Man's inhumanity to man! Or should I say women and children. The horrors these poor innocents experience for the whims of men who are themselves slaves to their lust. They also "harvest" their organs when they are no longer useful for their vices. I never would have believed this pre the Covid Con. Now I am a believer in the depravity but there are times when I think I would prefer to stick my head in the sand. But once you see its truth, you cannot unsee it. There is so much work to be done to stop this insanity.

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Don't forget Ghislaine Maxwell

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Thank you for a disturbing glimpse behind the curtain. This trade only happens on this scale because of who is behind it. The big picture is rarely exposed and although details, such as those broadcast by Whitney Webb are important, we must not assume she is on our side!

"Is Whitney Webb safe? With all her amazing research? She has missed a few things though.."


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I realize she's not on the same page most of us , which is why I stopped following her some time Back. But she's done a lot of great work exposing what's going on, how big the issue is and who the elite customers are.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

She doesn’t pass my discernment test. I thought she was disingenuous when she came out and absolutely denied that there was graphene oxide in the bioweapon jabs. She did not have the expertise to determine this so to me that was a blatant attempt to discredit credible information. Why did she do that? As far as I know she hasn’t retracted her claim.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Oh right. Yes, there have been a few question marks by her name. I see this was written about her in 2020..."I’ll just say a little bit about Whitney Webb, the self-described anti-globalist investigative journalist who seems to have risen to conspiracy fame suddenly and inorganically. It seems that she has taken on the Epstein story to control it on behalf of her apparent neo-Soviet handlers from down in Soviet-satellite South America, where she supposedly resides.

She took on the story not long after I had completed Part 5 and apparently “expanded” on my investigative work. She is tied to Irano-Soviet outlets like Islamic-run Mint Press News, which I have written about. Webb puts an anti-Western, neo-Marxist spin on her writing and is featured on such sites as the pro-Kremlin Katehon, which also publishes the writings of alleged Epstein co-conspirator Alan M. Dershowitz, with whom Guiffre says she was forced to have sex while under age.

Why would Webb, supposedly an exposer of Epstein, be featured alongside Epstein-tied Dershowitz and pro-Kremlin, Duginist shills? I can only think the answer is that she is a gatekeeper working on behalf of team kompromat".


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Not defending her, but Dr. Kevin McCairn has looked for graphene oxide in some vials of of the injectable bioweapons and not found any... Others have reported similar failure to find graphene oxide. Of course, other vials may have that ingredient...

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Because 1/3 of the initial shots were “placebo”? This speaks to completely planned deception of the public. To make sure that everyone didn’t die at once. Very clever. The information has been proven about graphene oxide for some time. I haven’t seen her admit it. Have you?

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I haven't seen her "admit it". I haven't seen Dr. Kevin McCairn (who I've come to trust, unlike W.W.) "admit it" either. The videos I've seen alleging G.O. intrigue me, but I'm far from convinced it's a main component of the bioweapons. Dr. McCairn lays out my bigger concern in https://heroesvsvillains.substack.com/p/heroic-three-lauri-gagan-kevin-mccairn

Meanwhile, I support you in focusing your energy on what you see as the bigger issue.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

I have seen the prion discussions as well. There is nothing these psychopaths won’t do to destroy humanity. All of the components of the jab are lethal. And they appear to be on some sort of timer so everyone doesn’t die at the same time. I also remember 1P36 Gene Deletion Syndrome admitted in the Pfizer papers. Causes disintegration of the frontal lobes of the brain and biting behavior. Zombie Apocalypse brought to you by Pfizer and all the rest of big pharma. Commissioned by the DoD.

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We have the best psychopaths.

I'd like see them all living happily together on their own island up in the Arctic circle...

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Thank you 🙏

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Something seems to have gobbled my reply to you. I need to remember to compose on the backup media and paste here. Oh well, next time.

Anyway, GO might also be another variable contaminant from manufacturing.

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Do you have a link to her saying that? No one who has not examined every vial using the proper techniques and equipment can say there is no GO in the jabs.

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I have found Whitney Webb's work to be quite helpful at times. Still, as I read I ask "is this true", again and again, and "what is not being said?"

Over the years of my life I have learned many things through many people, some in person and many more through books. Videos, occasionally. Often, what I learn proves to be partly true and partly false.

Much information arrives in this form. We must then separate wheat from chaff.

I followed the link you offered. More for the threshing floor. Thanks.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Predators have and always will prey on vulnerable people. I’m thankful I was born in this country to a decent family and had a mostly normal upbringing. So many people in this world are living in hell with no chance to escape.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

This is a horrible but critical topic. Most "normal" people have no idea how many girls, women, and boys are trafficked. And sexual abuse, rape, sexual slavery, and even worse, are absolutely happening to them.

Our media is 100% complicit in keeping these facts quiet. As are our "official government agencies" and virtually all law enforcement.

(There are exceptions, of course.)

And the massive consumption of on-line pornography is another factor generating a bottomless demand for children, youth and adult sexual performances, often filled by trafficked individuals or sexual abuse victims as well.

The male consumers in this world who are creating the vast majority of the demand must reflect on what their habits and appetites create in our world.

And our good guys REALLY need to take out those evil people stealing, selling and torturing the children of this world.

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Amen sister

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

My older sister told me of an incident that happened to her back in the early 70s in a suburb of Cleveland. She was waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up to drop her off at work one morning outside of her apartment. Two men pulled up in a car, one white, one black and they were really checking her out. She instantly felt something nefarious was about to happen so ran up into her apartment and locked her door. Back then, apartment buildings were not locked and she heard them running down the hallway looking for her. When her boyfriend pulled up, she ran outside and jumped into his car telling him what happened. She never got these two men's license plates on their car, who would think of that trying to escape possible captors. How frightening, even back then. So this trafficking has been going for far too long. Its just never been discussed as openly as now. I used to walk the 10 blocks to and from work every day as I didn't have a car. Guess I was one of the lucky ones who was never approached. I keep telling people, especially women, be careful of your surroundings at all times. Notice who is around you and who looks suspicious. Carry pepper spray, a small knife or a whistle at all times. Learn how to fight back.

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Excellent advice. Thank you Fran.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Thank you for tackling this Kyle - and lending support for 'The Sound of Freedom'.

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It's no fun but it needs to be done.

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What the hell is wrong with these people? Does no one know right from wrong. Evil from altruism? And ...actually Kirby Sommers has done the most investigation of Epstein. https://substack.com/@kirbysommers

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Thanks for the link.

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You said it. "...the research I’ve done so far is telling me that I only want to know so much."

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One question lingers, absence of deep curiosity aside. Who are the customers of the traffickers, their immediate source of power? "Leaders" of course, but is that enough to sustain this "industry"? Surely it does not include _us_. (mock shock)

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PLEASE GO WATCH AND SUPPORT THIS NEW MOVIE. Btw, GLEN BECK quietly raised the money for this, and has saved over 120 children so far! GO WATCH IT https://youtu.be/RMeC1Sn8324

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Thank you Kyle for 'dipping your toes' into this muddy, silty, poisonous water' and adding to our 'knowing' about these sordid hu-mans...for they are certainly not ManKind! Blessings!

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Certainly not!

Thank you Robert.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Thanks for the link.

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Kyle, thank you for bringing up this important real-life horror story.

One addition, if I may: It's not mainly girls who are sold into sexual slavery. This documentary, Boys For Sale is an extremely difficult watch, as the panel of men discuss the sheer number of boys involved in prostitution/sexual slavery, how the system functions, and what happens to the boys as they age.


Bolstering this is that the Luciferians prefer boys for anal sex because the fetal cells in the male coccyx contain an aspect of the Life Force that they harvest during their rituals.

This also falls in line with their agenda to mitigate procreation between men and women and to further develop the trans-human, which they can more easily control. They loathe biological females for their child-bearing ability, while seeking to transform males into female-appearing entities in order to fulfill their Cosmic Androgyne agenda. It's really sick.

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That gets into areas I really don't want to know any more about. But thanks for pointing it out. It's a wickedly dark agenda.

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I know, Kyle. It's the darkest of the dark. So hard to even think about let alone research. Wishing you well.

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You don't know how much your wishing me well means right now. My next post will explain.

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I was just watching this Rumble video from sexual trafficking survivor Cathy O'Brien: https://rumble.com/v2xf4kc-cathy-obrien-and-dr.-ana-mihalcea-overcoming-mind-control-through-love.html Your outline is roughly correct. They often look for those from a poor interior of a country, who thus have little exposure to any foreign language. Dropping a farm girl from Russia or Ukraine into New York City will have the same effect as dropping an Ohio girl in Moscow. Sometimes this is done in groups as a means of control likewise...it's a horrific problem. My hope is that it is getting the broad exposure it deserves...

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Thanks for this exposure.

Have you done anything on the topic?

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I wrote about my experience with it though it is paywalled on substack as it is part of a book series...https://sukwan.substack.com/p/comemorating-national-missing-childrens It's available on Amazon under Kindle Vella but I recently discovered that it is very difficult for outsiders to search for...

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

back in the 80's there were travel agencies for sex tours mostly in thailand. the countries that had the most men partake were america, japan and germany. also the aids epidemic contributed because these men mistakenly believed they wouldn't get aids from children. every man should take a vow to not do this. women everyday are harrassed and worse from men. it's a constant battle. it begins when we are very young. we are never safe. when i was nine months pregnant, with a ring on my finger, my girlfriends took me out to dinner. a man came over and was trying to pick me up. and me as big as a barn, when i said no, he went crazy calling me names mostly that begin with a b and a word that begins with a c. the fist time i saw a man expose himself i was eight, walking to school. he was wearing a suit and was very clean cut. the cat calls, the following us, never being allowed to just sit and be. anywhere. we are grabbed by strangers on buses, planes, trains, in restaurants, pretty much where ever we go. we are "groomed" to to be not too sexy, watch what we say, how we look, where we go, is it "our" faults some man is pestering us or worse. i don't know one woman who has not be hassled, molested or raped. we are sexualized immediately. it's up to men to stop this.

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I grew up in very rural farm country. While that kind of behavior among men was not completely absent, it was the exception not the norm. I think all of the girls I knew led normal lives. Of course I grew up in a time when young men were focused of the draft for the war in Viet Nam, so priorities were also different.

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Excellent writeup, just in time for the premier!

Lots of people are being encouraged to buy tickets in advance on their credit cards.... Luckily for us, our pedo-raping "elite" would never weaponize their control of the credit card processing system to form lists of good people to target. We know they'd never do something that low.

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Good point.

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Pls open your mind and watch

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She is certainly welcome to express her opinion. Can't say I agree.

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