Great post about freedom. It's too bad our Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hasn't read it. A few days ago he told a Quebec television station that people who do not get vaccinated against covid 19 are often racist and misogynistic extremists. He said the people of Quebec are not the problem and questioned whether the rest of Canada needs to "tolerate" the unvaccinated. He went on to say it's a very small group of people, but that doesn't shy away from the fact that they take up some space. This is on YouTube at the moment but unfortunately it is in French. I live in Canada but not in Quebec.

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So the Quebecians(?) have a higher jab rate? I would've thought those rowdy French descendants were more free thinking.

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Actually as of Dec. 4 2021 Quebec is 77.64%. This includes those with partial or fully vaccinated. The other 9 provinces range from a high of 84.89% to a low of 70.43%.

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So among other negative attributes, Trudeau is prejudiced?

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I would go so far as to say he is prejudiced against anyone who doesn't agree with him. Particularly the unvaccinated. He is nothing more than a petty dictator.

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A breath of fresh air. No blaming, shaming, call to action. Just an honest look at how we have been taken in by the system. I will resist the jabs until I am taken away in shackles. Thank you.


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A true warrior. Thanks Penny.

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I hope not to be guilty of tilting at windmills. No, I think we can all see the true enemy very clearly.

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Agreed on many counts - I would like to see one thing corrected. You said:

"Hypocrites recognized this 2,400 years ago when, speaking about the code of ethics for caring for patients, he said: “First… cause no harm.”

I believe it was Hippocrates who said "First do no harm." The hypocrites are all around us pushing the vaccine and the mandates. Let's not get them confused with the father of real medical care.

Thanks for your post!

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Good catch! One of the things I hate about the new word processing apps is that they all-too-often plug in a different word, but one that's close to the same spelling as the desired word. This is not the first time this has happened. This is AI hard at work, messing with my writing. Running late with this post and trying to edit in a hurry also doesn't help. As for the quote itself, I've seen it worded several ways.

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I think a big part of all this insanity is due to the emotional weight and history that the term "vaccine" carries. And its partner: "anti-vax".

Pharma was smart to label these new medicines "vaccines" (which we now know they're really not.) By doing this they're able to smear anyone who doesn't take their product as an anti-vaxxer. And for a lot of people, particularly left-leaning people, being called an anti-vaxxer is about the worst thing imaginable. They will go to great lengths and jump through many hoops to avoid the dreaded anti-vax label - even ignoring obvious safety data and their own common sense and intuition.

The good news is that it seems like people are starting to wake up. Malone on Rogan the other day was awesome and I hope it gets viewed by as many people as possible.

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Agreed, although I'm not sure whether pharma labeled them vaccines or the media did. Haven't seen that Rogan show yet. Intend to.

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Thanks for another great article, Kyle, and happy new year!

I understand about having compassion for people who got sucked in and took the jab(s); however, my compassion only extends so far. The line in the sand for me is people who feel regret but who deny it and continue to seek confirmation bias. I guess what I'm trying to say is that they were definitely mentally ill when they succumbed to the lies at every step, without doing any research, and ultimately took the jab(s). Your mental health prevailed as you watched the career-clown parade go by but did the work — both in your own psychology and in the research — to dispel any notion that this was anything other than a pre-meditated fake epidemic with clear objectives involving death-cult imposition. Meanwhile, there are people still desperately clinging to the belief that face masks, social distancing, isolation, business closures, "testing," and jabs work, especially those who "got Covid" anyway. What kind of mental state are THEY in? Sounds like absolute hell to me. And I'm not being judgmental; I'm simply observing objective reality, something that most people have traded in for a false sense of security, comfort, and convenience offered by the black magicians and their sycophantic career clowns.

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Thanks Sharine. There is certainly plenty of delusion going around. I often think about how long it took a lot of people to wake up about 9/11 and cling to the hope that will come about with this.

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Yes, Kyle, I think you are referring to the unhealed trauma causing their mental illness. So, yeah, most of them are "functional" as people, but they are not at all full-spectrum, living breathing men and women.

The truth about 9/11 was another big wake-up call for me, but there was plenty of disillusionment before that. I mean, just being lied to from infancy about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, etc. sets the stage for massive trauma through trust issues. When we can't fully trust even the people who brought us into the world, and everyone just passes these lies off as "innocent" and "harmless," we're all gonna end up with a psychological mess. And unless that mess gets sorted through and cleaned up, one cannot truly individuate and mature. We have to re-learn to trust our inner BS detector and know — really KNOW — when we're being lied to, gaslighted, or otherwise psychologically manipulated. That's what 9/11 truth-seeking did for me, and it definitely helped me to have my inner resources fully intact prior to the current house of liars' cards!

I don't see anything wrong with having some hope for humanity waking up, as I feel that it is happening anyway on the psycho-spiritual plane/level/dimension. The black magicians know this, too, and that's why CovAin't got rammed into global projections, hard and fast. In my heart, I know that their tyranny is entirely unsustainable because it's all based on lies. Our very essence is truth, joy, and freedom, and we are meant to sparkle as Sparks of The Divine, little creator beings, bringing more life and love everywhere we go.

And on that note, here is a link to the video that my husband and I made on New Year's Eve afternoon. I edited it and got it up on online for all to enjoy! It's short and sweet at about three-and-a-half minutes in length!


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Well said.

Rocking the house! I had to listen to Stairway to Heaven as well - loved it:)

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Thanks, Kieron. Great quote from Russell, it makes sense when we think of every living being and every thing as comprised of frequency, energy, and vibration.

We can let our minds, just as our bodies, slip into lower vibrations, and of course folks with a history of mental illness have a bigger row to hoe with achieving health and maintaining it. Mental vigilance requires training and almost constant awareness. It is imperative to keep watch and re-cognize when the black magicians' projections do not ring true in our essence as creator beings of The Divine (more about frequency alignment)!

Good for you for ignoring the mandates! Having been issued by illegitimate bands of criminals, the "orders" are illegal and unlawful, not to mention purposefully harmful on every level of our being. That said, if your employer tries to fire you for non-compliance, you have legal recourse. Talk or write to their legal counsel and use the term "cause of action" when referencing the threat of firing, and they will grasp immediately that you know you have legal grounds to sue the company and will win. If you need additional information and/or support, see videos by Peggy Hall "The Healthy American" or "Living Swell with Peggy Hall" on YT or her website.

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Kieron, thanks for the info. Yes, I was already familiar with Zingdad, and I like the foundation of his message about healing from trauma, self-reliance, individuation, and reclaiming our essence as creator beings of the Divine.

I have never heard of Kelly Thebo. It turns out that she lives (or lived for some time) in Greenville, Wisconsin, which is a mere 130 miles from my hometown where my sister and both brothers still live. My sister is interested in the work of some channelers, so I'll ask her about Kelly!

I think that the "creator being" notion is entering the collective consciousness because we are in a time of awakening to our true essence, and that seems weird because all we're seeing is the complete opposite! But that's the way of the black magicians: Everything they do and project into our paradise is inverted and perverted to oppose Divine Design. They KNOW that we are on schedule to "rise anew" in our status as creator beings, and so they're pulling out all the stops to try and fool people into enslaving themselves IN THEIR OWN HEARTS AND MINDS.

That said, I'm glad you're not ignoring the blinking neon signs being presented to those of us with eyes to see. There are messages and synchronicity everywhere, we just have to be open to receiving information from The Divine, while taking due note of the black magicians' projections (because they can and do cause actual harm) but from a place of quantum observership, giving no energy to their fake "reality"!

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Fantastic post! Thank you, Kyle!

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Your very welcome Navyo. The pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

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Go Go Kyle! Excellent 'blog'!!!

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Society creates myths, and the problem with a myth is that while you are living in it, you don't see it. You only see it from the outside. I was watching an old movie the other night, Bell, Book, and Candle, and I was appalled by the message. A woman can only love and be loved if she gives up her essential self and her freedoms. At the same time Call the Midwife, set in the sixties, had a Christmas special with a wedding in which the bride said she would love, honor and OBEY! I cringed. I believed it once. I believed all these narratives.

Now I see that we have always been lied to. Our cowardly leaders lie and lie and then lie some more. Boris is a good example as your clip shows. We believe because we are taught to believe. I was fortunate and learned to question early in life, and yet I still believed in a whole lot of stuff. It has taken me many decades to sort it all out.

I cannot blame the vaxxed. I too might have gotten into the line twenty years ago. I was fired by my vet of long standing twelve years ago because I refused to let her jab my dog. I do not miss her and my dogs are doing fine without a regular vet.

Safe and effective have sort of lost it. A few people whom I have spoken to have told me that they are not getting the boosters. Enough is enough already. One humphed that they were not very effective although he did not question the safety--yet!

But there are the fierce ones who are slaves to the narratives and adamant that the jabs are the answers. The authorities have spoken. It shall be done!

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The further we get into this the more I'm convinced that diligent communication, voting with our feet and dollars (if a business wants me to don a mask, I walk out) and refusing to participate, are the most effective things we can do on a day to day basis to bring about change. Seems you've already figured that out Joanne.

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People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacity to think”– Aldous Huxley, Brave New World (1932)

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The subject of freedom is very important to me. Though many of us are conversant with the basic rules that seek to protect our freedoms, and what it feels like to be free versus dominated by another, few realize how far freedom can go and the full picture of why it is feared.

Those who have looked into Near Death Experiences are familiar with the phenomenon of separation from the body. This is a very real phenomenon yet is seldom mentioned in the freedom discussion. But, how free is that, compared to having to drag a body around with you? The fact is that many beings who could operate "free" once existed and were VERY ABLE compared to the average human. Though there is no good evidence that such beings were dangerous to the societies they interacted with, one can imagine, perhaps, that body-bound beings could concoct many potential problems from "free beings." And so, the body-bound super-organized societies of the distant past invested considerable time and effort to disable free beings and bring "spiritual freedom" to a state of total public disrepute. That is the situation we live in today.

You can see, then, that our Founding Fathers, as imperfect as they were, were seen as a major threat to the super-organized societies that were interacting with Earth. Our country has been a target since it was created, and much progress has been made here to bring freedom into disrepute, as well as maintain total silence on the reality of spiritual freedom.

Most reading this would be perfectly happy with the normal freedoms guaranteed in our Bill of Rights (or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights). But we should realize that those freedoms are being suppressed because of the imaginary threat posed by our rediscovery of spiritual freedom, a rediscovery that is already well under way.

Any pro-freedom person (and there are many on Earth!) would be properly disgusted with what has been going on with forced drugging and free speech limitations. Those are all ancient and very predictable activities in our long journey to where we are today. In my mind, our only hope is to reestablish a certain number of free beings here before the enemies of freedom realize what we are doing and shut us down. Though they will never totally achieve this shutdown, a major setback now would be very hard on us.

A major difference we will have to live with if we want to preserve our freedom is to indulge in some degree of organization. Our weakness in the past was that each of us thought we could make it independently. That didn't work. But an organized group of free beings should be totally irresistible.

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As someone who has had an out of body experience due to a motorcycle accident, I can't argue with much of what you say. However, as much as I'd like to see it happen, I do have trouble envisioning a bunch of free spirits getting organized;) There is also the thought that organized groups make good targets for the dark elites.

Other than the fact that I know freedom is a good thing, I guess I have no answers. But don't take that as me saying I'm not in favor of your idea - I believe all positive paths should be pursued.

Perhaps when the time is right, the answer will come as a spirit-mist on a gentle breeze, informing us what to do.

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