Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

You can bet they’re already neck deep in new technology that won’t make chemical spraying apparent to the people below. I’d be surprised if that’s not happening already.

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You would be right. All of those jets that are not emitting trails are spewing out all manner of toxic elements in their exhaust.

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But, but, but, it's just the GAS-POWERED cars!!! 😲🙄

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:) Jet fuel is a whole 'nuther ball game.

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Jul 7Liked by Kyle Young

Observing over the last five years, the aerosol contents appear to be ever changing. Not only that but the trails can be more faint but the clouding effect expands very quickly now. It can be sort of sunny that turns into November dark and cloudy in a half hour or so across the whole sky.

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From my research I've learned that the recipes change frequently. It seems they are constantly trying new things to see what kind of an effect they get.

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Definitely, Kyle. I actually see and photo document what I see. The trails change, usually becoming less visible. Sometimes the trails are very fat and fluffy, but disappear quickly. Noting many changes of the artificial clouds that are produced, some now fat and goopy, looking like jelly donuts piled up or globs of marshmellow fluff; or else more normal looking white fluffy clouds get blown or ripped apart. Sometimes the whole sky darkens with a dull grayish featureless flat lid.

Dane is usually quite good at describing what he observes in his weekly Global Alert News. He reports when new ingredients are found, as he did with graphene. For sure, the whole mess is experimental. None of this could happen without the legions of order followers. It has taken years for Dane to sound some resentment about the compliant military. He's got a long way to go to catch up to me.

News today: https://www.sgtreport.com/2024/07/breaking-is-hurricane-beryl-part-of-a-secret-weather-weapons-project/

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Agree or disagree, it's been proven that lead is falling from the trails those planes leave behind, which is bad enough.

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And aluminum, barium, strontium, titanium and so on ad nauseam.

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Killing us softly. (Imagine: Dementia for Everyone!)

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Kyle thank you for this information,I witness these chemtrails regularly in Lincolnshire UK and have investigated.Your article is spot on!!!..

I usually see them on a sunny day and cannot understand why no one seems to notice.Do we notice because we are awake? I mention these chemtrails casually in conversation with anyone and everyone and usually am greeted with incredulation.Are folk so hypnotized by the brain washing that they can't think outside the box or don't they care about our beautiful planet and the crimes against humanity?

A splendid report Kyle,many thanks to you.

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You are welcome Caroline.

It's been well documented that nano particulates of aluminum are the most prevalent element being dispersed. A lot of research is showing that nano aluminum can cross the blood brain barrier and negatively affect the mind.

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Jul 8Liked by Kyle Young

It’s so sad! The elites are paying to kill us and the ones who don’t comply will starve they hope with all the namo chemicles in the air, food and water. One way or another they want us to be hooked up to AI. And everything too. It’s to control all living things.

Look at the vegetation. Instead of being bright green and firm the vegitation is limp and a pale green. Take notice of the birds, bugs & other wild life. It’s not there like it used to be. The sounds are not there during the day or nights like they used to be. I was up in Maine near Canada in heavy woods nobody lives near and I only saw one bird in the sky. A few geese in the river. No sounds day or night. It’s sad especially being so wooded. Im thinking this has to do with 5G or more that’s slowly kills from the EMF’s. Where all these chemicals gets affected by these signals.😡

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Sad but true.

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Where do I sign up? I am a Morgellons disease sufferer and I can tell you Morgellons has been exploding everywhere in the last 5 years. Clifford Carnicom found the same chemical and heavy metal components along with self assembly nanotechnology in rainwater samples from the chem trails in the late 90s.

If a class action lawsuit starts, I know thousands and thousands of ppl suffering MD from the effects of this horrible toxicity being pumped into our lungs, soil and water supply. All of these ppl would be eager and able to show the visible impact of this poisoning to a court of law.

Morgellons sufferers have been left to their own suffering and (many times) suicide so the Medical system can cover up these incredible crimes against humanity. No Doc could validate or help treat us because the secret might be exposed, I personally know one MD sufferer, a mom named Sarah who killed herself this year.

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Thank you for your recent subscription.

I'm also a Morgellons sufferer, although I didn't have a serious case of it. I was able to clear it up using this protocol.


Let me know if you have any questions.

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Wishing you all the best.I cannot imagine the horrors that you are experiencing ,thank you for sharing.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

100% deadly weapons for silent wars....

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100% correct.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

Actually there may be some serious urgency here. The problem began with legislators not stepping up to do their job. Since they took no stand, the “experts” were given free reign to support the globalist monsters. SO NOW we the people have to act in the wake of Chevron BEFORE the legislators step up to WRITE the laws that finally, openly, support the globalists. Have we seen enough of support given freely to globalists from those in government who are supposed to represent We The People?

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Even if they write new legislation, which I doubt could get passed, there will still be prior intent and actions. I'm willing to move in this direction but this little ol' farmer doesn't have the funds to do so by himself.

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Good info... I'm thinking, too, that if they're STUPID ENOUGH, and we can probably say they ARE, to put that shit in WRITING, then woe to them that do it, because we'll have them by the short n curlies... And the law, too.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

I honestly think the people flying those planes and their “jefes” will simply continue their flights. They already know they are killing all life and they’re doing it, presumably, to keep the family financials strong 💪.

In which case, we need the US Sherrifs to stop them at the airport.

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I think there are plenty of good cops and sheriffs, and we should encourage and support them, so they’ll be stronger in their duty to us…and the Constitution. I think a LOT of the bad rep of cops and deputies is deliberate, and unbalanced… SOS… Same old Shite: DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

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Sheriff Mack can be found here at their website:

Constitutional Sheriffs’ and Peace Officers’ Association.

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Yeah, I was onto Mack way back, and he rhymes. ;)


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That would be a good place to start.

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Jul 7Liked by Kyle Young

Regarding those pilots flying the planes disbursing the poisons, this song says it all … “Chemtrail Cowboys”


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I like his response to youtub's wikipedia link.

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Thank you Danny Weiss!! I’m sending this off to the sheriffs.

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Jul 7Liked by Kyle Young

I guess you’d need good intel to know which aircraft are involved in spraying toxic chemicals.

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Because they do not file flight plans and do not show up on flight trackers, I'm having trouble trying to determine what airports they're flying out of. Maybe military bases?

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Jul 7Liked by Kyle Young

Definitely military bases, at least, Kyle. Knowing the flight patterns here, I see them. Watched them since 2012. In 2013 the military plowed down acres of trees at the edge of the base next to a public park near my house. They told the community it was to string up some electrical wires on poles, but a vast swath had been cleared. It was spring and the ravens and other birds looked forlorn as they hung around, having lost their nests. Soon after, all description of aircraft was taking off and landing right over our house, so low the house shook and it felt like we could touch them. Besides the usual cargo tankers, there were old civilian propjets, newer civilian jets, AWACs with its huge radar disc, and other unfamiliar aircraft. Trying to recover from surgery, at my table near the window I documented them by date, cross hatched them on a notepad in bunches of five, as they took off or landed, with an arrow up for takeoff and a arrow down for landing This went on for months and I recorded up to sixty a day. They all flew north toward the arctic or came in from the arctic. I believe it was an attempt to refreeze the ice pack using ice nucleation, perhaps by The Arctic Methane Emergency Group (which espouses geoengineering). This persisted from May to October and finally they quit. I was in contact with the air force through the office of our US Senator. It was an interesting exchange with a liaison who wrote very, very well. I think the project was a fail. Dane has said they only succeed in making some slush that floats, but they call it ice pack. They sickened the arctic creatures terribly around that time, suffering with hair loss and crumbling livers. I came down with petrochemical exposure from the jet fuel exhaust. Ultimately I got an admission by the liaison that the trees had been plowed down so the planes could take off and land over our neighborhood. Not much, but something.

Around that time there was YT video of FedEx pilots who narrowly escaped colliding with tankers TWICE in the same flight at different altitudes. So the military planes are flying rogue without transponders. I looked for the video, but it was probably taken down.

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May I ask what base that is and where it's located?

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Jul 14Liked by Kyle Young

Since writing this comment above, I knew I was forgetting the worst effects on the arctic animals. All of them suffered from very severe respiratory distress. The worried wildlife scientists finding these severely debilitated creatures sent corpses to larger cities nearby for necropsy. There were even local newspaper articles describing the devastation. But we never heard another word about the necropsy findings.

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Jul 7Liked by Kyle Young

Maybe ask the Russians or Snowden

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I wish I had those kinds of connections.

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Jul 7Liked by Kyle Young

“I guess you’d need good intel to know which aircraft are involved in spraying toxic chemicals.”

Yes, Tom. Do ya have some? Please. (These responses never land where they are supposed to….so I copied your comment and put it here.) 🤓

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Jul 8Liked by Kyle Young

Unfortunately, I don’t have direct access to that kind of intel. However, these sites are likely monitored by some who do have access. Sharing this is a way to raise its awareness to those who might assist.

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Jul 7Liked by Kyle Young

Do ya have some? Yes, please.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

As usual, congress is bought and paid for and has no clue. What a waste of idiot power. Then again, if you are flying these spray planes, your are really a scumbag for disturbing the atmosphere and the earth and its inhabitants. You pilots must be super dumb because you are also affecting your families and friends and your deadly future. Is the money worth it?

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That is the question of the day.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

There are strategies for combating this elusive culprit.

www.inpowermovement.org or start researching the Origins of Merchant Law... whixh precedes all our laws in defacto countries worldwide. We have always had the power to stop this but it will take the village....

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I was in contact with those guys before covid. Lost touch when covid began. It might be interesting to hear their thoughts since Chevron has been struck down.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

Perhaps that may be helpful to Americans but this is a global problem....

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It is. And it most definitely needs to be dealt with on a global basis. Maybe if we get something going here the rest of the world will follow.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

Agreed, but there is a solution already. it requires paperwork and the USPS (for USA) to deliver Notices of Liability to those making the decisions to spray us ad nauseum.... again, Merchant Law. which precedes any Constitiution, case law or Contract. Huggsss!!!!

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They had already begun to do that back when I was communicating with them. My question now would be, have they had any success doing that? Especailly with something this big?

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Kyle Young

Whilst not speaking on the org's behalf, I can say that several political figures have abruptly resigned/stepped down as a result. The queen of Denmark, for one....there have been plenty others.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

There are also videos I've seen where chemtrails get turned on and off, so it's even more obvious that it's not a contrail.

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Yes. Dane Wigington has some in his documentary.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

I believe you! Always. We kinda need some really good attorneys or a legislator or two to make it hap’n cap’n. Right? Let’s not fuss with those arriving to distract. This is truly easy to get done after Chevron! I’m in! How much do we need to hire an attorney? The guys in Tennessee made it happen! And how much do we love Jeff Childers here on Substack (Coffee & COVID 2024). Great job Kyle!

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Author

I hope to focus on that in the next post.

I would need about 200 new paid subscribers to be able to afford to do this myself:)

Or, what do you think of the idea of setting up a Secular Heretic Give-Send-Go page to take contributions for a legal help to go after them?

Know any good lawyers in this arena?

Thank you Bellenomio.

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I'd like to help if I can! I'd have to do something that doesn't cost me money, since I donut have any. But I am strong, willing, and damn willing to do Something.

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25 possible counter-offensive actions to take:

TimeForActions.Substack.Com (fixed spelling)

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When I clicked on this, I got a HUGE MS warning that I’d got a Trojan and was being invaded… Thanks a lot.

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Same here.

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Troll, I guess, or a fear trippin' way to keep us outta that site.... :P That's happened to me once before, not tooo long ago, on SS. Gee, how bout that cuppa Freedom I ordered?? ;)

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I’m hoping that by September I will be out from under the legal persecution I’m having…

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

Yes! I agree. Have no idea how to do that. But I’ll contribute for sure!

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I've had a page there for some time. Let's see if anyone else expresses an interest. If so I'll get it going.

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I'd love to be a soldier for Life on Earth.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

Huh? Maybe this was in response to someone else?

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I was referring to Give Send Go.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

If those pilots would help us identify originations of those flights, maybe we can enlist the local sheriff to stop their illegal activity (as it is now after chevron deference collapsed). Maybe a letter from an attorney written to inform sheriff’s offices that Chemtrails are no longer supported legally.

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Which pilots?

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

We probably need to go state by state? So. Ask one attorney in Tennessee because they have essentially done the job already. Then ask them to recommend an attorney in another state…and so on. This is their life! We start with them.

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I like your vibe!

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Possibly. TN was a decision by legislators, not lawyers working in court.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

Most law is promulgated outside of courts.

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I can't speak for ALL courts, but I can tell you, the courts in my county, in WA State, are corrupted by the Globalist Evil. I know this 1st hand.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

Lucky for Tennessee to have the kind of leadership to stop all of this. I’m wondering how fast those chemical companies and airplane company owners and eugenics pushers will move in on our congress to make this legal again. Now, that’s a big fight for sure.! But, a letter from an attorney, sent along with the Supreme Court decision explained clearly, to the most prominent Association of Sheriffs, has the potential to be faster than congress and cheaper than trying to quickly enlist a host of state lawyers. Sheriffs take an oath that they will uphold the constitution and support We The People no matter in which state they live.

Do you remember having a chance to influence ANY legislation to benefit We The People??! ! Any!?

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Back in 2021 I and many others sent letters to our local sheriff asking him to do something about the jab mandates. He publicly said he was not a Constitutional Sheriff. You have to understand how corrupt the Pima county government is here (Tucson).

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Jul 7Liked by Kyle Young

Might be effective to get Senator Ron Johnson interested. A government inquiry could unearth a great deal on the subject.

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Unfortunately, nothing has come from Johnson's inquiry. I don't have much faith in politicians.

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You've got more than I do. :P

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I watch the skies all the time. Always have (78 yrs) always will. My doubting husband said the same about contrails and chemtrails until one day chemtrails were over the skies and a regular plane was emitting a contrail. The chemtrails stayed from east to west (that day). The contrail was a short trail and dissipated quickly. Now he knows that they are not the same and that chemtrails are very real. Watch different shows from all over the world which are filmed outside. You see chemtrails across the skies more often than not now. Also, I think I remember something that was regulated due to Los Angeles complaining about planes and jet fuel. It resulted in a new regulation. Seems like it was in the 70s. But it had to do with the jet fuel residue being emitted.

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Good job on the hubbster. One by one...

Yesterday, and today, and the 4th, it's been Very Clear Skies here, which is a serious chemtrail HUB, apparently, as in, damn near DAILY. (near Seattle)

I wonder if people are starting to make noise about this and the Nasties are trying to pretend it's not happening... But I know, too, that they do it at night now, too, which is relatively new. They know people are onto them! Shame on those pilots, eternal shame.

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Jul 6Liked by Kyle Young

Doesn’t it feel good to entertain the idea of stopping them??! I’m so very very weary and depressed to keep reading about all of the continuing devastation. I REALLY, REALLY need to take some legal action against illegal, immoral, narcissistic people, especially those who can’t even see their own death in their activities!

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I feel the same way… except I am learning FIRST HAND that the “legal” system is NOT the same phrase as the “justice” system… The justice system is a MYTH, with few exceptions. Yeah, I am tasting of that cup personally, on more than one level.

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It's difficult, but some people are doing it:


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If you can find anything about that regulation I'd like to see it.

Thank you Carolyn.

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I think contrails contribute still to the pollution but chemtrails are the big guns. Excellent article! Wanted to mention that there are quite a few people on substack writing about this crime against all the living beings (this one is very indepth - https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/fireworks-are-chemtrails-death-to#media-4d8aea33-b623-4069-9bdd-dcc2287a3f90, one of his articles) Also need to mention a terraforming aspect of it. here are some interesting talks worth listening (you might have listened to them already):


(please,. see the video with Elena Freeland)


(please, listen to the very beginning of it)


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Thank you for the links Masha.

Here is my 2021 interview with Elana Freeland.


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Hello, dear Kyle! Thank you so much for sharing this interview! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it. I am planning to buy the book Geoengineered Transhumanism, read it and then have a podcast, conversation with Elana. I went to her website and listened to two talks there too! If you have not done it recently, I would strongly encourage you to repost her interview on your substack. So many people are looking for this information! Thank you so much for your hard work, research, writing..

The Sky has been just nonstop sprayed where I live.. There are no breaks. None. And though quite a few people are waking up, many people taking it as a "normal". If you watch movies, cartoons, commercials - Sky is geoengineered. If you travel to any country of the world, even islands, Sky is geoengineered (even North and South Poles). So people already are forgetting that Sky should be blue, clear. When you ask around: "Have you seen the Sky?" People are puzzled.. they are trying to find answers as they ASSUME Sky is still blue.. they have not looked at the Sky..but it is just white with strange cloud formation, haziness, dirtiness..

All the best to you!

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In Spring 2020, there was an unprecedented surge in deaths in 25 contiguous counties in the NYC metropolitan area, which killed 50k extra people over 8 weeks, after which deaths returned to normal. The counties with the highest increase in deaths (up to 550%) were all clustered around NY Harbor, and the number of excess deaths decreased with distance from this apparent epicenter. In your opinion, could some kind of aerosol poison be responsible for this pattern of deaths? The mortality data from the official US database is here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/nyc-mass-casualty-event. If you want to see a map of the location of these counties, look here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2023/9/11/chemical-weapon-kills-50000-in-nyc-no-one-cares

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I don't know anything about this, but I'm confident that viruses can be ruled out. I'm also confident that, because geoengineering cannot be targeted to that small of a region that we can rule it out as well - at least by itself.

However, I'm also confident that we should not rule out the possibility that 5G towers/phones are the culprit. They were first being installed in NY and turned on around that time.

As I've explained in previous posts, the geoengineering particulates that many now have in their bodies can react to programmable 5G pulses that can cause illness or death.

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I don't pretend to be an expert on patterns of death, but I would like to point out that the pattern of weekly deaths in all the waves is a Bell curve pattern, which could be indicative of "an event" such as a single release of an airborne poison in a particular area (such as NY Harbor), which then spread to surrounding areas, including floating upstate to CT, DC & MA, and west to MI. It may have been transient, but did not necessarily result in immediate acute illness.

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Think about EMF's. You seem like a smart person, and you're doing your homework... yes? Think about EMF's.

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The people putting forward an EMF theory of excess deaths need to do their homework to support their hypothesis with evidence. Chemical weapon or EMF fit the mortality data best, IMO--but neither is my area of expertise. I'm a numbers person and have a hard enough time just getting people to look at the data.

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And I should say, too, that it’s not necessarily “excess deaths,” YET, but it’s definitely HARM. There are several issues going on in our world right now… but I DO know, having read in many different sources, that the graphene oxide found in these jabs, reacts with EMF’s in a very detrimental way, and can be lethal.

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Oh, and you're RIGHT ON about the graphene. And guess what's in those little blue paper masks?? Yep.

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There were DEFINITELY an unprecedented number of excess deaths in 2020 in the US--over a half-million of them. You can find the proof in the first chapter of my new book, which you can read in full for free in the sample on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Illustrated-Mortality-Guide-objective-eye-opening-ebook/dp/B0D4JF8QHB/ref=sr_1_1

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Yes, I agree, there should be evidence to support this. AND THERE IS. A lot of it, actually. Here’s a starter: The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg. Then there’s a TON of more evidence. That you haven’t seen any of this is well, too bad, but then we are heavily censored in the West.

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I don't mean evidence the EMF can be harmful--I think that's clear, and it makes good sense. I mean evidence that EMF can be and was intentionally used to commit mass murder.

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Just going to give you one example here--death certs list one underlying cause of death, and up to 20 additional multiple causes of death. These are clues as to what the true cause of death was. Where are the analyses?

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Keep in mind that 5G is programmable by tower. They can even run it with AI.

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5G as the cause of excess deaths is a hypothesis. If people are serious about it, they need to start gathering real evidence to support it--and there is a lot of it in the WONDER database itself. Everyone has their pet hypothesis about excess deaths, they are a dime a dozen--what is lacking is real investigation matching up the characteristics of the deaths with possible causes.

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I would venture to say that 5G is a cause of DISEASE, as in, Dis-Ease-- symptoms are plentiful and often look like "diseases" we've been taught are just happening without a cause, or have some other kinds of causes assigned to them, like cancer, for instance, or arthritis, or teeth rotting out, or lots of issues do with the body not being able to get enough oxygen beyond the lungs, etc.

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The physical damage is definitely consistent with some kind of radiation damage, whether from 5G or otherwise--and no one is researching it to the best of my knowledge. I've been told there is no way to know the ACTIVITY going on in each tower, which is necessary in order to at least correlate the towers with excess deaths. The official US mortality data holds many keys to explaining how mass murder may have been accomplished right under our noses, based on the multiple causes of death listed on the death certs --but no one is researching it except me, as far as I know. In fact almost no one knows about the excess deaths at all, nor do they even seem interested. Democide? Yawn.

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I know what you mean. I began covering excess deaths from the jabs back in late 2020 and couldn't get any interest. Of course that has finally changed. Part of the plan may be to keep so many things happening at once that it's difficult to focus on any one local event.

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All fine, there is nothing good about vaccines--but it's questionable whether the US death waves of 2020 (pre-vax) were qualitatively different from the death waves in 2021 or 2022. I've written some on the characteristics of these death peaks and there are some disturbing similarities in all of them.

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WHAT "death waves" of 2020?? Can you provide some of that info here?

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This is the first page of every chapter of my new book. on US mortality. See Chapter 4. https://www.virginiastoner.com/first-page-of-every-chapter

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I can't imagine that these 5G towers are NOT emitting radiation, most likely in pulses, or continuously, or both.

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Jul 7Liked by Kyle Young

Hi, again, Herder. Definitely radiation from towers and larger facilities. I've read that we're also being bombarded by 3G, 4G and the rest at the same time. Probably the pulsed version is more damaging.

I've had mysterious ailments. A few years ago on Thanksgiving after I'd been invited to dinner with friends, I was actually stricken--like someone shot a poison dart at me. I could only stand up for a few minutes, hardly ate or drank anything, not even water, for an entire month. I wouldn't have thought it possible! Describing my symptoms a therapist friend I know said it sounded like radiation poisoning. And can you imagine I was finally well on Christmas Day! I didn't gradually get better. It was as if a switch was flipped.

Since the pandemic I refuse to go to a doctor. I took the leopard cure. He will climb a tree and sleep, not eating or drinking anything. He will get better or die. I was okay with that.

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Sounds very much like some of my experience. I call it being "zapped." Something beyond the "normal" cloud of hell floating around so we can have "faster gaming." What it's really about is surveillance, targeted attacks, and general grinding down, or "cooking," as I do think about it.

I'm so sorry you had these troubles, I certainly relate... Sudden BAM! flu-ish symptoms, like a flipped switch, YES, and then just as immediately, gone, but leaving me weakened for hours, tho I recovered quickly. Thank GOD I'm being evicted -- my landlord has bombarded me and everyone very nearby for YEARS with his high radiation Ham Radio antennae array... It's slowly cooking me. I am eager to leave, but as I have no income and no job currently (a whole nuther piece of hell unrelated to radiation), I have no idea where I will go... Probably I'll find a shelter somewhere. This time we're living in is certainly not NORMAL, by any stretch!

I would only suggest one thing for you, and you obviously can do whatever you want! But should this happen again, it would be good to try to get tiny sips of water down you, just a teeny bit, as you are able--- WORK hard to do that! You can go a long time without food, but no water is NOT good.

Anyway, feel the hugs coming at you... starting... Now. ^_^

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The towers could also have some other kind of weaponized device. How about an infrasound generator built into the foundation of each one?

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If you read those links I sent you will find that 5G was developed by DARPA as a "dual use (military and civilian) technology".

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DARPA... The part of the DOD that is ONLY and ALL about creating new and better ways to KILL PEOPLE. I read an excellent book about them... guess what they were doing when it was just going to press in 2015? Yeah... VACCINES.

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A very good source for your questions, right here on SS: "Uncensored." Frances Leader. She's on top of a LOT of these things.

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It is hydrogel nanotech.

They absolutely spread it in populous cities interstate 80/90 in 2019 and 2020.


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It's that and much more.

I covered Giordano's work in several posts a few years back.

There is also this guy.


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I mentioned her in the past and I can only go on a distant recollection, but Dr. Stefani Seneff mentioned the outlets of waterways as having unusual death and illness at the beginning of this whole thing near the end of 2020 I believe. She still maintains glyphosate toxicity is a factor with a higher run-off near these outlets, but not the sole factor.

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That's certainly a big issue. Part of the problem is, there are so many.

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Kyle, excellent work, thank you. Toxic food supply, GMO's, Glyphosate, Fluoridation, Vaccinations, Food Pyramid, War on meat, Promotion of "Trans" and sexualisation of children, Covid debacle, Useless BigPharma "health" system, Continued Wars - the list goes on not to mention homelessness / debt / family breakdown / poverty etc - but some people can't believe Chemtrails are real !

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Thank you Stefatanus.

That about wraps it up in a nutshell.

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Yes - as Dr Noack described in the carbon hydroxide are minature razor blades and indestructible, if you have ever seen carbon brake shoes, which he said these are, they are beyond tough. It bothers me considerably, I have a way to kill all of the injected LNP's in about one second for free, I think - but the carbon particles, absolutely not - and if Dr Noack is right that these nanoscale razors start cutting from day one and injection ,then what hope for anyone, after injection. My theory is that they are inert carbon particles and it takes a 5G signal to active them, which is why lots of people have not died some 4 years after being vaccinated.

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I remember Dr. Noack. And yes, I've seen similar research about the sharpness of GO nanoparticulates.

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