destruction will increasingly be replaced by what we may call corrosive destruction, capable of inflicting far more severe but also more controlled and precise damage than kinetic destruction.”


“The historical record indicates that the evolution of the EU’s military capability to 2020 will be slow, cumbersome and reactive. The one exception could be science, where breakthrough technologies (nano-sensor-data) may lead to a revolution in our capability to control our social and technological environment.”


I haven’t had a chance to read the report yet but found these bits by searching for “nano” (after “COVID”, which yielded nada, and then “health”, which led to “nano”). Needless to say, it gets rather creepy.

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Wow! Good stuff Margaret. That ties in with something I read in there yesterday about the WHO's role as the world wide entity in charge of development, distribution and administration of the jabs containing the agents you just listed.

It also further verifies everything Elana Freeland said in my interview with her -


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Fascinating and thanks for the link to your interview! I’ve added it to my queue (among a few thousand others ;-)

I look forward to seeing what emerges from your research in future articles :-)

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vey droll...

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Thank you!

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You are welcome!

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This is NOT new and WikiLeaks has made no claims about dumps. As noted elsewhere the "insurance files" are mirrored all over cyberspace and all they need is keys to open. Rhis archive has hundreds of saves at Wayback over the past year. Try to verify claims.. this one was super easy to not be dead wrong.


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I wonder who will actually utilize this. I have only so many resources to look for the best specks of dirt in an entire back yard of dirt!

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Good point. I've found weeding through it by topic to be helpful. And thousands of us will have many different topics to pursue....

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Ah! So the files are accessed through a plain HTML index page with topics listed in alphabetical order...There are roughly 1,800 lines on the top list. Some listings are for individual files and some point to folders containing individual files. "vault7" for example points to a set of cryptically-named zip (7z) archives. This archive contains many files with their own HTML index that have to do with various CIA coding projects ("hacking tools") to infiltrate computers running Windows.

There are many files dealing with my group (Scientology). Most of it seems to be material you can find at our official sites or order freely from our publishing houses. There are PDFs of reports on Bilderberg meetings starting with 1955. I see nothing on UFOs or ETs - a true disappointment! So, though this is a large and interesting cache of documents, it may not in the end be that earth-shattering...

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There's shocking info about pizzagate, etc. in this series, "Fall of the Cabal". I recommend starting with part I (9 episodes) instead of II (19 episodes). If this is true or even half-true, then god help us all.


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Thanks for pointing that out CK. You're doing what I hoped people would do with this.

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Thanks Kyle....Great info and will be fun to have a dig through that lot. Cheers xoxo

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Thanks. Virated it. No time for hot goss. Alas!

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