The screen shot above tells the story. In a normal fire combustible materials like wood and plastic burn and non-combustible materials like metal do not. Clearly, this was not a normal fire.
In this post we’re looking at screen shots that I took from another video by Fabian Lekowicz. This time he’s driving through Palisades on his electric bike. As you can see, the video is 1:28 minutes long. I watched the entire thing so you don’t have to. I’ve gleaned what I think are the most telling fire anomalies.
We know that Directed Energy Weapons (DEW’s) like High Powered Microwaves (HPM’s) exist because, as I’ve documented in numerous other posts, nearly every branch of the military has been doing research and development on them for decades. Here is one example.
As I explained in this previous post, we know that HPM’s act just like a giant microwave oven. We also know bad things happen when we put metal objects in a microwave oven. As was also explained in that post, HPM’s are typically attracted to materials with a dense molecular structure like metal and water, but that can vary based on how any given HPM is tuned. According to the DoD, the frequencies of most weaponized HPM’s are prioritized to seek out electronics (more on that in an upcoming post).
The military likes to refer to front doors and back doors for HPM’s. (Warning - the US Navy will do a deep penetration into your system if you click on that link. It may take a while to open.) Front doors are antennae which provide a wide open door for HPM’s to gain entrance. From there - similar to electricity - they can follow wiring, wrecking havoc all along the way, especially on electronics. As these metal components heat up they can cause traditional combustible materials nearby - like wooden studs and rafters - to begin burning.
From the HPM’s viewpoint, a back door entry would be any type of material with a dense molecular structure to which the HPM can gain access. That might be metal beams used in the construction of a house or it might be the nails and screws used to hold down the roofing on your house. It might even be the gas line or the water line coming into your house. Again, at various points in any house, those things will come into contact with combustible building materials. When the molecules in those metallic materials become excited by HPM activity, they can become hot enough to set adjacent combustible materials on fire.
smart meters
If we are to believe what the the DoD’s DARPA is telling us about HPM’s, then we have to conclude that in most cases the favored point of entry will be the electrical lines that bring electricity into any structure. But it may be more complicated than that. I’m speculating here, but because smart meters can both send and receive signals, they may very well provide a classic front door entrance, more so than traditional analogue meters. However, and again I’m speculating, it’s possible that upgraded analogue meters could be equipped with blue tooth communicating systems so the utility company doesn’t have to send out someone to read the meter. If that’s the case, then that type of upgraded analogue meter may be as susceptible to HPM’s as a digital meter. The one thing that makes digital meters more dangerous is that they use lithium batteries, notorious for bursting into flames if they overheat ( a friends house burned to the ground this way). That’s what HPM’s do, overheat electrical components.
Because I’ve been living with a stand-alone solar system for 35 years, I’m not very well versed on electric company meters. If any one can contribute on that topic, please do so in the comments.
If you have a digital meter and you’re fortunate enough to live in a jurisdiction where the electric company is required to replace your digital meter with an analogue one at your request, make sure it has no wifi or bluetooth (antennae for HPM’s) and no batteries. You want an old time analogue meter that requires a human to come and read it.
Some of you have probably seen videos of overhead electrical lines burning in the LA fires. In the photos below you’ll find dozens of wooden electrical poles burned in half at the point where the wires were attached to the pole. In a traditional fire they would have burned from the ground up. These poles are unscathed at ground level.
Some of you might say, ‘but wait, much of the Palisades has underground utilities’. Doesn’t matter. Here is a link to a news helicopter reporter pointing out an electrical utility crew replacing underground transformers. Since it’s impossible for underground transformers to have been damaged by fire, we are left to consider that the damage was done by HPM’s. The HPM can gain access at the above ground electrical sites and follow the lines underground right into the house. Think about how the trees (see below) burned well into their roots in the ground.
Because the wiring is dispersed throughout the entire house and garage, and because the wiring typically runs right through wooden studs and other combustible materials, as it heats up due to molecular excitement caused by the HPM, it can set the entire house on fire. A strong wind will do the rest. Those winds also provide the perfect cover for HPM’s.
on to the photos
The metal car at the top of the page is burned nearly to the point of complete disintegration, yet the wood in the tree laying across it is intact. We can also see that the tree was not burned from the outside in, as is the case in a normal fire, but is instead burned from the inside out. This can be determined by looking at the burned out hollow where the branch was once attached to the tree. More on that in the next shot.
Above we see another tree burned in an abnormal way. In a normal forest fire the leaves of a tree are the first thing to burn because they are the most fragile. The leaves on this tree have only been scorched, not burned. Yet the tree has toppled over because the base of its trunk was burned out, down into the root system. This happens because of the goodly amount of water the tree had stored in that area. I’m speculating here, but it seems the water was vaporized by the HPM. That was followed by the excess heat which caused the trunk to burn from the inside out, to the point that the tree could no longer support itself. This will vary from species to species due to the varying amount of water each one retains. Contrary to what we would think, species that hold more water are more susceptible to fire due to HPM’s.
Above we see another tree burned out at its base that toppled over. The leaves are slightly scorched.
The above home is gone. The metal car is burned beyond recognition, yet the tree just behind it still has all of its leaves. What should burn, does not. What should not burn, does.
The above house burned to the ground. The tree in the upper right corner is so close to the house that it’s casting a shadow over the ruins. Yet the tree is intact. Note the un-burned plastic garbage bins. There are hundreds of them in this video. Only a handful have been damaged, probably because they came into contact with metal or had metallic garbage in them.
The above home owner did everything right to avoid a “wildfire” catching his home on fire - little to no vegetation near the house, surrounded by green grass. The problem is, this was not a “wildfire”.
Where is the “fuel load” in this street that can cause this car to burn so hot that the engine is gone, the wheels are gone, the axle is gone, the doors are gone and much of the frame is gone. Yet there is combustible shrubbery nearby still standing!? Folks, the corporate media is lying to you when they say this was a wildfire. Why is the car in front untouched?
The above house is burned to the ground. Just a few feet away the highly combustible evergreens to the left are largely intact.
An unscathed blue plastic garbage bin amongst the rubble.
A green plastic garbage bin right next to shrubbery that was badly scorched, but not burned. You can see more intact garbage bins down the street. Plastic is not directly affected by HPM’s because it’s molecular structure is not dense enough. If that garbage bin were in a real fire, it would burn to nothing.
The husk of a burned out metal car near a tree that has not burned.
Another tree burned from the inside out. The tiny branches (kindling), which are the first to burn in a real fire, are un-burned.
Can you see the burned-out car beneath the branches of that tree? More un-burned plastic trash bins.
Above we can see how this wooden power pole was burned in half at the point where the wires were attached. Note that the top of the pole, now lying in the street, is unscathed. The bigger, lower cable is hanging down loose. There are dozens more power poles like this in the video.
For whatever reason, this light pole was melted enough at ground level to cause it to lean over. It’s reminiscent of what happens to some of the trees, minus the water. Maybe there was a sufficient mass of metal at ground level that it absorbed enough energy to soften the metal and lean over. The point being, there certainly was not enough fuel in that tiny shrubbery around its base to soften the metal.
The house is gone, the trees, the trash bins and the wooden (might be plastic) fence next to it are unscathed.
The above car has been 85% incinerated, yet the house next to it is unscathed.
There are a number of intact houses like this, many are surrounded by houses that have been reduced to nothing. If I had to guess, I would say it might have something to do with the HPM signal having been blocked from gaining access to the house. Throwing all the breaker switches off may help, but I’m not sure that would be enough. That might close the front door to HPM’s, but if the house was constructed with lots of metal, the frequency could come in through the back door. See the photo below.
This video shows that many of the high end homes in the Palisades were constructed like the house above, with steel beams. Of course, the reason for this is two fold - the structural benefits and the fact that many architects are taught by the university/construction industrial complex that metal construction is fire resistant.
One of many toasted cars in this video.
There’s not much left of this car. In my 6 years of looking at burned cars, this is one of the worst I’ve seen. Why did the car in front suffer so much more than the car behind it? Anyone? Then we have the proverbial, intact, blue garbage bin.
Another large tree toppled over because it was burned-out where it goes into the ground.
This fire station sits in the middle of a neighborhood that is now gone. So much for forking over property taxes for fire protection. Even when you live right next to the station you get no help during this type of fire.
This is just across the street from the station above. LAFD has set up a temporary 5G station, DEW system developed by DARPA.
Another view of the light pole. Looks like the tree is keeping it from falling to the ground.
This is at the end of the road at the top of Palisades. Can anyone tell me what L.A.O.W.E. is?
Another example of a DEW susceptible house - lots of metal posts and beams. As with most homes in Palisades, this one likely had a digital meter.
Someone has already parked a travel trailer next to their burned-out house.
The following screen shots are from Tail Happy TV, who I think is also based in Santa Monica. Like Fabian, he rides an electric bike while shooting video. Unlike Fabian, he has a running commentary.
I took this shot because it shows the burned out husk of a car sitting in a parking area with no fuel load. The car to the left has only minor damage on the side facing the burned-out car. I would wager that the black car will not run due to having HPM burned-out electrical components. Someone wrote “praying for you” in the ash on the rear window. You can determine if an un-burned car went through the fire by the presence of ash.
I assume this is the remains of a car. The trees and the garbage bin are intact.
A classic Toyota Land Cruiser parked across the street from the previous photo.
A metal sign announcing the entrance to a park.
Metal slag coming from a burned car. He picked it up and dropped it and it clangs just like metal.
Both LAFD and LAPD have a strong presence throughout these videos. Ostensibly they’re there to prevent looting. They’re too late. The looting began when the fires began and will not end until Newsome has brought in the banksters, the BlackRocks, State Streets and Vanguards of the world to finish looting these poor folks. We can be sure the clueless, DEI infested LAFD/LAPD will do absolutely nothing to stop them.
lessons learned?
If we are to believe the information we have been told by the DoD and the contractors who make DEW weapon systems for them (primarily Raytheon and Lockheed Martin), and given the countless videos of this type I’ve watched over the years, I’m coming to hold the belief that smart meters and the electrical grid is the “front door” pathway for HPM’s and metal building components and that other metallic penetrations into structures are the “back door” pathway.
One of the things to keep in mind is that HPM’s are not a tightly focused bream like lasers. They have a wide coverage. This means they can affect a wide area of the electrical grid in a brief period of time, which would explain why so many structures caught on fire in such short order.
If you have a house connected to the grid with a smart meter, in many jurisdictions you can request that it be replaced with a traditional analogue meter. I recommend you do so ASAP. Make sure you get one with no wifi, blue tooth or batteries.
If you live in any grid connected home that was built with lots of metal (metal studs, metal posts and beams), and you live in an area where the value of your lot is now worth far more than the house you’re living in (or your house sits over coveted rare earth deposits as is the case for those hit by Helene in Western NC), that may make your area the next target for destruction on behalf of the globalist predatory elite.
Is it time to consider selling your house, before the value plummets?
Be free.
Is Billy Joel referring to the ancient Luciferian agenda?
interesting observation you made that I had not considered: that some houses may not have burned for a reason lie turning off the junction box.
Here's another: they are pretty sure from the aerial photos of Lahaina, that a precise targeting system might be in use that is based on the footprint of a property lot. They had many lots burned off right up to the 4 lot lines, with items one the other side of a fence or line unburned.
The satellites have this reading capacity.
Traumatic events like these are always used to create PTSD, Stockholm Syndrome and Trauma Based Mind Control. Expect more of this to come and more people pushing to have SDG policies enacted. Turning up the "war on climate change" will be next? Problem, Reaction, Solution.