Mar 10Liked by Kyle Young

Yes Nehl’s book The Indoctrinated Brain is a good one. He and his various interviews have been on my radar for a bit now.

I have the book…it’s a dense read but I’m getting through it. What interests me about Nehl’s is how the EUA mRNA injections are affecting the brains of people who took them. Particularly in the hippocampus part of the brain where ‘memorable memories’ are stored. It is my premise, based totally on ‘anecdotal observation’ being out and about in life, it’s what has turned so many people I encounter, (both young and old), into zombie like human beings…there’s no ‘there there’ anymore…it’s like they are on a delay…their ability to take in ‘outside information’ is fairly poor. And also because I am somewhat of an empath/intuitive person…I feel this ‘lack of’, energetically, in people now. I have to limit my time in places where there potentially are a lot of ‘injected’ people now. Even in the last two times in Costco, I have had these moments where I have felt this weird sensation in my head, a bit dizzy, and I had to get my shopping done and get out of there.

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Mar 10·edited Mar 10Liked by Kyle Young

Rockin' the Substack World yet again. Had no idea CAPTCHA was owned by Google. That does explain quite a lot of issues pertaining to corruption, censorship and surveillance. Am actually surprised they totally banned your work since THAT was to give their presence away. It's vital for them to SURVEIL even more than censor; so your work must be especially threatening...ROCKIN' THE WORLD!!!

You truly must have roused some Rooster in Silicone Valley with the report from The Southern Border. Deception is the name of the game for the Extinction Event perpetrated by the Uniparty Nazi Criminals Against Humanity and All Life on the Planet forcing their poisoning into all organic DNA of the world.

Watched a wonderful presentation between Dr. Ana Mihalcea and Karen Kingston this week. The Ai Injections can't be defined 'BIOweapons' as there is NO BIOLOGY within them; it's all SYNTHETIC, AI WHICH DOES CONTAIN A CONSCIOUSNESS WITH THE ABILITY TO SELF REPLICATE AS WELL AS CONSTRUCT. It's primary target is THE HUMAN BRAIN. It's defined accurately by Mihalcea and Kingston as a 'Neuroweapon'.


Also watched another presentation on Brighteon with the author of a book entitled, "The Indoctrinated Brain' by Michael Nehls, MD, PhD out of Germany declaring specifically,


Began to read the book yesterday and plan to finish tonight...FASCINATING AND TOTALLY TERRIFYING.


Recommend both Presentations highly...Has new info and isn't a total repeat of past info.


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Mar 9Liked by Kyle Young

Ooma makes a decent landline. But who knows if it's any safer. All I can say is it's nice not to have a tracker when I go out and about. And its about 12 bucks a month. I dumped gmail for protonmail, but now seems protonmail may be near as bad. Ah, the techn life, it aint for me, will not miss it when it dies all the way. best

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Mar 9Liked by Kyle Young

Aw yikes. Thank you, Kyle. Hope you're feeling better. Don't even know why I'm saying that. Were you feeling under the weather? Sending love and light all around to you and your subscribers, and the world. May we all rise together.

Am efforting today to keep my chin up.

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Mar 9Liked by Kyle Young

Just wow. Thanks Kyle for your articles. Speaking of censorship, Dr Mercola’s website is banning a lot of people for no good reason. I think he’s got AI on it now. Sad that people on there are being censored and he was so against that just a few years ago. I didn’t know if you have noticed it or not.

Keep up the good work and take good care of yourself.

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Mar 10·edited Mar 10Liked by Kyle Young

" It has 0 search results." That's a really powerful discovery.

FWIW, I completely gave up on the existence of the spike protein (or any of the story about it turning our cells into spike protein factories - which Andrew Wakefield correctly identified as being an auto-immune disease right there!) The electron microscope pictures I've seen look far more like the outline of a crown bottletop than any sort of purple dino ball. Nor were the cells inundated with them as you'd expect in an infection. The whole idea of "disease" is that the cells are overwhelmed by their presence and die, yet, certainly in the case of the spike protein, you can't find it even after you're dead and ALL your cells are dead. This is absurd in any biological sense.

In fact the Biology has never made any sense at all. How were these things causing disease if they were so hard to find that you needed to swab the blood/brain barrier to get a few of them? We know how colds work - and this is a cold virus, right? - and they inflame every throat and nasal cell, get to your eyes and maybe even your lungs. And still it's not so bad that you don't get to work. This one does none of that but somehow kills you and has every other symptom any doctor has ever noted! It's insane. But the worst thing is the mRNA narrative where they are going to flood your bodies with these proteins so we build up an immune response. Aside from the fact that immunology is a mess of handwaving ideas that have largely been debunked, this course of action is completely illogical. if they are testing for the spike protein with their fake PCR tests, then how can anyone who has been jabbed not be positive, forever? And if it's the spike protein that's causing the problem, why would you want to flood the body with it?

The lipid nanoparticle story is horseshit too - and it shows up that utter fraud Malone from whichever angle you look at him. If he invented this mechanism (which I doubt) then he is morally despicable for putting his own status ahead of the wellbeing of humanity. Getting things into the cell that don't belong there, and doing so by evading the body's defence mechanisms, is almost the definition of a biological weapon! His position of not knowing what he was doing , to the point he even had a jab himself (and is now on our side) is laughable.

I think these are good old-fashioned poisons and that they have been working on them for at least six decades through the ever expanding vaccine programmes. We know they want to kill us and there's always that military fallback position of "If we don't do it the enemy will" so of course they've been looking at every possible way of killing us, from cancer to heart failure. Incidentally, I pin much of this on the vaccines because of all those naturopath and anti-vax doctors that were killed (or died in questionable circumstances) back around 2012 and before. We originally thought this was because of money but it was far more important than that; vaccines were going to be the centrepiece of their biggest death operation to date (and elevate doctors to the most important people on the planet) and they couldn't have articulate arguments against their effectiveness and highlighting their huge dangers, if the coming "operation" was going to be a success.

This has got me to the point of even questioning the existence of DNA, even though I have a Biology 'A' Level - not that i would ever suggest it was my best subject. I had questioned the idea of "variants" right from the moment I first heard about them (and mutation, incidentally, does NOT happen - there's just a population shift) and dismissed them as horseshit too. But now I'm questioning DNA itself. I don't really have the time to study this as I'd like if I were to defend the position, but it's surprising how little firm information we actually have when it comes to DNA. For me - and this will be true for Mike Yeadon too (who I do trust unlike some other people) - we actually only have Rosalind Franklin's photos of the chemical bonds of A,T,C and G. From these Watson and Crick did little more than solve a jigsaw puzzle in working out how they went together, yet got Nobel prizes for an effort that wouldn't have been beyond a 13 year-old. That's suspicious by itself - as are all Nobel Prizes. But since then, we've by and large seen fuck all evidence of DNA itself. We've just been told that the police use DNA databases and that you can be identified if you leave a cigarette at a murder scene, but there are all sorts of other possible reasons they would want this sort of "killer" and "indisputable" evidence as a tool of the legal system, even if it's fake (which the names of the first people convicted and acquitted on DNA evidence seem to affirm). Otherwise it has been the same sort of glossy projects these people are known for where we are just reassured it's true by the same people who told us that Watson and Crick were brilliant! And it's interesting too that Rosalind Franklin, doing real science, got completely shafted in the process. How many times have we seen that in big psyops?

So glad to be following you, Kyle.

PS. Where does that leave the people pedalling 12-strand DNA and planetary ascension, if I'm right? In about the same position as people chanelling collectives telling us we're about to ascend and that, however dire the situation looks, we're going to be just fine.

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Oh, yes, Don't Be Evil... unless you are Google. I'm pretty sure I'm being monitored, and there are other things going on besides fuckery with my Stack and my visits to other Stacks... I have reason to believe my emails and everything I do online is being watched.

As to "Covid" and all that... I've been quite skeptical about all the claims about spike proteins and nanotech in the jabs and shedding and all the rest of the FEAR BISCUITS...

What I don't take lightly is, as you seem to also end up with,

5G is a SERIOUS THREAT and could do us all in, along with ALL LIFE ON EARTH, or most of it...

I agree that the cell phones need to GO

The towers need to GO

The satellites need to GO (if they're actually there...

I am highly skeptical that these fuckers can do what they say, or have the tech that they say they do, BUT, that said, they ARE PSYCHOPATHS and I trust them NOT ONE IOTA.

I want to see all these "Black Nobility" -- nothing "noble" about these creeps, they stink like the heart-dead rats they are (sorry, real rats)-- I want to see them stripped of all power, all wealth, and anything else they have, and then, because I know they need to be ENDED... Lethal Injection.

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Mar 9Liked by Kyle Young

Just two constitutional and legal remedies can, with mass popularity, put an end to this tyranny...See, support, share...https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HB2795&GA=113 👈RESTORE THE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC ACT...call, email, educate your reps fam and friends today. AND...https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB1700/id/2865234👈Ban chemtrail cloud crop dusting and harmfull microwaves...study and you will see, we can do this...furthermore check out www.onestupidfuck.com 👈all about the constitution you never knew. Finally, TEXIT👈secede from the DC swamp, is a power hitter of a solution.

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Mar 10·edited Mar 10Liked by Kyle Young

Google CAPTCHA , Face😞Book 📖 (😟 face 👁🎥 recognition 🔎 - face 😑 book 📙 🛎🛎🛎).

🕵️‍♀️ Perhaps they've been using people to do the work for them?🕵️‍♀️

What was that thing the CIA used to run on people? Oh yeah: "Profiles". 🛎🛎🛎

(I've been boycotting facebook for years and explaining this to people and how the Zio-Zuck is such a sketchy character - to no avail).

Apparently people just loved typing away into the text box which asked them:

"What are you thinking?". 👁 | _______________________ 👁

That was the first indicative for me, years ago, that people are really not familiar with books such as "1984" and "Brave New World" and are pretty much, up for the taking.

In my opinion, the Captcha stuff is a little bit too convenient when you are developing a technology that needs to 'machine learn' language? 🤔

⌨ AI Developer (aka: Machine Learning Programmer): I need to "Data harvest the word 'boat'."

Big tech: "Plebs, please click on the "boat" image 🚢 (so later, we can gently replace you)." 🛎🛎

'Captcha' 👀 "Gotcha"? 🛎 🛎 The slogan of the NWO should really be:

"Couldn't Have Done It Without You" (now die).

🧬 Gotcha! 🧬 🦾🤖🦿

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This is a great article aand I will be sharing it with a deeper dive into social media issues. I have not abandoned most websites not because I am beholden to them but more for my own research purposes. I also keep facebook for messenger, for instance. Since a few days prior to March 1, while I was still in America, I have observed multiple issues across multiple sites: twitter, gab (this cannot be accessed from Thailand IP at all), facebook blackouts and this weird device pin thing on messenger that I don't trust at all, and yes, substack issues as well. They are not directly related to logging in but there have been some screwy alterations of likes on some posts. If they can no longer control the narrative, they will come for real information channels...

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Mar 10Liked by Kyle Young

A few years back when I was a small town council person, I requested a public hearing when Verizon was setting up a cell tower. The Planning Commission quit en masse accusing me of overruling their approval. The night of the hearing half a dozen Verizon lawyers took up the front row. They said they have FCC authority to put in cell towers no matter what... and if I didn't back off they would sue the city and me to eternity. I would have let them but I was only one vote.

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Mar 10Liked by Kyle Young

thank you Kyle...what detox protocol do you know to share ?

How would we ever get cell towers removed if all the system is supporting all of this ?

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Mar 10Liked by Kyle Young

Thanks for all the deep diving you do. You have confirmed what has been nagging my mind since the beginning...if it cannot be isolated and photographed, then whatever 'it' is seemed an unnatural thing...and so...

Thanks for your continued efforts.

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Here’s another fascinating article on the Corona Phase Molecular Recognition (CoPhMoRe) 👀https://www.nature.com/articles/s41578-023-00552-2

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Thanks Kyle:

Bioweapons, covert-depopulation, transhumanism, shadowy-censors...

"How many skins hath an onion?"


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Mar 10Liked by Kyle Young

Your final words brought John Prine's refrain from 'Spanish Pipe Dream' to mind..."Blow up your tv, throw away your paper, move to the country, build you home. Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches, try and find Jesus on your own!"...thank you for another very interesting and informative paper! ALOHA!

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