Great article and unpacking job, Kyle. Wishing you well, as always.
Here is my assessment: While it is indeed true that *individuals* are responding as victims of abuse, they are also doing it en masse. In other words, the group condition can't occur without the individuals. I think one needs to see both aspects of this in order to re-cognize, as you point out, that this vast group are genuine victims of abuse by tyrants who use violence to achieve their goals. Psychological manipulation *is* a form of violence, as it violates our perceptions for the benefit of the abusers.
The problem is that the victims, as individuals, are *allowing* that abuse to continue. I mean, I have compassion for them, but only to a point. While Breggin says "these victims of oppression have very considerable anxiety and a negative reaction to anything that stimulates awareness of their dreadful circumstances and their feelings of hopelessness about ever going free," at some point, these folks need to wake up and make some serious lifestyle changes. How long do we coddle them in their cribs?
If this is spiritual warfare — and it most definitely IS — we need *a lot more* spiritual warriors if we're going to hold the tyrants accountable and end the tyranny once and for all.
As a side note, I have been saying since the beginning of this plandemic that if just the men had said "no" to the mask, kept their businesses open, and told the "institutions" to back off, NONE of this would be happening. The infantilized women in their lives might whine about it, but it would be the bravest thing that man has ever done, and there would be no turning back from that daily act of Divine Courage! But, alas, here we are.
And post-script to this: On September 8th, I served a Notice of Discrimination Incident Report to the female slave who refused to let me see my optometrist because I do not wear a face mask or face shield. I included a three-page letter explaining my reasoning, and I took the time to tell her as I handed her the documents what the report and letter were for (that is, for her breaking the law by disaffirming my Creator-given unalienable rights). There were three other female employees present who were very interested in my, uhm, "public address" moment! So since I, a tiny white woman, can do this — and I've been abused by the tyrants, too, for nearly 59 years — why can't bigger, stronger people do it, especially if they haven't been abused for so long?
Several people have commented about the idea that we are all masters of our own destiny. I agree with that, to a point. You just jogged my memory of a much earlier post. While researching that post I discovered that a large segment of the population want to be told what to do and think. My thought at the time was, really? Considering all the water that's passed beneath the bridge recently, I can now believe that. However, that doesn't mean I understand the soul of someone who takes that position.
Having said all of that, my freedom loving soul tells me it's wrong for others to take advantage of those folks. And I do think there is something wrong with those who do... and that may go to our video discussion.
Good for you serving that notice. I hope more freedom loving Californians do the same.
"While researching that post I discovered that a large segment of the population want to be told what to do and think. My thought at the time was, really?"
Yes, and WHY are there so few of us who choose freedom? It really makes me reconsider the notion that the black magicians have projected a few billion NPCs in The Matrix! I know that sounds crazy!
If not, then the "tell-me-what-to-do" folks are very deeply mind-controlled, so intensely that we cannot grok it.
And of course, anyone taking advantage of vulnerable people is outside Natural Law, and will eventually have to pay the piper.
The Notice of Discrimination Incident Report gets filled out by the person whose rights have been disaffirmed and then served to the person who actually did the discrimination, even if they were just "following orders" from a higher-up. In other words, if the receptionist plays "gatekeeper," you don't serve the notice to his or her manager or company owner; you serve it to the receptionist. The served person has the option of signing it if you do the paperwork on the spot (but of course most people refuse to admit verbally or in writing that they are violating the law!).
Then you go to the US Department of Justice website, Civil Rights Division, and file the incident report, using the basic form they have set up. I have filed numerous reports and never once have they done an investigation — or at least one in which they have personally asked me any questions or followed up in writing on my report. They even admitted in a disclaimer after I filed that they are understaffed and have to choose "the most egregious" of cases to investigate.
So yeah, everyday rights like *the right to breathe freely* are not high priority for the "mind-control establishment" (a.k.a., government). Nonetheless, we should be filing these reports every single time a disaffirmation occurs!
I appreciate your comment! Yes, all "order followers" are slaves, either voluntarily with cushy perks to feed their egos/habits or through trauma-based mind-control. "The Matrix" comprises all social constructs, that is, the programmed projections manufactured by black magicians and their AI pals, perfected since the turn of the 20th century.
After decades of slaving to multiple companies, and quitting *so very many* jobs in my 20s/30s, I am my own boss. It's one level of freedom despite still going in and out of The Matrix (banking, some food, materials goods, etc.).
Two things. First, Steve Kirsch made a lot of money long before the pathogen showed up. His net worth is absolutely north of 250 million. I’d take the over, on the over/under that it is closer to 500 million than 250 million. So when you say he is “making a lot of money” you should provide a context for that. Somehow I don’t think he’s getting wealthy off Substack. He’s already wealthy. And he says (and I believe him) that all monies earned go toward expenses of research, hiring interns, etc. He got jabbed and then saw the light. I think he has provided many with good info they may otherwise never seen.
Second, both things can be true at the same time.
My own brutal view (and I won’t detail the list of why, but I’d be happy to if asked) is that the majority of the population are, in essence, feeble minded barely functioning shells, incapable of critical thinking or independent thought.
Mix that in with your correct ideas about propaganda and the narrative, throw in a corrupt, pathetic, and cowardly medical community and it’s quite easy to see why we are where we are.
That's true about Kirsch. I didn't mean to make it sound like Kirsch was getting rich from Substack. But he has had a lot of doors opened up to him since he and Malone did that viral interview with Bret Weinstein June 2021.
Copy. True what you say. I give him benefit of doubt as I think he has used those open doors to in turn open the eyes of others. I look at the marginal utility of what he is doing and it comes out positive for me.
Re the "cowardly medical community": not every doctor has the courage of Meryl Nast, who did what's right for her patients despite harassment from authorities who have now suspended her medical license. Kirsch posted this letter from a doctor explaining WHY he's a coward:
This doctor makes the chilling prediction that there will be socialized medicine in the US within 5 years. First, Obamacare. And next this. As Tom Massie tweeted, "The federal govt is too large, spends too much, and is involved in too many aspects of daily life." This is NOT what the founders intended govt to be.
The primary purpose of OC was EMR. It had zero to do with patient care and everything to do with getting a surveillance system in place that allowed the tracking of physicians and patients. We are nomads on our sailboat. So the EMR is actually somewhat useful because if we ever need to see a doctor it’s not going to be in the same place as the last time. So our records can be seen anywhere. Scary really.
I saw that post on Steve’s stack. I was pretty brutal in my response. It was pathetic in my opinion. Whining about maybe losing his job. How about no. When the reaper comes he’ll be lucky to avoid the 9th circle IMHO.
We ‘should’ have almost zero involvement with the Federal Govt, per the Constitution. Instead it’s all we talk about. That’s pathetic to, because while the citizenry gets rolled by the FEDs, most of the state and local governments are either stealing us blind or trying to convince kids to change their genders. What a mess.
I’m trying to convince my wife we should go to Argentina. It’s totally corrupt. But everyone knows it. There is no pretending and if you have USD you can live large for not much money. She thinks I’ve gone completely insane. Which is not outside the real of possibilities.
I'm going to have to move out of my dem controlled state within the next 6 to 24 months, per Edward Dowd's dire but undeniably accurate predictions of the future. Hadn't considered Argentina. As an ex-pat, can probably live as it pleaseth me, bribery being the common coin. Going to look into this. THANKS!
Yep. In Argentina there is a “blue” market for dollars and a black market as well. And it runs both ways. You trade 500USD to an ‘entrepreneur’ for 1.5x the official Peso exchange rate. That’s the blue market. Then that person sells those USD for pesos on the black market for 2x. He clears the delta. Then you go the the airport for a trip back to the states with your pesos and exchange them for USD. If you carry a US passport and have an outbound ticket you get a better exchange rate than the official rate, about 1.4. So in a round about way you turn your 500 USD into 700. The kid entrepreneur made money. You made money. And the dollars on the black market will make someone a lot of money.
Health coverage for a family of 4 via Swiss Medical is $500USD if you pay in pesos. Pay in USD and it’s $250. First class care.
If you have USD and a steady source of income it’s doable. Great food. Great climate. Wonderful people who basically have a devil may care view of life. They just deal with the demise of their country and the corruption as best they can. Laugh about the good old days. And hope for better ones.
But, I don’t think my wife would go back there to live permanently. It was one thing to spend a month there on a boat (not our boat, we did a charter with friends) but quite another to actually make it permanent. So there is that.
Re "the population are, in essence, feeble minded ..." There's more to it than this.
Eric Hoffer wrote in one of his books something so shocking that I've remembered it, even though I've forgotten which book the quote is in. He said (paraphrasing) that people don't want FREEDOM, they want SAFETY. The masses don't want the responsibility that goes along with freedom. They don't want the risk of failure that goes along with freedom.
When we think about the men who founded our nation, they were the consummate RISK TAKERS. When the Revolutionary War began, the majority of the colonialists were content to be ruled by King George. It really is amazing that these few great men succeeded in the bloody struggle to break free from Great Britain, and who then created a nation unique in the history of the world that has endured for almost 250 years.
Hi. Well said. In essence this: “The masses don't want the responsibility that goes along with freedom. They don't want the risk of failure that goes along with freedom”.
Is this: “…incapable of critical thinking or independent thought”.
If one is unable to think critically, or understand the idea that decisions should be made based on the concept of marginal utility, or can’t form independent thoughts without prompting from an external source, then that person indeed has no real desire for true freedom.
I think we are essentially saying the same thing, just in different ways.
I agree with what your saying. Just wanted to elaborate on the problem were facing, which is how do you get people who are AFRAID of the boogieman to understand the value of freedom and how dismal life will be without it. And once they understand, get them to join us and fight our oppressors.
The majority of Americans WANT to do their master's bidding. This inhuman way of living one's life can be traced directly to the govt schools, who over the course of 12 years take fearless adventurous curious children and turn them into 'useful idiots.'
Steve Kirsch is living proof that all the money in the world is kinda meaningless. His brain keeps looping in astonishment that his millions can’t buy any attention 😂 I think he ought to file or fund lawsuits left and right. Maybe then folks will notice him. If he isn’t going to use his tremendous wealth to actually make the world a better place well then fuck him...We’ll find our own way.
Good morning. 0500 here (somewhere in the North Atlantic Basin) on S/V Blessings. You make an interesting point, multiple ones actually. I also think you are entirely correct that “His brain is looping…”. I don’t know him. Nor am I defending or condemning. I do think he is trying and he deserves credit for persistence. He hasn’t given up, as many others likely would have by now.
Get a cup of coffee. This is pretty long. But there is some stuff unrelated to the topic for which I seriously owe you a debt of gratitude. You may think I am kidding. Not kidding. Read on.
Many years before the pathogen release I may have heard his name once or twice, only because I worked in the technology field, as a lawyer, for a few years. In between stints of fighting government corruption, a story for another day. But I knew nothing about him.
From what I have subsequently learned, he was diagnosed with some rare form of cancer for which there was little expertise or treatment. So he self funded and participated in the development of the expertise and that ultimately resulted in the discovery of a treatment that saved his life. And then, based on what I have read and heard him say, this motivated him to pay it forward. So he established a foundation that I believe focused on trying to find treatments for rare diseases where no marginal utility existed for researchers (in other words, no money in it). I’m not sure I have all that 100% correct but it’s close enough.
And so with that as a backdrop, and his years of being a data driven and very analytical person, and armed with a lot of money, my opinion is that he figured that the same type of approach would work to turn the narrative around on jab injuries, so to speak.
I think he is also “looping” (great phrasing BTW, a word on that is in order at the end of this missive) on the fact that the world from which he came has totally rejected and disowned him. In his world, data, metrics, and spreadsheets filled with facts ruled the day. And the night. I guess, given his background, expertise, financial success, acceptance in circles he ran in, his politics etc, why would he think the same approach wouldn’t work again.
He just had no idea what he was up against. You, or I, or Kevin or likely anyone on this stack could have told him and saved him a lot of time and money. But when he got started, long time contrarians were not part of his world view.
Just from my perspective I think he is more of a ‘gentle soul’ than say someone like Alex Berenson, who cut his teeth in a 100% cutthroat business where lawsuits were a dime a dozen. It seems to me, it’s just not Kirsch’s style.
Last point, it is interesting to compare and contrast what has happened to him with what happened to Naomi Wolf, and how they have or have not evolved and responded to the issues at hand.
Finally, looping. Thank you for this. Literally my entire life (I’m 67) I have suffered from the inability to get much sleep. I think maybe it’s a genetic thing, due to an English linage (as far back as I can trace it which is about 400 years) that went to sea. But whatever, I eventually went to see a shrink maybe 20 years ago. That didn’t last long. But he told me I had two issues he could identify. A “black box” for a brain where stuff went in, but nothing ever left and that I was a “ruminator” (fancy term for worry wart lol). I made the mistake of telling this to my wife. So for 20 years when I can’t sleep, which is usually she will make one of her many sarcastic “so what are we ruminating about tonight” comments. Officially starting today we are going to remove that word from the lexicon and insert looping. Not ruminating about anything sweetie, I’m just looping.
Ha. I might even pass this on to my father in law. He has pretty bad dementia. But not 100% of the time. And when he is functioning well he gets very sad because he says Eric, Joan (his wife) is always asking me what I am thinking about and I don’t know what to say I just know things aren’t working right up here. I’m gonna tell him Gramps (we all call him that now) just tell her you are looping!
Have to wonder why, after going through his cancer ordeal fighting the medical industry, he decided to throw hard learned lessons to the wind and take the jabs?
I also wonder why so many of these statistic based nerds get caught up covidcon and submit to the program.
YES! If you already know that the cancer industry is lacking in actual cures which of course is by design, then why in the heck do you take ANYTHING potentially toxic with unknown ingredients? Makes no sense, especially for such a smart guy.
Susan G Komen is “leading the war” on breast cancer. The president of that scam nonprofit makes over $600,000 a year. Oncology is the BIG BUSINESS!!!
Here’s one business model: Terrorize folks with the C word daily. Subject them to ionizing radiation via various medical procedures repeatedly, especially so we can “catch the cancer” early. Then provide terrified clients with a program of insanely expensive patented toxic chemicals and surgery. And finally, follow up with some palliative care while reassuring tortured individuals they are/were so very brave.
Has Steve published his cancer cure for the betterment of the world? I’ll go do some digging...
Read that Jane Fonda has non-Hodgkins lymphoma. She is getting the 'best' chemo treatments the cancer industry has to offer and is apologetic that she has the money to pay for getting the 'best' when others can't afford it and must take what their insurance policy permits them to have. She's upbeat about surviving this form of cancer that is usually fatal and is determined to continue her activism on behalf of climate change.
Fonda, while not overly concerned about dealing with chemo, DOES want to know WHY the fickle finger of fate gave HER cancer. WHY HER when she has been exercising and eating 'right' for all her adult life (65 of her 85 years). Her oncologists don't have the answer she wants. They say it's a mystery. It's a coincidence. It's the roulette wheel of life. There is an answer in Fonda's case, but she won't ever know what it is because she has not connected the dots. Cancer is an 'adverse event' from the mRNA injections.
So TRUE! And once again all the money in the world will not save a person.
There are very few people talking about the true mechanisms which cause cancer. Those researchers are ignored, defunded and smeared. Rockefeller money has cornered the market. Many things in our stressful and increasingly toxic environment can trigger these changes at the cellular level, it’s not just diet and exercise as Jane is finding out.
But will she ever look into the jabs? If so, she’ll find the truth. Will she use her fame and notoriety, as she has in the past, to speak out? I doubt it.
Ultimately I know we’ll win this war because we are on the side of goodness and truth. I just wish the truth was getting out quicker.
Desmet and people like him belong to the Philip Zimbardo school of fake research and blame the victim. Zimbardo is the guy who ran the notorious Stanford Experiment where participants ended up behaving like totalitarians, although it was later discovered that some participants were shills. Zimbardo is a bully like Dr. Phil, he writes self help books for shy people but alleges they are more likely to have nazi tendencies. Ever since I read Zimbardo's garbage, I've been good at recognizing this type.
Also, there are still many countries that never went all the way with the Covid hysteria. I spent a year in Bulgaria, and random Bulgarians I'd meet on trains, hotels, etc. openly mocked the whole thing. They'd lived under communism and knew what was going on right away. So people who believe in Mass Formation Psychosis haven't been to countries that don't show any signs of it.
I've also found that to be a common theme among those from the former Soviet block. The former Russian Tessa Lena, who writes here on Substack, is an example I can point to.
Thank you, Kyle, for addressing the MFP topic. It's a very popular tactic to muddy the waters of truth for those who might join the dissenters. I do not know if Malone is sincere or a plant by the globalists, but I am convinced by your interpretation and information. Thank you!
It seems the important thing is to stay focused on prosecuting the obvious culprits. The idea is to get them to sing in court and disclose the people behind the curtain.
The people behind the curtain are easy to infer. They are the apex banksters that include some of the royal families of Europe and their equivalent in the US. They have built over centuries a series of corporate protections that keep them hidden and protected. We are unlikely to be able to hold them to account before the collapse of civilization. In the meantime I am going to busy myself elsewhere.
The Complaint is 118-pages of double spacing and wide margins. Once you open the doc and plunge in, you'll be hooked. It's extraordinarily comprehensive about the corruption and collusion of our govt agencies and officials. You'll learn about the 1st Amendment and Constitutional law. The attorney generals reveal things the talking heads on TV either don't know or won't tell you. We want to be informed citizens, don't we? Well, then, start reading.
I think it is possible there is much truth to what all three are saying, Malone, Desmet and Breggin. Desmet's theories seem similar to me to the banality of evil that Hannah Ahrendt wrote about. I know plenty of liberals who were openly talking about basically killing the unvaccinated at the height of the pandemic, who still act like if you have a problem with the new booster you are a MAGA domestic terrorist. They may be victims in the sense that the boosters they embrace might be slowly killing them, but they are not victims in their embrace of totalitarianism. I think a mass psychosis very much helps explain the scientism that is woke gender, race, climate and covid, and I think it is possible as well to see the monsters who are directing it.
I have never thought of Malone and Desmet as saying there is no greater conspiracy. As a free thinker I am inclined to not put any of these three men on a pedestal, and see their petty squabbles as doing more harm to us than the flaws in their thinking. I think Malone and Breggin both have an inflated ego.
Largely agree. Truth exists even in the darkest places.
Perhaps it takes an inflated ego to get where these people are today. That doesn't negate the possibility that either of them could be right about some things or wrong about some things.
But I do have a problem with blaming innocent people for something someone else has done.
I don't see that level of blame in the work of Malone or Desmet. Do I need to re-read your article? Did I miss something? I know that Breggin accuses them of this. But why?
Furthermore, in the elevated realm of spiritual truths, we are all the first causes of our own fates. Though "blame" is an irrational way to fix responsibility on others, taking responsibility as ultimate cause of your own experiences is a very rational approach to life, and is the truth. This is proven out by the success of spiritual therapies that take this approach.
I think I got lucky based on how my mind uses data from people. I look for the facts, particularly where a person has extensive knowledge or expertise, and discard the rest.
I looked at MFP as an explanation regarding how and why the masses fell for it all. Never really crossed my mind they could be at fault. This psyop from the evil ones is far too sophisticated for most to accept, much less comprehend.
As for guilt, those taking action and manipulating and killing must own the consequences.
Innocent is a curious word. for the application of remdesivir, or the many people who died because vitamin D got turned into disinformation. Fauci might be a mengele but it takes tens of millions of doctors, nurses and professional class to act without question. I think mass psychosis is an apt term, even if many of them are too chickenshit to call a genocide a genocide.
The incentive power of huge discretionary research funding has made Fauci invincible for a long time. Scientists, research institutions and science journals have almost without exception complied to promote the Fauci compliant viewpoint. They wouldn't want to lose their funding. Big pharma has also backed up this situation, with their deep pockets.
I've wondered about Malone for awhile. I, too, keep my free "subscription," because like you, I believe some of his info is good. I also like the Friday and Sunday memes. --- The thing about his stack that bothers me the most are the fawning commentors. They act like he's a god.
Don't I know it. There's been a few times when I could have added information they didn't seem to have to a discussion, but I'm persona non grata, because I don't have huge amounts of money to waste.
Yep. No matter what happens in this war he wins. In his own mind he’s a Savior for the true vax Believers, after all he’s The Inventor! He really is STILL developing and consulting for the latest vaccine technology.
Meanwhile (via Rogan) he places himself at the forefront of the health freedom movement as the all-knowing yet reluctant Savior for the masses of poor injured souls, “leading” the vaccine heretics to not view him as the dirty criminal he is. Playing both sides for money and attention. It’s a neat trick.
Mass Formation Psychosis is psycho babble. Dalrymple, a retired British prison psychiatrist and prolific writer about the disintegration of civilized life, years ago wrote a book exposing the fraud of psychiatry and its purveyors - psychiatrists. Dalrymple memorably said that only an intellectual could believe and such gobbledegook that Freud and his acolytes promote. It's TDs opinion that intellectuals ARE the cause of the problems they seek to solve. It's MY opinion that everything we need to know to understand human nature can be found in Shakespeare's plays.
I have to say, psycho babble seems as much a part of the problem as anything else. Over intellectualizing issues goes nowhere. While researching this piece I came across several discussions about the idea that psychiatry is a phony science...
Malone is a smooth talking con man grifting off the health freedom movement. He’s a narcissistic DARPA doctor who FULLY BELIEVES in vaccine “technology”. He crafted his very own slick PR documentary in which painted himself as some kind of martyr. I don’t know why people can’t see him for the dangerous creep that he is 🤷🏻♀️
Fabulous new substack post by C.J. Hopkins gets it right on the Mass Formation theory that blames us, instead of those killing us. Read and enjoy the clarity:
But they have heard (if they are real psychologists, which I often doubt) about psychopathy and Political Ponerology, which encompass older work in this same area. I would note that most "psychologists" cannot even define "psyche" and don't know anything about Dianetics (for example) even though it is a reasonably successful therapy that his been in use since 1950. So I wouldn't rely on professional psychologists to certify the age or efficacy of any particular theories or practices.
Your point is spot on that the theory of mass formation psychosis serves to close our eyes to the open and covert coercion and intimidation against would-be dissenters. It is definitely not simply a societal phenomenon, but a purposely inflicted wound by evil entities. But your libel toward other leaders is not helpful at all, even if it is typical in a movement of individualists. Such petty speculation diminishes your influence and weakens our already fractured forces.
I assume your talking about my reference to Kirsch. You might want to read some of my earlier posts where I go into more detail about Kirsch. This is the most recent.
By expressing my disagreement, I am no more advocating for the suppression of free speech than I am demanding you change your name when I inform you that "sida" means "AIDS" in Spanish. Mr Young should (and does) have every right to alienate whomever he wishes. I read his essays because he is generous enough to share them.
Thanks for exposing this, Kyle. Rappoport and Hopkins are doing the same. I read that Desmet received diplomatic privileges to enter the US as he is unvaccinated. I don't know if it's true on not, but it certainly ties him further into the deep state.
Malone SAYS he’s jabbed. But have you watched the movie he made about himself? There’s a scene where he’s sitting at a quaint cafe table ranting on in moral indignation about how fraudulent the science was. Well if that’s true, then WHY on earth would a smart guy like Malone, who knew the shots were dirty, willingly choose to have it injected into himself???
I've been a huge Breggin fan since 2016, a time when his works were the Only help I could get from mainstream western medicine whom I blatantly recognized had all been "deeply indoctrinated" even back then.
I'm not sure what to think exactly about MFP, however, I will say that I fully agree with the idea that we absolutely need to go after the responsible parties. To understand why so many people may have gone along with the operation is interesting (and concerning), but that does distract from the priority of holding the responsible parties fully accountable, and meting out justice.
Without a full-on commitment to holding all responsible parties accountable, and bringing them to true and absolute justice, we'll lose momentum and nothing will change.
Good article that brought me up to speed. Beware false idols or those instiling learned helplessnes or those deftly leveraging influence to divert focus and create wasteful time sinks.
I think what you are seeing among the various people who are commenting and investigating in this range of subjects is self-imposed restrictions in what information is acceptable to them.
I should point out, though, that accepting a wider range of information in these areas does not necessarily produce more certainty in understanding the problem. So many secrets remain, and so many unexplained causalities still exist. Add to that the almost certain influence of people who want to confuse the truth by lying and causing conflicts among the various researchers.
There is also, as you point out, ideological pressure brought to bear on all of us by those seeking to protect their power and influence. It can range from making some subjects so "fringe" that they produce instant derision when mentioned, to knocking people off social media for violating the latest version of Political Correctness, or even firing them from their jobs. We also have various people who have apparently been killed for stating their truth. This always tends to have a chilling effect. It certainly did in Nazi times.
It is interesting to compare Breggin with Desmet, and see them in opposition, as they are both thinkers in the realm of human psychology. I don't think either of these men actually believe in a separable human psyche. But Breggin is from an older generation which has been fighting for patient rights in the field of mental health for years and knows damn well for sure that there are economic and political interests in that field who do not want patients to have rights. Organized psychiatry, conspicuously, has even published some of the conspiratorial speeches of its leaders. So that is the political environment that Breggin is used to. Though he has a lot of experience as a therapist, I think he believes first and foremost in the healing powers of human compassion. He is unaware of the research pointing to the long and sad history of the human soul.
Desmet is from a younger generation, more exposed to alternative ideas, and more persuaded by research into psychopaths and how they hook their victims. He knows "it takes two to tango," and even though the psychopath can bring overwhelming duress into a relationship, the victim must still agree to be suppressed for actual suppression (short of death) to occur.
Given their relative ages and backgrounds, I would consider Malone and Desmet to likely be more myopic in the areas they are trying to address than Breggin. But everyone has to start someplace. I don't at this point take Breggin's accusation that Desmet "failed to report" a patient with a criminal background very seriously. Besides the fact that patient-therapist communications are legally confidential, the timing of this seemed too convenient.
It has become clear over the years that the "deep state" has been interested in ways to brainwash the masses. Their members likely include persons who are quite aware of the mechanisms of Mass Formation and would seek to take advantage of them. Neither Desmet nor Malone know that much about any conspiracies or secret groups that might want to utilize this mechanism for evil purposes. So, in the interest of their own senses of integrity and academic self-preservation, they do not much mention them.
I (for instance) have no such scruples.
In our current world, the sense that some higher organizing body is somehow controlling or influencing events on Earth is generally discounted. Not only it is secret, and so almost impossible to detect, but it is SECRET! In other words, even if you do know something, the masses are already programmed to reject the information, and the overlords are more or less allowed, if not obligated, to try to silence you.
So when someone posits, usually on scanty information, that such a group exists, they are correct but are not likely to get much support. And when someone posits that there is something is going on inside of us that makes us more prone to be victims, they are also correct, but most of them have little idea what to do about it, and we will be told that the answer to the problem is to take a pill.
So both ideas could be correct and yet leave out information that would help us to understand what to do to save ourselves and our planet.
I decided to avoid the topic of Desmets problematic patient and some of his other controversies. I also thought about providing more detail about Breggins work for more compassion in psychiatry. But I didn't want to paint an overly favorable or overly negative picture of anyone. Just trying to let the facts speak for themselves.
"Let the facts speak for themselves." Yes, indeed. But that's the problem the critical-thinking impaired have - they don't know WHAT the facts are saying. They need an 'expert' to explain the facts. An expert like Fauci. He knows what the facts are saying because he's been on the job for 38 years. The general public TRUSTS this man with the kindly face who's been studying the facts for 38 years to know what the facts are saying. Biden does not have a kindly face. When Fauci retires in Dec, who will the public trust to explain to them what the facts are saying?
Great article and unpacking job, Kyle. Wishing you well, as always.
Here is my assessment: While it is indeed true that *individuals* are responding as victims of abuse, they are also doing it en masse. In other words, the group condition can't occur without the individuals. I think one needs to see both aspects of this in order to re-cognize, as you point out, that this vast group are genuine victims of abuse by tyrants who use violence to achieve their goals. Psychological manipulation *is* a form of violence, as it violates our perceptions for the benefit of the abusers.
The problem is that the victims, as individuals, are *allowing* that abuse to continue. I mean, I have compassion for them, but only to a point. While Breggin says "these victims of oppression have very considerable anxiety and a negative reaction to anything that stimulates awareness of their dreadful circumstances and their feelings of hopelessness about ever going free," at some point, these folks need to wake up and make some serious lifestyle changes. How long do we coddle them in their cribs?
If this is spiritual warfare — and it most definitely IS — we need *a lot more* spiritual warriors if we're going to hold the tyrants accountable and end the tyranny once and for all.
As a side note, I have been saying since the beginning of this plandemic that if just the men had said "no" to the mask, kept their businesses open, and told the "institutions" to back off, NONE of this would be happening. The infantilized women in their lives might whine about it, but it would be the bravest thing that man has ever done, and there would be no turning back from that daily act of Divine Courage! But, alas, here we are.
And post-script to this: On September 8th, I served a Notice of Discrimination Incident Report to the female slave who refused to let me see my optometrist because I do not wear a face mask or face shield. I included a three-page letter explaining my reasoning, and I took the time to tell her as I handed her the documents what the report and letter were for (that is, for her breaking the law by disaffirming my Creator-given unalienable rights). There were three other female employees present who were very interested in my, uhm, "public address" moment! So since I, a tiny white woman, can do this — and I've been abused by the tyrants, too, for nearly 59 years — why can't bigger, stronger people do it, especially if they haven't been abused for so long?
Several people have commented about the idea that we are all masters of our own destiny. I agree with that, to a point. You just jogged my memory of a much earlier post. While researching that post I discovered that a large segment of the population want to be told what to do and think. My thought at the time was, really? Considering all the water that's passed beneath the bridge recently, I can now believe that. However, that doesn't mean I understand the soul of someone who takes that position.
Having said all of that, my freedom loving soul tells me it's wrong for others to take advantage of those folks. And I do think there is something wrong with those who do... and that may go to our video discussion.
Good for you serving that notice. I hope more freedom loving Californians do the same.
"While researching that post I discovered that a large segment of the population want to be told what to do and think. My thought at the time was, really?"
Yes, and WHY are there so few of us who choose freedom? It really makes me reconsider the notion that the black magicians have projected a few billion NPCs in The Matrix! I know that sounds crazy!
If not, then the "tell-me-what-to-do" folks are very deeply mind-controlled, so intensely that we cannot grok it.
And of course, anyone taking advantage of vulnerable people is outside Natural Law, and will eventually have to pay the piper.
What govt agency did you send the Notice to? Lots of us would like to do the same.
The Notice of Discrimination Incident Report gets filled out by the person whose rights have been disaffirmed and then served to the person who actually did the discrimination, even if they were just "following orders" from a higher-up. In other words, if the receptionist plays "gatekeeper," you don't serve the notice to his or her manager or company owner; you serve it to the receptionist. The served person has the option of signing it if you do the paperwork on the spot (but of course most people refuse to admit verbally or in writing that they are violating the law!).
Then you go to the US Department of Justice website, Civil Rights Division, and file the incident report, using the basic form they have set up. I have filed numerous reports and never once have they done an investigation — or at least one in which they have personally asked me any questions or followed up in writing on my report. They even admitted in a disclaimer after I filed that they are understaffed and have to choose "the most egregious" of cases to investigate.
So yeah, everyday rights like *the right to breathe freely* are not high priority for the "mind-control establishment" (a.k.a., government). Nonetheless, we should be filing these reports every single time a disaffirmation occurs!
I hope this information is helpful, Judy T!
I suggest that female slave was simply following the wishes of her employer male or female. All employees are slaves in a certain sense.
I appreciate your comment! Yes, all "order followers" are slaves, either voluntarily with cushy perks to feed their egos/habits or through trauma-based mind-control. "The Matrix" comprises all social constructs, that is, the programmed projections manufactured by black magicians and their AI pals, perfected since the turn of the 20th century.
After decades of slaving to multiple companies, and quitting *so very many* jobs in my 20s/30s, I am my own boss. It's one level of freedom despite still going in and out of The Matrix (banking, some food, materials goods, etc.).
Two things. First, Steve Kirsch made a lot of money long before the pathogen showed up. His net worth is absolutely north of 250 million. I’d take the over, on the over/under that it is closer to 500 million than 250 million. So when you say he is “making a lot of money” you should provide a context for that. Somehow I don’t think he’s getting wealthy off Substack. He’s already wealthy. And he says (and I believe him) that all monies earned go toward expenses of research, hiring interns, etc. He got jabbed and then saw the light. I think he has provided many with good info they may otherwise never seen.
Second, both things can be true at the same time.
My own brutal view (and I won’t detail the list of why, but I’d be happy to if asked) is that the majority of the population are, in essence, feeble minded barely functioning shells, incapable of critical thinking or independent thought.
Mix that in with your correct ideas about propaganda and the narrative, throw in a corrupt, pathetic, and cowardly medical community and it’s quite easy to see why we are where we are.
That's true about Kirsch. I didn't mean to make it sound like Kirsch was getting rich from Substack. But he has had a lot of doors opened up to him since he and Malone did that viral interview with Bret Weinstein June 2021.
Copy. True what you say. I give him benefit of doubt as I think he has used those open doors to in turn open the eyes of others. I look at the marginal utility of what he is doing and it comes out positive for me.
Re the "cowardly medical community": not every doctor has the courage of Meryl Nast, who did what's right for her patients despite harassment from authorities who have now suspended her medical license. Kirsch posted this letter from a doctor explaining WHY he's a coward:
This doctor makes the chilling prediction that there will be socialized medicine in the US within 5 years. First, Obamacare. And next this. As Tom Massie tweeted, "The federal govt is too large, spends too much, and is involved in too many aspects of daily life." This is NOT what the founders intended govt to be.
The primary purpose of OC was EMR. It had zero to do with patient care and everything to do with getting a surveillance system in place that allowed the tracking of physicians and patients. We are nomads on our sailboat. So the EMR is actually somewhat useful because if we ever need to see a doctor it’s not going to be in the same place as the last time. So our records can be seen anywhere. Scary really.
I saw that post on Steve’s stack. I was pretty brutal in my response. It was pathetic in my opinion. Whining about maybe losing his job. How about no. When the reaper comes he’ll be lucky to avoid the 9th circle IMHO.
We ‘should’ have almost zero involvement with the Federal Govt, per the Constitution. Instead it’s all we talk about. That’s pathetic to, because while the citizenry gets rolled by the FEDs, most of the state and local governments are either stealing us blind or trying to convince kids to change their genders. What a mess.
I’m trying to convince my wife we should go to Argentina. It’s totally corrupt. But everyone knows it. There is no pretending and if you have USD you can live large for not much money. She thinks I’ve gone completely insane. Which is not outside the real of possibilities.
I'm going to have to move out of my dem controlled state within the next 6 to 24 months, per Edward Dowd's dire but undeniably accurate predictions of the future. Hadn't considered Argentina. As an ex-pat, can probably live as it pleaseth me, bribery being the common coin. Going to look into this. THANKS!
Yep. In Argentina there is a “blue” market for dollars and a black market as well. And it runs both ways. You trade 500USD to an ‘entrepreneur’ for 1.5x the official Peso exchange rate. That’s the blue market. Then that person sells those USD for pesos on the black market for 2x. He clears the delta. Then you go the the airport for a trip back to the states with your pesos and exchange them for USD. If you carry a US passport and have an outbound ticket you get a better exchange rate than the official rate, about 1.4. So in a round about way you turn your 500 USD into 700. The kid entrepreneur made money. You made money. And the dollars on the black market will make someone a lot of money.
Health coverage for a family of 4 via Swiss Medical is $500USD if you pay in pesos. Pay in USD and it’s $250. First class care.
If you have USD and a steady source of income it’s doable. Great food. Great climate. Wonderful people who basically have a devil may care view of life. They just deal with the demise of their country and the corruption as best they can. Laugh about the good old days. And hope for better ones.
But, I don’t think my wife would go back there to live permanently. It was one thing to spend a month there on a boat (not our boat, we did a charter with friends) but quite another to actually make it permanent. So there is that.
Re "the population are, in essence, feeble minded ..." There's more to it than this.
Eric Hoffer wrote in one of his books something so shocking that I've remembered it, even though I've forgotten which book the quote is in. He said (paraphrasing) that people don't want FREEDOM, they want SAFETY. The masses don't want the responsibility that goes along with freedom. They don't want the risk of failure that goes along with freedom.
When we think about the men who founded our nation, they were the consummate RISK TAKERS. When the Revolutionary War began, the majority of the colonialists were content to be ruled by King George. It really is amazing that these few great men succeeded in the bloody struggle to break free from Great Britain, and who then created a nation unique in the history of the world that has endured for almost 250 years.
I think the book you are looking for is "True Believer". Eric Hoffer's day job was as a longshoreman. He was a philosopher in his spare time.
Hi. Well said. In essence this: “The masses don't want the responsibility that goes along with freedom. They don't want the risk of failure that goes along with freedom”.
Is this: “…incapable of critical thinking or independent thought”.
If one is unable to think critically, or understand the idea that decisions should be made based on the concept of marginal utility, or can’t form independent thoughts without prompting from an external source, then that person indeed has no real desire for true freedom.
I think we are essentially saying the same thing, just in different ways.
I agree with what your saying. Just wanted to elaborate on the problem were facing, which is how do you get people who are AFRAID of the boogieman to understand the value of freedom and how dismal life will be without it. And once they understand, get them to join us and fight our oppressors.
The majority of Americans WANT to do their master's bidding. This inhuman way of living one's life can be traced directly to the govt schools, who over the course of 12 years take fearless adventurous curious children and turn them into 'useful idiots.'
Steve Kirsch is living proof that all the money in the world is kinda meaningless. His brain keeps looping in astonishment that his millions can’t buy any attention 😂 I think he ought to file or fund lawsuits left and right. Maybe then folks will notice him. If he isn’t going to use his tremendous wealth to actually make the world a better place well then fuck him...We’ll find our own way.
Good morning. 0500 here (somewhere in the North Atlantic Basin) on S/V Blessings. You make an interesting point, multiple ones actually. I also think you are entirely correct that “His brain is looping…”. I don’t know him. Nor am I defending or condemning. I do think he is trying and he deserves credit for persistence. He hasn’t given up, as many others likely would have by now.
Get a cup of coffee. This is pretty long. But there is some stuff unrelated to the topic for which I seriously owe you a debt of gratitude. You may think I am kidding. Not kidding. Read on.
Many years before the pathogen release I may have heard his name once or twice, only because I worked in the technology field, as a lawyer, for a few years. In between stints of fighting government corruption, a story for another day. But I knew nothing about him.
From what I have subsequently learned, he was diagnosed with some rare form of cancer for which there was little expertise or treatment. So he self funded and participated in the development of the expertise and that ultimately resulted in the discovery of a treatment that saved his life. And then, based on what I have read and heard him say, this motivated him to pay it forward. So he established a foundation that I believe focused on trying to find treatments for rare diseases where no marginal utility existed for researchers (in other words, no money in it). I’m not sure I have all that 100% correct but it’s close enough.
And so with that as a backdrop, and his years of being a data driven and very analytical person, and armed with a lot of money, my opinion is that he figured that the same type of approach would work to turn the narrative around on jab injuries, so to speak.
I think he is also “looping” (great phrasing BTW, a word on that is in order at the end of this missive) on the fact that the world from which he came has totally rejected and disowned him. In his world, data, metrics, and spreadsheets filled with facts ruled the day. And the night. I guess, given his background, expertise, financial success, acceptance in circles he ran in, his politics etc, why would he think the same approach wouldn’t work again.
He just had no idea what he was up against. You, or I, or Kevin or likely anyone on this stack could have told him and saved him a lot of time and money. But when he got started, long time contrarians were not part of his world view.
Just from my perspective I think he is more of a ‘gentle soul’ than say someone like Alex Berenson, who cut his teeth in a 100% cutthroat business where lawsuits were a dime a dozen. It seems to me, it’s just not Kirsch’s style.
Last point, it is interesting to compare and contrast what has happened to him with what happened to Naomi Wolf, and how they have or have not evolved and responded to the issues at hand.
Finally, looping. Thank you for this. Literally my entire life (I’m 67) I have suffered from the inability to get much sleep. I think maybe it’s a genetic thing, due to an English linage (as far back as I can trace it which is about 400 years) that went to sea. But whatever, I eventually went to see a shrink maybe 20 years ago. That didn’t last long. But he told me I had two issues he could identify. A “black box” for a brain where stuff went in, but nothing ever left and that I was a “ruminator” (fancy term for worry wart lol). I made the mistake of telling this to my wife. So for 20 years when I can’t sleep, which is usually she will make one of her many sarcastic “so what are we ruminating about tonight” comments. Officially starting today we are going to remove that word from the lexicon and insert looping. Not ruminating about anything sweetie, I’m just looping.
Ha. I might even pass this on to my father in law. He has pretty bad dementia. But not 100% of the time. And when he is functioning well he gets very sad because he says Eric, Joan (his wife) is always asking me what I am thinking about and I don’t know what to say I just know things aren’t working right up here. I’m gonna tell him Gramps (we all call him that now) just tell her you are looping!
Have to wonder why, after going through his cancer ordeal fighting the medical industry, he decided to throw hard learned lessons to the wind and take the jabs?
I also wonder why so many of these statistic based nerds get caught up covidcon and submit to the program.
YES! If you already know that the cancer industry is lacking in actual cures which of course is by design, then why in the heck do you take ANYTHING potentially toxic with unknown ingredients? Makes no sense, especially for such a smart guy.
Susan G Komen is “leading the war” on breast cancer. The president of that scam nonprofit makes over $600,000 a year. Oncology is the BIG BUSINESS!!!
Here’s one business model: Terrorize folks with the C word daily. Subject them to ionizing radiation via various medical procedures repeatedly, especially so we can “catch the cancer” early. Then provide terrified clients with a program of insanely expensive patented toxic chemicals and surgery. And finally, follow up with some palliative care while reassuring tortured individuals they are/were so very brave.
Has Steve published his cancer cure for the betterment of the world? I’ll go do some digging...
I would add the following words to your 3rd paragraph... and make billions of dollars in the process.
Read that Jane Fonda has non-Hodgkins lymphoma. She is getting the 'best' chemo treatments the cancer industry has to offer and is apologetic that she has the money to pay for getting the 'best' when others can't afford it and must take what their insurance policy permits them to have. She's upbeat about surviving this form of cancer that is usually fatal and is determined to continue her activism on behalf of climate change.
Fonda, while not overly concerned about dealing with chemo, DOES want to know WHY the fickle finger of fate gave HER cancer. WHY HER when she has been exercising and eating 'right' for all her adult life (65 of her 85 years). Her oncologists don't have the answer she wants. They say it's a mystery. It's a coincidence. It's the roulette wheel of life. There is an answer in Fonda's case, but she won't ever know what it is because she has not connected the dots. Cancer is an 'adverse event' from the mRNA injections.
So TRUE! And once again all the money in the world will not save a person.
There are very few people talking about the true mechanisms which cause cancer. Those researchers are ignored, defunded and smeared. Rockefeller money has cornered the market. Many things in our stressful and increasingly toxic environment can trigger these changes at the cellular level, it’s not just diet and exercise as Jane is finding out.
But will she ever look into the jabs? If so, she’ll find the truth. Will she use her fame and notoriety, as she has in the past, to speak out? I doubt it.
Ultimately I know we’ll win this war because we are on the side of goodness and truth. I just wish the truth was getting out quicker.
She took the jabs? Not that I'm surprised a Hollyood star would do so.
It’s a great question. On both counts.
Desmet and people like him belong to the Philip Zimbardo school of fake research and blame the victim. Zimbardo is the guy who ran the notorious Stanford Experiment where participants ended up behaving like totalitarians, although it was later discovered that some participants were shills. Zimbardo is a bully like Dr. Phil, he writes self help books for shy people but alleges they are more likely to have nazi tendencies. Ever since I read Zimbardo's garbage, I've been good at recognizing this type.
Also, there are still many countries that never went all the way with the Covid hysteria. I spent a year in Bulgaria, and random Bulgarians I'd meet on trains, hotels, etc. openly mocked the whole thing. They'd lived under communism and knew what was going on right away. So people who believe in Mass Formation Psychosis haven't been to countries that don't show any signs of it.
I've also found that to be a common theme among those from the former Soviet block. The former Russian Tessa Lena, who writes here on Substack, is an example I can point to.
Fool me once...
Thank you, Kyle, for addressing the MFP topic. It's a very popular tactic to muddy the waters of truth for those who might join the dissenters. I do not know if Malone is sincere or a plant by the globalists, but I am convinced by your interpretation and information. Thank you!
You are welcome!
It seems the important thing is to stay focused on prosecuting the obvious culprits. The idea is to get them to sing in court and disclose the people behind the curtain.
The people behind the curtain are easy to infer. They are the apex banksters that include some of the royal families of Europe and their equivalent in the US. They have built over centuries a series of corporate protections that keep them hidden and protected. We are unlikely to be able to hold them to account before the collapse of civilization. In the meantime I am going to busy myself elsewhere.
YES! And the first REALLY, REALLY IMPORTANT law suit that has the sweet smell of success is this one:
The Complaint is 118-pages of double spacing and wide margins. Once you open the doc and plunge in, you'll be hooked. It's extraordinarily comprehensive about the corruption and collusion of our govt agencies and officials. You'll learn about the 1st Amendment and Constitutional law. The attorney generals reveal things the talking heads on TV either don't know or won't tell you. We want to be informed citizens, don't we? Well, then, start reading.
Article today re censorship collusion between Fauci - one of the govt defendants in the above court case - and Facebook.
From your mouth to God's ears!
Malone literally had a hand in inventing the garbage that is poisoning and killing people.
And now you believe he’s switched sides? Like somehow he just didn’t know the shots would do damage? The fog of war is thick, I guess.
It looks to me like Malone is busy covering all the bases.
He invented the technology, not the payload. The tech has been used to fight cancer for years, a treatment not a vaccine.
He's no more responsible for these shots than thel inventor of a pipeline is for a leak caused by improper use or neglect.
Malone is a vaccinologist who believes health is found at the end of a needle. Vaccines have been damaging humans for decades.
I think it is possible there is much truth to what all three are saying, Malone, Desmet and Breggin. Desmet's theories seem similar to me to the banality of evil that Hannah Ahrendt wrote about. I know plenty of liberals who were openly talking about basically killing the unvaccinated at the height of the pandemic, who still act like if you have a problem with the new booster you are a MAGA domestic terrorist. They may be victims in the sense that the boosters they embrace might be slowly killing them, but they are not victims in their embrace of totalitarianism. I think a mass psychosis very much helps explain the scientism that is woke gender, race, climate and covid, and I think it is possible as well to see the monsters who are directing it.
I have never thought of Malone and Desmet as saying there is no greater conspiracy. As a free thinker I am inclined to not put any of these three men on a pedestal, and see their petty squabbles as doing more harm to us than the flaws in their thinking. I think Malone and Breggin both have an inflated ego.
Largely agree. Truth exists even in the darkest places.
Perhaps it takes an inflated ego to get where these people are today. That doesn't negate the possibility that either of them could be right about some things or wrong about some things.
But I do have a problem with blaming innocent people for something someone else has done.
I don't see that level of blame in the work of Malone or Desmet. Do I need to re-read your article? Did I miss something? I know that Breggin accuses them of this. But why?
Furthermore, in the elevated realm of spiritual truths, we are all the first causes of our own fates. Though "blame" is an irrational way to fix responsibility on others, taking responsibility as ultimate cause of your own experiences is a very rational approach to life, and is the truth. This is proven out by the success of spiritual therapies that take this approach.
I think I got lucky based on how my mind uses data from people. I look for the facts, particularly where a person has extensive knowledge or expertise, and discard the rest.
I looked at MFP as an explanation regarding how and why the masses fell for it all. Never really crossed my mind they could be at fault. This psyop from the evil ones is far too sophisticated for most to accept, much less comprehend.
As for guilt, those taking action and manipulating and killing must own the consequences.
Innocent is a curious word. for the application of remdesivir, or the many people who died because vitamin D got turned into disinformation. Fauci might be a mengele but it takes tens of millions of doctors, nurses and professional class to act without question. I think mass psychosis is an apt term, even if many of them are too chickenshit to call a genocide a genocide.
The incentive power of huge discretionary research funding has made Fauci invincible for a long time. Scientists, research institutions and science journals have almost without exception complied to promote the Fauci compliant viewpoint. They wouldn't want to lose their funding. Big pharma has also backed up this situation, with their deep pockets.
I've wondered about Malone for awhile. I, too, keep my free "subscription," because like you, I believe some of his info is good. I also like the Friday and Sunday memes. --- The thing about his stack that bothers me the most are the fawning commentors. They act like he's a god.
Yup. I'm sure there is a psychological explanation term for that fawning:)
There is also the issue that he doesn't allow free subscribers to comment.
Don't I know it. There's been a few times when I could have added information they didn't seem to have to a discussion, but I'm persona non grata, because I don't have huge amounts of money to waste.
I know, I've tried to comment several times, forgetting that I can't! Pisses me off!
Your instinct is correct. Malone feeds on the lavish praise and dissenters be damned. Classic narcissist.
True. Another one...HE alone invented the mRNA vaccine. No word on all the rest of the people that worked on the project.
Yep. No matter what happens in this war he wins. In his own mind he’s a Savior for the true vax Believers, after all he’s The Inventor! He really is STILL developing and consulting for the latest vaccine technology.
Meanwhile (via Rogan) he places himself at the forefront of the health freedom movement as the all-knowing yet reluctant Savior for the masses of poor injured souls, “leading” the vaccine heretics to not view him as the dirty criminal he is. Playing both sides for money and attention. It’s a neat trick.
A great job, if you can get it. 😔
Mass Formation Psychosis is psycho babble. Dalrymple, a retired British prison psychiatrist and prolific writer about the disintegration of civilized life, years ago wrote a book exposing the fraud of psychiatry and its purveyors - psychiatrists. Dalrymple memorably said that only an intellectual could believe and such gobbledegook that Freud and his acolytes promote. It's TDs opinion that intellectuals ARE the cause of the problems they seek to solve. It's MY opinion that everything we need to know to understand human nature can be found in Shakespeare's plays.
I have to say, psycho babble seems as much a part of the problem as anything else. Over intellectualizing issues goes nowhere. While researching this piece I came across several discussions about the idea that psychiatry is a phony science...
Psychiatry IS a phony science, complete with dangerous snake oil elixirs (SSRI’s) and empty promises.
Malone is a smooth talking con man grifting off the health freedom movement. He’s a narcissistic DARPA doctor who FULLY BELIEVES in vaccine “technology”. He crafted his very own slick PR documentary in which painted himself as some kind of martyr. I don’t know why people can’t see him for the dangerous creep that he is 🤷🏻♀️
Finally... someone who's not afraid to call a spade a spade:)
I think you’ll like this, Kyle. Delicious!
Fabulous new substack post by C.J. Hopkins gets it right on the Mass Formation theory that blames us, instead of those killing us. Read and enjoy the clarity:
Just read it. Interesting take.
That seems to explain the reason behind the invention/circulation of the mass formation psychosis ‘phenomenon’:
“…[it] places the blame directly on those who suffer from that tyranny.”
And the medical industrial complex’s diabolic idea to remedy such suffering?
• Prescribing a daily dose of Stockholm Syndrome.
Good point. Few psychologists had ever heard of MFP before Desmet.
But they have heard (if they are real psychologists, which I often doubt) about psychopathy and Political Ponerology, which encompass older work in this same area. I would note that most "psychologists" cannot even define "psyche" and don't know anything about Dianetics (for example) even though it is a reasonably successful therapy that his been in use since 1950. So I wouldn't rely on professional psychologists to certify the age or efficacy of any particular theories or practices.
Your point is spot on that the theory of mass formation psychosis serves to close our eyes to the open and covert coercion and intimidation against would-be dissenters. It is definitely not simply a societal phenomenon, but a purposely inflicted wound by evil entities. But your libel toward other leaders is not helpful at all, even if it is typical in a movement of individualists. Such petty speculation diminishes your influence and weakens our already fractured forces.
I assume your talking about my reference to Kirsch. You might want to read some of my earlier posts where I go into more detail about Kirsch. This is the most recent.
Disagree as you wish, but advocating for the suppression of free speech makes you part of the problem.
By expressing my disagreement, I am no more advocating for the suppression of free speech than I am demanding you change your name when I inform you that "sida" means "AIDS" in Spanish. Mr Young should (and does) have every right to alienate whomever he wishes. I read his essays because he is generous enough to share them.
Thanks for exposing this, Kyle. Rappoport and Hopkins are doing the same. I read that Desmet received diplomatic privileges to enter the US as he is unvaccinated. I don't know if it's true on not, but it certainly ties him further into the deep state.
Given that Malone is jabbed... That circle of people seems to have fallen prey early on to the game plan.
Malone SAYS he’s jabbed. But have you watched the movie he made about himself? There’s a scene where he’s sitting at a quaint cafe table ranting on in moral indignation about how fraudulent the science was. Well if that’s true, then WHY on earth would a smart guy like Malone, who knew the shots were dirty, willingly choose to have it injected into himself???
Makes no sense.
I've been a huge Breggin fan since 2016, a time when his works were the Only help I could get from mainstream western medicine whom I blatantly recognized had all been "deeply indoctrinated" even back then.
Wish I had known about him sooner. He seems to have good insight.
I'm not sure what to think exactly about MFP, however, I will say that I fully agree with the idea that we absolutely need to go after the responsible parties. To understand why so many people may have gone along with the operation is interesting (and concerning), but that does distract from the priority of holding the responsible parties fully accountable, and meting out justice.
That's where the focus needs to be, not on questionable theory's.
Without a full-on commitment to holding all responsible parties accountable, and bringing them to true and absolute justice, we'll lose momentum and nothing will change.
Good article that brought me up to speed. Beware false idols or those instiling learned helplessnes or those deftly leveraging influence to divert focus and create wasteful time sinks.
Learned helplessness and wasteful time sinks... touché!
Hehe, I started sifting through my archives on both Mattias & Robert Malone, took my advice and did some chores instead.
This is interesting though Robert Malone copied my headline lol.
Why am I not surprised.
I think what you are seeing among the various people who are commenting and investigating in this range of subjects is self-imposed restrictions in what information is acceptable to them.
I should point out, though, that accepting a wider range of information in these areas does not necessarily produce more certainty in understanding the problem. So many secrets remain, and so many unexplained causalities still exist. Add to that the almost certain influence of people who want to confuse the truth by lying and causing conflicts among the various researchers.
There is also, as you point out, ideological pressure brought to bear on all of us by those seeking to protect their power and influence. It can range from making some subjects so "fringe" that they produce instant derision when mentioned, to knocking people off social media for violating the latest version of Political Correctness, or even firing them from their jobs. We also have various people who have apparently been killed for stating their truth. This always tends to have a chilling effect. It certainly did in Nazi times.
It is interesting to compare Breggin with Desmet, and see them in opposition, as they are both thinkers in the realm of human psychology. I don't think either of these men actually believe in a separable human psyche. But Breggin is from an older generation which has been fighting for patient rights in the field of mental health for years and knows damn well for sure that there are economic and political interests in that field who do not want patients to have rights. Organized psychiatry, conspicuously, has even published some of the conspiratorial speeches of its leaders. So that is the political environment that Breggin is used to. Though he has a lot of experience as a therapist, I think he believes first and foremost in the healing powers of human compassion. He is unaware of the research pointing to the long and sad history of the human soul.
Desmet is from a younger generation, more exposed to alternative ideas, and more persuaded by research into psychopaths and how they hook their victims. He knows "it takes two to tango," and even though the psychopath can bring overwhelming duress into a relationship, the victim must still agree to be suppressed for actual suppression (short of death) to occur.
Given their relative ages and backgrounds, I would consider Malone and Desmet to likely be more myopic in the areas they are trying to address than Breggin. But everyone has to start someplace. I don't at this point take Breggin's accusation that Desmet "failed to report" a patient with a criminal background very seriously. Besides the fact that patient-therapist communications are legally confidential, the timing of this seemed too convenient.
It has become clear over the years that the "deep state" has been interested in ways to brainwash the masses. Their members likely include persons who are quite aware of the mechanisms of Mass Formation and would seek to take advantage of them. Neither Desmet nor Malone know that much about any conspiracies or secret groups that might want to utilize this mechanism for evil purposes. So, in the interest of their own senses of integrity and academic self-preservation, they do not much mention them.
I (for instance) have no such scruples.
In our current world, the sense that some higher organizing body is somehow controlling or influencing events on Earth is generally discounted. Not only it is secret, and so almost impossible to detect, but it is SECRET! In other words, even if you do know something, the masses are already programmed to reject the information, and the overlords are more or less allowed, if not obligated, to try to silence you.
So when someone posits, usually on scanty information, that such a group exists, they are correct but are not likely to get much support. And when someone posits that there is something is going on inside of us that makes us more prone to be victims, they are also correct, but most of them have little idea what to do about it, and we will be told that the answer to the problem is to take a pill.
So both ideas could be correct and yet leave out information that would help us to understand what to do to save ourselves and our planet.
I decided to avoid the topic of Desmets problematic patient and some of his other controversies. I also thought about providing more detail about Breggins work for more compassion in psychiatry. But I didn't want to paint an overly favorable or overly negative picture of anyone. Just trying to let the facts speak for themselves.
"Let the facts speak for themselves." Yes, indeed. But that's the problem the critical-thinking impaired have - they don't know WHAT the facts are saying. They need an 'expert' to explain the facts. An expert like Fauci. He knows what the facts are saying because he's been on the job for 38 years. The general public TRUSTS this man with the kindly face who's been studying the facts for 38 years to know what the facts are saying. Biden does not have a kindly face. When Fauci retires in Dec, who will the public trust to explain to them what the facts are saying?
I've seen talk online from people that favor Malone for that job. Not likely to happen. Probably another lifelong bureaucrat from the inside.