In the previous post I linked to an August 2022 article that lays out the bizarre story of the Trump family history, a story that includes Trump family connections to Tesla death rays, UFO’s, Nixon, Kissinger and a portentous time capsule that’s set to be opened in 2025. Some of the information in that 2022 post came from a report the Dark Journalist made at that time.
Because the information in that post is so closely tied to what follows, I’m going to include that link again.
Recently a friend and long time reader pointed me to a recent interview by the Dark Journalist (Daniel Liszt) with Dr. Joseph Farrell. Dr. Farrell has written a number of books about the history of atomic bombs, Hydrogen bombs and zero point energy.
What I hadn’t realized about Trump until I saw this interview is how closely the Kennedy family history is woven into the affairs of the Trump family history. Because Trump wasn’t the focus of this interview, he is not mentioned.
Because this story takes place over many decades and has a huge cast of characters, it’s going to take some serious word capital to lay it all out. This will likely require two parts, maybe 3. If you’re like me, you’ll find the journey as fascinating as the destination.
In addition to the video above, much of this information comes from the documentary Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations. Other sources are linked in the text.
JFK was in the White House at a critical time in history. Just prior to his occupation of the White House, Eisenhower, in his now famous outgoing speech in 1962, warned about the rise of the deep state and the military industrial complex. He also alluded to the fact that the deep state had taken UFO matters away from the control of the President. Since then, UFO matters have been given a higher security clearance than nuclear matters. Why? Could it be because of the potential profits to be made by reverse engineering UFO technology? Does that explain the great technological leaps like space travel, microchips, DEW’s, nanotechnologies and satellite communications that have occurred since 1960? Does that explain the rise of Silicon Valley and the new billionaire class like Musk, Theil, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Page, Brin and the close relationship all of them have with deep state three letter agencies? Does that explain the power they wield over the election process?
For whatever reason, since the late 50’s, anything having to do with UFO’s has gone deeply underground. Although US taxpayers are footing the bill for the three letter agencies, no information regarding UFO’s or technology derived from them has been forthcoming since the late 50’s.
However, it’s become painfully obvious that, if one is willing to sell their soul to the devil (the deep state 3 letter agencies) as the previously named men have done, one can become fabulously wealthy.
Let’s get into all of that.
Because JFK was interested in an open government and sharing more state secrets with taxpayers, he sought to have more UFO information brought out into the open. He was opposed at every turn.
As we know, early forms of nuclear weapon and nuclear energy technologies had been developed during WWII. (Personally, I see these deadly technologies as satanic.)
After the war, Operation Paperclip brought many top Nazi scientists to the US. It’s thought that some of these scientists were involved with the Nazi Die Glocke (Bell) Project, said to be developing an antigravity, UFO style flying device. Because Wikipedia says this is a conspiracy theory, we can assume the story has substance.
After the war there was a big push to develop the hydrogen bomb. It had become clear that the detonation of atomic bombs released far too much harmful radiation into the atmosphere and it was known that, theoretically, it was possible for hydrogen bombs to be detonated without generating any radioactive fallout. Making a “clean” hydrogen bomb would make them into a viable option on the battlefield. The predatory elite behind the military industrial complex apparently saw hydrogen bombs as an efficient way to dispose of large numbers of “useless eaters” (us) in one fell swoop while also making a massive profit - without leaving behind a radioactive world they could longer live on.
Through much of the 1950’s work had been progressing on technologies needed to produce a small but highly shaped atomic blast that could compress energy waves to a sufficient degree to trigger a hydrogen detonation. The holy grail for hydrogen detonation was the precise shape and the type of energy waves needed to compress the core to initiate a hydrogen detonation.
Then comes Eisenhower's speech. Kennedy paid heed.
Somehow Kennedy had developed an inside track on the development of hydrogen technologies. By this time it was also becoming apparent that hydrogen also held a lot of potential as an energy source.
It’s helpful to remember Kennedy’s deep interest in exploring space. Why had he developed this intense interest? Had he learned about some technologies that few were privy to? Did the Apollo missions he set in motion make use of hydrogen technology?
When Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963 he was on his way to give a speech at the Dallas Trade Mart. He was to meet a fellow there by the name of Loyd Berkner and they were going to disclose some technology breakthroughs to the world.
After his assassination, Kennedy’s Trade Mart speech conveniently went missing. Years later, LBJ claimed to have found it. However, it was apparent to many that what LBJ was presenting as Kennedy’s speech was bogus.
However, Loyd Berkner’s notes were found. The implications of what he said Kennedy was going to talk about in his speech at the Dallas Trade Mart are profound.
Loyd Berkner is one of those enigmatic Forrest Gump types who was present at a number of important historic events during his life. He began his career developing radar and navigation systems. He co-invented a devise that measures the height and density of the ionosphere, a devise still used by HAARP and ICD facilities to this day. Then in 1928 he somehow ended up with Admiral Byrd establishing the Little America base on Antarctica and being the first to fly over the South Pole (what did they see?).
For reasons that will become apparent, we need to follow Byrds carer for a bit. Doing so tells us that over the next several decades he completed a number of assignments in Antarctica. His last was the 1955-56 inaugural Operation Deep Freeze which Byrd had recommended to the US government. To this day little is known about the original Operation Deep Freeze. As I alluded in my 8/22 post, the best we can determine is that during one of his many operations on Antarctica Byrd may have discovered a UFO base under the ice that included a community of insect-like aliens.
In 1938 Byrd had been asked by the Germans to work with them at their base on Antarctica. He declined. To this day rumors abound about UFO discoveries the Germans made there and how they reverse engineered those technologies for their war effort.
Then in 1953 Berkner was appointed by Howard P. Robertson to be a member of what came to be called the Robertson Panel, the first major examination of UFO’s by the US government. How does one go from being an expert in radar and Antarctica to being one of a select few on an elite panel about UFO’s? Robertson was directed to put this panel together by the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) whose authority to do so came from the Secretary of the Air Force. As the UFO picture begins to take shape, the Air Force comes to play an ever bigger role in its evolution.
Much of this work began with the secretive Interplanetary Phenomenon of the Scientific and Technical Branch founded by the US Army in 1947. It wasn’t until a FOIA request in 1987 produced a response from the military explaining that the IPSTB unit was “…disestablished in the late 1950’s.” The response also said that all records of this unit had been “surrendered” to the US Air Force Office of Special Investigations in conjunction with Project Bluebook. We’ll come back to those records shortly.
Project Bluebook was headquartered at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio which at that time, was one of the primary bases where UFO and alien recoveries were stored. Project Blue Book was the code name for the Air Force study of UFO’s, which we are told ran from 1952 to 1969. A large part of the job of this unit was to tamp done hysteria about UFO’s. It did this largely by burying everything in secrecy.
The problem was, Project Bluebook didn’t have the IPSTB files.
The reason this is important is because the time period in question involves the early work of Bird and Berkner. The importance of this will become clear as we proceed.
Another important aspect of this time period is the formation of the highly secretive Majestic 12, a group of scientists, military leaders and government officials. This group was formed by Harry Truman in 1947 to recover and investigate alien spacecraft. The Majestic 12 were; Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Vannevar Bush - who was John Trumps mentor (J. T. was the founder of Raytheon and the uncle of Donald Trump), James Forrestal who played a role in the development of the H-bomb, Nathan F. Twining, Hoyt Vandenberg, Detter Brank, Jerome Clark Hunsaker, Admiral Sydney Sauers, Gorden Gray, Donal M. Menzel, Robert M. Montegue and… Lloyd Berkner.
forrestal side bar
James Forrestal was another scientist who had spoken out about the need to open government policies to the public regarding UFO’s. Although he was Secretary of Defense at the time, he opposed Truman’s policies to economize the defense industry. In other words Truman wanted to get the ball rolling on the creation of the military industrial complex. Keep in mind that UFO technology was already being reverse engineered at that time.
In 1948 Dewey was expected to win the White House. Forrestal had spoken privately with Dewy before the election and had been promised that he would retain his position as Secretary of Defense, should Dewey win. Apparently Dewey agreed with Forrestal’s positions. Truman caught wind of this and canned Forrestal. Later he was put in an asylum where he was treated with narcosis with sodium amytal and insulin subshock. Reports say electro-shock was considered, but never carried out.
Today that we know that psychological treatment is as fake as vaccine treatment. It seems safe to conclude that James Forrestal was murdered by the medical industrial complex.
Stories have long been told about a room at Wright Patterson AFB called the blue room, where UFO wreckage and aliens are kept. The late Libertarian Senator from Arizona, Barry Goldwater, tried to look into this but was shut down by General Curtis Lemay.
A film was made about the blue room but few saw it. A FOIA request was made for the film and the response was that it had been destroyed on September 9, 1965.
Fast forward to October of 2002 when Dr. Eric Davis had a two hour meeting with Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson. The topics discussed were UFO’s, The Majestic 12, Roswell and other UFO crash sites, as well as alien bodies. What came of this was 13 pages of notes by Dr. Davis that have come to be called the Wilson Memos. Those memos also included a two page letter from Commander Willard Miller to Dr. Davis dated 4/25/2002 in which UFO’s and area 51 are mentioned.
Because Wilson had been a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he had legal regulatory jurisdiction over this information, but was denied full access. Why? Because the information was now in the hands of a private military industrial complex contractor.
After news of the meeting went public Wilson was told that if he pushed the issue any further he would never get another promotion.
Interestingly, the Wilson Memos were discovered in the files of Dr. Edward Mitchell after his death. Dr. Mitchell was the 6th person to walk on the moon and the second Freemason to do so (after Buzz Aldrin). After a profound experience during the Apollo 14 mission, Dr. Mitchell began researching UFO’s. Later he founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences. INS researches the “Intersection of science and profound human experience”.
During Congressional hearings on May 18 2022, Congressman Mike Gallagher(R Wisconsin) asked Pentagon Intelligence officer Ronald Moultrie and Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray if either was familiar with the Wilson Davis Memo. Both denied knowing anything about it. However, because the document was mentioned during a congressional hearing, it was entered into the Congressional record. What has long been denied was made official by Congressman Gallagher.
getting back to that fateful day in dallas
From White House notes we know that Kennedy was having an American flag that had flown over the White House helicoptered to the Trade Mart meeting to present to… obviously someone important - possibly Berkner, whose expertise was the UFO files and Antarctica. This lends considerable gravitas to the terminated Kennedy/Berkner presentation at the Dallas Trade Mart.
In mid May of 1967 Berkner is contacted by James E. McDonald, another physicist and UFO researcher who in 1967 gained access to Project Blue Book papers at Wright Patterson AFB. McDonald is a bit perturbed with the way the US government is handling the UFO situation and is pushing for more openness. So is Berkner. McDonald and Berkner have their meeting. For some reason, one of LBJ’s aids is present. On June 4, about 3 weeks after the meeting, Berkner goes to DC to give a presentation, eats a hamburger, goes onstage to make the presentation and drops dead. On June 13, 1971 James McDonald is shot in the desert near Tucson where he was senior physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics at the University of Arizona. Because a suicide note was found nearby, his death was ruled a suicide.
It gets more complicated.
The Texas School Book Depository is where the official narrative tell us Lee Harvey Oswald took his shot at JFK. Turns out, that building was owned by David Harold Byrd, the cousin of Admiral Bird who, as you will recall, Berkner spent a lot of quality time with in Antarctica. DH Byrd had made a vast fortune in the Texas oil fields and had been sponsoring much of his cousins (and Berkners) work in Antarctica. We know the cousins were close because Admiral Byrd named a mountain range in Antarctica the Harold Byrd Mountains, after his cousin. It seems safe to say that Berkner knew of DH Byrd.
So… Kennedy is assassinated while on his way to the Dallas Trade Mart to give a presentation with Lloyd Berkner and the patsy for the assassination is in a building owned by the person who funded Berkners work in Antarctica.
Make of that what you will.
Next time we’ll bring this seemingly disparate information together to explain how ripple technology (derived from UFO’s?) enabled the creation of a “clean” hydrogen bomb and how all of that led to information about zero point energy.
I’ll leave you with the 1962 air drop detonation of the 8.3 megaton hydrogen bomb (the Russians had set off a 50 megaton ‘dirty’ bomb the year before) known as Housatonic, a detonation that was 99.9% clean (radiation free). This was also the first successful incorporation of ripple technology. Did this detonation play a role in the presentation that Kennedy and Berkner were about to make at the Dallas Trade Mart?
Why was Housatonic the last atmospheric detonation in world history?
Why was JFK prevented from making that presentation with Berkner?
Why did so many people associated with all of this meet an early demise?
(The video has been sped up to make it shorter.)
Yes, Yes, yes, & more yes to this...
"JFK was in the White House at a critical time in history. Just prior to his occupation of the White House, Eisenhower, in his now famous outgoing speech in 1962, warned about the rise of the deep state and the military industrial complex. He also alluded to the fact that the deep state had taken UFO matters away from the control of the President. Since then, UFO matters have been given a higher security clearance than nuclear matters. Why? Could it be because of the potential profits to be made by reverse engineering UFO technology? Does that explain the great technological leaps like space travel, microchips, DEW’s, nanotechnologies and satellite communications that have occurred since 1960? Does that explain the rise of Silicon Valley and the new billionaire class like Musk, Theil, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Page, Brin and the close relationship all of them have with deep state three letter agencies? Does that explain the power they wield over the election process?
For whatever reason, since the late 50’s, anything having to do with UFO’s has gone deeply underground. Although US taxpayers are footing the bill for the three letter agencies, no information regarding UFO’s or technology derived from them has been forthcoming since the late 50’s.
However, it’s become painfully obvious that, if one is willing to sell their soul to the devil (the deep state 3 letter agencies) as the previously named men have done, one can become fabulously wealthy."
I have spent the last 5+ years researching many aspects of the UK side of this agenda & many other aspects of it that are all intertwined... The UK & the US governments, military & Intel services are all in bed together with all their 'programs' & have been since the 2nd world war ended at least....
I, & several witnesses, have seen extremely close up, exactly some of what their cloaked top secret craft can do.
I haven't seen all these connections made before.
I never knew about Berkner, though he is certainly mentioned in the disputed "secret" documents about MJ-12.
We should recall that Byrd was also involved in Operation Highjump (1946-1947) which results were thoroughly covered up. According to the work of Courtney Brown (and others), Byrd's armada was attacked by a small group of UFOs and turned back - forced to retreat. This was a little before the New Mexico ("Roswell") crashes happened. Though Commander Sani Ceto reported that her crash at that time was accidental, it is tempting to speculate that those craft were crashed on purpose as an ET method of "technology sharing." The craft were small observation vehicles and would not have contained much of anything that would have compromised the ET military position. They were flown by a neutral group studying, perhaps, our genetics.
Byrd knew something wrong was going on in Antarctica and probably told Forrestal about it. Byrd retired in 1947 and lived another ten years. He was a Freemason (per Wikipedia) and was also a member of the Explorers Club (as was L.Ron Hubbard). Goodness knows what connections he had in those times.
Forrestal, Byrd's senior, was killed in 1949. His "decline in mental health" was probably due to what Byrd (if not others) revealed to him about what was happening in Antarctica. That's one big damn secret, and ETs (if we can call them that) still seem to be active there. There is no sign that Forrestal was a Freemason, and he held many singular opinions and had many strong enemies. That his death was a killing is a near certainty, even if it was a suicide.