I want to thank you paid subscribers for supporting the many hours of research and writing required to make one of these posts.
For nearly four years I’ve been writing about the horrors of the two MIC’s, the military industrial complex and the medical industrial complex (mostly the latter). To differentiate between the two, from now on I’m going to use the acronym MedIC when referring to the medical industrial complex.
We now have another complex to deal with - the Geoengineering Industrial Complex (GIC).
When I first began this stack in November of 2020, I felt like a lone voice shouting in the wilderness. No one else was covering covid from the perspective of it being a massive crime. No one else was questioning the causality and existence of viruses. My early posts got very few reads or comments. It seemed no one cared about the evils of the jabs, those who were funding this satanic agenda or those who were promoting its official narrative. I despaired. I remember thinking… this is hopeless.
Ever so slowly, that began to change as more people began to do their own research, come to similar conclusions, and began writing about those conclusions on Substack.
A few writers, like Celia Farber, Jon Rappoport and Eric Coppolino, had been covering some of these issues for decades before joining Substack.
I think it’s now safe to say that all of us who have been covering the satanic agenda of the MedIC and everyone who has been speaking out against the toxic jab agenda over the past four years, have begun to turn the tide. Statistics show covid jab uptake is at an all time low and that the rate of childhood vaccine uptake is also at an all-time low. People everywhere are now rightfully wary of having any kind of needle stuck in their arm for any reason.
Because of this, I predict any attempt to impose a similar agenda with the bird flu will be a big failure.
the gic
It’s now been nearly a year since I began writing about all the dark aspects of geoengineering. Although Dane Wigington and several others have been doing an excellent job covering geoengineeering for many years, again, I know of no one else who has been covering the topic here on Substack. Until recently. Last week a reader sent me a link to an article that Elizabeth Nickson posted on her stack the day after I posted my last article. It’s a well done piece that I recommend folks read.
Does this mean the tide is beginning to turn on the topic of geoengineering? I hope so. Geoengineering is vastly more insidious and problematic than any jab program the MedIC can try and impose. Why? So far, we still have the right to refuse to take toxic jabs, but we all have to breath air that's contaminated by geoengineering. As I’ve mentioned several times before, many of the same toxins used in the covid jabs have also been found in chemtrails.
Actually, I’ve now come to the conclusion that it would be more accurate to say that many of the same toxins used in chemtrails for decades before covid were also used in the covid jabs.
As will be pointed out shortly, there are other signs that the geoengineering tide is beginning to turn. Again, this would not be happening if people like Dane Wigington had not been hammering away on this issue for many years. I probably provide a typical example - although I was aware of chemtrails, it was Danes work that made me sit up, pay attention and do the research.
pilots speak out
The GIC took another blow when two commercial pilots with direct knowledge about the GIC were recently interviewed by Richard Vobes about the what, why, where and who aspects of the GIC agenda. In this interview, they verify much of what I’ve been writing about over the past year.
Because the pilots are still flying, their voices are altered and they don’t show their faces.
First of all, they verify that the primary elements being put into the atmosphere by chemtrailing include barium, strontium (both of which are carcinogenic), aluminum oxide (research shows it to be a culprit behind Alzheimer's and other diseases), microplastics, about 2% uranium and of course, graphene oxide.
In September of last year I posted this about aluminum and geoengineering.
By the way, Kennedy didn’t seem to get it.
On July 10, 2021 (a lonely time here on Substack) I posted the first of many reports on graphene oxide being found in the jab vials.
The pilots also point to the same culprits that I’ve been pointing to; the WHO, the WEF, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, John Hopkins University (who, along with the Gates Foundation cosponsored Event 201) and the Soros Foundation.
As with covidcon, the same evil entities funding this are not only eugenicists who seek to cull the population, they are control freaks who seek to enrich themselves while doing so. In the same way they funded the research and development of mRNA PEGylated lipid nanotech in exchange for a significant share of the profits from the jabs, they are also funding the R&D for geoengineering for a share of the profits that are generated by laying down the toxic geoengineering chemtrails we see in our skies everyday.
Those chemtrails are not being put there for free. Who is paying for it? Taxpayers! Yup, the chemtrails, HAARP and all other geoengineering programs are funded by the gubberment.
Our tax dollars are being used to poison us!
One of the pilots also verified that the cover story for this nefarious activity is to block the sun to prevent climate change. We’ll get into that shortly.
The pilots explain that a certain percentage of the toxic particulates in the atmosphere are due to them being added to the fuel of jet aircraft, but most of it is released directly from external nozzles mounted on the wings of jet aircraft.
According to the pilots, most of the chemtrails that I’ve been pointing out in satellite images over the past few weeks and that we see overhead everyday, are being dispersed by freighter aircraft converted to specifically carry and disperse toxic loads of chemtrail elements. According to the pilots, one of the sources of those aircraft, at least for the chemtrails being dispersed over European skies, is a jet aircraft leasing company called ASL, based in Dublin.
I looked into them.
If you go to their website you can buy two used Boeing 737’s already converted.
ASL is owned by STAR Capitol. It’s CEO is Tony Mallin.
STAR is heavily invested in ESG scoring which may be how it derives some of its income. ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. ESG is a scam that allows corporations and fat cats to bypass laws the rest of us have to abide by. Carbon tax credits are a big part of ESG scoring. Bill Gates, George Soros and their ilk use ESG scoring to write-off their massive environmental footprints.
STAR is also a signatory to another corporate scam, the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) initiative in 2017.
What follows are some of the key points from STAR’s website. Keep these in mind as we go along.
In other words, STAR is enriching itself based on the the UN’s phony climate change report, as well as the phony Kyoto and the Paris Climate Accords. Those fake reports are the cover for geoengineering. Geoengineering is the cover for the very profitable mass culling of humanity.
It’s a global eugenics program from which no one can refuse to participate.
The pilots go into some detail describing how the planes are converted to carry and disperse a load of chemtrail materials. In planes specifically converted to disperse chem trail agents, the wings of the planes are fitted with dispersal nozzles that have lines connected to them that feed back into the cargo space. Pallets that contain large, specialized containers of the toxic elements are then rolled into the cargo section of the plane where they are hooked up by engineers to pumps that feed the lines to the nozzles out on the wings. They can be turned on and off so that the chemtrails are laid down exactly where they want them.
Other planes have tanks that are essentially “built-in” for that specific plane.
In Europe, these dispersal systems have to be approved by the European Common Aviation Area (CAA).
In Europe the companies operating these systems have to get an Air Operators Certificate (AOC). Some companies have more than one type of certificate. One type of AOC certificate allows for the spraying of detergents over oil spills. Another allows for pesticide spraying. It wasn’t made clear if these certificates are the same ones being used to disperse chemtrails, but it was postulated that this type of licensing was, at the very least, the precursor to spraying chemtrails.
I haven’t yet looked into this from the US perspective, but it seems safe to say that the nuts and bolts are similar here.
The skies over much of the world are crowded with planes, which means someone has to keep watch to make sure they don’t crash into each other. In the US that would be the Federal Aviation Administration. In Europe that would be Eurocontrol. Additionally, many of the planes in the air at any given time are from the various branches of the military. Military and civil air controllers often sit side by side in the same control room. In other words, they’re co-conspirators.
I’ve mentioned before that I went through ground school but never fully completed the flight portion to get my pilots license. So I can tell you that, prior to taking off, all pilots are required to file a flight plan for every flight. Apparently, chemtrail planes are immune to this law.
There are a few online sites that track ALL flights in real time… except flights that carry chemtrail loads. They are obscured. Flight Radar 24 (FR24) is one such tracking site. Unfortunately, FR24 provides no way to download any of their tracking loops. Over the past few days I’ve been correlating chemtrails I find in satellite imagery to the flight paths of planes on FR24. There are no planes that show up on FR24 that correlate to the paths where the chemtrails are being laid down. Apparently they are given special dispensation to remain hidden by the powers that shouldn’t be.
NATO has a readiness system called QRA (Quick Reaction Alert). In the US it’s called NORAD. We are told this system is in place to scramble fighter jets to intercept planes that are flying unregistered, or without a flight plan. Planes flying in this way are assumed to be enemy planes. Yet, these fighter aircraft are not being scrambled to intercept unregistered chemtrail planes that have no flight plan. Why not?
We are left to conclude that they are in cahoots.
The pilots also verified that HAARP can be used to manipulate the ionosphere to create high pressure domes to divert the jet stream and steer rains to a particular area or to divert rain away from a particular area. They also said that doppler radar and 5G can be used to do the same. Although I’ve heard this from other sources, I’ve not yet been able to verify it.
Although they didn’t mention HAARP generated cymatics, they did use a term to describe what I’ve been calling cymatic standing waves that can be seen in many of the satellite loops I’ve posted in recent weeks. The term is Mackeral Sky. The cymatic ripple pattern I’ve been showing in satellite loops can be seen from the ground. These are known as Mackeral cloud patterns. The pilots verify my speculation that these formations are generated by HAARP high frequency waves in the ionosphere. Here is what Mackeral formations look like from the ground.
Here is what they look like from above - in this case the GOES 18 mid level moisture satellite loop from this morning. Cymatic standing waves can be seen over Western Montana, Southern Idaho and Wesern Oregon. From below they would look similar to the Mackeral cloud formations shown above. Whether you see this from above or below, you are witnessing an induced cymatic wave frequency, aka, Mackeral clouds. No studies have been done to determine what harm this technology causes us.
While the pilots referred to this as HAARP generated activity, my research indicates that it’s more frequently being generated by the newer, portable, Ionospheric Current Drive technology that I covered here.
The pilots explained that the pilots flying these chemtrail loads know exactly what they have on board and what the intent is.
In both the UK and the US pilots have to file a notice saying they have hazardous materials on board. Whether or not this is actually being done remains to be determined.
In Europe 2/3rds of the chemicals used to generate chemtrails come from the US, 1/3 come from India.
One of the pilots is from Belgium. That pilot said that the military there has been spraying for much longer than the civilian government, that civilian authorities have been spraying for 20 years and that they have increased that over the last five years. So, at least in Belgium, the military has been spraying for well over 20 years.
One of the questions you readers have often asked is, don’t the people running this know they are poisoning themselves? As one of the pilots pointed out, many of the pilots, engineers and ground support crew are ex-military who are accustomed to taking orders and keeping secrets. Everyone carrying out the program is likely very well paid so it may be that few are willing to rock the boat.
Additionally, the people working at the facilities where the materials are mixed may be working under a strict nondisclosure contract that prevents them from ever speaking out about what they are doing.
The pilots pointed out that the number of people who actually come into direct contact with the material is kept to the bare minimum to lessen the chance that word gets out. And the ones who do come into direct contact are the ones under the most strict contractual agreements.
mission not impossible
We can all become citizen investigators. If you have a good camera, especially one with telephoto capabilities, take photos of planes dispersing chemtrails. Make sure to enable the time stamp on the photo so that it can be documented and cross referenced with the FAA. If it cannot be cross referenced, then we have them. The initial question would then be, why is the FAA allowing so many undocumented flights?
Most chemtrails are dispersed in the morning. If you live in an area that’s commonly sprayed, set up your camera to take time lapse photos of what unfolds over the course of an hour or so.
Video cameras would be even better. Don’t forget to enable the time stamp.
In some cases we may be able to coordinate your photos with the rather large library of satellite video images I’m accumulating. If we can do that, if we can prove a plane flew a particular course at a particular time, but the FAA has no “official” record of that flight, then someone is going to catch hell.
Again, this was all approved under the 2015 Paris Climate Accords. On his first day in office President Biden signed a document to bring the US back into the Paris climate accord, which Trump had severed. In reality, it’s not a binding treaty, which means it’s a meaningless document. I suppose there may have been some who thought Trump was doing a good thing and some who thought Biden was doing a good thing. In reality, it was a waste of time and taxpayer dollars by both of them.
To reiterate, the Paris Climate Accords are based on fraudulent climate information generated by the UN. We know the UN information is fraudulent because geoengineering had been in play for decades before 2015 (going back to LBJ and the Viet Nam war), yet the UN climate report that instigated the Paris Climate Accord never considered the effect that geoengineering may be having on the climate.
A question I hoped would be posed by the host of the interview is - who is making the nanoparticles being sprayed on us? That question went unasked. I considered this same question back in 2021 when I was writing about the nanotech being used in the covid jabs, so I knew where I wanted to look first - American Elements. Turns out they make all of the nanoparticles the pilots listed: aluminum, barium, strontium and uranium. Are they the primary supplier of the materials used in the chemtrails we see overhead everyday? I’ve not yet been able to confirm that. However, they do list many of their major customers on their website. A few of the very recognizable names on that list are; NASA, the US Army, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Applied Materials, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the DOE, Batelle, the NSA, the USDA, the National Institute of Aerospace, General Dynamics, Glaxo Smith Kline, Amazon, Halliburton, Teledine Technologies, General Atomics, the Australian Department of Defense, Merck, Hersheys, Northrup Grumman, Boeing, Bristol-Myers Squib, Honeywell, Astra Zeneca, Microsoft, Schlumberger, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, Facebook, Apple and Tesla. The full list comprises a who’s who of the nastiest organizations on earth. Many are headquartered in the US.
All of them need to go away.
We can see that big pharma has a big presence on that list. We can also see a number of defense contractors and deep state agencies on the list. Any, or a combination of several of them could be responsible for the chemtrails over our skies and the toxins we are breathing in.
Like covidcon, the entire program is a money making, depopulation scam. The reality is, geoengineering has been in play far longer than covidcon and has likely killed far more people, caused a lot more miscarriages and sterilized many more people than the covid jabs.
What I’m saying is that covidcon pales in comparison to geoengineering. As I said earlier, we could refuse the jabs, but we all have to breath air polluted by chemtrails.
None of us consented to any of this.
Your mission, should you decide to a accept it, is to take time lapse photos and videos of chemtrails over your house. Be sure to enable the time stamp. Contact me through the comments and I’ll post them here. I’ll try to correlate them to recent satellite loops and flight logs.
Thank you.
Be free.
It has been going on for decades. I worked with Ted Gunderson on several cases and projects in the mid 90's and saw his documentation on the chems way back then. I believe his strident activism around this horror show is what got him killed, as we were both targeted at the time.
The pilots back then were loners, no family...offered a lot of money, but captured in every sense of the word. And under threat - addicted to an exotic unknown substance that must be countered with an antidote of some kind, every 48 hours or they die a horrible death. I have no idea what the deal is now, but it may be going the way of drones soon to avoid any whistleblowers or any crises of conscience.
Carnicom too has suffered greatly, and lost many colleagues for exposing this years ago and linking the chems to morgellons.
I've been screaming into the void about this for three decades - it's encouraging to see that it is gaining traction, and none too soon. The spraying and toxicity is on steroids now - ramped up like never before - nightly spraying now - and the poisons are so numerous - exotic pathogens, chimeric parasites, nanocapsules and their poisonous venom payloads, ready to unload with the right frequency to trigger the next fake outbreak, since they can mimic any disease they want to throw at us...and so many more imperceptible and hideous bioweapons consuming us constantly...
I'm shocked that we're still alive and breathing at all - we are seriously close to a mass extinction event - the end of all biological life on earth. ET tech - and they want their Planet Earth Timeshare back.
Word is that the Uranium content in the chems is so high now that the contamination will be used to declare certain areas no-go zones - too toxic for humans - making huge areas uninhabitable...purposely, of course, for land and property confiscation - and relocation into some dissident camps, perhaps?
Here's a post I did just yesterday, if interested. Lots of links, and if you dig in there's a video of Alexa dropping some chemtrail truth bombs...
Thx for this post. Love your stacks, Kyle.
Would be great to see if there's any way we can do a chemtrail "raindance" and send that nano back to hell.