As usual, congress is bought and paid for and has no clue. What a waste of idiot power. Then again, if you are flying these spray planes, your are really a scumbag for disturbing the atmosphere and the earth and its inhabitants. You pilots must be super dumb because you are also affecting your families and friends and your deadly future. Is the money worth it?
As usual, congress is bought and paid for and has no clue. What a waste of idiot power. Then again, if you are flying these spray planes, your are really a scumbag for disturbing the atmosphere and the earth and its inhabitants. You pilots must be super dumb because you are also affecting your families and friends and your deadly future. Is the money worth it?
As usual, congress is bought and paid for and has no clue. What a waste of idiot power. Then again, if you are flying these spray planes, your are really a scumbag for disturbing the atmosphere and the earth and its inhabitants. You pilots must be super dumb because you are also affecting your families and friends and your deadly future. Is the money worth it?
That is the question of the day.