
As I mentioned several weeks ago, I've been having trouble signing into Substack. I had a workaround that worked for a while but after posting the above piece even that workaround no longer worked. I apologize for my absence over the past 3 days.

I've suspected from the onset that the problem was with Captcha, which we all have to use to get into Substack. Over the past 3 days this became undeniable. Just for the record Captcha is owned by Google. Why Substack allows an outside party to act as a gatekeeper for Substack writers to gain access, or not gain access to work they own, is a question I'll be looking into in the near future.

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Mar 2Liked by Kyle Young

There’s no such thing as a coincidence-The introduction of 5-G and covid by oligarchs

was. planned-(we are. being

gaslighted by big corporations

and the military)

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The elephant in the room is suffering from depression because hardly anyone can see it....

Covid ran around the world concurrent both geographically and chronologically with the roll out of 5G.


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Mar 2·edited Mar 2Liked by Kyle Young

Kyle, Here is a Substack author you may or may not have come across. His posts required hours for me to discern; as I'm not well versed with technoloy beyond Biofeedback from years ago when it was a relatively new technology used for healing. HE'S FAR BEYOND MY KNOWLEDGE.

Today, received a Post outlining the more elementary aspects of his craft. If you haven't crossed paths with Brandon Iglesias; believe you can really sink your teeth into his work.


Really on today...Our Border Warrior. Really enjoyed the read though overall topic relatively abhorrent and completely based in technology NOT of this worldly dimension. More and more, do believe the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits perpetrate their evil Human Sacrifices/Torture and such to help bring the Demonic into this dimension; not to mention the Cern Collider. SO MUCH EVIL.

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Mar 2Liked by Kyle Young

Just think, if the CHD and Del Bigtree admitted no viruses or contagion as we are taught to believe, they'd all be looking for different jobs. Someone knowlegeable on symbology says their logo, hands cupping the earth, is one giveaway.

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Mar 2Liked by Kyle Young

If people didn't support the nanotech industry it wouldn't be worth so much.

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Mar 2Liked by Kyle Young

Smart and attractive! Gee, Kyle, I'm gonna have to come back to southern AZ lol😁😂💖

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Mar 2Liked by Kyle Young

I know this is probably not in relation to 5G, but I have been following Ty and Charlene Bollinger from The Truth About Cancer and their trip to Japan where they interviewed many doctors there who are using Western (some) and natural ways to heal patients, quite successfully, from Cancer. Very interesting. To ignore the obvious that they are murdering us Citizens, well, one would have to be totally ignorant. My condolences on the loss of your mother. Its horrible what they are doing to the elderly, let alone the rest of the population. She had no recourse.

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Mar 2Liked by Kyle Young

Thanks Kyle, you had my attention from the first word till the last, great reading, much appreciated!

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Mar 2Liked by Kyle Young

The Universe is Holographic by Nature, where you manifest what YOU want Metaphysically !!!!

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I'm pleased to see that we like the same people, and are on the same page... So I shared your post (again!).

Good job, too!

What a hellish thing going on, which is why I believe we must all try to remain in LOVE and not in HATE or FEAR.

There's an excellent little mantra I just learned from someone I like a lot, Frances Leader. It's a Tibetan mantra and it feels good just SAYING it...

"Emaho, Pen-no, Pen-no, So-ha!" It means, "How Marvelous! May it be Beneficial! So be it, or Well-said" or, perhaps, I thought, "Amen."


Keep your heart fire burning!

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I'm getting rid of my cell phone ,is there anything I can use that's safe. I'm a targeted individual, the satanic hypnosis in my sleep has been horrible, I've woken up to their evil suggestions also I'm detoxing.

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Mar 6Liked by Kyle Young

I came across a comment from you on Sasha Latypova's most recent substack article. As you no doubt realise, you are wasting your time broachng the nanotech issue with her. She made her position clear in her "Internet of No Bodies" article several months back. She is far from stupid, so either she is CO or she wants to limit her focus primarily to legal issues. In any case, she's extremely obnoxious when challenged. On nanotech, are you familiar with work of John Lukach? If not, see Part 1 of 6 part series on Exposing the BIo-API: https://estateartistry.com/blog/exposing-the-bio-api-part-one He analyses IEEE protocols and interprets them for layman. I found I had a much better grasp on how the nanotech works after reading his series. Anyway, thanks for your very thorough article. I have just subscribed. I also just watched your interview with CHD. They will lose support if they continue to ignore no virus & nanotech issues. I'm thinking RFKjr is being cautious due to upcoming election, which is no excuse either.

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Kyle, you did your absolute best navigating what was clearly an uncomfortable interview. Thank you for not backing down on the foundational lies within the med-tech-kill cartel! And let's keep writing and talking about those lies!💜🗡💝

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Thanks for tackling the risky topics with CHD, Kyle. I love RFK Jr and what he's doing, how much he and CHD are pushing against the onslaught of corruption at all levels. Yet his stance on nanotech, viruses and Palestine help me realize he's making concessions and conforming to an extent with the political world he exists in. That he visited Epstein Island probably means he has blackmail against him, as well as casting him in an unfortunate light. Can anyone in politics escape this? I doubt it. Those who try get a bullet.

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Mar 3Liked by Kyle Young

Good deep work Kyle. Much appreciated.

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