Hi, again, Herder. Definitely radiation from towers and larger facilities. I've read that we're also being bombarded by 3G, 4G and the rest at the same time. Probably the pulsed version is more damaging.
I've had mysterious ailments. A few years ago on Thanksgiving after I'd been invited to dinner with friends, I was actually stricken--li…
Hi, again, Herder. Definitely radiation from towers and larger facilities. I've read that we're also being bombarded by 3G, 4G and the rest at the same time. Probably the pulsed version is more damaging.
I've had mysterious ailments. A few years ago on Thanksgiving after I'd been invited to dinner with friends, I was actually stricken--like someone shot a poison dart at me. I could only stand up for a few minutes, hardly ate or drank anything, not even water, for an entire month. I wouldn't have thought it possible! Describing my symptoms a therapist friend I know said it sounded like radiation poisoning. And can you imagine I was finally well on Christmas Day! I didn't gradually get better. It was as if a switch was flipped.
Since the pandemic I refuse to go to a doctor. I took the leopard cure. He will climb a tree and sleep, not eating or drinking anything. He will get better or die. I was okay with that.
Sounds very much like some of my experience. I call it being "zapped." Something beyond the "normal" cloud of hell floating around so we can have "faster gaming." What it's really about is surveillance, targeted attacks, and general grinding down, or "cooking," as I do think about it.
I'm so sorry you had these troubles, I certainly relate... Sudden BAM! flu-ish symptoms, like a flipped switch, YES, and then just as immediately, gone, but leaving me weakened for hours, tho I recovered quickly. Thank GOD I'm being evicted -- my landlord has bombarded me and everyone very nearby for YEARS with his high radiation Ham Radio antennae array... It's slowly cooking me. I am eager to leave, but as I have no income and no job currently (a whole nuther piece of hell unrelated to radiation), I have no idea where I will go... Probably I'll find a shelter somewhere. This time we're living in is certainly not NORMAL, by any stretch!
I would only suggest one thing for you, and you obviously can do whatever you want! But should this happen again, it would be good to try to get tiny sips of water down you, just a teeny bit, as you are able--- WORK hard to do that! You can go a long time without food, but no water is NOT good.
Anyway, feel the hugs coming at you... starting... Now. ^_^
Hi, again, Herder. Definitely radiation from towers and larger facilities. I've read that we're also being bombarded by 3G, 4G and the rest at the same time. Probably the pulsed version is more damaging.
I've had mysterious ailments. A few years ago on Thanksgiving after I'd been invited to dinner with friends, I was actually stricken--like someone shot a poison dart at me. I could only stand up for a few minutes, hardly ate or drank anything, not even water, for an entire month. I wouldn't have thought it possible! Describing my symptoms a therapist friend I know said it sounded like radiation poisoning. And can you imagine I was finally well on Christmas Day! I didn't gradually get better. It was as if a switch was flipped.
Since the pandemic I refuse to go to a doctor. I took the leopard cure. He will climb a tree and sleep, not eating or drinking anything. He will get better or die. I was okay with that.
Sounds very much like some of my experience. I call it being "zapped." Something beyond the "normal" cloud of hell floating around so we can have "faster gaming." What it's really about is surveillance, targeted attacks, and general grinding down, or "cooking," as I do think about it.
I'm so sorry you had these troubles, I certainly relate... Sudden BAM! flu-ish symptoms, like a flipped switch, YES, and then just as immediately, gone, but leaving me weakened for hours, tho I recovered quickly. Thank GOD I'm being evicted -- my landlord has bombarded me and everyone very nearby for YEARS with his high radiation Ham Radio antennae array... It's slowly cooking me. I am eager to leave, but as I have no income and no job currently (a whole nuther piece of hell unrelated to radiation), I have no idea where I will go... Probably I'll find a shelter somewhere. This time we're living in is certainly not NORMAL, by any stretch!
I would only suggest one thing for you, and you obviously can do whatever you want! But should this happen again, it would be good to try to get tiny sips of water down you, just a teeny bit, as you are able--- WORK hard to do that! You can go a long time without food, but no water is NOT good.
Anyway, feel the hugs coming at you... starting... Now. ^_^