“Those who would trade a little freedom for a little security deserve neither.” Benjamin Franklin
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Here is a screen shot from the CDC’s VAERS site showing how many people have been killed in the US by all vaccines combined since VAERS began keeping such records in 1990.
Here is a screen shot from the CDC’s VAERS site showing the number of people killed by the Pfizer/Biontech, Moderna and J&J/Jenssen covid jabs in the US since December of 2020.
This means that over the past 10 months the covid jabs are, by themselves, responsible for 63.11% of all vaccination deaths ever recorded by the CDC’s VAERS site since it began tracking such things 31 years ago (1990).
We need to keep in mind, that’s the “official” numbers, as presented by the CDC and VAERS. As I’ve pointed out in the previous 11 “death by covid vaccine” reports, those official numbers are based on a highly flawed system of reporting vaccine injury and death. As this government sponsored Harvard study makes clear, less than 1% of those suffering adverse vaccine injuries or the death of a loved one actually make a report to VAERS.
The following is copied from the VAERS page titled “Information For Health Care Workers”, subtitled “Guidance on Reportable Events”.
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) requires healthcare providers to report:
Any adverse event listed by the vaccine manufacturer as a contraindication to further doses of the vaccine; or
Any adverse event listed in theVAERS Table of Reportable Events Following Vaccination [PDF - 75KB] that occurs within the specified time period after vaccination.
In other words, doctors and other health care providers are required, by law, to report any adverse vaccine reaction event to VAERS. However, most doctors and health care workers are not even aware of this law so, reporting by them rarely occurs. Next time you see your doctor ask them if they know they’re required by law to report vaccine adverse reactions to VAERS. Thanks to this massive reporting failure, we can safely assume the real numbers are much, much, higher than what the VAERS site in saying.
what in-depth research shows
In earlier death-by-covid-jab reports I’ve done some rough calculations on what the number of actual number of covid vaccination deaths might be. This time I’ve found some folks much smarter than I am who have done much more detailed research into this matter and have filed highly detailed reports.
A conservative report was recently done by the Kirsch group. This detailed report shows that at least 150,000 deaths can be attributed to the covid jabs.
Dr Jessica Rose, who has a BSc in applied mathematics, and MSc in Immunology and a PhD in Computation Biology (whew, I get tired just thinking about all of that), after completing a major research project, has determined that all VAERS numbers should be multiplied by a factor of 41x. This would put the number of US deaths-by-covid-vaxx at 615,000 - not a paltry sum by any standard. In spite of the fact that Dr Rose presented this information to the FDA’s Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting regarding the approval of Pfizers booster shot, the FDA and the CDC gave the go-ahead for using Pfizers booster shot in certain groups. Although this was not the full Monty that Pfizer was hoping for, it shows that, even in the light of all the damming evidence against the jabs, the fix was in. Pfizer will make additional billions of dollars at the expense of thousands of people who will be killed and permanently maimed by the booster jabs.
Some conclusions can be drawn from this information. First and foremost, by Einsteins definition of insanity - “Making the same mistake over and over again, expecting different results” - we can conclude that the people at the FDA and the CDC are certifiably insane. I’ve said it here several times before and I’ll continue to do so until the deed is done, these agencies need to go away. They do far more harm than good. While we’re at it we can also do away with Fauci, the NIH and all 27 agencies linked to the NIH. Think of the millions of lives (around the world) and the trillions of dollars that would be saved.
Secondly, thanks to the fact that this site, the CHD and other similar sites have been exposing much of the fraud swirling around the fake numbers posted by the CDC’s VAERS site, awareness about VAERS has increased greatly since the covid jabs were first introduced in the US in December of 2020. If Harvard were to do another study today to determine the current rate of reporting to VAERS, I’m thinking they might find it approaching 5%.
The UK - a country with 66 million people, verses the 330 million in the US, has a much more robust system for reporting adverse vaccine events and hence, they’re reporting a much higher percentage of deaths and injuries per capita than the US. The UK is now reporting well over 30,000 deaths from the jabs. An additional 123,796 people have died 21 days or more after receiving the jabs, but the linked report takes a conservative stance and is not counting them due to questions about the longer parameter. After looking at so much of this information over the past 10 months, it’s clear to me that death from the jabs can occur for much longer than 21 days after the jab. At the age of 67 I’m still dealing with a vaccine injury that occurred when I was a child. In my mind, to think that a vaccine injury disappears after 21 days is absurd. Heart issues alone may take a year or more to fully develop. So I have no qualms about adding the two numbers together.
I should add here that the UK also has a much higher rate of vaccination - about 81% are fully vaxxed, verses 55% in the US.
Staying with UK numbers, if we add 30,000 to 123,796 and round down we get 150,000 vaxx deaths in the UK. As a percentage of the UK population, that comes to .23% - higher than covid.
If we use Dr. Roses numbers for the US vaccine death toll - 615,000 - we find that the death rate in the US is .19% which, after we account for the lower vaccination rate in the US, lines up very nicely with the UK numbers.
For me, the ultimate conclusion here is that, given the very close correlation between the UK numbers and Dr. Rose’s numbers, I have to conclude that both computations are accurate.
The ‘official’ death toll from Covid-19 in the US is 676,000, just slightly higher than Dr. Roses tally of death by covid vaxx. Of course a large percentage of those are folks like a woman I knew who supposedly died from covid. She was well into her 70’s and had already had several brushes with death over the past few years due to diabetes and other complications. Any type of cold or flu would have pushed her over the edge. Yet she was chalked up, along with hundreds of thousands of other similar cases, including death by motorcycle accidents and other questionable issues, as a covid death. In fact, statistics are beginning to show that 94% of covid deaths had two or more comorbitities. That means only 6%, or 40,560 actually died solely from covid - the equivalent of a mild flu year.
the jabs are a complete failure
Many of the vaxx deaths in the UK were people who got covid after being vaxxed - their immune systems were compromised by the jabs (this link will be taken down soon) and they fell prey to something that came along and caused them to get sick - not another form of the virus. As I’ve pointed out in previous articles, it may have been due to complications from exposure to 5G in combination with the nasty ingredients (like graphene oxide) in the kill shots. If they had not taken the jab they would likely still be alive today. So their cause of death remains… the jab.
Israel, whose population is nearly 90% vaxxed, is currently in the midst of its highest level of hospitalization from covid-like symptoms since the beginning of the plandemic. Same with the Seychelles, Gibralter and Chile, all of which have the most vaccinated populations in the world. You know that when the legacy media begin to question the efficacy of the jabs, things are really beginning to unravel. Again, no proof exists that show these hospitalizations are caused by variants like Delta. As I’ve explained before, the presence of Delta or any other virus proves nothing. They’re looking for ghosts at the scene of an accident - the accident being injury to the immune system caused by toxin exposure, poor diet, 5G (or other EMF’s), or most likely of all, the jabs themselves… or a combination of all of the above.
the real causes of disease
To reiterate, viruses are not causative. They’re merely the result of some form of injury to the immune system. This injury is typically the result of exposure to toxins, bad diet, EMF’s, vaccines, de-structured water, water high in deuterium (more about water coming soon) or a combination of all of the above.
This is born out by statistics from countries where much better records are being kept than here in the US. Numerous articles online are proving that natural immunity is much more robust than having been vaxxed. In fact, statistics are beginning to show that getting vaxxed is highly injurious to the immune system. As I recall from my college biology classes, historically, natural immunity has always been favored. Why should covid be any different? It’s not, except for the fact that it’s a giant scam that’s currently generating billions of dollars for those who are pulling the levers behind the curtain… all courtesy of the US taxpayer.
Yet Biden, in an ongoing display of morbid incompetence, continues to lie and tell people that the jabs will protect them from getting covid. He also continues to provide free advertising for the vaxx makers while also pushing masks, social distancing and other inane measures. Just how much does he have invested with the vaxx makers?
Meanwhile, in free sates like Arizona, Texas and Florida where there are no plandemic mandates at all, Faucis prediction of a jump in cases, illness and death in those states has failed to materialize.
Nothing trumps the natural immunity we derive by avoiding toxins, eating well, avoiding EMF’s, shedding fear and allowing our spirits to run free.
Benjamin Franklin was right.
I don't like to rely on quotes from famous people, because someone can always complain that it isn't quite right or taken out of context.
According to someone who has studied this, the quote is as follows:
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
The context regards a political battle in Pennsylvania regarding how to raise money for sending more soldiers west to protect the inland border from the French and natives.
However, I credit Franklin to be among the more profound thinkers of those times, and so don't totally discount this expression as applying to life in a more general way.
There are, however, other ways to understand our current slippage in the direction of slavery and autocracy besides this overused quote.
The general public have been made afraid of this disease, and have responded out of fear, welcoming efforts to protect them. We KNOW that this isn't a very sane response to a threat, and opens us up to being taken advantage of. A saner response is to FACE (confront) the threat and respond to it with courage. When many did, they discovered how small the actual threat really was (relative to many other threats we live with daily) and how ineffective the supposed protective measures would actually be. And out of that courage came the revelation that we WERE being taken advantage of.
I was not that aware of the UK numbers. 0.23% deaths from a vaccine or a disease is a serious number. Who knows what the US numbers really are? I randomly know of a few people who have died recently. No one is linking their deaths to the shot. But I believe they got the shot.
The idea that viruses don't cause disease remains controversial, at least in my mind. Because if we are saying that the spike protein is the toxin, and that is part of the virus, then doesn't that make the virus also a toxin? But it is compelling to contemplate the possibility that something else has been going on all this time. We know now that a bunch of athletes at the China military games in 2019 got sick from something. In a standard infection disease model, they would be the initial spreaders. But it is interesting to think that the particles they emitted after getting sick might not actually have been viruses, but something else. On top of that, 5G seems to be involved. Very odd.
I choose not to dwell on the mechanics of disease spread. I figure that in these modern times, if some crooked elite wants to make a lot of people sick, they can figure out some way to make it happen. The huge takeaway from all this is that those we regard as protectors of our health seemed to have other purposes in mind. They were continuously misleading us. What is that really all about?
But on the "lab leak" I do have two totally non-mainstream sources that have verified that an accident happened in a lab that correlates to when this whole thing started. From other reports, it seems something happened at the Wuhan lab in late 2019 that made some people sick. But pinning this on China does have political motivations, and so we may question this data. After all, some of the money for that lab came from the US. That is why I prefer to call the miscreants "criminals" rather than give them any particular political affiliation. Even if a criminal did have a political affiliation, it would likely be given cynically and with no real sense of devotion or allegiance.
Thank you for giving to others with this information that I personally trust. My daughter is of opposite opinions and thinks that China is behind all such information against the jabs and this is of course very painful to me. I homeschooled her to avoid vaccines, and now am afraid that she has allowed herself to be jabbed. Also, I was once hired as a professional proofreader, and I would be so glad to proofread your writings, no charge, of course.