Happy Thanksgiving to all you lovelies over the pond!

Apparently you have worked very hard to bring in the harvest and had plenty of time to think about what tf is really going on in this world, Kyle.

I am so glad you are drawing attention to Laura's fantastic new Substack and I thank you for appreciating my efforts in uncovering the Black Nobility too.

A quick overview of the Nobs can be found here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/black-nobility-101 and I recommend everyone subscribes to Laura's more in-depth efforts here: https://substack.com/profile/160501009-laura

Laura is Romanian and translates material from other European sources.

Between us we are forcing these tiaras and titles into the limelight for all to see.

These are the international crime syndicates, the global mafia bosses and the soon-to-be-history tyrants! These are the robbers, the blackmailers, the scum and the slime which has risen to the top of humanity over 2,000 years of cruelty and greed.

I want to see them run, scared to be seen in public, and shedding all their brazen knighthoods and crowns as they cower deep in the dungeons built under their offensively opulent castles and keeps.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Another great article, Kyle. Like we've been told, "its one big club, and you ain't in it". There is another kind of life on the other side, so we'll have the chance to look down and say, "its one big club, and you ain't in it. Be Blessed!

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

This is all well and good. But allow me to share my viewpoint on this:

1) Reincarnation was proposed as the way things work on Earth in the Vedas, roughly 10,000 years ago.

2) The fact that people are non-physical beings who reincarnate was verified by several researchers in modern times. This has allowed various researchers using various techniques to learn more about the past and the present using what I might call "Spiritual Memory" and what has been called "Remote Viewing." A few researchers have also gained information using controlled exteriorization, where the being leaves its body in a controlled manner.

3) As an example of what has been discovered by these researchers: Biology is a created technology; it was not developed on Earth, but brought here; we were all brought here and were originally from other places.

4) Further, several researchers have determined that Earth has a "grid" or "field" around it that prevents beings from leaving the planet and forces them to reincarnate here. This grid is rather tenuously maintained by the last group to invade this sector, which appear to be Reptilian humanoids. That makes Earth a "spiritual prison" were undesirables from other systems are sent to be "dead forever."

5) Courtney Brown with his Farsight Institute has led the way in using Remote Viewing to develop these basic findings further, with an emphasis on the political situation on Earth and the role of ETs here. Courtney has found that ETs (mostly Reptilians, as they are prone to violate the "free will" rule for under-developed planets) are influencing world leaders through various psychic means. These rulers include, at least, Popes and Putin and his entourage. They probably include all major world leaders.

The ET's major purpose is simply to maintain the planet as a prison by distracting the population with war and other disasters so that they will never remember who they really are or figure out how to escape.

6) Hubbard released his findings regarding who was targeting him and his organizations around the world. He found a group working out of the City of London which included prominent businessmen, publishers, and politicians.

Thus, while we can spend our time tracing out all the bloodlines and "ruling families" and their various interconnections, if we don't remember who we really are and figure out how to escape, we are just spinning our wheels.

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Kyle, I think your rules are idealistic ... for example, they leave no room for me. I am someone unsure of how viruses work (my jury is hard at work but undecided given the tiny bit of information I have) and I believe Israel must exist for those who belong to that part of the world but are wished death by all of their neighbors. Am I a Zionist? I suppose? I think your rules filter out pretty much everyone but you and those who see eye to eye with you on everything important. That is not reasonable. Even in my personal relatuonships I must make certain concessions. I tell my kids “we must work with what we have ...”

But yeah my bullshit meter is frighteningly honed by now ... I get my news through some undefined osmosis type process ... I read a lot but believe very little. I never discount anything outright. I have learned that the hard way. I am reserved about what I share online. I am faster and smarter and I know who my friends are. I still count you among those if you will have me. Happy Thanksgiving!

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So aligned with what you said here. And so glad you somehow managed to still attend to your own life,

your own things, in the middle of all that's going on. Yet still kept up to date with what's happening.

We've never had to do so much....for so little return!! We've never lost so much, so very quickly, and it


Years ago, I actually lived my life. Someone was voted into government, took care of thins, was

paid well, and I didn't have to be involved in things I knew little about and cared little about.

But no more. For the past years, since the covid caper, and the lab jab, I don't have much time to live

my life anymore for looking at what THEY are doing. Am I now living vicariously? Do I HAVE a life anymore?

The bible speaks about 'the MAN of LAWLESSNESS' which has been going on now for hundreds, if not

thousands of years!! It's OLD, but there's far more of this now. Collusion is now the 'new norm'.

I cry for some of our 'justice warriors', fine Canadians who are willing to turn out, speak up, and try to help,

and they're set up, falsely accused as criminals and have a criminal record although they only upheld

our so-called Constitution, and may end up in jail. While the terrorists go free.

The world has gone 'on tilt', and from the little I've studied, although I've studied a lot, it's often

families that increase their already vast wealth. Nobody can 'make' that much in any normal venture.

And, in case people are criticized for not standing up, look up what happens to people who do

stand up. Look at what happened to Nicola Tesla, who saw threw Albert Einstein. He dared to

present ways that everybody could FREELY benefit and see how that went.

And this plays out many times for many people, most of whom are scrubbed so we don't even know.

I've seen some, and then I go to look, and they are no longer to be found anywhere, killed,

trapped, tortured. That's what I saw.

In USA, that grand old country, you need someone who DOESN'T want government, lets various

states, and then maybe sections of USA devise what works for them. I don't know if Rand Paul was

such or not, and don't know enough. The people seem very brainwashed, the same thing in Canada,

as if some group will help us. Help themselves?

For us, readying and studying the bible, especially the New Testament, but lots in the Old Testament as well,

is revealing and refreshing. They had nothing to gain by risking their lives so we could have this message.

The more I've researched anything, the more I've seen it is too complex to know. But collusion is a big part of it.

And if people won't do it, there are serious consequences, so this is often a trap. Many are 'acting' as if, but

they just aren't facing the fact that they have no choice, no decent choice.

Being a 'nobody' in the world is the best place because we are the most free, and the fewer people

that know us, the better. The fewer that know us, the more freedom we have.

The bible says that 'God knows the END from the beginning', but it doesn't talk about inbetween those

two points. It also says that 'the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord', and we know

there aren't many 'righteous men'. When a man is righteous, it doesn't mean he doesn't err, doesn't

mess up. He seeks to be corrected and align himself with the ways of God.

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Getting parents to sacrifice their eighteen year old sons to be enlisted in a contrived war.

Maybe would not work so fervently today, so instead we have parents sacrificing their children from in the womb on, to death by needle. Not patriotic duty, but duty to grandma and to all humanity, to all the grandmas.

Seems to be some sacrificial urge that gets tapped into, and then those who take it up want the same sacrifice from everyone. Well, of course they would. For the greater good.

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I am inclined to think that the plan is far worse than that shown in the Club of Rome map which you used in this article. That may have been the plan in the 1970s, but they have moved onto global totalitarianism via a binary view since then.

One clue that I uncovered comes from Thomas P Barnet who delivered his Pentagon Brief from 2004 onwards. In short he said: If you live in the GAP you have two choices: DIE OR MIGRATE.

If you live in the CORE you have NO choice: ACCEPT MIGRANTS, POVERTY AND DEBT.

I referenced his work in my article:


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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Dude, pick up a Bible, read and re-read...

It is the ONLY piece of literature where every and any prophet does NOT claim intellect for himself...

But in it, the one repetitive claim...

I am you GOD...

I am the I am

Were YOU there when I created?

No other text makes these statements.

They are NOT claims...

They are repeated statements from various prophets throughout man's existence and what separates that book and its information from all others...

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

They have no power without our consent. If a significant amount of us refuse to follow orders then their system collapses.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Love your work! You and I have lots in common. I was shaking my head up and down shouting YES...YES! at every single word. Every single thought and opinion! You nailed it all!

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I totally agree with your bullshit detectors. We who search for truth have come a long way, and we do not have time for the idlers. Some of my friends have also become converts to the truth, and even my brothers, who once scoffed at me for my rebellious nature have come to see the truth. I don't push. I try to lead where they are ready to go from where they are at. Strangely, it is often the political leaders and their malfeasance which starts them thinking. That, and the ineptness of their doctors.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Have you looked into a coming cataclysm? 2030-2040? Magnetic pole shift which causes most of the earth to be flooded by tsunamis? I think that all this is leading up to the cataclysm and I wonder if they can control it somehow or if it’s natural. A genuine re-set. An event that leaves 500k to 1 million people and decimates other species as well. I’ve noticed possible predictive programming in shows like Handmaids Tale and Billions where everyone wears blue and green and the sets are dark and full of these colors as well.

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I'm not yet ready to unsubscribe from all those that talk about lab developed viruses.

I don't talk about viruses as if they exist, but I lack an alternative for what is making people sick and what seems to be contagious.

All those *virologists*, what are they spending their time doing. What sort of bioweapons are they cooking up, and are they aware of making bioweapons.

What does Yeadon think that he has been playing with all those years?

Like Frances I think that the cell towers are part of the plan against us, but I am not so sure that they are the cause of the recent respiratory infections.

No chemtrails where I live.

The basic questions of the plandemic remain unanswered sufficiently; what made people sick, and what's in the clotshots.

I have seen the microscopy by private individuals, so I suppose it could be said that I know what's in the clotshots: rectangular bright growing and combining things. What can I do with that information.

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Yeah, I have to purge some of these Substacks that sensationalize everything with little to no evidence whatsoever. Thanks for the reminder!

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Spot on Kyle, "Filtering this onslaught of new information has become part of our weekly lives. I don’t know about all of you precious readers, but I’ve found that the more I’ve learned about what’s really happening in the world, the easier it’s become to filter bullshit from truth. This process has evolved to the point that many people I valued as good sources of information a few years ago I now see as purveyors of misdirection, including other writers I previously followed here on Substack. I can’t say whether that misdirection is purposeful or not. It’s hard to nail down exactly what those filters are, but I know bullshit when I see it." Thanks for summing up so nicely Kyle. Also, I watched Laura's whole 2 hour interview. Interesting.

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Your work here, culminating in these reveal8ng posts, shows how vital it is to question everything and believe nothing.

Your input along with, Ana Micalhycea, Ray Horvath, and more, shows an inexorable direction which is referred to in the Bible as "mammon" or the all-out pursuit of power, influence, wealth, possessions, stimulation, celebrity, corruption, lawlessness.

While the 'good fight of faith' leads to a battleground with this opponent, the battle starts with the self, the natural, sensual, old, carnal, human nature. Which is corrupt. Once the battle against this most terrible of opponents is won, the next leg of the progression is to fight to the death on that mountain called mammon.

To ever think though that this world can be saved from "THEY", is fantasy.

However, the fighters of faith can and will be saved for the 'world to come' ; which for a select few, is well worth preparing for.


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