Germ theory is believable, I think, because so many toxins are air borne or water borne. Toxic air or water often smells bad, as does most poop and most decayed organic materials. So it's easy to add in these little organic things as additional toxins brought to us as most others are. Now we have an additional method of acquiring toxins: by injection.

I was sold on germ theory until I learned about the psycho-spiritual aspect of disease. Everyone should learn about that disease mechanism, because it works hand-in-hand with real toxins. My teacher even thinks that if some disease-producing sources, like radiation, had their psycho-spiritual impact removed, they would no longer cause serious illness.

Because toxins and "germs" are similar, there is no rational reason why some "germs" might not also have toxic effects. But it seems more and more evident that our bodies can deal with most microorganisms, even "viruses," with minimal harm resulting.

When my remote viewing friends looked for the "source" of COVID-19, they found an accident at a lab. The disease seemed to start in China and be spread from there. Though some point to 5G, other data point to some toxic substance being involved. But you can't find what you aren't looking for. So as long as the medical world remains convinced that a "virus" is their target, they will remain ignorant of the bigger picture.

The psycho-spiritual factor in sickness is very important, as evidenced by the placebo effect and other research. This is the area where we could make the biggest gain over conventional medicine and theories if we so desired. It has been a huge elephant in the room for all of time, just waiting to be noticed and examined.

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thanks, Kyle, will quote you again... and am trying to remember what Dr. David Martin said on his Butterly of the week video on YouTube... something about how twisted it all is but he said it in a really funny way... here it is, Quantum Entangled Wizardry, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7vdXHmr1XE

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Thank you, Kyle. I love your writing and precise vocabulary! I'd only change one thing about your article, and that would be to replace "techmeds" with "black magic-making Satanists, their exotic-technology-worshiping Luciferian pals, and their mind-controlled puppets" but of course that would be much too long!

By the way, I found you at Jon Rappaport's blog. So it seems that great critically thinking minds really do think alike!😆

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Excellent article- I agree completely. It's too bad that many prominent "anti-vaxxers" like Mercola, RFK Jr. and Del Bigtree still promote germ theory. For me- the ultimate reason to be an anti-vaxxer is that viruses don't exist (or at least haven't been proven to exist)!

Here's a Claire Edwards video from October-2020 that I recently stumbled on (cited in the 2nd link below). Today, I agree with everything she says. Last October, I still believed in viruses and I'd heard of the Great Reset but didn't think COVID was a plandemic (yet). If I'd seen this video back then, I probably would have dismissed it as a crazy "conspiracy theory".



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Thank you again Kyle, Mr Heretic for your wonderful writing and hard work. Your recommendation of Bechamp or Pasteur has been much appreciated. For over twenty years I've carried a little pamphlet on Monomorphism vs Pleomorphism and now it's a comfort to have the actual bible, I mean book. I entered the arena exactly twenty years ago when the Hepatitis vacs were mandated for two of my four sons, all four raised without ever having seen a doctor. I called the CDC to ask for the safety data, got a doctor who asked what did I exactly need to know, and I answered that I wanted to know the long term safety data. You know, like autoimmune diseases cropping up later etc. He told me they had no long term safety data and that if he was me, with my concerns, he would not have his sons get these injections. God bless that man. But then trying to get exemptions and dealing with school administrators - that I'd worked well with for years - who suddenly turned into scary bullies, was the hard part. By the grace of god I was able to exempt my sons but I never wanted to go into this battle again. And here we are, with vaccine injury and death literally everywhere and yet I'm in a cocoon of silence from most all I've known my whole life, and in this town for over 26 years. It would be my worst nite mare if it weren't for the Alaskan bounty and beauty that surrounds me. And the camaraderie of my cat, husband and two of my four sons. Anyway, thank you again for what you are doing for the cause of life, liberty and human sanity. And don't forget all the midwives who I believe were charged not only with birthing but with healing through the centuries and whose deaths at the stake precipitated the take over of herbal medicine by death Science and the AMA.

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