Great article and unpacking job, Kyle. Wishing you well, as always.

Here is my assessment: While it is indeed true that *individuals* are responding as victims of abuse, they are also doing it en masse. In other words, the group condition can't occur without the individuals. I think one needs to see both aspects of this in order to re-cognize, as you point out, that this vast group are genuine victims of abuse by tyrants who use violence to achieve their goals. Psychological manipulation *is* a form of violence, as it violates our perceptions for the benefit of the abusers.

The problem is that the victims, as individuals, are *allowing* that abuse to continue. I mean, I have compassion for them, but only to a point. While Breggin says "these victims of oppression have very considerable anxiety and a negative reaction to anything that stimulates awareness of their dreadful circumstances and their feelings of hopelessness about ever going free," at some point, these folks need to wake up and make some serious lifestyle changes. How long do we coddle them in their cribs?

If this is spiritual warfare — and it most definitely IS — we need *a lot more* spiritual warriors if we're going to hold the tyrants accountable and end the tyranny once and for all.

As a side note, I have been saying since the beginning of this plandemic that if just the men had said "no" to the mask, kept their businesses open, and told the "institutions" to back off, NONE of this would be happening. The infantilized women in their lives might whine about it, but it would be the bravest thing that man has ever done, and there would be no turning back from that daily act of Divine Courage! But, alas, here we are.

And post-script to this: On September 8th, I served a Notice of Discrimination Incident Report to the female slave who refused to let me see my optometrist because I do not wear a face mask or face shield. I included a three-page letter explaining my reasoning, and I took the time to tell her as I handed her the documents what the report and letter were for (that is, for her breaking the law by disaffirming my Creator-given unalienable rights). There were three other female employees present who were very interested in my, uhm, "public address" moment! So since I, a tiny white woman, can do this — and I've been abused by the tyrants, too, for nearly 59 years — why can't bigger, stronger people do it, especially if they haven't been abused for so long?

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Two things. First, Steve Kirsch made a lot of money long before the pathogen showed up. His net worth is absolutely north of 250 million. I’d take the over, on the over/under that it is closer to 500 million than 250 million. So when you say he is “making a lot of money” you should provide a context for that. Somehow I don’t think he’s getting wealthy off Substack. He’s already wealthy. And he says (and I believe him) that all monies earned go toward expenses of research, hiring interns, etc. He got jabbed and then saw the light. I think he has provided many with good info they may otherwise never seen.

Second, both things can be true at the same time.

My own brutal view (and I won’t detail the list of why, but I’d be happy to if asked) is that the majority of the population are, in essence, feeble minded barely functioning shells, incapable of critical thinking or independent thought.

Mix that in with your correct ideas about propaganda and the narrative, throw in a corrupt, pathetic, and cowardly medical community and it’s quite easy to see why we are where we are.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Desmet and people like him belong to the Philip Zimbardo school of fake research and blame the victim. Zimbardo is the guy who ran the notorious Stanford Experiment where participants ended up behaving like totalitarians, although it was later discovered that some participants were shills. Zimbardo is a bully like Dr. Phil, he writes self help books for shy people but alleges they are more likely to have nazi tendencies. Ever since I read Zimbardo's garbage, I've been good at recognizing this type.

Also, there are still many countries that never went all the way with the Covid hysteria. I spent a year in Bulgaria, and random Bulgarians I'd meet on trains, hotels, etc. openly mocked the whole thing. They'd lived under communism and knew what was going on right away. So people who believe in Mass Formation Psychosis haven't been to countries that don't show any signs of it.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Thank you, Kyle, for addressing the MFP topic. It's a very popular tactic to muddy the waters of truth for those who might join the dissenters. I do not know if Malone is sincere or a plant by the globalists, but I am convinced by your interpretation and information. Thank you!

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I think it is possible there is much truth to what all three are saying, Malone, Desmet and Breggin. Desmet's theories seem similar to me to the banality of evil that Hannah Ahrendt wrote about. I know plenty of liberals who were openly talking about basically killing the unvaccinated at the height of the pandemic, who still act like if you have a problem with the new booster you are a MAGA domestic terrorist. They may be victims in the sense that the boosters they embrace might be slowly killing them, but they are not victims in their embrace of totalitarianism. I think a mass psychosis very much helps explain the scientism that is woke gender, race, climate and covid, and I think it is possible as well to see the monsters who are directing it.

I have never thought of Malone and Desmet as saying there is no greater conspiracy. As a free thinker I am inclined to not put any of these three men on a pedestal, and see their petty squabbles as doing more harm to us than the flaws in their thinking. I think Malone and Breggin both have an inflated ego.

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I've wondered about Malone for awhile. I, too, keep my free "subscription," because like you, I believe some of his info is good. I also like the Friday and Sunday memes. --- The thing about his stack that bothers me the most are the fawning commentors. They act like he's a god.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Mass Formation Psychosis is psycho babble. Dalrymple, a retired British prison psychiatrist and prolific writer about the disintegration of civilized life, years ago wrote a book exposing the fraud of psychiatry and its purveyors - psychiatrists. Dalrymple memorably said that only an intellectual could believe and such gobbledegook that Freud and his acolytes promote. It's TDs opinion that intellectuals ARE the cause of the problems they seek to solve. It's MY opinion that everything we need to know to understand human nature can be found in Shakespeare's plays.

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

Malone is a smooth talking con man grifting off the health freedom movement. He’s a narcissistic DARPA doctor who FULLY BELIEVES in vaccine “technology”. He crafted his very own slick PR documentary in which painted himself as some kind of martyr. I don’t know why people can’t see him for the dangerous creep that he is 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

I think you’ll like this, Kyle. Delicious!

Fabulous new substack post by C.J. Hopkins gets it right on the Mass Formation theory that blames us, instead of those killing us. Read and enjoy the clarity:


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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Kyle Young

That seems to explain the reason behind the invention/circulation of the mass formation psychosis ‘phenomenon’:

“…[it] places the blame directly on those who suffer from that tyranny.”

And the medical industrial complex’s diabolic idea to remedy such suffering?

• Prescribing a daily dose of Stockholm Syndrome.

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Your point is spot on that the theory of mass formation psychosis serves to close our eyes to the open and covert coercion and intimidation against would-be dissenters. It is definitely not simply a societal phenomenon, but a purposely inflicted wound by evil entities. But your libel toward other leaders is not helpful at all, even if it is typical in a movement of individualists. Such petty speculation diminishes your influence and weakens our already fractured forces.

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Thanks for exposing this, Kyle. Rappoport and Hopkins are doing the same. I read that Desmet received diplomatic privileges to enter the US as he is unvaccinated. I don't know if it's true on not, but it certainly ties him further into the deep state.

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

I've been a huge Breggin fan since 2016, a time when his works were the Only help I could get from mainstream western medicine whom I blatantly recognized had all been "deeply indoctrinated" even back then.

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I'm not sure what to think exactly about MFP, however, I will say that I fully agree with the idea that we absolutely need to go after the responsible parties. To understand why so many people may have gone along with the operation is interesting (and concerning), but that does distract from the priority of holding the responsible parties fully accountable, and meting out justice.

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Good article that brought me up to speed. Beware false idols or those instiling learned helplessnes or those deftly leveraging influence to divert focus and create wasteful time sinks.

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I think what you are seeing among the various people who are commenting and investigating in this range of subjects is self-imposed restrictions in what information is acceptable to them.

I should point out, though, that accepting a wider range of information in these areas does not necessarily produce more certainty in understanding the problem. So many secrets remain, and so many unexplained causalities still exist. Add to that the almost certain influence of people who want to confuse the truth by lying and causing conflicts among the various researchers.

There is also, as you point out, ideological pressure brought to bear on all of us by those seeking to protect their power and influence. It can range from making some subjects so "fringe" that they produce instant derision when mentioned, to knocking people off social media for violating the latest version of Political Correctness, or even firing them from their jobs. We also have various people who have apparently been killed for stating their truth. This always tends to have a chilling effect. It certainly did in Nazi times.

It is interesting to compare Breggin with Desmet, and see them in opposition, as they are both thinkers in the realm of human psychology. I don't think either of these men actually believe in a separable human psyche. But Breggin is from an older generation which has been fighting for patient rights in the field of mental health for years and knows damn well for sure that there are economic and political interests in that field who do not want patients to have rights. Organized psychiatry, conspicuously, has even published some of the conspiratorial speeches of its leaders. So that is the political environment that Breggin is used to. Though he has a lot of experience as a therapist, I think he believes first and foremost in the healing powers of human compassion. He is unaware of the research pointing to the long and sad history of the human soul.

Desmet is from a younger generation, more exposed to alternative ideas, and more persuaded by research into psychopaths and how they hook their victims. He knows "it takes two to tango," and even though the psychopath can bring overwhelming duress into a relationship, the victim must still agree to be suppressed for actual suppression (short of death) to occur.

Given their relative ages and backgrounds, I would consider Malone and Desmet to likely be more myopic in the areas they are trying to address than Breggin. But everyone has to start someplace. I don't at this point take Breggin's accusation that Desmet "failed to report" a patient with a criminal background very seriously. Besides the fact that patient-therapist communications are legally confidential, the timing of this seemed too convenient.

It has become clear over the years that the "deep state" has been interested in ways to brainwash the masses. Their members likely include persons who are quite aware of the mechanisms of Mass Formation and would seek to take advantage of them. Neither Desmet nor Malone know that much about any conspiracies or secret groups that might want to utilize this mechanism for evil purposes. So, in the interest of their own senses of integrity and academic self-preservation, they do not much mention them.

I (for instance) have no such scruples.

In our current world, the sense that some higher organizing body is somehow controlling or influencing events on Earth is generally discounted. Not only it is secret, and so almost impossible to detect, but it is SECRET! In other words, even if you do know something, the masses are already programmed to reject the information, and the overlords are more or less allowed, if not obligated, to try to silence you.

So when someone posits, usually on scanty information, that such a group exists, they are correct but are not likely to get much support. And when someone posits that there is something is going on inside of us that makes us more prone to be victims, they are also correct, but most of them have little idea what to do about it, and we will be told that the answer to the problem is to take a pill.

So both ideas could be correct and yet leave out information that would help us to understand what to do to save ourselves and our planet.

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