22 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

> I find it nearly unfathomable that both of our choices for president could both be tried for war crimes against humanity.

REPLY: As commented on other sub stacks, I find it so amazing that these two "Trump/Harris" are the very best the people of the US can put forth as presidential candidates. I am 73 years old and have watch the degradation of politics since I was old enough to catch their drift. In the mid 1970s we were talking about the disgusting choices for president and other offices that voting public were given.

One solution we talked about (to give power back to the people) was having a box, NONE OF THE ABOVE. If "none of the above" won. A new election slate would begin. None of those on the previous slate could ever run again for president of the US or any other office.

We definitely need some way for the voting public to be able to flush the toilet when the choice is between to stinkers.

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Yes, whatever happened to the none of the above option?

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20 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

Sadly never happened. We were just a few then talking about that as a solution. Many more were disgusted with the choices. No money then no power then and now

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Re: Trump, "Has he learned some lessons? Is RFKJ showing him the error of his ways?"

I've previously posted response to steps DJT took while battling the DS and Covid concurrently and will not repeat myself as Trump haters here continue to deny that what he did, under the circumstances, was in the best interest of the country at the time considering the MISINFORMATION HE WAS CONSTANTLY AND CONTINUALLY BEING FED BY THE DS HE WAS AND STILL IS SURROUNDED BY. I was really interested in reading the details of this particular case regarding vax reaction but had to FF around yet another needless, deleterious anti-Trump political tirade Kyle. If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem.

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The post was about whats wrong with health care in the US and as it pertains to vaccines, Trump played an outsized role in that.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

Very True Kyle.

Not sure why people don't get that. As far as draining the swamp, there is indication that the swamp got bigger and deadlier under his administration. His cabinet was full of swamp creatures.

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WM, I want to add this article to your comment because I think you would agree with it: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-debate-you-shouldnt-have-watched

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

checking it out now 22 Sept 2024 10 am approx.

You are right I do agree with the article. I read several articles that heavily critique the debate. Sadly those that rule must believe we are children and very much interested in the doings of our betters.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

> The Hegelian dialectic

REPLY: Starting in grammar school children should be informed about The Hegelian dialectic.

Actually I didn't know about it at all till recently. However my parents were way ahead of all this craziness. Starting in 1962 while in 5th grade my parents quit the corporate food train. Went local, that is home grown food (about 40%) and 100% grow our own Beef. My parents were disgusted with the hormone antibiotic meat (mostly grown in large feed lots) and dairy cattle. I recall it vividly. Instead of play with the kids after school, we (my brother and I) dug post holes until dark. To say we were hating life and our parents was putting it mildly.

But as time moved on, and progress was made on the fence, began milking our first cow and within two years had our very own meat to eat. We could see our parents were right. That experience led me never to trust corporate food.

Next dad gave a brief but powerful economics lesson. "If you can't pay cash for it, You don't need it". None of in our family ever went into debt. Between these two, and later in the early 1970s learning about our immune system, I completely turned my back on this fraudulent system.

Three points we learned very young as kids:

1. Grow your own food, or know intimately the grower of your food.

2. If you can't pay cash for it; You don't need it"

3. The immune system is the best protection one will ever have against disease

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Great rules to live by.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

Sorry Kyle the above about the immune systems was something I learned in the mid 1970s that somehow went missing in the last close to 30 years. Adjusted rules follow

1. Grow your own food, or know intimately the grower of your food.

2. If you can't pay cash for it; You don't need it"

3. My dad on Privacy. Don't tell anyone what you know and how you know it. Because then they will know what you know and what they know.

That advice is as good today as it ever was. Now we live in a electronic cage where the mirror is one way. We only see ourselves. The security state sees us and our reflection. But the sad truth is we see very little behind what government does in our name. We the people who govern (in a remote theory) are blind. The folks that do govern see a good deal more than we. However their sense of importance blinds to much.

4. My dad and mom did not directly point to the immune system though their way of life enhanced it compared to today. The person (who's name I have forgotten) was chief wine maker at one of the prestigious winery in the Napa Valley. She opened my eyes to many things about bacteria which when I read Dr. Lynn Margulis I was prepared to understand.

The immune system is the best protection one will ever have against disease

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Sep 21Liked by Kyle Young

Excellent post.

I would suggest this story might be much bigger than an adverse, albeit massive, reaction to a series of vaccines. Full disclosure- I'm in opposition to all vaccines as they are all toxic and should never be injected or swallowed into any biological system.

That said, let's look at the drug treatment in question- that drug is Novartis' FABHALTA® (iptacopan) which received FDA fast track approval on August 8, 2024. It is advised as the "first oral monotherapy for adults with PNH." The risk profile for this drug is not good and they require vaccination with it.

Lexi’s sister stated that a nurse mentioned giving her a different medication outside of the vaccine vials and it was also mentioned in the interview w/Polly at CHD that some doctors laughed and were saying she was a "scientific experiment."

Analysts at Jefferies predicted that Fabhalta could hit $3.6 billion in peak annual sales IF it gets approved for all its target indications, which along with PNH and IgAN include atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome (aHUS), C3 glomerulopathy (C3G), and idiopathic membranous nephropathy (IMN).

It still has a long way to go to reach that objective. In the second quarter, sales from PNH were $22 million, with Novartis pointing to "encouraging early launch indicators" with the rollout.

Over a two-year span, Pakbaz’s clinic, which served solely benign hematology patients, registered a significant demand that crossed various zip codes and cities. Huh? How did this happen? What was the process?

Were Pakbaz and associates fishing for subjects and shaping diagnoses to fit the objectives of the drug trials? Was Alexis caught up in this "sweep?" Are certain hospitals/clinics programming EPIC software to create this diagnosis to prime the pump for an accompanying financial windfall?

Pakbaz highlighted the logistical challenges in implementing this therapy, particularly its prohibitive cost, ($550,000 a pop- that's not a typo) and drew attention to the ongoing negotiations with insurance companies to ensure patient access to these innovative treatments and stressed the invaluable role of Non-Malignant Hematology Clinics in enhancing patient outcomes and the "remarkable potential" of gene therapies to heal diseases that were once deemed incurable.

Gene editing therapy, CRISPR, etc. are all the rage in the medical industry and with their financial backers- the BioPharma frontier. The investors and the Pharma cartel only wait so long before they need to see a return on their investments.

This "new era of therapeutic options", as the investors and Pharma PR flacks call it, lies on the horizon for individuals with non-cancer blood disorders. More of these people must be located (invented) for this noble cause.

HOW was Alexis diagnosed with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), in January 2024?

WHO did the diagnosis and WHERE was it done? WHAT were the mechanisms and processes that were employed for this diagnosis?

BTW In July 2020, Novartis agreed to pay $678 million to settle allegations that the company violated the False Claims Act and Anti-Kickback Statute by paying physicians to induce them to prescribe certain of the company's drugs. Novartis allegedly spent hundreds of millions of dollars on fraudulent speaker programs that served as a means to bribe doctors with cash payments and other extravagant rewards.

"FABHALTA is only available through a program called the FABHALTA Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS). Before you can take FABHALTA, your health care provider must: Enroll in the FABHALTA REMS program. Counsel you about the risk of serious infections caused by certain bacteria. Give you information about the symptoms of serious infections. Make sure that you are vaccinated against serious infections caused by encapsulated bacteria and that you receive antibiotics if you need to start FABHALTA right away and you are not up to date on your vaccinations."

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Thank you for that additional information. Sounds like you have a good line of information about the inner workings of big pharma and the corporate manipulations surrounding treatments for PNH. I came across bits and pieces of that while researching this post, but wanted to focus more on the political machinations that got us to this point. I guess its all part of a piece.

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No wonder the good doctor demanded she be Up To Date on those Quackzeens in order to receive these "experimental" MRNA treatments messing with your Genome.

"Healing??" Hardly. Sickened to the point of death and then she becomes "collateral damage."

I concur with what you said......and to stir the WITCHES' CAULDRON some more, we can add the likelihood that she was transfused with quackzinated blood.....

You take your life in your hands when you put yourself under the spell of modern medicine. Avoid at all costs because they are not at all about "healing" you, as Alexis' case so aptly seems to illustrate.....

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"The massive amounts of EMF’s she is being subjected to from hospital equipment."

Two days ago I was released from the local hospital after 3 days of their trying to "lower the numbers" that supposedly reflect my heart condition. I have contended for years that my AFIB was caused by EMF (smart meters), and been largely tolerated for such foolishness. And now you claim that the hospital equipment itself emits EMFs. I certainly suspected that was how the readings from heart monitors attached to my body were displayed on terminals in the nurse's station. I was radiated for their convenience. The hospital relied on drugs to "lower the numbers". I conclude tentatively that I was given more drugs to compensate for the hospital's technology.

Maybe I will have to carry an EMF meter into the hospital when next I am there.

Thanks for an informative article!

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Polyunsaturated omega6 vegetable and seed oils are the cause of many heart issues. Nanotech is highly problematic for the circulatory system, That combined with exposure to smart meters and all the other wifi, cell phones, cell towers and EMF's we are bombarded with can be a deadly.

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The only vegetable oils I eat are olive oils. From Italy and Greece.

I quit eating seed oils about 20 years ago.

Fat for frying is butter, pork fat, and bacon fat. Organic all.

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Your good. Most are not.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

> Worst of all, it means that Harris will have complete control over them.

Actually the control will be from those that control Harris. She is on a very tight leash.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

That the fek checkers let her whackscene injury 'be broadcast' (now, 9-24) seems very suspect to me; if they were serious, if the LA newspaper was serious, they would have been broadcasting about this the last 3 years. This was just a pressure relief valve, a small caveat, in a tsunami of injury the MSM and GOV will continue to largely ignore. The goriness, horrendousness of her injuries will turn away more eyes than it attracts long enough to read the story.

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Her injury was first made known on Tiktok, then X. Then a few writers on substack picked it up. The fact checkers may afraid to touch this one.

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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

> The question the Cleveland Clinic conveniently ignores is: What’s causing the cells to mutate?

Good catch Kyle: The current Med/P:Harma always leaves out the underlying cause. Just a mystery. We can't solve it. But we can sell you very expensive treatments.

QUESTION: How can you honestly treat anything, if you don't understand the cause. Or is it you know the cause, but if you told the public, the public would skip the expensive treatment and treat themselves at least as well. Perhaps much better.

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That's about the size of it. They don't know the cause and they're not treating anything. They're just pushing very profitable drugs while trying to cull the population.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

Everyone needs to remember it is God who is in control, always! From the beginning until the end. We should find comfort knowing whatever happens is per God’s plan. We humans desperately wish we could understand God’s ways, and reasons, but we will never be able to. God’s ultimate reasons though are always for the overall good! See the rationale below.

“How can I learn to trust that God is in control?”

Unlimited in power, unrivalled in majesty, and not thwarted by anything outside Himself, our God is in complete control of all circumstances, causing or allowing them for His own good purposes and plans to be fulfilled exactly as He has foreordained.




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15 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

Yes, and He will use what the enemy meant for evil and turn it to good. Millions of people will now see what these shots can do. I hope that Alexis can get on the Dr. Ana protocol and survive what has been done to her.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

I really like it when a picture of the beautiful young woman she is, is shared underneath all that pharmaceutical malfeasance and I applaud her courage in sharing her story in hopes to save others from the same fate

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Yup. UCI hospital picked on the wrong young woman.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

Maybe I missed it, but it is important to point out that there is NO tetanus vaccine anymore. There is only TDaP or DTap. So you get the diptheria and pertussis poisons along with the tetanus. This poor poor girl - I am very glad to hear that her dad is anti-vax but he also needed to ingrain in his children to be very very skeptical of ANY medical procedure. These demonic whitecoats are NOT TO BE TRUSTED!

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Thanks for helping get this story out, Kyle.

This is what happens when diagnosis and treatment of humans with complicated medical conditions is turned into a factory and run faster-for-profit.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

Forcing any vaccine on anyone for any reason, even a newborn, is 110% criminal and an act only an anti-human could commit. I don't care if all these medical workers are clueless. It's because they don't have the brains to question anything or the spine to seek the truth. These are the medical experts this poor woman trusted. You see the results and that begs the question of why would anyone trust them.

Most of us work or did work in occupations where we didn't have the "opportunity" or the necessity of taking someone's health into our hands. These people do and they are extremely poor at protecting the patient.

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Agreed. Health care workers need to be held to a higher standard.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

Good day Kyle,

> It was the Biden/Harris administration that colluded with social media giants to prevent the free flow of information.

I will not give SOCIAL MEDIA a pass. They freely use the publicly owned airwaves to their profit and bamboozle the ordinary citizen. They have these platforms and should have cried foul. Should have exposed the Biden/Harris attempt at censorship. Should have quoted chapter and verse the Constitution that entitles free speech. These same media platforms have excellent legal staffs with which to battle against the government. No doubt they would have been making money all the way.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

The lockdowns that cratered small businesses were done by Trump and the deadly hospital protocols and higher payments for putting people on ventilators and remdisiver were authorized by the CARES act that were signed by and during Trump.


Biden inherited the Covid scam that Trump authorized. Yes Biden did the mandates for jabs, but everything else was done during Trump. And it was a bipartisan agreement.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Kyle Young

You said this in this essay.

"We don't need another president who is going to impose a lockdown and close down businesses and run the country into the toilet based on a fake virus."

"Biden just carried on with everything Trumps minions had already put into place."


I’m not trying to be argumentative, just to set the record straight.

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As I've pointed out in several posts, including this one, Trump is as guilty as sin. Yes, he got some of the nuts and bolts put in place and signed a number of things into law that enabled covidcon. Perhaps the most important was HR 4374, which I mentioned in this post. But as I've also written about, most of the puzzle pieces had been put into place over the previous 100 years.

I've come to think he was more of a patsy than I previously thought. He liked to think he couldn't be played because he has been involved in so many big business deals. But I think he has since learned that he was way out of his league when he got into the WH.

As I also pointed out, the censorship, lockdowns, closures and the deadly hospital protocols all began with Biden.

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"Clearly, 'vaccinating' against non-existent viruses does nothing more than inject more unnecessary toxins into a person who is already immune compromised. In short, it’s complete madness to do so.":

Injecting foreign proteins into a person is complete madness, period. This was discovered when people first began to receive injections. That didn't change anything. Does it ever?

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It does not.

And now they've replaced proteins with nanotech.

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