
Dana's questions (below) got me to thinking that I needed to do an update. Subscribers will not get the updated version, but you can read it by going here (at the end of the piece) - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/is-nipah-going-to-be-the-next-covid

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Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance quote:

Until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, we need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.

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Yup, perhaps his most infamous quote, one that will likely follow him to his grave. The REAL infectious diseases are the hype and the ensuing fear. Thanks for including that here CeliaSue. Hope your feeling well.

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Thanks, Kyle... hope it follows him to jail, perp walk... it has been a weird last few days, Mercury Retrograde whatever that means. stress, strange communications, etc.

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Fear is the virus. Fear has successfully infected most of the world's population. The fear campaign has worked very well as we know. Fear is useful to us to keep us cautious, but it is lethal when we let it take over. A virus works very well as a fear vector. It is invisible. We fear what we cannot see or touch. If everyone around you is afraid too, this enhances the fear. If the authorities keep pounding in the fear with the constant beat of the propaganda drum, the fear goes deep into the psyche, and you want relief. It is offered to you by the snake oil salesmen who hold you captive by the constant drum beats of fear. They name the enemy and they offer the final solution. But it is not the final solution. More is better, so more jabs, more fear...

Those of us who listen to the beat of a different drummer know what the final solution is, and we march in the opposite direction. We don't know where it will all end either, but we know the signs along our parade route are not written in Greek letters and designed by Secret government agencies.

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All true. Well said Joanne.

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We need to nipah this one in the lab!

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Good one Barry:)

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So the virus has never been isolated and covid is not real but people are getting sick with something and then the jab actually puts the poison into your body? My mind hadn't gone there yet if I've got this right. Can someone help me understand?

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Right on the first points. Good questions. I explained this in an earlier post, should have done so again here. Naturally occurring viruses are not pathogenic, genetically altered ones...? Depends. Maybe I should say, they have the potential to be pathogenic, depending on the state of ones immune system. It might be that all the other poisons they use in the jabs are what causes the symptoms. There is also 5G and all the other nasty things were exposed to that, in combination with the jabs, causes illness and death. It's a complex learning process.

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I enjoyed the articles

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Since the virus, whether is exists or not, has never been proven to be the cause of the syndrome via Koch's postulates, there's no "gold standard" against which to calibrate Drosten's PCR test, which in any case the WHO admitted 6 mos ago could not distinguish between a (theoretical, in-silica) SARS-Cov-2 genome and the flu or even the common cold!

Personally, I believe the virus exists but is nowhere near as lethal as people were frightened into believing. The infection fatality rate (IFR) is only slightly higher than the flu, after manipulation of death statistics by the CDC, which counting as "from Covid" many deaths that would never have been counted against flu or any other opportunistic infection in the past. The IFR rate for those under 60 is actually less than the flu.

The vast majority of excess deaths since the vaccine rollout are: 1) vaccine adverse events and 2) actual Covid-19 casualties where Covid-19 was contracted during the brief window after inoculation during which the shot suppresses the innate immune system. Vaccinees are classified as "non-vaxxed" during this period, which was excluded from the data used to justify approval of the vaccines. It should have been clear from the start that the vaccines were ineffective and dangerous because they caused human cells to produce a toxic protein. The former would have been obvious in any non-fraudulent trial, and the latter should have been a no-brainer to any toxicologist.

Edit: it's possible the original strain in Wuhan was far deadlier than the strains that subsequently made their way to Europe and the US. RNA viruses mutate very quickly. That may be why we didn't see Westerners dropping like flies as reports from Wuhan led us to believe, or the reports from Wuhan may have been deliberately exaggerated.

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I'm kind of at a loss as to how to approach your comments. It all sounds like the same arguments being put forth by those who I call "the safe, middle of the road anti-lockdown people". This would include Malone, Kennedy, Rogan and many others. They are far from being on the same page as the official narrative, but also far from being on the same page as Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and numerous others who still have not been shown the covid virus, nor have they been shown any proof of the causative nature of viruses. I tend to agree with the latter group.

Do I think there is a place for the former group? Perhaps in the short term. But ultimately the ball needs to be taken across the goal line for a touchdown.

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Reasons I think the virus exists:

1. There's growing evidence the virus was man-made, and the speed with which the mRNA "vaccines" were developed and testing begun indicate pre-knowledge.

2. Reports of severe and sudden affects in China.

3. The unusual symptom progression from respiratory to vascular. Doctors and scientists I trust like Drs. Pierre Kory and Peter McCullough have studied that progression, written and talked about it along with treatments for each stage and THEY HAVE BEEN PUNISHED FOR IT.

I'm aware of terrain theory. It's an important concept that was for too long discounted, but terrain doesn't explain everything. Humans are not only an organism. Each of us is also an ecosystem hosting more microbes than we have cells. The terrain, including our immune system, is that ecosystem. Yes, sometimes the lack of a predator for an invasive species can destroy an ecosystem, and sometimes a weakness in our immune system allows a pathogen to flourish and kill us. Both causes need to be present. It's an over-simplification to say it's "all for the want of a nail."

I choose to keep my immune system healthy with high D levels, zinc and zinc ionophores. I will not damage it with a vaccine. I'll keep my terrain as healthy as I can. Does that mean I'll be immune to a pathogen my immune system has never seen? Doubtful. You can walk barefoot through slime in a barn without getting sick, but you come from a long line of farmers. Maybe your family has evolved to become immune. I might not fare as well, but your point about the real infrequency of cross-species infection was excellent and I will remember it.

Nature is complicated, and things have multiple causes.

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I'm surprised noone has mentioned the pea soup that is Chinese city air. Frankly, I'm surprised more people don't drop dead there...well maybe they do but we'd never hear about it.

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great job here Kyle. I actually ordered Klaus's book by accident thinking I could learn more about the Plandemic way back when it all began. I was shocked at what I was reading and quickly realized that this Klaus guy was trying to ki77 us all. lol.. sent it back for a return of my hard earned cash. I am now learning more about pharmaceutical company's. And realized that the good Word also mentions it. Does any of this surprise us. Heck no.

Pharmakeia (sorcery) is a form of the Greek root from which we get our English words pharmacy, pharmacist, and pharmaceutical. In the New Testament, pharmakeia carried with it the idea of sorcery, occultism, and black magic. It is in this sense that Paul used the term in Galatians 5.20 as the word “witchcraft”

love your articles Kyle.

Miss monty

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Thanks for the linguistic lesson Miss Monty. Hope things are going well down under. Blessings.

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Hi. When you wrote about deliberate force injecting white people from middle and upper class, I remembered a few good articles, that resonates with your message.




I wanted to post it on FB, but it does not comply with community standards.

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The best feature of Semitic supremacy is that it's exposed and condemned most powerfully and convincingly by its own mouths and hands. Here's another example of this truth, which deserves its place alongside the words of Rabbi Waton, Rabbi Wise, the American Hebrew, and so on:

"The image of the world in 1987 as traced in my imagination: The Cold War will be a thing of the past. Internal pressure of the constantly growing intelligentsia in Russia for more freedom and the pressure of the masses for raising their living standards may lead to a gradual democratization of the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the increasing influence of the workers and farmers, and the rising political importance of men of science, may transform the United States into A WELFARE STATE with A PLANNED ECONOMY.

“Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous states having a SOCIALIST and democratic regime. With the exception of the USSR as a FEDERATED EURASIAN STATE, ail [sic] other continents will become united in a WORLD ALLIANCE, at whose disposal will be an INTERNATIONAL POLICE FORCE. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars.

“IN JERUSALEM, the United Nations (a TRULY UNITED NATIONS) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the SUPREME COURT OF MANKIND, to settle all controversies among the FEDERATED CONTINENTS, as prophesied by Isaiah. Higher education will be the right of every person in the world. A pill to prevent pregnancy will slow down the explosive natural increase in China and India, And by 1987, the average life-span of man will reach 100 years." [emphasis added in CAPS]

-David Ben-Gurion, in the Jan. 16, 1962 edition of Look magazine, as quoted at https://www.jta.org/archive/ben-gurion-foresees-gradual-democratization-of-the-soviet-union

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You do know what this is don't you?

It is 21st century Hollywood Fascism.


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Great response to Russell, who I do like but also parse heavily, like most "branded" (pun intended, haha) talking heads, celebrities, bloggers/vloggers, et al, even and maybe especially the most prominent ones (Rogan, Malone, and the like).

My research bears out that it was in the 1920s when Edward Bernays came to business "marketing" power that the world fell under control of Satanists and their Luciferian pals (I call them S&Ls). By the 1950s, after a few successfully propagandized wars bolstered with Rockefeller Medicine, tell-a-vision, and pornography becoming acceptable in the modern psyche, the S&Ls tireless work in every faction of society had a very clear picture of how their progress would occur: Slowly and surely — and almost painlessly as far as the inculcation.

I'm almost finished writing a new blog post that ties in with all this and offers what I think are more ways to return to our Divinity. I'll let you know when it's up on WordPress.

On that note, Kyle, do you think I should be posting on Substack? I can transfer all my relevant articles if you think it's worth it the small effort.

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The satanic angle of whats happening is a topic in which I'm becoming ever more interested, partly, thanks to you. Also, because I'm seeing it just about everywhere now.

If you have a really good way to get the word out about your word press site, I would say no, you don't need substack. If not, substack offers a lot of connections and ways to spread the word, as well as going paid.

Another option would be for me to interview you on my Rumble channel (after you publish on WP) which I can link to a feature piece here.

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Kyle, I posted my new WP article today! If you like it, we can talk further. If you don't, I will not take it personally and I will still enjoy and comment on your work here! Meanwhile, I am looking into substack for the possibility of creating an account. Have a good evening!


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Once we see the S&L projections, we can't un-see them, and we find that their black magic permeates every facet of social CON-structs. We're all helping each other to peel back the layers and re-cognize the truth. This is the fun part!

I am limited with WordPress. I will go ahead and publish my new piece in the coming days, and let you know when it's live. Then we can talk about an interview on your Rumble channel if you like the piece! Thank you, Kyle.

P.S. I already have several articles on my WP blog. Some are a few years old and marginally or not at all relevant to our current "scenario," while some are highly relevant.

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you are most welcome Kyle and BTW I am from Ohio. Down Under is way too tyrannical and bossy for me. blessings back my friend. Miss Monty

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My mistake. I get you confused with another.

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Re: Shedding



In Dec 2020, Pfizer warns of any unvaccinated person in their clinical trials, such as a partner, family member or healthcare worker, experiencing Severe Adverse Events from ‘environmental exposure’ by ‘inhilation or skin contact’ with the vaccinated trial participant, to contact Pfizer within 24 hours.

Those Severe Adverse Events are defined as life-threatening symptoms or death.

And not just any person, but expectant mothers or breastfeeding mothers, whose babies may experience such Severe Adverse Events.

Pfizer goes on to admit they do not know the genetic effects on reproduction, meaning birth defects, and recommend vaccinated trail participants use robust birth control.

If an Adverse Event is Covid, that is not to be reported unless it is severe and life-threatening, as it is an ‘expected outcome’.


see pages 66-69.

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Thanks for reposting this Navyo. I covered those Pfizer documents in an early post and then later found out the real reason why they went to all that trouble - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/shedding-revealed

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Great post, Kyle.

I know the SARS-COV-2 virus hasn't been proven to exist yet because no one has purified it.

Something must be fundamentally wrong with virology if SARS-COV-2, HIV, measles, smallpox, influenza, etc. can't be purified. I'm still on the fence re: terrain theory. Perhaps both terrain and germ theory are wrong. Perhaps something radically different like Montagnier's DNA transmission via EMF is the real answer?!

FYI: Here's some videos which show the Great Reset is literally satanic. (I'm a deist, not a practicing Christian so it took me a while to accept this.) This first video ("Out of the Shadows") shows the CIA controls the media and Hollywood and many of the elite are satanists.


This very long video shows that most of the elites are FreeMasons, which is a front for satanism. The video could have been consideribly shorter if it had simply shown the elites who are NOT satanists! The video suggests the NWO is really some kind of massive satanic blood sacrifice. That sounds farfetched-but I can't rule it out either.


Finally, here's a new Reiner Fuellmich video which says the senior leadership of the police and military are Freemasons. Fuellmich originally said the Great Reset is being done by 3,000 or perhaps 10,000 elites. He was wrong- FreeMasons are everywhere so millions of people- including many at the local level- are involved.


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Interesting comments and links CK. As I mentioned to CK, I lean toward terrain theory, but I'm not sure it holds ALL the answers. Life is one very big mystery and I try to embrace the idea that some of my existence depends on a certain amount of faith in the mystical realm.

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I'm also on the fence re: the gain of function research. We have one narrative blaming the Spike Protein, which supposedly has a 20 year old patent trail, according to people like David Martin. We also have a separate narrative by La Quinta Columna, which blames EMF/Graphene Oxide and says the Spike Protein is a false flag. I'm personally skeptical of the patent trail because patents can be vaporware and Deep State BS! I recently read "Moon Man" by Bart Sibrel, which proves the Moon Landing was a hoax and the Deep State stole most of the money that was meant for the Moon Landing. Whose to say what they really did with all of the GOF "research"?

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Although I appreciate the work of Dr. Martin, he is one of those middle-of-the-road folks, taking the easier path. I'm also dubious about the spike protein. Watched a video recently of the La QC guy talking about shedding being a form of radiation, not anything physical. I think he might be on to something.

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I don't understand why seemingly educated and reasonably intelligent people don't question all the inconsistencies and horror stories, but just keep taking toxic injection after injection. It's like they are completely without the ability to critically think. I do believe there is a strong spiritual connection, as if the Holy Spirit has led those of us with open hearts that seek out God's will to understand, while others that are less concerned with the things of God are blocked. John 12:40 KJV "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts that they should not see with their eyes or understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them". Isaiah 6:9 KJV And he said, Go and tell this people hear ye indeed but understand not, and see ye indeed, but perceive not". Luke 8:10 KJV Unto you has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to others in parables, that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand"

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Good passages cheyerra! Thanks for including them here. Yes, the Holy Spirit does indeed move in mysterious ways.

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A perfect answer for question is this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRo-ieBEw-8

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Thank you for the link, it's a very interesting video that thoroughly explores the psychological/emotional aspect of what is going on with the astonishing lack of critical thinking we are witnessing from people who are believing the "science". The people who are behind this plandemic are decievers that are willingly being led by Satan.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places " Ephesians 6:12

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After looking at all those grants to Eco Health Alliance since 2002 and reading the various abstracts of each proposed "study", I'm wondering if there is any place to get the finished report studies and see what was actually done in the study (compared to the proposals) and what they concluded. Are these reports sitting around anywhere that the public can find them?

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Yes, but you have to get deep into the weeds of the NIH site. Happy digging.

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I noticed that one of the pre-Covid "exercises" of Event 201 was titled "Dark Winter", a term just used by our so-called president.

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Good catch.

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