These are all good points.

"Medical science" is a mess and always has been.

I am amazed that their medicines have any efficacy at all.

The glyphosate graphs are quite compelling. Environmental toxins are one of the most obvious "elephants in the room." The logic supporting the problems they create is simple and compelling. The next step for those who actually value human health is to develop workable detoxification procedures, then see if they can get our "modern" society to back away from some of the chemicals causing the worst problems.

As things currently stand, we must detox on a regular basis to stay healthy. A long hard round of sweating is one of the simplest ways to accomplish this, and I was at the peak of my health when I was able to do that once or twice a week.

I would be very surprised if traditional medicine ever began pushing simple detox via sweating though it has a long tradition and its benefits are quite obvious.

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Thanks for noting the glyphosate graphs. There are many other disease graphs that show the same parallel rate of increase with the introduction and use of glyphosate.

Agreed on the sweating. I've mentioned that a few times in the past... will do another piece on all that soon

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I agree with everything you say. But I think you mean "conventional contemporary western medicine" rather than "traditional medicine" in your last paragraph. Traditional medicine has always promoted heat baths, saunas, sweating, and detoxification in any form.

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Yes, I am sorry for that vocabulary confusion. "Contemporary medicine" or corporate medicine has become the tradition now. It is difficult to properly identify it!

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It's not difficult for me to identify it! I've hated the contemporary conventional western medical establishment for many years, and my hatred of it only increases as I get older! I've been seriously injured no less than three times ( I suspect four times but I can't prove the fourth time - i.e. childhood vaccine injury) by this sick system. The most recent injury was caused by - wait for it! - the Pfizer poison injection. After getting the second dose (on April 19, 2021) I became extremely sick, remained so for several months, and have significant lasting injuries from it. I am DONE with contemporary conventional western medicine! I refuse to have anything at all to do with it at this point.

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It is odd to me that last week you bring this up, mid week steve kirsch dropped a article about this and listed all the folks you mentioned last week, in it he mentions he has no time to debate the matter and was looking for people to take on this debate. He had a lot of push back in the comments then folks were going back and forth on it. This is what I see as the problem, and something I had to teach myself, I use to believe germ theory. My experiment into this was with myself all 320 lbs of me high BP, many other issues pain and such. I dropped from 320-250 in 10 months but I did not change anything but the way I eat, and it was the normal things a Doctor would tell you eat healthy. That is when I lucked into the perfect video for me it talked about natural cure for cancer, and on the topic of sugar it was explained to me in away I just stop sugar that moment, started eating correctly, I mean I was in shock at all the toxins not just in food but water the air my medicines. Went down to 210 in 3 months pain down a great deal BP normal now so I lost 110 lbs 14ish months it has stayed at 210 8 months now and feeling healthier then in my youth. Turned to the wife next and started on her issues and she had so many problems type 2, kidneys failing. In seven months she off all but one pill dropped a bunch a weight, issues correcting them self's, just a note by this time I found a great Doc she Functional medical Doctor and here is were I learned of cell repair now she hit my wife hard with the type of diet, to supplement's nac, d/k2, mag, zinc, b complex several others. To make this long story end it is a crying shame what doctors do, the word that comes to mind Criminal. Keep the body as heathy as possible it will do the rest, again the word that comes to mind is Praise God. This was for me a giant Red pill to swallow. listen to everything trust nothing but what you can touch, we are never to old to learn.

nice follow up piece Kyle

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Great story Steve. Sounds like you found what works for you. I've talked about functional medicine here in the past... I can't say enough good things about it. Everyone should check it out.

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Years ago I was lucky enough to find EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique which was promoted by Gary Craig. He says that all disease is emotional. I tend to agree with him. Gary Craig has moved beyond EFT to the Unseen Therapist, which is the healer within that we all have. He has his theories and they work.

I also believe toxins cause disease. There is not doubt we are living in a soup of toxins and that puts a tremendous strain on our bodies as well. The fewer toxins, the easier it is to heal.

I have used EFT to successfully cure myself of many ailments and aches and pains. I have moved beyond this although I still use it sometimes, as it gives me insight into why my neck feels stiff or my foot is sore. It has nothing to do with disease, or infection, or the usual suspects. My is telling me something and I have to pay attention. Until I do, I continue to hurt.

My body speaks my mind. Inna Segal explains this in her book, The Secret Language of Your Body. If you are suffering aches, pains, illness, cancer, back aches, or whatever you can imagine, it is your body telling you to address an issue that is bothering you. Until you address it, it does not go away. She has extensive lists of the body areas and what each one could mean. There are several options listed, and you go through each. In almost every case, the mental or emotional cause jumps out and then you can deal with it.

Louise Hay in Heal Your Body has a similar system, and appropriate affirmations to help heal.

When you consider the whole body, the microbiome, the mind/body connection, the healing powers of nature and good food, the human connection, the Divine, modern medicine and so-called science are as nothing, and more likely to kill than to cure.

We are waking up from the delusion and illusion that has been, as you put it, syphilization.

BTW, I am Canadian and I have never been so proud as I am today to say that!

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"...you cannot remove something that can only live in its native habitat and then place it in a laboratory setting and expect it to behave in the same way it does in its native habitat." Precisely. And another great post, Kyle. I love your mind and your writing.

This has been my pissing match with Science™®®© since, oh, forever. It angers me to no end to think of babies being separated at birth from their mothers due to some suspected disease, when the mother IS the baby's biome (at least for a few more years). Or of newborn males having their foreskin f**king sliced off because lab-coat-wearing career-clowns suspect potential future infections. So yeah, let's start torturing babies immediately.

The "intellectual phase locking" is a fancy term for "Freemasons (a.k.a., Satanists and Luciferians) LYING for fun and profit." Period. They lie with word-spells and picture-spells, that's all they do, and they convince enough people to worship them that their fakery works, every time. "Damn, they fooled me into believing we were all gonna die from [fill in the blank fake illness] but we didn't. But NOW it seems like they're REALLY telling the truth so I better mask up and get all the jabs." CON JOB #12,376,786,432B.7-9 ACHIEVED.

But it's not working on SOME of us! Freedom is just one mental step away from all this madness: Disengaging from any and all of their "intellectual" "phase locking" fakery.

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The physicists dilemma - the observer alters the observed.

Yes, its interesting how when one frees ones mind from one aspect of the entrapment that the rest becomes easily revealed. Further entrapment's no longer work on a free mind.

I'll be in touch in about a week on the other thing.

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"Intellectual Phase Locking." Sounds like some great government gobbledygook, to me. It breaks my heart what "scientists" have done to our world. Look at the mess they made with genetic engineering and bad chemicals. Now, they're trying to genetically engineer us. Evil, evil, evil. I hope they have to pay. --- And a happy "FJB!" "LGB!" to you! 😉

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I suspect "Intellectual Phase Locking" is a fancy term for "resonance," which is similar to the boost group thinkers give one another leading to consensus.

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Indeed it is a resonance they agree to share. The entire system of industries — every institution and bastion of society we can think of — is run by "people" who blackmail each other into "resonating" with one thing: Death. This is an anti-life, death-cult. Once we step back and look at everything going on in our world, we can see that none of it (aside from "appearances") is life-affirming. It's all about entropy via the most torture/suffering of Organic Life. Their notion of "consensus" is always achieved through lying/betrayal.

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I can see that. Rereading it after reading your answer, it makes sense. Before, I was interpreting "phase" as a point in time having to do with the initial thesis.

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Actually, I should have done an internet search before answering. Both "Intellectual Phase Locking" and just "Phase Locking" return lots of results. There's a Wikipedia page for the latter. Looks like it's sometimes used for synchronization, which isn't too different from what I said.

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anti-republocrat: Yes, I mention this in a reply to Bandit. It IS time-related/synchronization-oriented.

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Bandit, their idea of "phase" DOES INDEED have to do with time: These are "people" who use astrology and numerology to align their energies/intentions with evil. They are Satanists and Luciferians. They are everywhere at every level of society, performing some function for their entropic death-cult.

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Lol . I love Satanists. They always stay in their own lane and respect my choices ( in my lives experience).

But our creed specifically states not to harm anything unless you need to eat. Even says a few lines against abusing women and children 🧹 witch, I'm all for.


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I like it. Euclidean thinking. Instead of this emotional ME ME ME B's everyone pushes onto each other these days. Toxic positivity and what not.

(chemtrails + covid vaccine + time )x²

1. They're trying to speed up human evolution.

2. This is an expensive simulation game, and we've all paid to be here, but we have no memory of that.

3. We are in someone else's dream.

4. As we perceive distrust it's becomes corporeal. As do most things, supposedly in a world based on perception.

// I think x will be a big trick. One group will attempt to pull the wool over another group's eyes in a major way, but it's gonna backfire. I guess tell the biggest lie to make the biggest power play possible. But I think money, power, and even sickness may bepetty fruit flies compared to what this type of together/alone type of dog eat dog society has done to us.

They're is something huge going on.

I think the x is something we have no frame of reference as humans to percieved of it yet.

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Yup, what we perceive as reality is based on the limited information we have. Control the flow of information and one controls the perception of reality.

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So do you think that possibly this is an experiment in perception?

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If one believes that our perception of reality is based on the information we are fed, then it becomes more than an experiment. It IS an exercise in social engineering.

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Excellente! Part 1 and Part 2 are 'SWEET'! Thank you Kyle for all you put into this to create such 'phase locking!' Aloha!

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Aloha Robert.

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Jan 30, 2022·edited Jan 30, 2022

As usual, another great article. Thank you Kyle. Thought I would share this one with you. I only received it today but it was released in August 2021, so you may have already seen it. Anyways....I hope you are doing well, well as one can in this insane climate of bs!!


Best wishes to you and yours. xoxo

p.s. I meant to tell you, if I haven't already (seniors brain and all that!!) I managed to purchase some Shungite. I have noticed a large improvement, in not feeling as racy etc. So many thank yous for putting me onto this one, Appreciate it greatly.

I was wondering if you have looked into anything from Body Align, Steve L. who is featured on Charlie Wards show every so often. He is selling various 5 g protections, but just not sure about it. There are so many scams, not that I think Charlie would promote a scam. Would love to know your opinion and what else you are doing to protect yourself against the 5 g.

Thanks Kyle for all you do share. Much appreciated. God bless and God speed, with much love xoxo

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No I haven't seen that link Jules. Thanks.

Shungite is amazing stuff. Glad its helping.

Yes lot lots of scams. I'll have to get back to you on that one.


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Thanks William. I'll check it out.

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thanks for this.....I feel for Israel people. It is the same here in Australia. The corruption is off the chain. The scamdemic has been in the planning over many decades. After listening to your video I thought I would share one with you, I only received today. It is powerful, scary but nothing we don't already know. All the best to you and yours. We cannot comply our way out of totalitarianism :


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Listening to it now. Thanks. It seems to explain precisely what is going on.

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Absolutely fascinating, and loads to think about in this article!

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Read Jeff Green's work. He too believes the Covid virus does NOT exist. On his blog are a lot of great articles.

"Does Covid Exist"


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Thanks for the link Russ. I'll check it out.

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deletedJan 30, 2022·edited Jan 30, 2022Liked by Kyle Young
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You can be loquacious on those topics here anytime Kieron. I whole heartedly agree.

I mentioned the phrase "you can pay your farmer now or pay your doctor later" to a friend on Mercola.com about 4 or 5 years ago and she had some bumper stickers made. Have one on my fridge.

I know Dr. Cowan because I supplied him with moringa and cholla buds about 5 years ago.

As a farmer, I've read a number of Joel Salatin's books over the past 10 years.

An intern gave me a copy of Nourishing Traditions 19 years ago. Read Weston A. Price's Nutrition and Physical Degeneration shortly after that. Life changing.

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