Thanks for highlighting some deep state connections I did not previously know about. These perverts blackmail each other as an inverted form of protection. The sickness is beyond rehabilitation, in my assessment.

Also, reading the phrase "war on drugs," I thought about humanity's mass hypnosis and feel that perhaps we should restate it: "War, on drugs."

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Hee hee, very appropriate. Can I use that?:)

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Consider it public domain!

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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Many think Ronald Reagan was a great president. I even helped in my small way as a Republican supporting him. He seemed to be a much better choice than Carter with his "conservative" viewpoints. He talked as if he was pro-life and even for the return of school prayer. His actions, however, did no such thing. It was simply words to get the conservative Christian vote.

As his administration went on he promoted NAFTA, then he did the unthinkable - amnesty for illegal aliens, opening Pandora's Box to an invasion unlike this nation has ever witnessed until Joe Biden. It was all started by Ronald Reagan.

Most you are sharing about Iran/Contra I learned years ago from a website by the helicopter piolot that flew drugs from Nicaragua to Mena. They were in taped up insulated containers. They looked like organ transplants. One day he looked inside and saw the drugs. He was still alive when I read his post describing his life. Not too long afterwards, he was killed. I'm sure it was to silence him, but it was too late.

He noted how G.H. Bush was involved and Bill Clinton. The amount of money was obscene. The supposed hero Col. North was nothing more than a drug dealer working illegally, betraying his country.

Reagan, whether he would admit to it or not, was on the globalist side and did their bidding. He was pro-communist, though preaching against it for years. He opposed it in the Soviets, but opened the flood gates here in the U.S.

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Yes, Reagan may have done more for the deep state and their globalist puppeteers than anyone else in the history of the US. It was they who created the false history of Reagan being a great president.

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

I'm not sure who "they" is, but I know Democrats claim to hate him. I have seen "conservatives" who follow the ways of Reagan and Rush Limbaugh follow the paths of hypocrisy: talking much and doing little. I am convinced that those in Congress/Senate are actually working for communists because they simply appease true conservative thinking people like it was their job to make people think someone in Congress was on their side, when, in reality, they are not.

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They all are in on it.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

It's a small world. I kept a traced copy of an Arabic anagram shaped like an elephant that was stamped on blonde Lebanese circa 1976. On a train crossing Canada I noticed a middle eastern college student studying in the bar car. I had a strong hunch he might know so I returned & asked him if I could interrupt his studies in the hope he could interpret it. He was friendly and agreed to try. I showed him & he instantly turned dead cold. We sat staring at each other until he finally asked me where I got it. I was straight up with him. He kept staring me down , then finally relaxed & said, I'll tell you. It is Arabic script meaning "Bazaar", as in marketplace, & the elephant is a family crest.

I asked him why the harsh reaction. Silence, then he finally replied, It is my father's crest. He told me their situation back home. His family were leading Lebanese Christians fighting against Islamic extremist genocide in an anarchic country torn apart. They produced the hash, shipped it to US via Montreal for$forweapons to defend themselves, all done with covert govt approval/protection. Bizarre marketplace, indeed...

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Interesting story. Thanks for sharing it. Yes, the underground business wold of drugs is huge and is utilized by all classes.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Thank you, you're the one opening people's eyes to the endemic corruption greed & hypocrisy. 🍻

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Jesuits name keeps popping up. One of these days someone is going to realize that our country has been under their control from the beginning. Bunch of Despots, enemy of all mankind.

I spent the majority of the day listening to Eric job Phelps speak about the history of the Jesuits, and it’s even more sinister than anyone could ever imagine. If there is a Hell, you can bet that’s where all the Jesuits will be found after they leave this plane.



Jesuit Info for those who wants to see the truth.

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Both of these links have very interesting information, thank you for posting them.

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Biden/Harris was a blatant example of the "fix being in". Obama just sealed the deal.

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The Jesuits are Luciferians, and so are the Freemasons. Although, the truth of this lies hidden within freemasonry. Only the higher levels are aware of this. According to a former Jesuit Priest who was murdered for abandoning the society and revealing their secrets, the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuit Order, controls all of Freemasonry. This priest died for revealing this, his name was Alberto Rivera.

This is common knowledge for many of the people here already, but for those of you who are skeptical, you won’t be anymore after watching this:


This video exposes freemasonry for what it really is. Thoroughly proving everything mentioned. It doesn’t however reveal that the Jesuit Order controls them. This is knowledge that very few people are aware of.

Once the connection is made though, you can actually find proof of what’s going on in the Bible. Further proving that it’s the authentic Word of God.

Revelation 17 clearly reveals who runs the world during this day and age, and what her destiny is.

Everything makes a lot more sense when you have these pieces to the puzzle.

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Thanks for the links William.

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Welcome. They are excellent sources of information for anyone who takes the time to view them. I hate posting links unless the info is awesome. Too many rabbit holes to go down everyday, and most of them are just a huge waste of time.

Everyone who views these will be rewarded with knowledge that will help them figure out the bigger picture.

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

The pathological narcissist globalist have a long tradition of linking drugs and other addictive substances like oil to government and banking. Most of the gold and silver extracted from "the New World" ended up in India and China in exchange for luxuries desired by the monarchies. After all why be a king if you look, eat and dress like your subjects? The globalists developed the opium trade to get back that gold. The Chinese emperor banned opium. Good Queen Victoria, The East India Company and many other "Christian" pirates declared the Opium Wars. Many prominent American bankster families got their initial funding from the opium trade. Delanos as in FDR, Forbes as in John Forbes Kerry, Browns as in Brown University are a few who became banksters. Why stay in a risky, labor requiring business when you can leisurely steal by creating a sanctioned private bank?

Greed is not the motivating factor. Control is. The current objective is to impoverish, indebt and enslave the 99%. They are accomplishing it mostly with the tacit approval of the 99%. The details would require several volumes. Suffice it to say that the reason Assange is in the situation he has been in for the last 12 years, at least, is because WikiLeaks was going to publish the criminal activity of the banksters prior to the 2008 collapse. The War Logs are just the excuse.

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It IS a long and sordid history and if the full extent of the self proclaimed saintly people involved became widely known, society as we know it would likely collapse.

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Or as Henry Ford is purported to have said: "There would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." Not a bad idea. The guillotine still works. I prefer the hippy way. Peace , love, drop out.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Makes me wonder about the assassination story we were told. Wonder who was trying to take him out, I voted for the puppet twice this guys bill giving these vaccine company's zero liability places him right up there with all the names we associate with mass murder.

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I wrote a couple times last year about Reagan signing into law liability immunity for jab makers. Anyone in the health and freedom movement who still thinks Reagan was a great president needs to know about that.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Well ain't it gettin juicy now! I do appreciate your front row tickets to some of the nefarious activities of Central Stupidity. Granted, the nature of duality means we can't have light without dark, but I sure wish I didn't share any aspect of consciousness with the utter waste of sperm and eggs that populate our government and it's lousy systems of control, corporations, banks and the like. I don't believe in hell but I sure wish I did so that there was a place where these evil mongers could roast for eternity.

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While they're hyped, I can tell you with some authority that the movies I linked also offer some front row seats

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No mention of the other Webb so far, whom I learned about through my esthetician, years after his death. He lived near here at the end of his life. There are so many books I have read that I remember nothing about now. His, on this topic, is not one of them.

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Care to enlighten me?

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Sure. I didn't know if you were saving it for later. In 2015 my esthetician, of all people, told me about Gary Webb's book _Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion_. I read it, and begin to see a side of things that I had not seen before. Before the book, it was a series of newspaper articles.

That was some years ago but from what I remember, your post seemed to recall a good many things also in Webb's book. You can see the potential for that just from the subtitle. Here's a review of _Dark Alliance_: https://allthatsinteresting.com/gary-webb

Webb's own story ended in 2004 with a "suspected suicide". Yeah, right. Shot himself in the head, twice. He didn't quite aim right the first time? But we know it was suicide because our coroner said so: https://www.editorandpublisher.com/stories/gary-webbs-death-confirmed-as-suicide,109995

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That IS interesting. Hadn't heard of him. He has a few details that are somewhat askew, but from what I read so far, he's pretty much on the right track. Fine investigative reporting for someone who was never involved. I'll have to get his book.

I have some doubts about the story that he shot himself.

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I never had any confirmation of his claims, apart from the two shots to the head from a .38 which appear to speak for themselves, but the claims made a lot of sense and they fit well with other things I knew back then.

I have been "digging into things" for over 50 years. Too many pieces of the puzzle are falling into place now, and it is difficult to watch.

I do believe it will all end well -- otherwise why bother -- but the days ahead look quite grim.

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Here's another report about Gary Webb and _Dark Alliance_, from 2018. Katherine Watt cited it in _Bailiwick News_ today: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/repost-democidal-master-class-v-humanity . The reference, which can you search for within the post as as "hidden in plain sight as the ‘crack epidemic’ centered in poor, urban, African-American communities (1980s-present)", is about 1/3 of the way down.

The cited report, in turn, under the heading "Was Gary Webb wrong?", referenced another report from 2014 that can be found here: https://theintercept.com/2014/09/25/managing-nightmare-cia-media-destruction-gary-webb .

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Did you see the movie about Webb?

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No, I'm a read-the-book kind of person. It's easier to read between the lines than to see between the lines. I am tempted, though, if it is still around.

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...makes yer head spin, right? interestin' what ya said about crackdown makin' the price go up and profits fer our alphabets rise accordin'ly... Thank goodness ya got out unscathed--sounds like ya could write yer own mini movie script! So I cain't member WHICH epi-sode, but America's Untold Stories (https://rumble.com/americasuntoldstories ) did some great coverage on the contras an' 'specially focusin' on Tricky Bill Clint'un an' how he really cleaned up $$$-wise on all the Barry Seal doin's... the entire show is great (wish I had more time to wartch more epi-sodes--they're all good!)...

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The thought of writing a book has crossed my mind, but as I mentioned, there are much bigger bombshells that need to wait for the right time to be dropped. Wish I could explain. When that time comes, I may write that book.

I haven't seen that. Thanks for the link.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Modern (actual) Times are occupied by omnipresent "Entropy" and Systemic Failures are now, just routine, by the way, all forms of "Power" have become toxic...Inescapable, it is the "End" of this Society and the Civilization that holds it in place . The Great Slumber is in effect !!!!!

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And what comes after entropy?

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022Author

The Hindus were wrong, Cali fornia is worse than kali yuga.

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by all means!

...an' of course re a book, now (as in 2022-23) mebbe is a better time ta git all our ducks in a row an' save MAJOR writin' efforts for when we find ourselves on solid ground again with food, heat, an' safety.... given all bein' topsy turvy, to put it mildly!

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Another tv show to watch on this subject is Snowfall, which just ended after the 5th season. Basically talks about introducing crack to LA by the CIA for their covert wars. Pretty damn good show, until it went on too long. First few seasons are close to The Wire good.

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No tv here. I'll have to see if I can find some way to watch it online. Thanks.

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Amazing article. Lies and illusions and delusions are nothing to the psychopaths who run the big show. Nothing surprises me anymore. I now know that I live in a Simulation of lies and deceit meant to harm us little people and profit the puppet masters. We find it hard to believe because the majority of us cannot imagine such evil. And yet, thanks to you and others, we are becoming believers. We have to keep out eyes open so we do not step in any more of the corruption that keeps on coming.

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Thanks Joanne.

As I alluded, being exposed to all of this over 40 years ago, plus having been jab injured at 17, made it easy to question the entire covid program from the get-go. There have been a few advantages to my crazy lifestyle.

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The boxed Jean Baudrillard quote was butchered so as to be unrecognizable in the email I received.

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I learned about CIA drug running over a period of time when a lot of ex-CIA were being interviewed or even running their own websites. Rumor Mill News used to be such a site. Then the ex-CIA guy connected with it (Gunther Russbacher) disappeared (late 1996). The website was continued by his wife.

Several "ex-CIA" were talking (and dying) back then. There were people connected with the "super soldier" program. There was a lot of talk of creating Manchurian Candidate type personalities. There was the Mercury News exposee written by Gary Webb who died in 2004 under mysterious circumstances. I learned of all of this later, as I wasn't really on the internet until 2009. It was creepy. A lot of data about the CIA is creepy, and because they are by definition a covert operation, story tellers can run wild or be painfully accurate, and it's hard to tell the difference. It is definitely one of the most problematic agencies in my mind.

Some insist that there was a very secret ET back story to a lot of these operations that the CIA was well aware of but that most others were not. Though I have seen some "ex-CIA" talk about this, I can't get a real firm sense of what the real story is. That is for sure an unspoken factor, though.

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I just commented in another forum about how interesting it is that the information coming out right now about CIA involvement in JFK's assassination is coming on the heels of the above article.

Over the decades I've also heard bits and pieces about ET-CIA connections. Wish I could track that down right now. If you come across anything, will you let me know?

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deletedDec 11, 2022Liked by Kyle Young
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You're very welcome Joe. Glad to have you here.

Good luck with your new Substack.

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