There has been a recent uptick in the recognition and discussion of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). Movers and shakers in the alternative health and freedom community like Joe Rogan and Robert Malone have recently been discussing how the covid jabs have caused an explosion of ADE.
In light of some of this current news about ADE I took a nostalgic look back at some of my early posts and found this one from December 9, 2020.
This article was a follow up to the previous one in which I tell the story of how I was injured by a ‘mandatory swine flu vaccine’ administered by the school nurse at Faith Baptist Bible College in 1971 when I was a 17 year old freshman. Long story short, I got pneumonia from that jab and nearly died. Even though I was a minor at the time, my parents knew nothing about that mandatory jab until after I got very sick from it.
If you want to know more about the outcome of that, read this post.
For new readers… yes, that was the beginning of my educational journey about the dangers of vaccines. I’ve never had another since.
As I explained in the Fool Me Once post, the reason I got pneumonia from that jab was due to something called pathogenic priming, also known as antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), which is increasingly being ‘officially recognized’ as a side effect from the covid jabs (more coming).
Long time readers will understand why I’m not enamored with either the term pathogenic priming or antibody dependent enhancement. I think both serve as a diversion tactic to keep us from looking into deeper concerns about antibodies and viruses in general - a topic I’ve covered in numerous other posts. I prefer the term “vaccine interference” - as in interference with our terrain and our immune system - used by Dr. Wolff (coming up). But, for brevity, I’m going to use ADE in this post.
As I explained in the first post, ADE has long been understood and is very well researched. One of the most revealing papers on ADE was published by Dr. Greg G. Wolff who did a rather large study on over 6,000 military personnel for the Pentagon on the results of flu shots given for the 2017-18 ‘flu season’. Here is what I said about Dr. Wolff’s paper.
Dr. Wolf prefers to call the phenomenon “vaccine interference”. The study showed that those who had received flu vaccines were left susceptible to other types of upper respiratory illness. I can certainly attest to that being true in my case. Folks, Dr. Wolfs research is a dramatic demonstration of pathogenic priming. Meanwhile, the mainstream media has been saying that the “rumor” that previous flu vaccinations can make one more susceptible to illness is a conspiracy theory and fake news. This study alone makes it very clear that it’s neither. This is the type of “official” reporting we can expect when the religion of corporate science and its Pravda clones rule the day.
In that post I mentioned that RFK Jr. had come across 3 other papers discussing ADE. Keep in mind, that post is a mere 28 months old. I just now did a new search on PubMed for ‘antibody dependent enhancement’ and got 3,178 results. I should mention here that apparently antibiotics can also cause ADE because some of those papers discuss the role they play in wrecking havoc on the immune system to cause ADE. Regardless, it would seem that Pathogenic Priming, ADE, “vaccine interference” - whatever you prefer to call it - is a reality. The ever increasing death toll since the roll out of the covid jabs serves to verify this (more on that).
Another interesting tidbit from that post is that it contains the first of what came to be an extensive list of the laws passed by Congress that led us down the path to covidcon. This topic was later very well covered by Katherine Watt in her Substack.
Before I discussed the debate that took place between Robert F. Kennedy and Alan Dershowitz (Kennedy ripped Dershowitz a new hole) I did a quick highlight of some of the most notorious laws passed by Congress and signed into law by both Republican and Democrat presidents, laws that have provided the DoD and big pharma with all the tools they need to wage war on humanity. Here are a few paragraphs from that text.
After many financial setbacks in court due to vaccine injury and the death of tens of thousands of children, vaccine makers admitted in court that vaccines were “unavoidably unsafe” while seeking immunity from lawsuits for vaccine damage. After the greasing of many palms in DC they finally got what they wanted in 1986 when President Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which gave vaccine makers legal immunity from childhood vaccine injury or death(7). Then in 2005 President Bush signed the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) which provides immunity for vaccine makers from liability in the event of a “declared public emergency”(8) (It’s helpful to keep in mind the Bush family ties to the pharmaceutical industry(9)). COVID-19 was officially declared a “public emergency” in the spring of 2020. Today, childhood vaccinations and flu vaccinations during a declared emergency are the only medical interventions that can cause serious injury or even death, for which the damaged individual, or the family of that individual, has no legal recourse against the vaccine maker that caused that damage. In short, these two Acts provide immunity for murder by vaccination. If you’re beginning to think this sound like a eugenics program, you’re not alone.
If I, as a farmer, sell a bad product to a customer at the local farmers market and they get sick, I’m liable. This why I don’t need any regulations to run my farm. Either I do it right and cause no harm, or, I’m out of business. And yet, the vaccine industry is constantly maiming and murdering people and getting away with it.
Clearly, there can be no question about the hazards of vaccines. RFK Jr. points out in the Valuetainment debate that one in forty people who receive a vaccine will be injured, one in one thousand will die.
As part of this socialistic, taxpayer subsidized welfare/eugenics program for the rich and powerful pharmaceutical industry, an amendment was added to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, a special government ‘vaccine court’ to hear cases about vaccination injury and death. As of December of 2018, the US government, using your hard earned tax payer money, has paid out over $4 billion in compensation to families of vaccine damaged kids - likely over $5 billion by today(10). This amounts to a massive taxpayer subsidy for the richest industry on earth. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical industry welfare monopoly continues to do business as usual, injuring and killing ever more people with vaccines.
I just took a look at the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program web site. The Data and Statistics page charts all cases and payouts. The last section is a chart of Awards Paid. Here’s a screenshot of that chart, showing all awards paid since the program was funded in 1989. The chart is up to date as of March 1, 2023. Note that the grand total is now just shy of 5 billion. A projection tells us it will easily exceed 5 billion by the end of this year.
If you read the fine print it says flu shots were added to this program in 2005.
Here is the chart showing the officially recognized vaccines for which compensation can be had through the kangaroo court that runs this program. As you can see, the title clearly indicates that compensation for flu shots ended in 2021. The 64 million dollar question is, why end flu shot compensation then? Did they already have plans to end the flu and begin covid, as has happened? Did they know the covid jabs were going to be deadly? It would seem the answer to both is, yes.
The fine print clearly states - “Influenza vaccine now is named in the majority of all VICP petitions”. It’s unclear, but it sounds like that sentence was written before 2021, which would put it before the advent of the deadliest of all jabs were rolled out, the covid jabs.
For those who don’t read the linked 2020 post, I should reiterate here that the VICP was established as part of the childhood vaccination injury compensation program after Reagan signed the ill conceived National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
While none of the covid jabs are officially included in this program, the fine print goes on to explain that a petitioner “may allege other vaccines, which may form the basis of compensation”. Knowing how difficult it is to get anything from this program, my guess is that the chances of getting compensated for an unlisted covid vaccine injury or death will be slim to none.
Furthermore, anyone petitioning the court must have symptoms that correlate with the ‘official list’ of symptoms. Death is covered, but compensation for any injury or loss cannot go above $250,000.
Did I mention this system is a joke?
If our constitutional right to take jab makers to court was still intact, none of this would be an issue. But of course, that right was taken away by the aforementioned, unconstitutional Acts.
According to the mindless PREP Act, signed by into law by Bush and updated by both Obama and Trump, vaccines administered under an EUA cannot be compensated under the VICP.
However… there is another program called Counter Measures Injury Program (CMIP).
Here is the bullhooey description from the CMIP website. It’s followed by a screen shot of the current list of covered countermeasures. (For some reason Substack wont let me block the second part as a quote.)
Occasionally, public health emergencies and security dangers threaten our country.
To combat these threats, the government supports the development of countermeasures. A countermeasure is a vaccine, medication, device, or other item used to prevent, diagnose, or treat a public health emergency or a security threat.
Countermeasures save lives. Most people who receive a countermeasure have no serious problems, but like any medicine, they can cause side effects—most of which are rare and mild.
first, nomenclature
The very name of this agency implies that “counter measures” are needed to combat “…public health emergencies and security dangers threaten our country.” “A countermeasure is a vaccine, medication, device, or other item used to prevent, diagnose, or treat a public health emergency or a security threat.”
Where is the proof that these things threaten our country? None is provided.
Where is the proof that the supposed counter measures will help? None is provided.
Where is the proof that the countermeasures will be safe and effective? None is provided.
Where is the proof to show that a public health emergency exists? None has ever been provided.
In other words, we are supposed to trust them when they say there is the possibility of a threat. We are to trust them when they say they will help. We are to trust them when they say they will be safe and effective. We are to trust them when they say a public health emergency exists.
When has any of that ever worked out to the benefit of the American people? Never.
What this means is that, while hiding behind their empty shell agencies, they can dream up a “threat” and use it to terrorize the populace into compliance, just as they did with covid.
Here we have entirely useless agencies, sucking billions of our tax dollars into a black hole to line the pockets of a few deep state operatives and ultimately create a windfall of taxpayer subsidized profit for the elite private sector. Julian Assange had it right long ago: The job of government is to take money from us and give it to the elites.
back to the CMIP
Because covid jabs have recently been put on the childhood schedule, they are now on the CMIP list.
The layout of data on the CMIP site is not conducive to being reproduced here. If you scroll really fast it will take several minutes to scroll through the 11,000+ list of covid injury and death cases that have been filed with the CMIP. After a not very thorough look, the most number of death cases appear to be associated with ventilators, remdesivir, intubation and covid jabs. Yes, in that order. Interestingly, hydroxychloroquine is listed a lot of times, often in conjunction with ventilators. Whether this is a ruse to make hydroxychloroquine look bad or not, I have no idea. These numbers will change as cases continue to come down the pipeline. To see the full chart, go here. The chart is current to the first of this month.
Theoretically, any payouts doled out by either VICP or the CMIP are funded by small fees paid into a fund by vaccine makers. We don’t know how accurate that is because to the best of my knowledge, neither has ever been audited. But the court costs and lawyer fees, which can easily surpass the measly $250,000 maximum settlement paid out of the fund, are paid by taxpayers.
While I despise the idea of taxpayers subsidizing the deaths and injuries caused by the DoD and big pharma, my sympathy for those who have been scammed into taking these jabs and were then injured or lost loved ones to them, far exceeds my ire about taxpayers subsidizing the DoD and big pharma criminals. My opinion is, let’s help those who were harmed and then go after the criminals.
The VICP and CMIP are rigged systems meant to toss a few bones to a few select folks with really severe losses, and they have to fight tooth and nail to get anything. Awards are limited. And of course, the guilty parties go scot free. The bottom line… this is all about profit for a select few elites.
Both of these organizations are run by HHS. As I’ve pointed out in a number of posts, the previously mentioned Acts along with numerous others have led many of the agencies under the HHS to become nothing more than the bioweapon research and development branch of the DoD. Both the HHS and the DoD need to go away.
back to awards paid
As you can see from the Awards Paid chart, only two months into this year, 2023 is already shaping up to be a record breaking year. If the current trend continues, payouts for 2023 may very well exceed 400 hundred million dollars, easily surpassing the previous sad record of 282 million in 2017. Folks, my math tells me that will be an increase of over 70%. As I documented with the sketchy VAERS numbers, watch for this number to be manipulated over the course of this year by deep state operatives using whatever means necessary.
back to december 9, 2020
It is, in short, a coup d’ate. Unelected representatives of the “legal” drug cartels are now running the world. The number of deaths that will occur from bad vaccines means this will not be a bloodless coup.
Given the careless nature of the current gold rush for a corona virus vaccine, and given the fact that the regulations for getting this vaccine to market have been relaxed to speed up development (Trumps Operation Warp Speed), I’m betting that the rate of injury and death from any of the corona virus vaccines currently on the way will run much higher than the historic one in forty and one in one thousand documented by RFK Jr.
Here is a screenshot, taken on Friday March 17, 2023, of the CDC’s VAERS latest death count from the original covid jabs. On Thursday the 16th, it was 34,455.
Here is a screenshot of the death toll from the newer jabs, what the CDC calls the covid 19-2 vaccine. On Thursday it was 211.
As I have done with the previous 14 or 15 reports on VAERS data over the past few years, I’ll include here the government sponsored Harvard study that shows that less than 1% of those injured by jabs ever file a report to VAERS.
Because of the reporting many in the alternative media have done over the past several years about vaccine injuries and VAERS, it seems safe to assume that awareness about VAERS has increased. So, let’s be generous and say that a new Harvard study would now show that the number of people reporting vaccine injuries to VAERS is up to 20%. If we go with that math, the reported number of deaths by all covid jabs would be well over 2.75 million. And that’s just the US, which represents less than 5% of the worlds population.
If we go with the much more conservative 40 fold increase in VAERS numbers that Jessica Rose and Steve Kirsch have put forth, we get 1,389,520 deaths.
According to the CDC, a total of 1,121,512 deaths due to covid have been reported. Of course, this includes the hordes who died of other causes and were tested by the fake PCR test as positive and then listed as a covid death.
Just about any way we look at the numbers it has become clear that the illegitimate programs run by our illegitimate government have maimed and killed countless millions.
This December 12, 2020 post followed the previous one.
In that post I predicted the following.
Depending on the level of buy-in from the general public on the propaganda campaign now being fomented by Fauci and his Big Pharma cronies over C-19, profits for vaccine makers could run into the trillions of dollars. All of this with no guarantee that the vaccine will work. In fact, due to their hasty development and the government sanctioned bypassing of normal protocol for developing a vaccine, I’m going to go out on a limb here and predict that Trumps Operation Warp Speed development program for C-19 vaccines will result in a very high injury and death rate from the various vaccines for C-19 (see previous blog).
Here we are 27 months later and the world has suffered through the largest human caused genocide in history, with countless millions of people suffering from permanent injuries and countless millions more that will die from vaccine interference, other pharmaceutical related complications and deadly ‘medical’ interventions like ventilators.
Will the madness ever end?
You're right that SOMETHING is causing our bodies to be "off" and it's most likely that the mystery SOMETHING is most likely EMF bombarding us from satellites, cell towers, wifi, smartphones, not-so-smart old fashioned cell phones, smart meters, and other smart stuff.
And then there are the toxins in our food, water, soils, and air that we eat, drink, and breathe. If you live in the NE states, you may be affected now - or soon - by DIOXIN floating down to earth from the train wreck of toxic waste products in E. Palestine, OH.
The madness ends when the fear and the greed ends. I spoke to a friend in her seventies who had a heart attack last year during the Covid madness. She was triple jabbed, by the way. We live in Canada so the health care system is a little different in that it is not for profit. However, she claimed they were trying to kill her. They drugged her, and over drugged her. They left her isolated in a room with no heat. The food was all processed junk. She would have died except her husband became her advocate when he realized what they were doing, and he got her out as soon as he could. Months later, with a follow up visit with her regular physician, he diagnosed a heart problem and sent her to the hospital immediately. Her fear of dying overcame her fear of the hospital. She was fortunate that she saw a doctor who disagreed and said she was fine, and she went home. She has been fine since and has weaned off her drugs. She has lost her admiration for the medical system and now sees it for what it is. But fear makes fools of us all.