It has been going on for decades. I worked with Ted Gunderson on several cases and projects in the mid 90's and saw his documentation on the chems way back then. I believe his strident activism around this horror show is what got him killed, as we were both targeted at the time.
The pilots back then were loners, no family...offered a lot of money, but captured in every sense of the word. And under threat - addicted to an exotic unknown substance that must be countered with an antidote of some kind, every 48 hours or they die a horrible death. I have no idea what the deal is now, but it may be going the way of drones soon to avoid any whistleblowers or any crises of conscience.
Carnicom too has suffered greatly, and lost many colleagues for exposing this years ago and linking the chems to morgellons.
I've been screaming into the void about this for three decades - it's encouraging to see that it is gaining traction, and none too soon. The spraying and toxicity is on steroids now - ramped up like never before - nightly spraying now - and the poisons are so numerous - exotic pathogens, chimeric parasites, nanocapsules and their poisonous venom payloads, ready to unload with the right frequency to trigger the next fake outbreak, since they can mimic any disease they want to throw at us...and so many more imperceptible and hideous bioweapons consuming us constantly...
I'm shocked that we're still alive and breathing at all - we are seriously close to a mass extinction event - the end of all biological life on earth. ET tech - and they want their Planet Earth Timeshare back.
Word is that the Uranium content in the chems is so high now that the contamination will be used to declare certain areas no-go zones - too toxic for humans - making huge areas uninhabitable...purposely, of course, for land and property confiscation - and relocation into some dissident camps, perhaps?
Here's a post I did just yesterday, if interested. Lots of links, and if you dig in there's a video of Alexa dropping some chemtrail truth bombs...
I will read your article. I have concluded (my own speculation) that I must live in a DARPA test site for their diabolic weather warefare. What we have experienced here since 2020 is nohting short of horrifying. We used to live in Washinton, DC part time, then moved here in 2020 full time, so I was acutely aware of the weather differences. We organic garden, had chickens, orchard, vineyard and understood the normal growing pattern and weather patterns. I'm now fully convinced that what they are developing is using the weather as a tool for mass destruction. This is not off in the distant future. We are observing the destruction of plant an wild life. We have systematically seen the insect population diminish year over year. It doesn't take that many generations to wipe out a population. The animals behave differently as if they have neurodegenerative diseases, and WE are aware of our own decline. What's coming is nothing short of a weather gas chamber. I have witnessed and experienced it first hand over and over, whereby a tight dome of low clouds covers us and then a toxic fog fills in underneath, lasting for days 24/7. So damaging to all life. I could go on, but I won't. When I come across articles covering the horrors of the vaccine, I always comment that we are all being poisoned daily. I try to wake people up, but for a lot, they are stuck looking in one direction. BTW, I had a hair analysis done and my barium, strontium, manganese and cobolt were off the chart. I don't put chemicals on my body and eat extremely clean food, so the only exposure that makes sense is via air, soil and water (well water -- which we distill). We stopped gardening until we can move and establish green houses for growing food. Anyway, glad to see your comment, I could not agree more and will read your article.
The situation is so dire...the poisoning from every few can even wrap their heads around what we are is all so hideous for those who know any of this - knowing any of this is is grief and rage...rinse and repeat...but we'll fight and rant until the bitter end? All the best...hang in long as we can...
You do the same. We had chickens and one thing I learned from them was to survive. No matter what the day brought for them, their main focus was surviving. We saw this after we gave some away and those left behind grieved briefly but moved on. Or when one died, they moved on. I have grieved the loss of the beauty that is being robbed of us daily, and at the same time figuring out how to survive the holocaust.
Yes, indeed. I so agree. I think we will get to a tipping point, SOON. And when we do, THIS will be figuring prominently, I feel sure. Those of us who know what's going on, really KNOW what's going on. xo HOLD FAST.
You don't mention your location, but here in Western WA near Seattle, NEAR THE NAVY NUCLEAR SUB BASE, we are almost daily dosed in dense chem trails, sometimes more than once/day. I LOATHE this. I would loathe it if it were happening somewhere far, far away, but I see it virtually Every. Fucking. Day.
That’s probably because it’s “God’s Country,” as the natives call it. I bet those Evil Muffo Psycho Rat Bastard Turd-Brain Scumbag Summamabitches just can’t stand that, so … God will make sure they donut win. Woof!
My eyeballs are melting now, lol, but I’ll look at it tomorrow! Thanx! And… Keep the faith… We can do anything we put our mind to, but first we have to stop these fuckers! xo xo
It has completely burned our plants, some plants less than others, but yellow and brown leaves. It looks like September here instead of June. The grass is completely dead, brown, orange, dry and crunchy. A fire hazard.
Are you in the Pacific NW or DC? I had been in DC during 2023.. right as Covid thing was FINALLY lightening up... Then we had the E. Palestine, OH Train Tanker Mega-Toxic Chemical Disaster (to include Dioxin by-products!!) blowing right over us within the radius of potential Danger (<200 miles)!!.. It did NOT seem like an "accident"!- & How Strategic?!- right over the Nation's capital & major business centers of the U.S. East Coast, not to mention incredibly fertile, organic Farmland in PA, OH, NY, MD, N. VA?!.. Right as that slowed down in the Air (but still Raining into the surface Water supply & Soils), we got the Mega-Toxic Canadian Wildfires (more combustion of the Dioxin debris?!), & I can say that after more than a decade in the DC region, that was the FIRST time EVER that Canadian Wildfire Smoke EVER drifted all the way down to DC!-?!!- It went on for 3+ MONTHS, & it was BAD!!- We also had a stubborn Record Heat Wave!.. But, I will say that the Fortitude of folks in this area was nothing short of Amazing!!.. We shared Air & Water Purifiers, Detoxed, stayed inside, even leaned on Solar Power to keep things habitable. However, I already know of one talented 31 year-old NW DC neighbor who suddenly passed of Lung Cancer she acquired right after these Multiple Toxic Air ordeals!!- Tragic. RIP! / So, in sum, yes!- DC recently got dosed up. But, I finally saw local Wildlife coming back, & most people seem to be hanging in there!- It did feel like too much, too relentlessly, to be a mere "Coincidence"?!.. To me, it felt like a Foreign Power had Declared War on the USA?!! (I ducked out with family in other regions.) Good Luck to all!- And Keep fighting the good fight!-☺️🙏✔️
I'm sorry about your friends. The toxins in the air are no joke. I suffered several chemical concussions from them April through early June. And staying inside has become a way of life. So sad. We live in the country and I used to spend so many hours outside in my beautiful garden. We are in PA by the way, just a few hours from DC. Figure out whatever you need to do to survive this.
Hats off to everyone who carries on!!.. PA Cities seemed to barely flinch after the E. Palestine blow-over, but they have their own baseline pollution endurance levels?!.. If you examine what could have been in the Air/Atmosphere during those AQI Disasters, not even considering potential geo-engineering or chemtrails (which were not so visible to me there)?!... whoa. I totally identify with your feeling that we were being unduly "Hit"!!-👍 From what I've heard from friends in Baltimore- they went through some of the Worst of it!!- AQIs in the 400s?!!. But, they've fought back -even protecting The Chesapeake Bay from any related dumping!-🙂✔️
It's amazing that so many kept going, regardless!!- I'm totally inspired by so many, including myself. 👍🙂 (It did help that we had tons of good health food stores; plentiful N-95 Masks that we shamelessly wore indoors & out when the AQI was CODE Red, Purple, & BLACK (insane levels!!); most still worked 100% remotely at home or had top-notch HEPA HVAC office systems; extra hurricane supplies; & most already used Air & Water Filters to be able to live in such a densely populated urban area!)- We kept plugging!!.. I remember seeing these idealistic young women Marching out to Report to Work, wearing FULL Respirator Masks & Gloves, with a look like, "HELL HATH NO FURY"!!!- 😡!!... Survivors!!!- Not only are many U.S. Govt. functions dependent on certain dedicated public servants & experts; most critical National & International NGOs have their HQs in Washington, D.C., so it is INTENSE!!-😡 I remember seeing this young, red-haired professional going out there when it was almost pelting lethal Phosgene Gas on people with this look of Absolute Courage & Determination and Two (2) Tightly-Sealed Respirator MASKS ON!!-- 🥹
Yeah, one of the more edgy of Herbie's "primal-tech' stuff ... but the Sextant album came out in the early 70's, and as usual for Herbie, the bleeding edge. Read somewhere that he was an engineering student before he came to Miles Davis's attention, hence his love of gadgets. If you like the horns, you might like his '74 follow up album "Thrust". The opening strains of his piece "Butterfly" is the ring tone on my iPhone ... If more into acoustic, his 1965 'Maiden Voyage' is ageless ...
Just finished watching Traci and Shane's presentation of the still uncontained Ruidoso Fire, and I agree with 'em ... the powers that be are not even trying to hide indications of DEWs. (especially from around 6:50).
Will send a heads-up to Shane about your post here, but one thing I still haven't sussed out is how deep they realize the rabbit hole goes. Not a peep, not even in private mails about WHO, Davos, dual purpose bioweapons, 5G, A.i, CCDC's etc. Just unnatural fires.
Meanwhile, I've been too busy at the local level here to put out much on substack. Helping with start-up schools, was at the anti-WHO protest in Hibiya park a few weeks ago (estimated at about 50,000 )... and more recently helping a long-time friend and community activist on behalf of the homeless, now ironically being pressured to move to some place less sustainable by real estate speculators.
Traci seems overly careful. I would like to see her get on Rumble and Odysee so she doesn't have to worry so much about being censored by youtube. Maybe you can mention that to her. Besides, I'm still banned on youtube so I can't comment there. I'm sure I'm not alone in that regard.
However, I do have Rumble channel.
I've been getting bits and pieces about the Japanese protests against the WHO. I think Corbett did something on that recently. If you have time, whats your take?
Hi again John. I thought you might like a reference to Masako Ganaha (strange last name for a Japanese, but a buddy told me that is the case for a lot of those from Okinawa.
I hear you about Traci. As far as I know, neither she nor Shane have a background in journalism, so I think they are building wings as they jump off the cliff, and like many others, on a shoestring budget.
I subscribe to James Corbett (though out of necessity haven't kept up with is podcasts), and though he lives in Western Japan, was surprised he does not seem to be particularly tuned into the chatter on Japanese X (Twitter) or the protests here in the Tokyo area.
I took some videos and made a few loose connections with Japanese at the protest, but have been too busy to organize and upload to substack post yet.
One great source for things happening Far East is Aussie17's "PharmaFiles" ... a former executive (either Moderna or Phizer) turned whistleblower, and his Japanese is better than mine. And another powerful voice is independent journalist YouTuber, Rumbler, Xer ... Masako Ganaha,
I am in and out of comments and still read a lot, but running as fast as I can to play my part in the local scene affords me little time for a digital profile. And outside of the local community here, I might as well be invisible.
Woof back at you, and hope things are well with you.
Wow ... that was quite a lot of dot connecting. Near the end, I saw several references to Meryl Nass, and although I mostly agree with her and her team ... she chided me (and James Roguski) for questioning her assessment that we should be celebrating a win over the last round with WHO. Just wondering what your take on that is.
Here's what I think. The WHO paranoia is much ado about the wrong thing. So much of what the WHO wants to do is already being done here in the US. Are concerns about the WHO keeping us diverted from cleaning house here in the US?
Having said that, I would reiterate what I've said in several posts - the WHO and its masters at the UN need to go away.
Thanks for following that, Steve. I have to post stuff as I find it. It was a LOT this time.
Meryl really, really worked long and hard, and spent a lot of her own life savings over the past year and a half. She gave her all. She met and talked to a Lot of people. She hired employees. She convinced lawmakers. She and others DID block the steamroller of backdoor-global governance through Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments.
I'm not saying the "owners" are beaten, but that path appears to have been blocked for this year, blocked at the critical point of late May, which they kept working to achieve.
Meryl and James know each other and are on good terms, and have very different personalities, and they both know that.
Meryl has been attacked a lot, and she is a really feisty little old Jewish lady. Meryl and James each take their own directions which are not identical, but are complimentary from my perspective. I have been in a lot of Zoom meetings with them and others, but not much lately, as Meryl's world-tours took on an independent, and successful existence. The "Door To Freedom" group was not so helpful after Meryl's schedule of meetings and speaking engagements became so full.
Meryl Nass MD WAS the best weapon against the WHO, and the rest of us were less help once she started engaging in all those battles.
James always did his thing, rigorous and detailed analysis, but Meryl beat them at jousting. ;-)
Much of the time I would prefer to just be working on farm stuff. But that does nothing to help the greater situation. Because I can, I do what I can. The powers that shouldn't be would love for me to just sit on my butt and do nothing.
I came to Substack with John Rappoport, whose work I had been reading elsewhere. I was fascinated by your account of living in Arizona and the armed invaders from Mexico. From early 2020 I watched the COVID story unroll — in disbelief. One of the biggest ah-has for me was the realization that the federal government encouraged censorship by the media; I was, and remain, horrified. If the story is true, why is the govt. worried about misinformation? That censorship is still in play. Combined with the farce of federal politics and the upcoming presidential election, I find it easy to conclude that the American republic is toast.
I appreciate your work on geoengineering. I have watched Dale Wigington’s “The Dimming.” I have no camera that can photo the sky. And where I live I have never seen chemtrails. I did once see a video of a plane that deliberately sprayed out something while in flight, presumably proof that chemtrails were real. I did not doubt it. If there are chemtrails above my head, they have likely been obscured by easterly winds off the Pacific Ocean, 20 miles to the west.
My response to your question about the govt and misinformation... The govt is like the connection between the faucet and the hose. Complicit absolutely. And just as they use our taxes (illegally taken), they also use our own money to fund our own DEMISE, as Kyle points out. They don't MIND that, and therefore they are Evil.
All Air Traffick CAN be removed as for 9/11 and the perpetrators taken...There are most assuredly records of who is perpetrating these heinous crimes. The FAA and Govt. most certainly KNOW what's happening and know that from intimate contact with the Agency.
In these recent 5 years; SOP has changed and a variety of regulations changed for clear reason. This is a very important topic.
Thank-you for your time and work in presenting these issues to the public.
What FAA cover up for 9/11? What specifically are you referring to? Is there a link or an article? Must have been a lot of covering up? Some people say they were not commuter plans that hit the Twin Towers. If that’s true, that would involve much cover up by the FAA. The lies never end.
It's been a long time since I looked into all of that. Which explains why I had forgotten about it. And back when I was doing so I wasn't book marking things like I do now. So I have no specific links.
I did recently look into the use of DEW's on 9/11, but not as it may have pertained to the FAA.
As I recall, there were questions regarding the tracking of the planes, including the one that supposedly hit the pentagon and the one that supposedly crashed in the field. There were also questions about the air force operations that day that would have involved the FAA. Seems like there were also questions regarding the diversion of regular flights...
Perhaps BlazeCloud3 or others can chime in with more info.
DUSTIFICATION. Love it. That Judy Wood is a brilliant gal. These weapons were tested on 9/11 and I think they're also involved in a LOT of things we're now seeing, including perhaps the cause of wildfires, and more...
Yes, there had to have been a lot of cover up. I pray regularly that whistleblowers will come forth for all crimes committed by our government but unfortunately one faces what Snowden and Assange (and many other who they probably killed) have gone through. It’s a very big cost to one’s life and family and a decision one must spend hours, days, weeks , months and years grappling over.
Death is nothing compared to the crimes of the evil cabal trying to CULL Humanity... Want to get the skinny on stuff? Kyle knows me, these links are not a trick... If you're interested.
Frances Leader has a SS page, "Uncensored," and you can find this interview (audio only) on her page, too.
David Hughes is a brilliant analyst and academic... Stuff we should ALL of us know about...
Anyone thinking about blowing a whistle today must be considering at what happened to Snowden and Assange... If they can be freed, maybe well see more whistle blowers come forward.
Sad that the lay people involved in this haven’t blown the whistle. There must be thousands, hundreds of thousands! involves and they have kept the mouths shut.
I remember watching this happen in the 1970's when this happened because then it would rain and cancel the softball game. And I remember the seeding the clouds in winter to cause it to snow. This was in Utah close to an air force base.
Sadly, whistle blowers don't get treated very well here.
It's probably run on a need-to-know basis, which would mean many who are involved don't know what they are involved with. As was pointed out, the number of people that come into direct contact with this stuff is kept to a minimum.
But hopefully some brave whistle blowers will hook up with some good journalists and an army of lawyers and expose what's happening in the US.
"As was pointed out, the number of people that come into direct contact with this stuff is kept to a minimum."
I jumped the gun before reading the entire article. My bad.
I have been following this for a few decades and especially the geo-engineering site. I walk daily and watch the planes criss crossing the skies outside normal flight paths. I’ve recently noticed discomfort breathing like you get after running a long route or pushing yourself. I’ve been wondering if it’s related. Mentioned it to me doctor…he gave me an asthma med which I threw in the trash.
Whistleblowers are supposed to have protection. Instead they are treated like criminals and locked up while the criminals laugh and go free.
Very true. This and corporate food, the mass of people in the cities which are in glorified CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) have no other choice but to eat the poisoned food from the market. All of this to dim the bulb of the mind so that this travesty of pollution can go on in the guise of saving the Planet.
Vets today don't come home with the ability to adapt. Of yesteryear my dad came home physically whole, mentally very angry at what he felt was the fraud of war. My Uncles both had leg injuries from WWII and the Korean war. Were able to go on. Vets now not so much
Now vets come home for Iraq, Afghanistan and all the other little confrontations around the world so much worse for the ware. At least the Vietnam vets came home able to push back against pollution, racial discrimination and more.
The vets today poisoned by the food the military feeds. By the health care provided and by the massive amounts of toxins they are exposed to. It is the intention of those that profit from war to take our best and brightest and destroy body and mind and send them home as used up hulls. With the dimming bulb of the mind, those who pollute the air water soil and life, feel that can own the world.
Not only our air, but our food and water as well. Notice Hershey’s on that list?! Why the gel would food companies need these chemicals, except to add it to the processed food we are addicted to. And no growing our own, now the ground is contaminated as well as the rainwater out on the garden.
I love the comment about singing to the clouds. Frequency of Love is the only thing that will negate this shit. I often project my thoughts and energies toward the sky to disrupt and transmute everything not useful to neutral. I also project toward the ground as well: as above, so below. Turns out “praying” over your food is really worth doing? 😉❤️
Unless we see a slew of dead bodies piling up, we have no way of knowing how all this might be affecting us as individuals. There are no tests and much of what is happening is somewhat questionable, at least for me. Doctors and the medical community are utterly clueless and will advise taking more big pharma drug poisons...that is their only answer. Perhaps all this anti-human activity is building up into one giant fell swoop into the abyss for us all.
It seems to be more death by a thousand cuts than an obvious case of bodies piling up overnight. The culling is insidiously slow and steady, to prevent that masses from awakening to their plight and fighting back.
What blows my mind is the sanctity of life present in our “prevention” of death, our mourning of death of loved ones and yet the culling is in our faces with the cognitive dissonance reaction beyond my understanding. Are we already matrixed to simulated death by a million deaths gaming and Hollywood? It’s like the culling of loved ones is another day in life for most.
And the lake of outrage overall.
Mind blown and understanding the future today to navigate the future if that makes sense.
Ps your work is outstanding! I’ve narrowed my subs by erroneous info and lack of seeing the overall picture. Lots of money garnered by dirty laundry. Maybe a paywall is the answer. Ya get whatcha pay for. I might allocate 50/month for worthy stuff.
30 years of holing gets one thru the earth to light again, hehe…
Check out Jim Lee of who has a Substack account and has been working on the subject of geo-engineering for more years than I care to count! You may be fascinated by his comprehensive history of weather manipulation too.
I gave you the link to his website. He also uploads videos to YouTube and Odysee etc. I really don’t know how you could have missed him. He is old school and has rivalled Dane for years.
Sorry. On my first pass I missed the difference between his .com and his substack. That happened during our first big monsoon storm of the season. I was paying more attention to the storm than comments.
Yes, I have been to his .com site before.
I'm also aware of the unfortunate "rivalry" that exists between some of the early geoengineering researchers, although I've never heard Dane say anything about that.
Thanks for your post and sharing this message. I comment about this when I read articles on the vaccines, but most people refuse to see how dangerous it is. In time they will know.
I thank you, too, for all your work, and for sharing with all of us. I can’t do much to stop these demons, but I do pray every day and ask God to come back to America. We’ve done a great job of turning away from Him, and kicking Him out of this wonderful country He allowed us to live in. Pretty sad
It has been going on for decades. I worked with Ted Gunderson on several cases and projects in the mid 90's and saw his documentation on the chems way back then. I believe his strident activism around this horror show is what got him killed, as we were both targeted at the time.
The pilots back then were loners, no family...offered a lot of money, but captured in every sense of the word. And under threat - addicted to an exotic unknown substance that must be countered with an antidote of some kind, every 48 hours or they die a horrible death. I have no idea what the deal is now, but it may be going the way of drones soon to avoid any whistleblowers or any crises of conscience.
Carnicom too has suffered greatly, and lost many colleagues for exposing this years ago and linking the chems to morgellons.
I've been screaming into the void about this for three decades - it's encouraging to see that it is gaining traction, and none too soon. The spraying and toxicity is on steroids now - ramped up like never before - nightly spraying now - and the poisons are so numerous - exotic pathogens, chimeric parasites, nanocapsules and their poisonous venom payloads, ready to unload with the right frequency to trigger the next fake outbreak, since they can mimic any disease they want to throw at us...and so many more imperceptible and hideous bioweapons consuming us constantly...
I'm shocked that we're still alive and breathing at all - we are seriously close to a mass extinction event - the end of all biological life on earth. ET tech - and they want their Planet Earth Timeshare back.
Word is that the Uranium content in the chems is so high now that the contamination will be used to declare certain areas no-go zones - too toxic for humans - making huge areas uninhabitable...purposely, of course, for land and property confiscation - and relocation into some dissident camps, perhaps?
Here's a post I did just yesterday, if interested. Lots of links, and if you dig in there's a video of Alexa dropping some chemtrail truth bombs...
Thx for this post. Love your stacks, Kyle.
I hadn't heard about the Australia story. I hope folks check out your link.
Thank you Pasheen.
Thanks for the link!
I will read your article. I have concluded (my own speculation) that I must live in a DARPA test site for their diabolic weather warefare. What we have experienced here since 2020 is nohting short of horrifying. We used to live in Washinton, DC part time, then moved here in 2020 full time, so I was acutely aware of the weather differences. We organic garden, had chickens, orchard, vineyard and understood the normal growing pattern and weather patterns. I'm now fully convinced that what they are developing is using the weather as a tool for mass destruction. This is not off in the distant future. We are observing the destruction of plant an wild life. We have systematically seen the insect population diminish year over year. It doesn't take that many generations to wipe out a population. The animals behave differently as if they have neurodegenerative diseases, and WE are aware of our own decline. What's coming is nothing short of a weather gas chamber. I have witnessed and experienced it first hand over and over, whereby a tight dome of low clouds covers us and then a toxic fog fills in underneath, lasting for days 24/7. So damaging to all life. I could go on, but I won't. When I come across articles covering the horrors of the vaccine, I always comment that we are all being poisoned daily. I try to wake people up, but for a lot, they are stuck looking in one direction. BTW, I had a hair analysis done and my barium, strontium, manganese and cobolt were off the chart. I don't put chemicals on my body and eat extremely clean food, so the only exposure that makes sense is via air, soil and water (well water -- which we distill). We stopped gardening until we can move and establish green houses for growing food. Anyway, glad to see your comment, I could not agree more and will read your article.
The situation is so dire...the poisoning from every few can even wrap their heads around what we are is all so hideous for those who know any of this - knowing any of this is is grief and rage...rinse and repeat...but we'll fight and rant until the bitter end? All the best...hang in long as we can...
You do the same. We had chickens and one thing I learned from them was to survive. No matter what the day brought for them, their main focus was surviving. We saw this after we gave some away and those left behind grieved briefly but moved on. Or when one died, they moved on. I have grieved the loss of the beauty that is being robbed of us daily, and at the same time figuring out how to survive the holocaust.
Yes, indeed. I so agree. I think we will get to a tipping point, SOON. And when we do, THIS will be figuring prominently, I feel sure. Those of us who know what's going on, really KNOW what's going on. xo HOLD FAST.
What's the purpose of the nanotech if they are poisoning us?
I'm sorry, I can't think like a psychomaniac & cannot wrap my head around such evil.
Control, power, profit.
The nanotech is the poison (but not the only poison).
I agree. It's really hard to fathom.
It is hard to think like a psychopath. But, remember that they want us dead regardless of how.
They have no empathy, no ability to love. Just read something this morning explaining that psychopaths are born that was and cannot be redeemed.
You don't mention your location, but here in Western WA near Seattle, NEAR THE NAVY NUCLEAR SUB BASE, we are almost daily dosed in dense chem trails, sometimes more than once/day. I LOATHE this. I would loathe it if it were happening somewhere far, far away, but I see it virtually Every. Fucking. Day.
I watch the satellite loops everyday. From that perspective, the PNW gets the most chemtrails of any area of the US.
That’s probably because it’s “God’s Country,” as the natives call it. I bet those Evil Muffo Psycho Rat Bastard Turd-Brain Scumbag Summamabitches just can’t stand that, so … God will make sure they donut win. Woof!
Amen and amen. is absolutely everywhere...they say not to melt the ice to drink on Mt Everest...too toxic...nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide...
check the new vid by Dane Wigington - He does a weekly video.
My eyeballs are melting now, lol, but I’ll look at it tomorrow! Thanx! And… Keep the faith… We can do anything we put our mind to, but first we have to stop these fuckers! xo xo
I'm so sorry. There is an agenda. We get it daily except when the agenda is to cause a drought to start fires.
The aluminum in the chemtrails acts as a fire accelerate.
It has completely burned our plants, some plants less than others, but yellow and brown leaves. It looks like September here instead of June. The grass is completely dead, brown, orange, dry and crunchy. A fire hazard.
Did you see this?
Are you in the Pacific NW or DC? I had been in DC during 2023.. right as Covid thing was FINALLY lightening up... Then we had the E. Palestine, OH Train Tanker Mega-Toxic Chemical Disaster (to include Dioxin by-products!!) blowing right over us within the radius of potential Danger (<200 miles)!!.. It did NOT seem like an "accident"!- & How Strategic?!- right over the Nation's capital & major business centers of the U.S. East Coast, not to mention incredibly fertile, organic Farmland in PA, OH, NY, MD, N. VA?!.. Right as that slowed down in the Air (but still Raining into the surface Water supply & Soils), we got the Mega-Toxic Canadian Wildfires (more combustion of the Dioxin debris?!), & I can say that after more than a decade in the DC region, that was the FIRST time EVER that Canadian Wildfire Smoke EVER drifted all the way down to DC!-?!!- It went on for 3+ MONTHS, & it was BAD!!- We also had a stubborn Record Heat Wave!.. But, I will say that the Fortitude of folks in this area was nothing short of Amazing!!.. We shared Air & Water Purifiers, Detoxed, stayed inside, even leaned on Solar Power to keep things habitable. However, I already know of one talented 31 year-old NW DC neighbor who suddenly passed of Lung Cancer she acquired right after these Multiple Toxic Air ordeals!!- Tragic. RIP! / So, in sum, yes!- DC recently got dosed up. But, I finally saw local Wildlife coming back, & most people seem to be hanging in there!- It did feel like too much, too relentlessly, to be a mere "Coincidence"?!.. To me, it felt like a Foreign Power had Declared War on the USA?!! (I ducked out with family in other regions.) Good Luck to all!- And Keep fighting the good fight!-☺️🙏✔️
Horrific story.
Thank you Sassafras.
I'm sorry about your friends. The toxins in the air are no joke. I suffered several chemical concussions from them April through early June. And staying inside has become a way of life. So sad. We live in the country and I used to spend so many hours outside in my beautiful garden. We are in PA by the way, just a few hours from DC. Figure out whatever you need to do to survive this.
Hats off to everyone who carries on!!.. PA Cities seemed to barely flinch after the E. Palestine blow-over, but they have their own baseline pollution endurance levels?!.. If you examine what could have been in the Air/Atmosphere during those AQI Disasters, not even considering potential geo-engineering or chemtrails (which were not so visible to me there)?!... whoa. I totally identify with your feeling that we were being unduly "Hit"!!-👍 From what I've heard from friends in Baltimore- they went through some of the Worst of it!!- AQIs in the 400s?!!. But, they've fought back -even protecting The Chesapeake Bay from any related dumping!-🙂✔️
It's amazing that so many kept going, regardless!!- I'm totally inspired by so many, including myself. 👍🙂 (It did help that we had tons of good health food stores; plentiful N-95 Masks that we shamelessly wore indoors & out when the AQI was CODE Red, Purple, & BLACK (insane levels!!); most still worked 100% remotely at home or had top-notch HEPA HVAC office systems; extra hurricane supplies; & most already used Air & Water Filters to be able to live in such a densely populated urban area!)- We kept plugging!!.. I remember seeing these idealistic young women Marching out to Report to Work, wearing FULL Respirator Masks & Gloves, with a look like, "HELL HATH NO FURY"!!!- 😡!!... Survivors!!!- Not only are many U.S. Govt. functions dependent on certain dedicated public servants & experts; most critical National & International NGOs have their HQs in Washington, D.C., so it is INTENSE!!-😡 I remember seeing this young, red-haired professional going out there when it was almost pelting lethal Phosgene Gas on people with this look of Absolute Courage & Determination and Two (2) Tightly-Sealed Respirator MASKS ON!!-- 🥹
I posted an article about the train wreck on 3/4/23 -
Would be great to see if there's any way we can do a chemtrail "raindance" and send that nano back to hell.
Just got the first big monsoon storm of the season here - about 10 days early. No dance needed.
As far as I can tell, it was all Gods work.
Ha. Well, maybe. Since the infernal spray is pretty much DAILY (or NIGHTLY, or both) here in my sky area, I don't trust ANY weather anymore... :(
Chemtrail "Rain Dance", seasoned to order ...
Just subscribed to jazz fan Pasheen, and about a week exchanging notes now with jazz fan anti-Big Pharma activist, Laura "BioMedWorks" Kragie.
Not a big fan of the synthesized part, but he certainly blows a mean horn.
Hi Kyle.
Yeah, one of the more edgy of Herbie's "primal-tech' stuff ... but the Sextant album came out in the early 70's, and as usual for Herbie, the bleeding edge. Read somewhere that he was an engineering student before he came to Miles Davis's attention, hence his love of gadgets. If you like the horns, you might like his '74 follow up album "Thrust". The opening strains of his piece "Butterfly" is the ring tone on my iPhone ... If more into acoustic, his 1965 'Maiden Voyage' is ageless ...
Just finished watching Traci and Shane's presentation of the still uncontained Ruidoso Fire, and I agree with 'em ... the powers that be are not even trying to hide indications of DEWs. (especially from around 6:50).
Will send a heads-up to Shane about your post here, but one thing I still haven't sussed out is how deep they realize the rabbit hole goes. Not a peep, not even in private mails about WHO, Davos, dual purpose bioweapons, 5G, A.i, CCDC's etc. Just unnatural fires.
Meanwhile, I've been too busy at the local level here to put out much on substack. Helping with start-up schools, was at the anti-WHO protest in Hibiya park a few weeks ago (estimated at about 50,000 )... and more recently helping a long-time friend and community activist on behalf of the homeless, now ironically being pressured to move to some place less sustainable by real estate speculators.
Great post Kyle.
Cheers from Japan.
Thanks for the links.
Traci seems overly careful. I would like to see her get on Rumble and Odysee so she doesn't have to worry so much about being censored by youtube. Maybe you can mention that to her. Besides, I'm still banned on youtube so I can't comment there. I'm sure I'm not alone in that regard.
However, I do have Rumble channel.
I've been getting bits and pieces about the Japanese protests against the WHO. I think Corbett did something on that recently. If you have time, whats your take?
Steve and I are "gaijin" brothers of different mothers, it would seem.
Hi again John. I thought you might like a reference to Masako Ganaha (strange last name for a Japanese, but a buddy told me that is the case for a lot of those from Okinawa.
I hear you about Traci. As far as I know, neither she nor Shane have a background in journalism, so I think they are building wings as they jump off the cliff, and like many others, on a shoestring budget.
I subscribe to James Corbett (though out of necessity haven't kept up with is podcasts), and though he lives in Western Japan, was surprised he does not seem to be particularly tuned into the chatter on Japanese X (Twitter) or the protests here in the Tokyo area.
I took some videos and made a few loose connections with Japanese at the protest, but have been too busy to organize and upload to substack post yet.
One great source for things happening Far East is Aussie17's "PharmaFiles" ... a former executive (either Moderna or Phizer) turned whistleblower, and his Japanese is better than mine. And another powerful voice is independent journalist YouTuber, Rumbler, Xer ... Masako Ganaha,
Hi, Steve.
These guys with their "army toys." smfh They can't NOT use them...
Hope you're doing alright, nice to "see" you here. :)
Hi Word Herder.
I am in and out of comments and still read a lot, but running as fast as I can to play my part in the local scene affords me little time for a digital profile. And outside of the local community here, I might as well be invisible.
Woof back at you, and hope things are well with you.
I’m hangin’ on. Hugs to you and fam.
Full-depth rabbit-hole here today...
Wow ... that was quite a lot of dot connecting. Near the end, I saw several references to Meryl Nass, and although I mostly agree with her and her team ... she chided me (and James Roguski) for questioning her assessment that we should be celebrating a win over the last round with WHO. Just wondering what your take on that is.
I hope John chimes in...
Here's what I think. The WHO paranoia is much ado about the wrong thing. So much of what the WHO wants to do is already being done here in the US. Are concerns about the WHO keeping us diverted from cleaning house here in the US?
Having said that, I would reiterate what I've said in several posts - the WHO and its masters at the UN need to go away.
Thanks for following that, Steve. I have to post stuff as I find it. It was a LOT this time.
Meryl really, really worked long and hard, and spent a lot of her own life savings over the past year and a half. She gave her all. She met and talked to a Lot of people. She hired employees. She convinced lawmakers. She and others DID block the steamroller of backdoor-global governance through Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments.
I'm not saying the "owners" are beaten, but that path appears to have been blocked for this year, blocked at the critical point of late May, which they kept working to achieve.
Meryl and James know each other and are on good terms, and have very different personalities, and they both know that.
Meryl has been attacked a lot, and she is a really feisty little old Jewish lady. Meryl and James each take their own directions which are not identical, but are complimentary from my perspective. I have been in a lot of Zoom meetings with them and others, but not much lately, as Meryl's world-tours took on an independent, and successful existence. The "Door To Freedom" group was not so helpful after Meryl's schedule of meetings and speaking engagements became so full.
Meryl Nass MD WAS the best weapon against the WHO, and the rest of us were less help once she started engaging in all those battles.
James always did his thing, rigorous and detailed analysis, but Meryl beat them at jousting. ;-)
There's a sound like a plucked rubber band in front of a floor fan...
Yeah. The electronics mixed with hand clapping sounds like a haiku bridging circuits and palm grease. 🙃. But it works.
Singing to the sky must be a good thing.
Yes, I now know there are many kindred spirits. Wish I had known that back then.
Thank you Elizabeth.
Much of the time I would prefer to just be working on farm stuff. But that does nothing to help the greater situation. Because I can, I do what I can. The powers that shouldn't be would love for me to just sit on my butt and do nothing.
I came to Substack with John Rappoport, whose work I had been reading elsewhere. I was fascinated by your account of living in Arizona and the armed invaders from Mexico. From early 2020 I watched the COVID story unroll — in disbelief. One of the biggest ah-has for me was the realization that the federal government encouraged censorship by the media; I was, and remain, horrified. If the story is true, why is the govt. worried about misinformation? That censorship is still in play. Combined with the farce of federal politics and the upcoming presidential election, I find it easy to conclude that the American republic is toast.
I appreciate your work on geoengineering. I have watched Dale Wigington’s “The Dimming.” I have no camera that can photo the sky. And where I live I have never seen chemtrails. I did once see a video of a plane that deliberately sprayed out something while in flight, presumably proof that chemtrails were real. I did not doubt it. If there are chemtrails above my head, they have likely been obscured by easterly winds off the Pacific Ocean, 20 miles to the west.
Jon was ahead of the curve in many respects.
Since Mexico banned solar geoengineering, I rarely see them here anymore. But the particulates are so fine they end up everywhere.
My response to your question about the govt and misinformation... The govt is like the connection between the faucet and the hose. Complicit absolutely. And just as they use our taxes (illegally taken), they also use our own money to fund our own DEMISE, as Kyle points out. They don't MIND that, and therefore they are Evil.
This is THE Emergency; as you're indicating.
All Air Traffick CAN be removed as for 9/11 and the perpetrators taken...There are most assuredly records of who is perpetrating these heinous crimes. The FAA and Govt. most certainly KNOW what's happening and know that from intimate contact with the Agency.
In these recent 5 years; SOP has changed and a variety of regulations changed for clear reason. This is a very important topic.
Thank-you for your time and work in presenting these issues to the public.
Right! I had forgotten about the FAA involvement in the cover-up of 9/11.
Thank you BC3.
What FAA cover up for 9/11? What specifically are you referring to? Is there a link or an article? Must have been a lot of covering up? Some people say they were not commuter plans that hit the Twin Towers. If that’s true, that would involve much cover up by the FAA. The lies never end.
It's been a long time since I looked into all of that. Which explains why I had forgotten about it. And back when I was doing so I wasn't book marking things like I do now. So I have no specific links.
I did recently look into the use of DEW's on 9/11, but not as it may have pertained to the FAA.
It was a massive coverup.
As I recall, there were questions regarding the tracking of the planes, including the one that supposedly hit the pentagon and the one that supposedly crashed in the field. There were also questions about the air force operations that day that would have involved the FAA. Seems like there were also questions regarding the diversion of regular flights...
Perhaps BlazeCloud3 or others can chime in with more info.
DUSTIFICATION. Love it. That Judy Wood is a brilliant gal. These weapons were tested on 9/11 and I think they're also involved in a LOT of things we're now seeing, including perhaps the cause of wildfires, and more... › details › where-did-the-towers-go-911-docu
Yes, there had to have been a lot of cover up. I pray regularly that whistleblowers will come forth for all crimes committed by our government but unfortunately one faces what Snowden and Assange (and many other who they probably killed) have gone through. It’s a very big cost to one’s life and family and a decision one must spend hours, days, weeks , months and years grappling over.
Death is nothing compared to the crimes of the evil cabal trying to CULL Humanity... Want to get the skinny on stuff? Kyle knows me, these links are not a trick... If you're interested.
Frances Leader has a SS page, "Uncensored," and you can find this interview (audio only) on her page, too.
David Hughes is a brilliant analyst and academic... Stuff we should ALL of us know about...
Anyone thinking about blowing a whistle today must be considering at what happened to Snowden and Assange... If they can be freed, maybe well see more whistle blowers come forward.
The FAA had nothing to do with 9/11. Ever heard of Dr. Judy Wood? › details › where-did-the-towers-go-911-docu
Standard Operating Procedure
Standard Operating Procedure, probably.
Sad that the lay people involved in this haven’t blown the whistle. There must be thousands, hundreds of thousands! involves and they have kept the mouths shut.
I remember watching this happen in the 1970's when this happened because then it would rain and cancel the softball game. And I remember the seeding the clouds in winter to cause it to snow. This was in Utah close to an air force base.
Sadly, whistle blowers don't get treated very well here.
It's probably run on a need-to-know basis, which would mean many who are involved don't know what they are involved with. As was pointed out, the number of people that come into direct contact with this stuff is kept to a minimum.
But hopefully some brave whistle blowers will hook up with some good journalists and an army of lawyers and expose what's happening in the US.
"As was pointed out, the number of people that come into direct contact with this stuff is kept to a minimum."
I jumped the gun before reading the entire article. My bad.
I have been following this for a few decades and especially the geo-engineering site. I walk daily and watch the planes criss crossing the skies outside normal flight paths. I’ve recently noticed discomfort breathing like you get after running a long route or pushing yourself. I’ve been wondering if it’s related. Mentioned it to me doctor…he gave me an asthma med which I threw in the trash.
Whistleblowers are supposed to have protection. Instead they are treated like criminals and locked up while the criminals laugh and go free.
I always look forward to your articles.
Thank you Sam.
Dane has been around for a long time. I understand he's rather irascible, but... that's fine, lol.
Very true. This and corporate food, the mass of people in the cities which are in glorified CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) have no other choice but to eat the poisoned food from the market. All of this to dim the bulb of the mind so that this travesty of pollution can go on in the guise of saving the Planet.
Vets today don't come home with the ability to adapt. Of yesteryear my dad came home physically whole, mentally very angry at what he felt was the fraud of war. My Uncles both had leg injuries from WWII and the Korean war. Were able to go on. Vets now not so much
Now vets come home for Iraq, Afghanistan and all the other little confrontations around the world so much worse for the ware. At least the Vietnam vets came home able to push back against pollution, racial discrimination and more.
The vets today poisoned by the food the military feeds. By the health care provided and by the massive amounts of toxins they are exposed to. It is the intention of those that profit from war to take our best and brightest and destroy body and mind and send them home as used up hulls. With the dimming bulb of the mind, those who pollute the air water soil and life, feel that can own the world.
Time will tell.
I have a nephew that served in Iraq. He's not to happy about it now. But that experience kept him from taking the covid jabs.
Not only our air, but our food and water as well. Notice Hershey’s on that list?! Why the gel would food companies need these chemicals, except to add it to the processed food we are addicted to. And no growing our own, now the ground is contaminated as well as the rainwater out on the garden.
I love the comment about singing to the clouds. Frequency of Love is the only thing that will negate this shit. I often project my thoughts and energies toward the sky to disrupt and transmute everything not useful to neutral. I also project toward the ground as well: as above, so below. Turns out “praying” over your food is really worth doing? 😉❤️
A lot of nanotech remains unregulated. Apparently it can legally be used in anything.
Because ALL the wrong people have MOST of the power.
But I think it's like dominoes, Kyle... Once they start to fall... boooooom.
Ever see the movie Kingsmen - The Secret Service? Lots of 'booming' in that movie.
If it’s a Hollywood movie, that follows… ;) I want to make Holywoof movies…
I'd watch that:)
Maybe I’ll take it on the road and on the stage… ;)
I saw a couple of trailers for it... Looks fun!
The predatory global elites all get their heads blown off by implant tech that backfired.
Oh, that sounds even better than Mission Impossible.
Yours is the headline I have been waiting to read.
Thank you jacquelyn.
Unless we see a slew of dead bodies piling up, we have no way of knowing how all this might be affecting us as individuals. There are no tests and much of what is happening is somewhat questionable, at least for me. Doctors and the medical community are utterly clueless and will advise taking more big pharma drug poisons...that is their only answer. Perhaps all this anti-human activity is building up into one giant fell swoop into the abyss for us all.
It seems to be more death by a thousand cuts than an obvious case of bodies piling up overnight. The culling is insidiously slow and steady, to prevent that masses from awakening to their plight and fighting back.
What blows my mind is the sanctity of life present in our “prevention” of death, our mourning of death of loved ones and yet the culling is in our faces with the cognitive dissonance reaction beyond my understanding. Are we already matrixed to simulated death by a million deaths gaming and Hollywood? It’s like the culling of loved ones is another day in life for most.
And the lake of outrage overall.
Mind blown and understanding the future today to navigate the future if that makes sense.
Ps your work is outstanding! I’ve narrowed my subs by erroneous info and lack of seeing the overall picture. Lots of money garnered by dirty laundry. Maybe a paywall is the answer. Ya get whatcha pay for. I might allocate 50/month for worthy stuff.
30 years of holing gets one thru the earth to light again, hehe…
Excuse my English skills. Math is my strength.
Check out Jim Lee of who has a Substack account and has been working on the subject of geo-engineering for more years than I care to count! You may be fascinated by his comprehensive history of weather manipulation too.
Thank you Francis. I see he is somewhat new to Substack. He must have been covering the topic elsewhere...?
I gave you the link to his website. He also uploads videos to YouTube and Odysee etc. I really don’t know how you could have missed him. He is old school and has rivalled Dane for years.
Sorry. On my first pass I missed the difference between his .com and his substack. That happened during our first big monsoon storm of the season. I was paying more attention to the storm than comments.
Yes, I have been to his .com site before.
I'm also aware of the unfortunate "rivalry" that exists between some of the early geoengineering researchers, although I've never heard Dane say anything about that.
Thanks for your post and sharing this message. I comment about this when I read articles on the vaccines, but most people refuse to see how dangerous it is. In time they will know.
You are welcome Lisa.
Let's hope enough people learn soon enough.
I thank you, too, for all your work, and for sharing with all of us. I can’t do much to stop these demons, but I do pray every day and ask God to come back to America. We’ve done a great job of turning away from Him, and kicking Him out of this wonderful country He allowed us to live in. Pretty sad
It does seem the door to the demonic underworld has been thrown open here in the US. Pray. A lot.