May 18Liked by Kyle Young

I believe something we really need to talk about is the level of hatred that all the above implies. So many people still find it difficult to comprehend such extremes and thus they either, become dazed, fazed or shout 'conspiracy'. For me this is the little figure of hope that fluttered out after Pandora had opened the box. You might ask why and I'll answer because throughout literature hatred has been engendered by only one other emotion - fear. I think it was Leuren Moret who said that the 'elite' don't mind if you throw them in prison as long as you don't take their money away. This because it's all they have, it's what defines them and thus is the only way they can exert control. Yes they can blackmail people but for that they have to have money. In reality the 'elite' can do nothing for themselves, they live in the shadows, their puppets move in the real world and do nothing without payment. For the 'elite' nothing can be done, they are lost but the people who work for them can be worked upon. Similarly take heart that academics are no longer scholars with tenure, they are a business hybrid that loves money and are rewarded according to how much funding they can attract to the alma mater. They will quite cheerfully bend the truth to get it, so the technology and ideas they sell to the 'elites' quite probably are still in the 'in silico'. That said I'm not suggesting that the weaponisation of the weather does not exist, I'm just postulating that it isn't as exact a 'science' as they would have us believe. Before however, this does become such, we need to work on those in our immediate circle, including the wide-eyed embryo scholars, who think geoengineering is 'cool' and show them what's really going on here is another killing spree/land grab/environmental disaster engendered by those eaten up by so much fear and hatred that they can no longer identify as human.

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Yes, a lot of this goes back to the university level where much of this research is done. As I've said before, universities today are nothing more than indoctrination centers these days.

People do need to speak out.

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May 18Liked by Kyle Young

Evil only knows how to "evil" which is the OPPOSITE of LIVE.

Those who seek to rule over their kin, are void of Life and its sister, Creation.

Nothing they do is Original. It is all stolen and adulterated. It is for this realization that I am 200% confident this war on the people will Fail.

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May 26Liked by Kyle Young

and they are fighting each other ,,,,LOVE is rising in many and unseen forces are also doing all they can

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Some seen ones are also doing what they can:)

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May 26Liked by Kyle Young

absolutely !!!!!

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May 18Liked by Kyle Young

After having 2 cat 5 storms 2 weeks apart ( also the beginning of Epstein info leaking out more) here in the VI in 2017, then seeing hurricane Dorian ( 2019) do a 90* turn after taking out a Chinese shipping port near the Bahamas I have no doubt that most of our weather is “modified “

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Yup, there are too many unexplainable weather events.

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May 19Liked by Kyle Young

The Acapulco weather event that came out of nowhere, did a lot of damage and the media ignored it. Wasn’t ALMO, the president of Mexico doing something that ticked America off?

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Possibly. Could also be that Obrador authorized it. Acapulco has long been a stronghold for the cartels. Lots of cartel money invested in real estate there became worthless overnight.

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May 24Liked by Kyle Young

They banned geoengineering

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I just commented how the tornadoes that all of a sudden touched down in Houston may have been climate warfare weapons

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At this point, its seems unwise to rule out the possibility.

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It’s not HARRP it’s HAARP!!

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Good catch! A least I was consistently wrong;) I've corrected it. Thanks!

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Oh another spelling grammar ‘editor’! 😉🤪

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So?! It’s important to have the correct abbreviations for people who have never heard of this before. Kyle is professional and mature enough to correct the error.

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Let's add "volunteer" to the unpaid role....

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It is my understanding that the "Sea based X band radar" was developed and built by Halliburton. Friends of mine saw it leaving the ship channel at Port Aransas, Texas and heading South East into the Gulf in the days before Hurricane Katrina began to head for New Orleans in 2005. My guess this was its maiden voyage and initial real world testing.

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Wow. That's good information.

Just read your August 2023 post about Maui. Good stuff!

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May 18Liked by Kyle Young

Hey You! You physicist, meteorologist, electrician....what have toy done with my handsome farmer!?!? Put him back!

OK....I'm calm now. A few weeks (days?) Before they blew up Acapulco, we were expecting a class 4 hurricane here in Bucerias, just up the coast from Puerto Vallarta. All the locals scoffed at the idea of a hurricane that strong because, they said, the surrounding mountains protect the area. So....the hurricane hit here. Wind, rain, etc. BUT....it all stopped.... No wind, no rain, dead quiet EXACTLY at 10:00 pm!!!! How nice, it was my bedtime! Maybe somebody hit the wrong target?? Shortly thereafter they destroyed Acapulco.

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I'm hoping they never come for me:)

As I'm sure you know, it's pretty unusual for a hurricane to come onto the West coast of Mexico south of Mazatlan. They sometimes head up over Cabo San Lucas, then go up the Gulf of CA and come onshore around Guaymas. Yet several have come onshore south of Mazatlan in recent years. Puerto Vallarta was hit not long ago.

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Kyle, you're amazing. Just wanted to tell you that today iffin' I don't get another opportunity.

Now? I will read your amazing report. (Cuz it will be, cuz? You're amazing.)

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Have paid this forward to a couple of folks who may or may not read it.

Posting to X as well. (Better odds...)

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Thank you UM!

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Thanks for finding the patent - shows others that yes, this does exist!

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Shane found that. Need to thank him. The guy is a phenomenal researcher.

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Ah gotcha - that’s the kind of “peer-reviewed” independent research we need nowadays. Can’t tell you how many hours it takes me to find things - probably b/c I’m terrible at organizing my files, always looking for the same things (:

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I can relate...

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It's interesting to me that those who rule the world even bother with things called patents What does it matter to them, they do what they want. They steal what they want. except that they want to make it "adamantly clear" that they are in control, one meaning of the word patent.

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Good insights Kara - it's definitely a show of ego and control, or maybe making themselves feel like they're "advanced" and annointed or something...truly sick.

They can't patent the soul yet, even though they're trying, right?

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So far I understand that you can't patent a discovery only an invention. So was the soul discovered? Is it Natural, or is it invented? Are we avatars with in vented and installed Souls/programs/character/personality... or are we Spiritual Beings who come here in energetic Soul energy bodies?

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Given time, opportunity, and corruption ... the equivalence of quantififcation and commodification of the soul is also on the business opportunity table. The Catholic church's dispensations (the right amount of lucre will get you an express ticket to heaven) is what largely led to Martin Luther's protestant reformation. Here in contemporary Japan too, appropriate money will buy you an appropriate post-death "holy" name, entry into the "right" cemetary, and an appropriately ornate tomb.

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there are those who claim to have sold their souls to the devil!.. I know enough people who left a good chunk of their money to the church, prolly hoping it would help with their entrance into this place called heaven.. if that is the case, I won't be heading in that direction. I want out of this construct. Why people believe in a god who cares about money in the first place is ludicrous! Unless god really just is an old man in the sky.

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LOL. Well stated Karafree.

I wonder if he trims his own beard?


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May 19Liked by Kyle Young

They own the patent offices also so why does it matter?

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Very weary indeed! If the 'Global Elites' control these weapons, who controls the 'Global Elites.'

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what if WE control them... we certainly, by our ignorance and fear, give them everything they want.

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May 19Liked by Kyle Young

Interesting perspective

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Yea, it certainly makes sense when we see how they are constantly distracting us and controlling our perception of reality

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May 19Liked by Kyle Young

Burning out the thousands of forests so they can blame "climate change" when its THEM who are creating this mass extinction of life. Extracting more tax dollars from us is not going to solve the problem, at all, ever. With all these quacky and unnatural "fires", how can anyone with two brain cells not understand and question whats going on? These murderous demonic thugs will not stop unless they are removed, as in permanently. I will not live in a 15 minute city. I see in my local community how they continue to build massive apartment buildings while they makes roads smaller, i.e. adding in useless bicycle lanes, is a horrid joke. I never see anyone using the bicycle lanes. Most people are smart enough to use the sidewalks.

And I believe they'll go after all organic farmers in a hardcore fashion. Truckers will not be allowed to deliver to smaller towns for goods to try and force people to move away. I've seen far too many videos of smaller towns that are basically non-functional. These people must be living off of gov. assistance, but that'll end too unless they "move" to survive.

These b-tards need to be stopped, at all costs. Parents need to regain control of teaching their children how to live off the land and survival techniques, not the IoT of things. I keep preaching that message. Many get it. Met a couple yesterday that kept calling the scamdemic as Covid. I said, it doesn't exist. Never did. It was just the flu. Get some sun, eat real food that gives you Vitamin D. If you don't believe, then do your research. Some of these folks I'd like to shake up. This woman's son is going to survival school, at least someone in that family has some brains. I said, Good for him. He's smart and will do well. Thats what we can hope for, that younger folks wake up to help make changes. I will not stop saying what I have to say.

Appreciate all your articles, Ray. The more I read, the more I learn.

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Hopefully the time is not far away when enough people are fed up with what's happening that they rise up to do something about it.

Thank you Fran.

By the way, my name is Kyle.

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May 19Liked by Kyle Young

Oops on the name. I get you mixed up with Ray Horvath. My apologies..

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Not a problem.

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I haven't watched the Bruce Douglas interview yet, but I don't think it is accurate for him to state that there are 5 hours of missing imagery from NOAA cats during the formation of Otis. I posted time lapse videos of its formation using data from GOES-East and West. I observed what appeared to be a very powerful gravity wave associated with the rapid intensification of this storm and speculated that it may have been caused by HAARP.


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I don't believe he was using either GOES East or West. I'd have to watch the video again to determine what he watched. If you watch the video you will see that the missing frames are not in the time stamp. It's quite real. I watched Otis develop in real time on GOES 18 Mexico. 5 hours missing can be too little to notice change unless attention is paid to the time stamp. I wasn't.

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Although most of this information is beyond my understanding, what I do know is that there are entities running this reality that are opposite of LIVE, EVIL and are terra forming this reality for their benefit at the loss of all biological life.

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As soon as I put up a post I go directly to the garden. I just came in from watering and throwing some old squash from last years garden to the chickens. I still get excited seeing all the seedlings coming up:)

It's beyond my understanding as well. I'm not sure anyone fully understands all the ramifications.

A few days ago I listened to Todd Callander and Greg Reese talk about the reptilians having recently been booted out of control. Todd said they were replaced by... I think he called them EBE's? I don't have any insight into any of that.

But I agree with your premise. Humanity is so far off track that it does seem there is some other dark power manipulating the affairs of this world. How else can we explain all the bad things humanity does to itself?

Maybe those bad powers come in through HAARP transmissions, radar and other EMF's.

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Hi Kyle.

My background is a combination of STEM (undergrad biology), decades of reading the social sciences and philosophy of science / math / langage, and a career spanning 40 years in Japan as an educator (science, liberal arts, and language) and academic with publications in the psychology of group dynamics in foreign language learning.

I just wanted to mention this to justify my angle on what I've learned about collective and individual human nature, and the difficulty in mapping it with a one-to-one discourse, either in quantitative or qualitative research. Lyrics, a short story, or a novel often do a better job. This is something Traci, Shane, and I did not have enough time to get into during our Zoom discussion.

But IMHO, for what its worth, the range of human nature is so wide ... from pure altruism to dark tetrad, cluster B's of the worst kind, that we necessarily have to talk in metaphors about extreme outliers of people in the same way that we rely on theories and models to talk about STEM.

In either case, the metaphor or model is closer to a map of a person or phenomenon ... not the territory itself, and as such, some information is minimized if not lost, and some exaggerated for solving a particular problem the user is addressing.

I am not ruling out aliens, reptiles, or extra-dimensional beings ... but Occam's Razor has been one guiding principle in my ongoing studies ... If an event has several possible explanations, that which requires the fewest assumptions is usually correct.

And swallowing a tiny bit of the black pill, my twist on Hanlon's Razor (modestly named Martin's Razor) ... “never attribute to incompetence that which is adequately explained by corruption.”

Cheers Kyle, and thanks for the update.

I will be reading this more than once.

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I would agree with all of that. Although I think the percentage of Occams razor has been falling off with the advent of all the recent spooky tech.

There is also the thought that Occam's Razor is based on what we know. As I mentioned last time, there is so much we don't know.

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May 19·edited May 19Liked by Kyle Young

Hi Kyle,

Good point about hubris. Point taken, though I would hedge that view of Occam's razor in that it is a heuristic to understand what we don't know. What is missing are those data points, and we have got some damned big gaps in finding a best-fit pattern.

It might have been you in which I read the following, or a YouTube, but someone suggested that the spooky tech tends to be about 20 years ahead of common knowledge. Ha. Sounds like the difference between "conspiracy theory" and "history", although recent strides in A.I. are putting a dent into that, if not warping it altogether.

Speaking of which, with all of the hullabaloo about GPT4o, I typed in the following prompt ... "Produce a graphic image of a sunset of Suruga Bay as seen from Matsuzaki" ... and damned if it didn't produce a pretty sunset over what looks like a traditional Edo-era village on a tiny bay full of coves. Problem is, it absolutely nothing like Suruga Bay as seen from Matsuzaki. Can barely see the other side of a relatively featureless bay on the clearest of days.

Using that beautiful but totally inaccurate graphic image as a metaphor, just think what "hallucinations" are coming from prompts requesting just verbal information. A.I. is ushering us into a fun-house a hall-of-mirrors. Or propaganda paradise. I guess it depends on that twist of the golden rule ... whoever holds the gold, makes the rules.


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I have a friend that makes art films. Recently he's been toying with AI imagery. He's sent me some images. They all give me the creeps. I feel like I'm looking at the world through the eyes of the terminator. I told him yesterday I thought they looked demonic and post apocalyptic. Just heard again from him an hour ago. He seems to be reconsidering his views.

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Indeed. Reminds me of the history of the recent history of graphic arts such as the demons of Gustav Doré or the earlier works of Hieronymous Bosch. Even photography. The shutter speeds were so slow, that people had to remain motionless for an unnaturally uncomfortable amount of time — thus creating a market was found for dressing and posing the recently deceased for memorial portraits.

Still, I remain convinced that the range of human behavior from sainthood to the depths of depravity is enough to require "angels", "giants", "monsters", "reptiles", and "aliens" to be necessary metaphors for how we more neurotypical and empathetic humans, along with the limits of conversational speech, would describe the worst among our collective gene pool. This is connected with how/why Traci and I had that chance to talk.

Thanks to you, Traci, Shane, and several other YouTubers ... there seems to be a lot of good information coming in. But as most humans appear to be driven more by emotions than they would like to admit, (hence the effectiveness of the British behaviorist "nudge units" that Laura Dodsworth exposed), I think the narrative now needs an additional approach of the fine arts or performing arts to hammer the message home. That is what I am trying to build up to.

Hawaii Real Estate (Eric West) does take a more emotional and personal approach, but he is a bit restrictive for my taste in confining his narrative to the Judeo-Christian religious mind-set more than that of a creative artist. I am thinking more in terms of short stories, poems, or something longer ... superficially in fiction form ... which can appeal to a wider audience, for example, Japanese.

In this secular land of a thousand gods, I would argue the fictional animation "Hotaru no Haka" has had more anti-war effect than any book or video documentary of WWII ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grave_of_the_Fireflies ... something the likes of Pixar or Disney would not be able to touch for years, if at all.

Cheers Kyle.

Headed for the community center to give a presentation with some local kids.

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I do too, Kyle go into Nature.. I try and get up into the mountains several times a year, I drive 18 hours in one day just to get to the Rockies.. when I can't go there, that is why my own garden is soooooo important. I have deeply contemplated the idea that we are in some kind of holographic reality or simulation. What is real to me is Nature, or at least the copy of Nature.. I am sure we can find the truth of OUR TRUTH in the Natural world.

yes these frequency technologies may be opening some kind of gateway, or altering something about our true power and ability. Installations of some kind into our system, whatever this reality is. I've studied a great deal about the Toltec, meso american people, the assemblage point and our projecting our beliefs on to the "screen" we call life. I find it to be in line with the holographic reality theory, the plasma electromagnetic universe concepts.

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Well... that's interesting. In 1979/80 I spent 4 months in Mexico and Belize traveling to as many Aztec, Toltec, Zapotec, Mayan and other sites as I could get to in my 1972 Chevy Luv pickup. Back then one could explore any ruin unencumbered by authorities, fees, fences. I found some interesting petroglyphs that I've never heard anyone talk about.

Ever read Graham Hancock?

For several years I've been telling readers that I would do a series of posts on ancient civilizations. I need to do that.

Yup. Getting out into the nearby mountains clears my mind and reminds me of what's important. Very grounding. Foraging for wild mushrooms is a passion. Clears my mind of all cares.

Can I ask where in the Rockies you like to go?

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fantastic about your adventures, I have yet to visit those areas in Central America. Would you go on the same explorations today in your car? Is it safe? Maybe you will start writing about these places. I really want to do the hike up to Machu Piccu in Peru, and explore Patagonia. I do know of Graham Hancock, but haven't spent too much time listening to him.. I like Jason Breshears too. I spend a lot of time in the Western Rockies of CO. Durango, Ouray, Gunnison, but I also love the Front range, especially up near Florissant, CO. . an Area called 11 mile canyon. I've done several videos on that area. its just breathtaking gorgeous, rivers are another oasis for me . Another place is La Veta, CO. I lived in Northern Cali for years and fully explored the Sierra Nevadas... They are both magnificent... you know I just posted on Yosemite. On the East Coast I love the Appalachian Mts in Northern Georgia the most.(the Blue Ridge), mostly for their rivers and philodendron. I also lived in Connecticut for several years and spent a great deal of time up in the White Mountains,(NH) Mount Washington area. But I guess the Rockies are my favorite, Then the Sierras. I have never foraged for mushrooms.

edit, you can find a link to my youtube on my substack.

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I lived in Colorado during my ski bum period - Denver then Copper Mountain. Did a some hiking around Copper Mountain, Estes Park, Rocky Mountian Natl Park. I also like SW Colorado, although I haven't done that much hiking there.

Not familiar with anything East of Kansas. I grew up there as a farm boy.

Did some hiking in the mountains of SoCal when lived in Vista.

Haven't hiked anywhere as much as I have here in AZ. I'm so familiar with the flora and fauna here... I feel at home.

I've also hiked a lot in the Sierra Madre of Mexico. The Barranca del Cobre is sublime. I've also hiked in the tropics of central and southern Mexico. That's a completely different experience.

It's all wonderful.

Yes, I still drive down there. One just needs to be aware of what to do and what not to do. These days very nice buses (beter than greyhound) go everywhere in Mexico and are really cheap.

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Oh.. I finally skied in the rockies first time this winter.. Breckinridge. I hadnt been skiing for 35 years. I was surprised how fast i picked it back up.. Truly love it.. Just wish it wasnt so commercial. Still breathtaking and beautiful. And yes i love estes park area. Fort collins and poudre river also gorgeous places

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You are an explorer just like me. I would love to go to British Colombia...probably more then Mexico, but now you've piqued my interest. I like the colder climates. I guess no matter where one goes its wise to be aware of the "elements"

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May 18Liked by Kyle Young

Wonder if all weather events are created….. swfl towns were decimated (Sept 2022 hurricane Ian) still in poor shape, but hey build back better 🙄 Just one 2 lane road goes through one island town, new resort owners @ far end of island want to put a mega resort with 700+ units, previous # of units was 247 & that included employee housing.

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Not all, but definitely too many are created.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Kyle Young

Fascinated by the ability to look directly into a camera which is the same as MILLIONS OF HUMAN EYES connected to brains, hearts and the very souls of other people...And, to behave as though in Vegas in a 'High Roller' Game of Choice with the dead, blank eyes of a viper or shark.

While worked directly with Psychopaths, Sadists and Sociopaths though much professional life...This aspect of evil never ceases to haunt. Must ALWAYS force the eyes away as to look into the abyss is to allow it to look into me and all having such privilege is Jesus Christ my King.

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In NZ in the last 2 weeks White Island erupted, and the crater lake appears changed. Could DEW have set that off? How about the fatal eruption previously? There is some speculation regarding another Pacific Island eruption a few years back also. Several prominent earthquakes come to mind also, asdo various other eruptions worldwide. PNG Landslide? We no doubt have the tech to monitor but maybe lack the resources to set it up. I wonder, would the monied few be willing to finance both sides; they do for wars!

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Good points. There is some research pointing to scaler wave technology being used to trigger quakes. I hope to do a post on that soon.

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