Our entire govt needs to be purged...every agency

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

And not replaced...

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I'm afraid there'll be a need for (good, prosocial) government (rule, exercise of power/influence over others) to prevent bad (antisocial) government.

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 13, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Not in my world, unless it's always 100% voluntary. How can government prevent itself from being bad? Only psychopaths want to rule others.

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Who will stop those who want to rule others (whether or not they're psychopaths) from ruling others? How do you stop all the ruling that's going on now and then keep it stopped? Isn't stopping rule also ruling?

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Everyone must remove their consent to be ruled. All of their power is derived from the consent of the governed. They cannot kill or imprison everyone. They rely on compliance.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

How convenient. If you disagree with the government you are automatically a terrorist. Yes, this is tyranny. According to FinCEN's webiste, they were created by (1) the Currency and Financial Transactions Reporting Act of 1970, (2) Title III of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 , and (3) the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970. Our very own elected Congresspeople created this monster. Will protesting it qualify us as terrorists?

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Probably. But to keep us all muzzled, that's what they want you to think.

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Benjamin Rush knew what he was talking about.

My church condemns him as the founder of organized psychiatry (he is memorialized on the APA emblem) but he was a "revolutionary" for his time. What he predicted has occurred - in spades. What he recommended in his writings has been largely ignored.

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Although I'm not in your church, I agree with the assessment - it's another phony science. As Dr. Kelly Brogan pointed out in her book, diet plays the same role in our mental health as it does in our physical health.

As for Rush - we all have our short comings.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

As you probably know & agree, psychiatry is a pseudoscience, a drug racket, and a social control mechanism. It's 21st Century Phrenology, with potent neurotoxins. Psychiatry has done, and continues to do, far more harm than good....

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Benjamin Rush actually believed In forced medication for people deemed mentally ill. The quote is a complete fabrication.


The quote was apparently made up by psychiatrists who wanted the freedom to prescribe any drug they wanted at their discretion.

Benjamin Rush actually had nothing to say on human rights.

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I would like to comment on your final statement, but I don't dare. This is some country we have become.

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That's exactly what they want you to feel - afraid to speak out.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Fear is their power tool. The folks who conjure up these laws don't realize that, eventually, they'll be targeted by same. Or, their kids. Or, a friend. They believe that they're so intelligent, and high and above. Wait 'till it backfires on them.

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Been in the fight for freedom for a long time. My name and writings used to be easily found on the internet, though many have been scrubbed by TPTB. We still have the liberty to tell the truth, though it is true that even telling the truth is sometimes now deemed a threat to those who seek to destroy individual liberties. Oh well.

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The problem is, it's personal, potentially affecting others. I don't have any information to reveal, like a whistleblower. I just happen to know certain people personally (not professionally) from earlier years, that I enjoyed meeting and talking with. I'm not up to anything, or involved in anything unusual with anyone, but I can't prove that and I guess now that could be a problem.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

It's not 'we'.

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True. But "we" doesn't have to refer to every last person in a country, does it? OK, maybe I'd better stick to software. Those languages are more precise.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

I have to wonder if 9-11 wasn't done in order to define govt. critics as terrorists. While we were all distracted by the 9-11 story, the govt. declared govt. critics as terrorists. If that is so, how do the TV talk show hosts avoid being so labeled?

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Author

Or the modern day court jesters, comedians.

According to them, we are merely grist for the mill - slaves to generate revenue while staying in line.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

The passage of the Patriot Act is what ended my last shred of belief that the American government is superior to any other. I told a friend of mine that the Patriot Act would be primarily used against American citizens in the future which he absolutely refused to believe. I should go look him up and ask if he remembers.

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For me it was the assassination of the two Kennedy's and King.

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That was before my time or it would have been that. I'm now at the point where I do not believe a single thing taken at face value.

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I got to see JFK speak, in Macon, Georgia, when I was very young. I am very open to credible "conspiracy theories" but I'm quick to call out BS. JFK was not a "conservative", and I'm not convinced he was prepared to "expose" anything. JFK was a liberal and embraced the socialist agenda -- full bore. So, not at all sure why any group would go to the trouble to take him out. Anyone who claims JFK was anything other than a progressive socialist are living in a fantasy world.

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I don't recall me or anyone else here ever saying JFK was a conservative. But if we are to believe the recent news that he was taken out by the CIA, then in my opinion he must have been doing something right... to get on the bad side of the deep state.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

I wasn't suggesting that you or anyone here claimed he was "conservative" -- and that's why they took him out. But some people who promote the various theories do suggest such.

And I think I left the door open to me being convinced that it was in fact a CIA job. But, for example, there's one popular video which claims the CIA did it, and there was not 1, not 2, not 3, but something like 15 gunmen! The video claims that the final and deadly shot came from a drainage inlet along the side of the road. I am very technically inclined, and understand both geometry and physics and the final head shot did not come from the S-Type inlet at the side of the road. And to claim there were 15+/- gunmen is simply ludicrous.

But, I remain open on the larger point.

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They do try hard to make this a Conservative vs Liberal or Republican vs Democrat issue, don't they? You made an interesting point about some even making JFK a conservative.

I have said for years that this isn't a party fight. It's a fight between the Elites trying to own us and Everyday Citizens not willing to be owned. Probably why I remain an Independent.

But, making it a party fight helps direct the limelight away from what it really is. The Elite vs Everyday Citizens.

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He was all for interest-free money, like Lincoln. That is why they took him out. When you have some power and you piss off the bankers, they kill you. End of story.

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MainstreamMedia, or the MSM, is the primary FedGov propaganda tool. NONE of those TV mouth-puppets will EVER speak certain truths. They are all narrowly & carefully scripted....

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There is a lot of false information going around in the Alternative Health media right now claiming that because the COVID-19 shots “alter one’s DNA,” that they cannot be healed from the damage, and that people are being turned into “transhumans” as a result, and are no longer “homo sapiens.”

This is totally false, and is spreading unnecessary fear. The field of epigenetics shows us that our bodies did not evolve out of random chance, but that they were wonderfully designed with mechanisms to turn off “bad genes,” and to even develop “good genes” that can be passed on to future generations.

Vaccine Impact

The matters discussed are NOT about epigenetics OR Alternative Health Media“Herbalists” who would have their say and try to mislead you AND their argument misses the point entirely.

Epigenetics OR Alternative Health Media have grabbed the tail of the Donkey, telling everyone they are holding its head, so naturally, "their monetry take", is the opposite to "common sense", because Epigenetics OR Alternative Health Media, make their money off the vulnerabilities of those they sell their miracle cures too (also like religion) and the mumbo jumbo cures they provide, otherwise their products would not sell, if "everyone" realized just how useless they are – just another form of risk free “Snake Oil”, for them, your money for their "Jam", except this time, hopefully, they have been Synthetic mRNA vaccianted, because, like you, they could not see beyond the immediate moment and that moment is coming back to haunt them, because this time, the system, which controls 90% of us, stole a March on them too,

The Experimental Synthetic mRNA Patented Test Vaccines contain “Synthetic mRNA particles, Nanotechnology, Graphene Oxide and Parasites which are not naturally occurring in the body and because they are not naturally occurring in the body, but manufactured in a laboratory, the vaccinated have been patented to the vaccine maker of choice as in 2103, the US passed the Law, With World Wide Application, which says that “anyone who is vaccinated with synthetic mRNA particles, is no longer human and all human rights are lost” and their body, like any GMO product is now owned by the vaccine maker of choice - the legal arguments of that being studied in some Law Schools, where my whistleblower originated from.

The Lipid Packages “deliberately” fool the brain blood barrier into thinking they are safe and those Lipid Packages and their contents, pass into the inner working of the body, unfurl and start doing whatever they are doing, including installing nanotechnology, parasites and whatever else, on the other side of the brain blood barrier, where they are designed to go and programmed to do and modify to order where they cannot be reached, ever, unless some other "cure", injected in the same way, passing through the brain blood barrier, which would defeat the vaccines purpose altogether. Not Happening.

Let me put that another way. You are going away on holiday overseas on a mystery tour plane journey with some friends, for an unspecified amount of time, but you arrive late at the airport and the aircraft and your friends have left without you = Synthetic mRNA vaccines injected

They will reach their destination and party without you because you don’t know where they went and you cannot “just” turn up. = Synthetic mRNA vaccines have past the brain blood barrier, you can’t reach them and they can’t reach you, because there is no 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G Coverage whever they went, for you to be able to make contact.

Your friends gave up their rights when they went off on holiday, their aircraft disappeared and nobody knows if it crashed or what happend to it = Vaccine Maker's ownership of your friends, to do with as they please.

I have 2 rescue Grayhounds and they literally ran for their lives. If they had not won races they would have been destroyed, without mercy, by the "cunt" who raced them for his money winnings.

Grayhounds are not “Dogs” they are categorized as “Cattle”, but Cattle have limited rights, however, but because there is no practical “food” source in a Grayhound, apart from racing and winning money, no rights have been assigned to them and they have ZERO rights and can be killed any way their trainer, or owner chooses and on their whim, without being answerable to anyone - Grayhounds are tremendously intelligent and very loving, they are either running or sleeping - a fuss free pet.

Normalcy is a group psychosis where the individual thinks he/she is safe within the multitude and thus only sees what they want to see and do what they feel safe doing, within the multitude, but the multitude is being reduced constantly and the outside edges are coming ever closer and that is starting to have an impact as individuals can't ignore the fact that their normacly is not protecting them and their own mortality is coming ever closer and for them, it could occur in an instant and at any time and that is what is scary/terrifying about synthetic mRNA vaccines and those behind this who have Carte Blanch from prosecution, because they are, or do, represent the Laws, which control the rest of us, but not them.

The same ZERO rights those synthetic mRNA vaccinated, now enjoy and "nobody" gives a fuck how many die or are injured, or when - have you noticed?.

Not knowing a thing is not a legal defense. You are expected to know changes to the Law and if you did not take the time or trouble to find out about those changes, or how they later applied to you - tough shit - as in this matter, above - bearing in mind this legislation has been hidden, under wraps, accessed by a few, so once vaccinated, it is too late for those synthetic mRNA vaccined, to be able to do anything about it, either morally or legally.

Here is a thought: Origin of the Species explores the contemporary world of android development with a focus on human/machine relations, gender and the ethical implications of this research. The film provides an insider look into cutting-edge laboratories in Japan and the USA where scientists attempt to make robots move, speak and look human. These scientists and their discoveries are contextualised with cinematic and pop culture references to underline the mythic, comic and uncanny aspects of our aspiration to create machines that are eerily similar to ourselves.

"They" can't even create robots which function independently, so not much hope "them" making nonhumans into robots instead, is there?

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As you likely know, over the course of 2021/22 I wrote a lot about the legal aspects, the contents of the jabs, the patents, immunity from prosecution and so forth. I also wrote about the possibility that mRNA jab tech had the potential to make those who took them into wholly owned products of the jab maker. But, in my research on all of that, I don't remember coming across that world wide patent you mentioned (2103?). Do you have a link for that?

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2013 - the same year that Modern patented their deliberately infectious Covid virus, along with 4 other Covid patents, because that formed the basis of their Covid vaccines, which they patented between 2013 and 2106. As you probably recall I wrote a lot of similar posts to what you were putting out, but fleshed out what I thought was happening and I still do. No a Whistleblower contacted me and you know how it is with these things, but I thought it was interesting that the year 2013, is when these 2 events took place and approximately, at the same time - I was recently able to use dates provided when Covid first appeared, to tie its release to within a few weeks after Bill Gates Event 201, from presumably Fort Detrick level 4 bio-lab - you can find that post on my free substack - though not as me Christine, thanks to Steve K for that, who owns this substack, so serial entrepreneur he, don't print anything which he could..............

Interesting piece about Guerilla Cannabis, is it legal yet in your part of the world, or are you still growing it on the hop? as it were - You John Doe? me, who never was?

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Here's what you need to be looking at (link below). And, forgive me for any of the Trump Cult who may find it offensive for me to point out that DJ Trump signed an executive order on September 19, 2019, putting into place the foundation for the mRNA vaccination campaign, 3 months before the Wuhan SARS-Cov2 virus outbreak was announced. Let's just stick with facts; they are alarming enough without all the fantasy stuff.


Administration of Donald J. Trump, 2019

Executive Order 13887—Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States To

Promote National Security and Public Health

September 19, 2019

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I covered that and linked to that document in a post back in 2021.

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Yes, I do recall seeing your coverage on the EO. Pointing it out to the other poster in case they missed it.

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Those who have "volunteered" to have the experimental synthetic mRNA test vaccines were forecast to be injured, or die, 6 months before the vaccines were released in early 2021, at 1,000 American's a day.

However, by February and March of 2021 the deaths and injuries far exceeded the projected, expected kill and injury rate and further millions of American Dollars were released to General Dynamics (the contracted records recording company), to handle the considerable increase in deaths and injuries to be recorded for VAERS by the CDC, which is funded by Bill Gates, which presumably he owns to some extent. "He who pays the piper calls the tune" - logic.

VAERS records 1% of all deaths and injuries and it has been suggested that multiplying VAERS numbers by 41 (x41) a more accurate picture can be achieved, so when the CDC was expecting 1,000 American's to be killed and injured by vaccines, in actual fact, it was nearer 41,000 American's were being killed and injured, on a daily basis - however - this does not take into account the many millions more, around the world, who were being deliberately killed or injured, by these vaccines - which can only be described as Genocide, had they been "human".

Vaccines purpose not to save anyone from Covid, but to install nanotechnology, past the blood brain barrier, and into the very workings of the body, in billions of lipid packages in each synthetic mRNA vaccine shot - which also contains 99% Graphene Oxide particles - advanced nanotechnology which we won't be able to produce, with our limited scientific understanding of any nanotechnology, before 2035 - yet this advanced nanotechnology was being injected, deliberately from January 2021 - which begs the question - "we" did not have that 2035 nanotechnology in 2021, so what, or who did?

The experimental synthetic test mRNA are patented to the vaccine maker of choice, or the USDOD, because the synthetic mRNA are not naturally occurring in the body and only those who "volunteer" to have the vaccines, can have them, because, according to US Law (2013) anyone synthetically mRNA vaccinated is no longer human and all human rights are lost. They are a new species for which zero rights have been passed into Law and their bodies are now owned by the vaccine maker of choice, like a GMO product, so the deliberate 2035 injected nanotechnology , Graphene Oxide causing murder and injury - Genocide, is not covered by any Law and is perfectly acceptable and legal, by our human Laws, which we the not vaccinated are covered by, as long as we refuse to volunteer, for these experimental synthetic mRNA test vaccines:

There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines. It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion. BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: https://www.ibtimes.sg/fact-check-biontech-ceo-ugur-sahin-refuses-take-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-due-safety-concerns-61652 but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added (increases in deaths and injuries beyond the initial contracts)

The Contracts 23 00099 General Dynamics Information Te..https://substack.com/redirect/dac78dc8-9d2d-4280-a390-218d47bb331d?j=eyJ1IjoibjFlaXcifQ.OkComRnvTz45cW2ospKdwvhGbhkMepFwvepUF91fYF023 00099 Eagle Health Analytics, Llhttps://substack.com/redirect/bcba05ff-1dce-4b15-a6a7-0f59f3cb115a j=eyJ1IjoibjFlaXcifQ.OkComRnvTz45cW2ospKdwvhGbhkMepFwvepUF91fYF0 Grand total? $35,425,642 The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) records 1% of all reports:

VAERS updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41 to arrive at December 2022 numbers) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022. ...The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow

BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: https://www.ibtimes.sg/fact-check-biontech-ceo-ugur-sahin-refuses-take-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-due-safety-concerns-61652 but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher, (bearing in mind that VAERS represents only 1% of all injuries and deaths recorded and multiplying the numbers given by 41 (x41) gives a much better appreciation of just how many American’s were being injured or had died, after vaccinations began in early 2021), on a daily basis: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Friday updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022, so for 100% x41 = 60,730,266 dead or injured Americans so far and it does not include the numbers your governments are inflicting on you, if you don't live in America.

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Christine doesn't have a "link" because there is nothing to link to.

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The mRNA gene therapies do not contain "Nanotechnology, Graphene Oxide and Parasites".

Quote: "the US passed the Law, With World Wide Application, which says that 'anyone who is vaccinated with synthetic mRNA particles, is no longer human and all human rights are lost'”.

Unadulterated BS. Give me a break.

We need to separate the truth from BS. Lots of times, the enemy spreads BS "theories" for the sole purpose of discrediting legitimate concerns and real dangers.

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I've seen it all. Guess what, I know how to photoshop too. Be a little more discerning:

11 Viral Photos On Internet That Have Been Debunked As Fakes


Waiting for the link to the "law" that says vaccinated humans become property of the pharmaceutical company that made the vaccine.

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My understanding is that biotech companies have prevailed over farmers in court, by proving their patented pollen was found in downwind crops. The legal concept is a near parallel.

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Totally agree. It is uncharted territory when it comes to humans, which presumably have "rights" vs plants (and even non-human animals) which don't. I definitely believe they will try to make the leap.

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No doubt the world is being herded into a cataclysmic crash with destiny; only the psychologically, bold, and free shall stand up against global tyranny. Glad to be part of the freedom-loving 'heretics'.

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Amen to that.

Happy to have you here.

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What is a/the “seitch”? Is it a misspelling of ‘sietch’ from Frank Herbert's ‘Dune’?

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Yes. Good catch. Hopefully you noticed that I got it right in todays post.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

>In other words, you are a terrorist if you even think about any of that. Careful, are the thought police just around the corner?

It would be nice to have the current definition of the USofA. When in grammar school in the 1950s a citizen was member of the US and constituted it's definition.

It would seem to me that the definition currently being leveled at the citizens of the US is very much like an auto immune disease. Instead of protecting the body/citizens of the US, they are attaching the citizens especially those that care the most about the USA

>anyone who holds opinions that are “…anti-government or anti-authority sentiment, including opposition to perceived economic, social, or racial hierarchies, or perceived government overreach, negligence, or illegitimacy” are terrorists.

For me in this statement I am concerned with the word "perceived" suggests a possibility of delusion on the party of that is doing the perception. As we were a scientific society at one time should we not put the perception to the test? Who is doing the perception and the defining? It appears to me it is the deep state.

We have the constitutional right to have our accusers present. Since the accusation is overly broad and points to citizens of the US, we the people of the US have the constitutional right to have the accuser present who speaks against us. Certainly they can't be afraid of us, sense it would appear that it is the most armed and empowered parts of the government doing the accusing.

May the real accuses please step forward so that your perceptions may be examined in the light of open inquiry

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Good point. Exactly who came up with this plan, who wrote that document and why did they word it that way?

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Whatever happened to Common Sense. Did "We the People" lose a most basic intuition called common sense.

Maybe we can reclaim it by reading Thomas Paine:


"We have it in our power to begin the world over again." -- Thomas Paine, Common Sense

Common Sense was first published anonymously by Thomas Paine in January of 1776 and is regarded by many as the most important piece of writing of the American Revolution. Although descent among the colonists was growing over the British government's newly levied taxes and customs duties and the bloody battle at Concord, there was still talk of reconciliation among the colonists. However, Paine's convincing arguments against the monarchy and British domination spread like wildfire throughout the colonies and turned the public tide toward independence. General George Washington wrote to a friend in Massachusetts: "I find that Common Sense is working a powerful change there in the minds of many men. Few pamphlets have had so dramatic an effect on political events."

Paine's ability to write in plain language made his ideas accessible to colonists rich and poor. His writing was powerful, dramatic and often scathing -- especially when describing the monarchy. Paine described the kings of England as mere usurpers who, like criminals, had seized power by force:"



Which leads me to wonder, who of the founders and soldiers of this country's Revolutionary war would be named Terrorist today? It would be so helpful to know whom they would deem a terrorist.

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I've quoted Paine here in the past. He should be required reading for everyone today.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Liked by Kyle Young

Especially those who create FinCEN document >is anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists. These individuals are motivated by anti-government or anti-authority sentiment, including opposition to perceived economic, social, or racial hierarchies, or perceived government overreach, negligence, or illegitimacy.

It should be required reading by same FinCEN and a required in depth rebuttable by those who rail against the founding fathers. The founding fathers and mothers felt Thomas Paine was hitting the nail on the head.

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It's curious we don't hear of the ever increasing Islamist Extremists installed in our country like we once did. I had read where Obama had the intelligence agencies scrub much of the intel they had on Islamist Extremists. Then the O'Biden Regime flies in a bunch under the cover of the Afghanistan debacle while ushering in even more via the southern border.

At one time I could look up an interactive map that showed where the Extremist's Mosques were, but now it's the "Sorry, page not found" scenario. I had three sources for Islamist Extremism and the one who traditionally worked with our government started selling us out when Biden got in office and went from real reporting of extremism to the fake DVE reporting - albeit timidly at first. I told off the Clarion Project and unsubscribed.

It is my opinion that there is a dual purpose for concentrating on We the Abused People as DVE's. In addition to control, it's also so we won't concentrate on the fact that the globalists/UN are using Islamists Extremists as their default soldiers all over the world. This is happening everywhere and even though it's hard to find articles since 2015 on the subject, open borders in all the west helps facilitate their King/Surf program.

I did find one recent article from Europe asking why Muslims make up 82% of terrorists in British prisons yet media reports:


We are so screwed.

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It may partly be because the agenda has moved from needing Islam as a scapegoat for the US gubberment to hand over billions to the military industrial complex... to this new level 5 form of warfare that targets everyone around the world with their massive eugenics/transhumanism/cull the herd program via jabs. Both provide income for select globalists.

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