in perpetual balance with nature" [original in all caps]
I went looking for photos of it and, surprise, surprise, found the same one over and over again showing two faces not in English. But one particular hi-res photo that I located did show this text. Whether it is what was actually on the slab, who knows.
Of course "under 500,000,000" is not the same as "at 500,000,000".
After the Black Death Bubonic plague, it is estimated that the world population was 10 million. I would say that is the target.
I was wrong about the Georgia Guidestones. It was half a billion.
Yes. "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000
in perpetual balance with nature" [original in all caps]
I went looking for photos of it and, surprise, surprise, found the same one over and over again showing two faces not in English. But one particular hi-res photo that I located did show this text. Whether it is what was actually on the slab, who knows.
Of course "under 500,000,000" is not the same as "at 500,000,000".