Aug 31·edited Aug 31Liked by Kyle Young

Yes, Yes, yes, & more yes to this...

"JFK was in the White House at a critical time in history. Just prior to his occupation of the White House, Eisenhower, in his now famous outgoing speech in 1962, warned about the rise of the deep state and the military industrial complex. He also alluded to the fact that the deep state had taken UFO matters away from the control of the President. Since then, UFO matters have been given a higher security clearance than nuclear matters. Why? Could it be because of the potential profits to be made by reverse engineering UFO technology? Does that explain the great technological leaps like space travel, microchips, DEW’s, nanotechnologies and satellite communications that have occurred since 1960? Does that explain the rise of Silicon Valley and the new billionaire class like Musk, Theil, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Page, Brin and the close relationship all of them have with deep state three letter agencies? Does that explain the power they wield over the election process?

For whatever reason, since the late 50’s, anything having to do with UFO’s has gone deeply underground. Although US taxpayers are footing the bill for the three letter agencies, no information regarding UFO’s or technology derived from them has been forthcoming since the late 50’s.

However, it’s become painfully obvious that, if one is willing to sell their soul to the devil (the deep state 3 letter agencies) as the previously named men have done, one can become fabulously wealthy."

I have spent the last 5+ years researching many aspects of the UK side of this agenda & many other aspects of it that are all intertwined... The UK & the US governments, military & Intel services are all in bed together with all their 'programs' & have been since the 2nd world war ended at least....

I, & several witnesses, have seen extremely close up, exactly some of what their cloaked top secret craft can do.

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Aug 31Liked by Kyle Young

they are certainly depriving us of higher knowledge, maybe even hollow earth or something wild like that. The parasites are always working to keep us deaf dumb and blind. Easier to control the (m)asses that way. Thats my oversimplified two cents.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31Liked by Kyle Young

The knowledge pertains to zero point energy, free energy, cloaked craft with unimaginable capabilities all round, what is really being done with rife frequencies, HAARP installations, & the illegal & immoral use of bio sensors, bio warfare, bio tech, & neural mapping for population control & enslavement…. & that’s just for starters!

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I am picking up what you are thrwing down here. I have an active imagination and a heart guided by my intuition :)

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Would love to hear more about what you know..

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what is cloaked craft?

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Cloaked craft are utilising frequency to both energise & hide from sight... This is achieved by vibration. The faster something vibrates the higher it resonates on the frequency scale & then at a certain level it becomes invisible to the naked eye.

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Sep 1Liked by Kyle Young

Interesting. Thank you for the link Moonspinner. I'm looking into it.

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Sep 1Liked by Kyle Young

And unfortunately at this time in history we are unable to know whether the information we receive is actually truthful.

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The information has regularly been leaked & exposed over the years but has been repeatedly buried in psyops misinformation, disinformation, & distraction propaganda operations to ensure those exposing the truth were either silenced by death - usually labelled as an 'accident' such as catastrophic car accident or plane crash, 'natural causes' such as heart attack or stroke, 'mental health sectioning' due to suddenly developing some serious psychotic illness after being picked up by the police, or being labelled as a mad conspiracy theorist & ridiculed!

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You left out world class private yachts sinking.

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LOL! :) & mysteriously falling off balconies!

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Sep 1Liked by Kyle Young

And that's why the whistleblowers, God bless them, are few and far between.

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Yes, its definitely getting more dangerous…. especially in the UK!

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Sep 1Liked by Kyle Young

Go within. We have access to all the knowledge.

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I haven't seen all these connections made before.

I never knew about Berkner, though he is certainly mentioned in the disputed "secret" documents about MJ-12.

We should recall that Byrd was also involved in Operation Highjump (1946-1947) which results were thoroughly covered up. According to the work of Courtney Brown (and others), Byrd's armada was attacked by a small group of UFOs and turned back - forced to retreat. This was a little before the New Mexico ("Roswell") crashes happened. Though Commander Sani Ceto reported that her crash at that time was accidental, it is tempting to speculate that those craft were crashed on purpose as an ET method of "technology sharing." The craft were small observation vehicles and would not have contained much of anything that would have compromised the ET military position. They were flown by a neutral group studying, perhaps, our genetics.

Byrd knew something wrong was going on in Antarctica and probably told Forrestal about it. Byrd retired in 1947 and lived another ten years. He was a Freemason (per Wikipedia) and was also a member of the Explorers Club (as was L.Ron Hubbard). Goodness knows what connections he had in those times.

Forrestal, Byrd's senior, was killed in 1949. His "decline in mental health" was probably due to what Byrd (if not others) revealed to him about what was happening in Antarctica. That's one big damn secret, and ETs (if we can call them that) still seem to be active there. There is no sign that Forrestal was a Freemason, and he held many singular opinions and had many strong enemies. That his death was a killing is a near certainty, even if it was a suicide.

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As I pointed out previously, those alien craft may have been brought down by Tesla's death beam.

I may cover Highjump in another post.

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Many Nephilim Giants were frozen down there in the ice of Antarctica, band thise stupid bastards have found them and been thawing them out. Big mistake on their part.

My source for that is Celestial @TheMastersVoice

You can find her on any social media platform. She is a true Prophet of Yah, and reveals many things that only God Himself would know.

She is the one who said 2 years ago that Obama was the Son of Perdition, and he would install Harris as our next president. She also said Trump would be assassinated, and that it would lead to a civil war here in the USA.

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Well, that's all very interesting, but I don't listen to prophets, I listen to researchers.

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Well, Larry my reply to that is the following:

Proverbs 14:12 (KJV)

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death

The very middle verse of the Bible holds a very important lesson:

Psalms 118:8 (KJV) [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

The person I mentioned above (Celestial) has been thoroughly vetted for close to three years now and she has me convinced that she’s for real. Perhaps you could watch some of her work and decide for yourself what you believe.

I will post her YouTube channel below. 👇

Amos 3:7 (KJV)

Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

The above verse is why is listen to her. I challenge everything she says against God’s Word, and then sit back and wait for it to come to pass. In the future, this woman is going to be famous for her prophecies, so you might want to jump on the train ahead of time, just to make sure for yourself.


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Aug 31Liked by Kyle Young

How strange. I just read a book that centered around the Tesla weapon in your previous essay. 'Hard Magic' takes certain people and events during the 30's and adds a fun twist to them. I didn’t know that Tesla actually worked on creating.


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You are welcome Sam.

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Aug 31Liked by Kyle Young

Lol…I also read a book that majestic 12 were the bad guys.

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In a way, they were.

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Amazing work Kyle. Do you have any links / research on the history of Tesla? John Trump was involved there as well. I'm creating a podcast episode on Tesla.

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Thank you Roman.

Up until the 2022 post that I linked at the beginning of this piece, I had only mentioned Tesla in passing. I don't go into a lot of detail about Tesla in that 2022 post, just enough to connect the dots with John Trump.

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Ok thank you Kyle for getting back to me.

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Hi Kyle,

Just watched the the videos. I am thankful they were speaking so slowly in The Dark Journalist interview that I could listen at 2x with no loss of information. Immediately after listening, I downloaded it for posterity ... if there is one. The Lahaina massacre, seen through this lens, is a small 'brushfire', but enough of 'em is leading us to a dark tipping point. Still, I just bough a Kindle version of the latest book about Lahaina by Traci, Shane, et al. to see what they have to say about the intersection of covert policy and technology.


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You bring some viable information and speculation into the current public forum...As well as questions STILL requiring answers, and those having answers not giving them to the public. It's fairly certain there's some danger inherent to all as well as FREE, SUSTAINABLE ENERGY which the Psychopaths and Reptilians would disdain should 'The People' have access.

All considered CONSPIRACY here is magnified by the concurrent projects following WWII as MK Ultra and associated Mind Control Experimentation with the Occult and Hallucinogenics; the institutionalization of the U.N, and development of CIA out of the OSS by GCHQ/MI6 through the Dulles Bros. This was the time other Agencies and Philanthropy's with associated NGO's privileged with TAX FREE STATUS were flooded with TRILLIONS of whatever currency forever flowing within and without one another having no accountability.

Can't begin to imagine all the projects as Project Mockingbird, Popeye and others during Korea and Vietnam...Which were basically to modernize Illicit Markets for Opium, Slaves of all kinds and materials for all the secret underground facilities, etc.

Curious about if there's anybody having the information connecting all the Secrets now manifesting with FOREIGN Advanced Technology perpetrating Extinction Level Events of all organic life on Earth.


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Thank you BC3.

Yes, there is a lot of evil. I can think of some singular names for it.

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You're being a tease, Kyle Young.

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Aug 31Liked by Kyle Young

The Housatonic Gin and Tonic. You heard it here first.

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Aug 31Liked by Kyle Young

Fascinating read. Looking forward to watching the videos and reading more, but, I was almost completely turned off when reading the part about people who walked on the moon. What! Nobody has ever been to the moon let alone walked on it. You really need to look into that one!

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Thank you Laurielue.

I have looked into that. Not much proof either way. However, Dr. Mitchell apparently had an encounter with aliens at some point on Apollo 14 that changed his life.

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Aug 31Liked by Kyle Young

That is very interesting. I'll look into that. This whole topic is very interesting. But I don't buy the moon landings. Since I've got you on the line, how do you explain the telephone call to Earth to speak to the Earthlings president from the moon?

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How do you talk to people on the other side of the planet with a little gadget you hold in your hand?

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I'm not sure, haha! They tell us it's satellites but is that true? I know nothing about nothing because we've been fed lies all our lives. I'm sure there was no phone call from the moon in 1969, and the feat couldn't be done and isn't done today either for that matter. It's one big hoax.

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Sep 1Liked by Kyle Young

changed his life how?

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As I mentioned in the post, he began to research UFO's and founded the Institute of Noetic sciences.

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What you and others haven’t even considered is that they walked on the moon ONLY because it may really be a few miles above our outer atmosphere and NOT 250,000 miles away. This has been my very own personal belief for quite some years now. No radiation belt to fry them. The geometry of the sun’s rays and distances can easily be calculated if they simply change the size and distance of the moon.

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When I see things exist exclusively as folklore, I begin to wonder if it's a smoke screen for something else entirely. If the Kennedys were hunted and not in on some greater agenda, why are so many Kennedys still involved in politics today? Why is RFK Jr. okay with his family being tight with the same agency that allegedly killed his father and uncle? Berkner's backstory suggests he was a spook, so we have to ask whether or not some of this is simply theatre. They want you to jump to conclusions. They create dots for you to connect that might be meaningless. Imagine, if you will, that these "victims" were all in on something and see if that could make more sense than the official narrative.

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Believe me, after four years of writing about these kinds of topics here on Substack, I think about those possibilities all the time. As I've alluded several times, I'm always asking myself 'am I being manipulated?'.

The one thing that's undeniable is that there is a lot going on behind the scenes that is kept hidden.

I do what my gut tells me is the right thing to do.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Kyle Young

I love these investigations! I went and did a yahoo search on ripple technology and mostly what I saw was concerning crypto currency..

Anyway, living here in Tennessee where they have banned chumtrails, I see ripple clouds regularly. and silvery blue skies, NOT BLUE skies, oh and still plenty of chumtrails.

I keep thinking I need to take pictures of these rippling clouds, or formations. They certainly remind me of a cymatics tray with sand rippling from the vibrations/frequency.

Yesterday though we had those amazing fluffy billowing clouds, the ones as a child you wished you could play in.

I did post this guys link once before here on your stack Kyle. if you didn't check out his work, please do now.



The photographer is Sean Gautreaux

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5mDz-VtZIQ this is another interesting video of his research, and what these invisible 'ufo" crafts are doing in our sky.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Liked by Kyle Young

"No man, no problem", attributed to Joseph Stalin. ;-(

Lots of dead men and dead ends here.

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That does seem to be part of the agenda.

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Wow this reads like a sinister crime novel. I devoted my Sunday morning ‘grounding’ time to read both parts! 🙏🏻💓

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Sinister is a good descriptive word for these events.

Thank you Lupe.

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Outer space doesn’t exist! Out of all of the AstroNOTS that supposedly went to space, all of them were Freemasons.

This is why I call NASA a Masonic agency which makes perfect sense considering many nations have space programs, so it’s imperative that they would need a Secret Society spearheading all of them, in order to maintain the lie.

Masons are notorious liars, and anyone doubting that, doesn’t know any Masons.

Kyle, I respect you a lot, and admire your work, but I really feel it’s time you start looking into NASA, their long history of deceptions, and trickery. Once you see it all for yourself, topics such as flat earth should then be considered as not so crazy afterall.

There is a mountain of evidence to support a flat, non-rotating earth, including several of NASA’s own documents that have been found with FOIA requests. I can provide links 🔗 to all of this information if you care to spend anytime looking at it.

The first step in the process though should be the following documentary:

A funny thing happened on the way to the moon!


Buzz Aldrin has been recorded several times admitting that they have never gone to the moon, and NASA personnel is even admitting these days that they can’t even leave low earth orbit!!! Why is that? They’ll talk about having lost their former technology and a Van Allen Radiation belt, but they are liars….the reason they can’t leave earth is because Outer Space doesn’t exist, and even if it did, nobody is getting past the firmament without God’s permission.

I can totally explain most of the stuff in your article as not being alien technology, but rather Fallen Angel technology. It all starts in Genesis 6, culminates in a world wide flood, with many of these Angels being bound in Tartarus for 1,000 years as punishment for what they did to humanity. The reason a lot of supernatural events are once again happening is because that 1,000 year prison sentence has been completed, and the dragons are returning.

The Masons have bits and pieces about much of this stuff, but they’re gatekeepers and will never tell us the truth about anything.

The Jesuits or rather JEWsuits control all secret societies and it is their push for a one world empire that keeps them motivated. These people claim to be Jews, but the Bible calls them the Synagogue of Satan. They actually worship Lucifer, and work with fallen Angels, and Nephilim Hybrids to help bring about their world order.

Trump is a crypto Jew, and Jesuit educated and trained to fulfill his role in their mission.

Here is a good flat earth documentary if I have at least peaked your interest:


And if you think I am full of shit, and you are too busy to even check these links, that’s fine too. Thanks for letting me vent without censoring my comment. Someone reading this may find value in them.

All things Nephilim:


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The secret societies are KHAZARIAN MAFIA WHO ARE JEWS.

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deletedAug 31·edited Aug 31Liked by Kyle Young
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Did you read my earlier post linked at the top of this one?

As I pointed out above, John Trump (Donald's Uncle) worked with the same people as Berkner. I haven't yet made a direct connection between Berkner and J. Trump, but Berkner was JFK's man. The ties will become even more prevalent in upcoming posts.

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Sep 1Liked by Kyle Young

Looking forward to it, Kyle!!!

Thanks for all you do, sharing knowledge and pulling back dusty, old curtains!!!

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Thank you for reading Sarah.

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