May 13Liked by Kyle Young

Thanks Kyle, Our government at work, can’t make this stuff up - control of the people/citizens by fellow people/citizens in disservice to their fellow man. What an absurd world we live in. Remember we are all Palestinians as long as we are treated as the targeted enemy every day in every way.

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Yup. Everyone is in a kill box today.

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May 14Liked by Kyle Young

And they're all Hamas

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We're all just useless eaters.

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The world according to WEF.

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May 13Liked by Kyle Young

Hey Kyle, here is another interesting perspective, particularly as it relates to smart meters. https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/were-maui-dews-a-psyop-did-we-fall

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As I pointed out in the articles, military HPM's and lasers do not operate in the visible spectrum. As I also pointed out, photos that show lasers hitting something are fake.

Smart meters are for monitoring the people who use them. They're very profitable for the power companies because they can also fake power consumption. They do not operate in the spectrum required to do what happened on Maui.

It's getting a bit old, but this documentary on smart meters is still pertinent.


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It is for real that Smartmeters will burn at 3300 degrees F, if an electronic surge is provided. They contain lithium batteries and components. To me, it seems that Smartmeters are incendiary devices. It is obvious that DEWs were used in Hawaii, and that our enemies have redundant systems to achieve their goals. I did a post on it: https://palamambron620.substack.com/p/yellow-alert-blueprint-for-attack

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Smart meters are definitely problematic in many ways, fires hazards being one of them (EMF's being another). The link I provided above to the documentary about them makes that clear. I had some friends whose house burned to the ground due to a malfunctioning smart meter. They were lucky to get out with their lives.

But as you said, they were not the cause of the Lahaina fires. The power had long been shut down, either by the DEW attacks or by the utility company, or both. However, there is the possibility that HPM's could have tracked down to the meters, overloaded them and exacerbated the fires, even with the power off.

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May 14Liked by Kyle Young

What is of further interest, and a point that I don't think has been adequately addressed regarding Lehana is that 25th Infantry Division is close, real close and have quick reaction personnel and assets at the ready that could have been used to aide in extraction. I was part several battalion sized Quick Reaction Forces (QRFs), and served in many "Humanitarian" operations following natural disasters. I wonder if the 25th Command asked to move and whether they were told to stand down. I know for a fact that several lower level commanders and troops were asking....

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May 15·edited May 15Author

Yes, the Navy also had several vessels in the vicinity, at least one of which carried Sikorsky helicopters equipped with DEW capabilities. Video shows it flying in the vicinity of the fire.

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Thanks Kyle,

There were a lot of arrangements made that took away land rights and the rights to preserve nature "in the emergency". There is some big deal that is still hidden. We know of the plans to make Maui into a high-tech island, and that would not involve locals and Hawaiians having any particular rights or prerogatives.

There is some military addition being made to the space-base there, which is a communications base, but is the sister base to the energy weapons base in Arizona.

I still want to know who ordered and who commanded the death rays, which seem to have been microwave, though there could have been lasers, also. The trees burning from the inside out were a give-away for microwave heating.

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Yes, the arrangements began with the taking of the land by the sugar barons long ago. Taking continues to this day.

Microwaves was also my conclusion at the time when I wrote these posts. All the burned metal cars/builidngs smacks of putting aluminum in a microwave oven.

The other base is at Holloman Air Force Base at Alamagordo NM.

Here's one for you to ponder - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uC1PA2PVbE&t=1s

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Just watching the video. Yes, very fishy.

Though not directly connected, I've read that one of the components of chemtrails is highly flammable aluminum oxide.

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Aluminum oxide is already-burned aluminum, Steve. There is an aluminum hydrocarbon emulsion which works well as jet fuel. Aluminum can even run a piston engine. I looked it up out of curiosity last year. It does not have to be spray nozzles.

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Thanks for the heads up John.

So maybe powdered aluminum as a fuel can be used as a fire accelerant for the DEWs?

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Powdered aluminum burns very hot, like sodium or magnesium. DEWs aim fairly far away, at whatever fuel may be there, like houses and trees, or gasoline tanks of cars. The advantage is that they can be pointed anywhere, at anything and quickly make it very hot. Some things will resonate better with the microwave energy for instance, like the water in the core of a tree getting hot and the tree burning inside out, for instance. Depth of penetration with lasers would be superficial. https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/lahaina-tree-burns-inside-out

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Hi John. That makes sense, and I hear you about lasers. Played with a few a few years ago that are now illegal in the U.S. But I think there are different types of DEWs, some with more focus and range, but others with short range and a wider dispersal ... such as what was used at an Aussie protest a year or two ago (face blisters), or to bring down a swarm of mini-drones. There's a few YouTubes showing do-it-yourselfers from over 6 years ago adapting a microwave oven's magnatron enough to bring down a mini-drone.

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I've read that, too.

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Woof! Drowning in a flood of information, but glad to see you again.

Glad to see you again!

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Woof, back! ^_^

And of course, we're all drowning in information, since it's been withheld from us for... who knows how long, but at LEAST a few hundred years, lol. Cheers, m'dear. Be well.

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My mistake - the other AFRL site is at Kirtland Airforce Base NM.

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I have hopped, skipped and jumped through that video last week.

What referred to is special rights to protect nature that native Hawaiians have, and were exercising to protect a river and watershed on Maui, and also to various property rights unique to Hawaii.

Those were just stolen in Josh Green's emergency decree, because they were moving forward successfully to block development.

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Hi, JDMD. :)

Hawaii was stolen, and seems to continue being stolen, over and over...

Our govt. has been, and is now, a thug. So tiresome, and time for something better.

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May 13Liked by Kyle Young

Love Tracy and have been following her since day one. She has great resources.

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She does. And she is so calm about all of it.

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May 14·edited May 14Liked by Kyle Young

Thanks, Kyle. Always good work, illuminating and interesting! I stayed with a friend in the mountains of the Sierras in CA back in 2020, for 5 months, and close to Paradise... I got out before the little town I stayed in was decimated. I've always had a strong feeling that those fires were SET, not accidental in any way... DEWS seem to be far more a pressing problem than all this BS about eating bugs, spike proteins, "shedding" and the rest of the distractions. These people producing, using and killing with these weapons need to be in sitting in cells, at best.

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Thank you WH.

I agree with your sentiment.

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Excellent coverage Kyle!

I am still behind in writing my own substack about this.

Just last week, I was in a 3 way video zoom chat with Traci and Shane about the social psychology of why many of the Lahaihana residents are so willing to give up their traditional identity and go along with the 15 Minute Surveillance State Ghettos the ruling class have in mind.

She sent me a recording of the video, and I started writing a much longer and detailed response regarding the many different angles the social psychology could be approached that we did not have enough time to chat about ... the non-violent tactics used in caste-war gentrification, the earlier indigenous of America/Australia receiving beads and blankets for natural resources they could not imagine being commodified, the salience of Cluster B-Dark Triad psychology on "manifest destiny" or "prosperity theology", the moral implications of exceeding Dunbar's Number, the post-Nuremberg behaviorist experiments of Asche, Milgram, and later Zimbardo, Laura Dodsworth's uncovering of British nudge units to move the plandemic policies, and so on.

The zoom chat did not go as well as I expected ... 3 pm in California is 7 am here in Japan (still woozy ... and not experienced in the back-and-forth cues of video chatting), and being rushed for time and not knowing more about the range of questions or personal backgrounds of Traci or Shane did not help.

I know that Traci has owned rental apartments in Lahaina, and techno-whizz Shane surprised me with his knowledge of Stanley Milgram. But need to know more about how much they know of the big picture of this caste war we are in, and their personal values.

But I am just about finished with a draft of a letter to her latest podcast regarding parallels between Honolulu's train boondogle and what is happening with the mass transit system in Japan ... and a suggestion for another Zoom chat, but a bit more background and scripted as a test run for a YouTube broadcast.

As I started writing about the angles of social psychology and the maleable nature of language and narratives ... I realized that as soon as their new book comes out, I will be writing a companion piece covering the Lahaina massacre from a psycho-historical perspective. Even a long form YouTube chat would not be enough to cover the same-old same old, or how it is being newly implemented with still unknown capacities of military technology. I saw the videos of those "search and rescue" Sikorsky SeaHawks during the Lahaina fire ... mounted with Raytheon multi-spectrum targeting systems ... and followed up with of maybe a thousand save links, about a hundred focussed on the history and capacity of DEWs.

Just a hint of things to come.


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Lots of interesting stuff. Thanks.

Because the psychology of compliance is so pertinent to what's been happening over the past four years, I've covered that topic in a few posts.

Has Tracy covered this story in the same way I would have? No. As far as I know she didn't delve deeply into any of the information about DEW's I sent her. But then I haven't watched all of her videos (less so more recently). Perhaps you know more about that than I do.

She has chosen her path and I have no problem with that. The aspects she and her co-authors are covering also needs to be known.My approach is to just get any and all information about this in front of as many eyes as possible.

I've seen some not-very-definitive videos of the Sikorsky's. Do you have links for them?

Do you have a link to the video you mentioned?

Let us know when you make that post.

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Hi Kyle,

I hear you about Traci ... I am reluctant to judge with so little information, but I think she is still poking around at the edges of the red pill, and I am not sure by what criteria she chooses her sources or direction. But I do respect what she appears to be trying to do.

I sent her and Shane a thank-you note, but have not gotten a response. Either too busy, or I am not the "right" person to collaborate with for her new calling. But she has gone down the tech rabbit hole recently with a few videos and chosen correspondents.

Here is a recent interview of a very believable inside/outsider. I've started watching some of his YouTube podcasts, and he appears to be the real deal. Probably some real scary stuff is going on in Antarctica.


And here is the guy identifying the Seahawk and Raytheon targeting system ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEShwUWCsro

And the DOD homepage for Talisman Sabre 23, occurring West of Hawaii during the fire ... https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Experience/Exercise-Talisman-Sabre/. Maybe we should take their word for it (scrolling down the page) ... "Not Just An Exercise".

Cheers Kyle!

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The first one is new to me.

The second one I've seen.

The third one I get a 404 error.

I watched another of Tracy's videos where Shawn shows photos of some of the bizarre damage, untouched blue things, untouched plastic things and other abnormalities that I pointed out in my posts. At the end of the video Tracy says it was hard for her to grasp this stuff early on, that she thought it was crazy talk. She may have been referring to some of the early info I sent her, to which she never replied. But she went on to sort of say that she is coming around to accepting this information.

Thanks for the links!

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My pleasure Kyle.

Getting that 404 error is strange. I've gotten it before on other links, but the link to Talisman Sabre is working fine from here in Japan. I wonder if a VPN will get around that error?

It is a revealing homepage of possible nefarious activities. If you can't access it from the states, I can take a series of screenshots and sent them to you somehow. Proton mail appears to be a pretty safe way.



ps. An earlier chopper video by Traci you may have seen ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRXiX1HmXjY

The guy who was in Antarcica also refers positively to Dutchsinse ... https://www.youtube.com/@dutchsinse ... who've I come to trust more than most sources about geologic activity.

And a VERY interesting blast from the past ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv2IHQ1Xl9s

WAY above my payscale, but I've cross referenced some of the terminology such as "Woodpecker radars" and he seems legit. Scary legit.

Cheers Kyle.

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Following Hecker's leads and links now. Thanks again.

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May 15·edited May 15Liked by Kyle Young

My pleasure Kyle. I've only seen one of his own podcasts, a chat with another traveler to Antarctica, but I found the flow and content of the conversation to be so natural and believable, I don't think it was artificially scripted. I followed him, subscriptions turned on, but have not had enough time to follow up much more yet. You've probably now heard from Heckler than I have. Dutchsinse (Heckler endorses him) is one I follow too, but the corporate nation-state appears to be hacking him enough to cause him some occasional glitches in broadcasting. All new stuff for me.


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