is this the ultimate globalist weapon?
more on maui fires, dews, geoengineering, hurricane dora and otis
Let’s review the Hegelian Dialect. The Hegelian Dialect is the ability to create a problem, generate a reaction, (typically fear) so that people will accept the predetermined, profitable, solution. Problem, reaction, solution. The solutions almost always involve the deaths of a lot of people and the generation of vast amounts of profit in the process. As we all know, covidcon provided a fine example of how the Hegelian dialect was used to control and cull the masses while generating profit. The problem was covid, the reaction was fear of a nonexistent virus, the solution was the predetermined experimental jabs. The covidcon version of the Hegelian dialect generated billions in profit for big pharma and killed an estimated 17 million people around the world.
Another Hegelian Dialect that globalists have been deploying widely is the idea that global warming (aka climate change) is real and that we should be afraid of it. Their so-called solutions are multi-fold. To name a few; 15 minute cities, geoengineering (weather modification), electric cars, fake meat (need to get rid of all those farting cows), depopulation by any and all means.
Wildfires and weather events are some of the primary propaganda tools used to instill fear about climate change. These also fulfill the profit and depopulation goals.
In spite of the plethora of information disputing the UN’s official narrative about global warming, the fear campaign surrounding it is constantly being ratcheted up. The Maui fires provide a great example of how the Hegelian dialect is used to control the masses while killing people and generating profit for the global elites. How many times have we been told that the Maui fires were due to global warming or climate change?
As I’ve pointed out in the past, the fact that the effects of geoengineering techniques like HAARP and atmospheric spraying of aerosols are not included in the UN’s climate calculations provides a glaring example of how the climate change discussion is being manipulated by the powers that shouldn’t be. Including that information would dismantle their Hegelian dialect about global warming.
Last Monday I posted an article that included the links to four articles I wrote in the weeks after the 8/8/23 fires on Maui. After last Monday’s post some of you sent me new information which spurred me to look into the latest information about the Maui fires. There is a lot of new information about Directed Energy Weapons (DEW’s) and geoengineered weather events. Because more people have come forward with detailed information and because other folks have been doing a great job of collating this type of information, the Maui story has become much clearer since those posts from nine months ago.
Having said that, I’m surprised at how much of the information I presented in those earlier posts has been verified by some of this new information. There was considerable backlash to that information at the time. Consequently, I’ll be referring back to that original series several times in this post.
Although the DEW’s I reported on at that time - primarily HPM’s and lasers - have not evolved much since those posts, there is new information that provides a better picture of how these technologies work, how they’re being deployed and what their capabilities are.
There is a lot of new information. It can’t all be covered in this post. So let’s focus today on new information about geoengineering and the role it can play in creating hurricanes and fueling fires.
A lot of what’s covered here today has to do with HAARP technology. Don’t be fooled, HAARP is yet another directed energy weapon (DEW) system. At this time it seems to be mostly used to direct weather as a weapon.
As I pointed out in those earlier posts, Maui was not the first place to experience the mindless destruction of the psychopaths that control DEW technology. Paradise, Malibu, Dixie and the Camp fires, to name a few, all show signs of DEW influence.
Last summers fires in Canada were easily the worst in its history, burning over 45 million acres. Several firefighters lost their lives. In just the past week a dozen or more new fires erupted over the course of about six hours covering a large area of Western Canada. This occurred under clear skies. It’s very suspicious. I’ll be keeping an eye on that over the next few months.
In the last post I introduced Traci Derwin, one of the authors of the new book “The Great Maui Land Grab”. She’s one of those people that have done a fine job of collating a wide variety of information regarding Maui fires.
Traci has been working with a guy named Shane who has done a lot of great research about the background on the Maui fires. He dug up the US Naval Institute map that shows all of the bases and positions of Navy fleet and strike forces all over the world on any given date. Why this is important will become clear as we go along. On 8/7/2023, the day before the fires on Maui, the map shows no Navy forces in the region of Hawaii.
Truth be told, it doesn’t show any Navy activity around Hawaii for any day, ever. Hawaii is not on any of the USNI maps. In other words, the Navy would have us believe that it has no base at Pearl Harbor and that it conducts no operations anywhere around Hawaii.
What is the Navy trying to hide about Hawaii? Are the bases in Hawaii no longer under the conrol of the Navy? If not the Navy, then who. Or what?
Another good piece of information Shane found was the patent for “Microwave Transmission Using a Laser Generated Plasma Beam Waveguide”. As I pointed out in that first post, HPM’s suffer from something called “blossoming” when firing great distances through the atmosphere. As the beam encounters humidity and particulates in the air it gets dispersed and blossoms outward to the point of becoming ineffective (not an issue when firing in the pristine environment of outer space). In this post I speculated that perhaps a technology had been devised that allows HPM’s to overcome this problem. This patent shows that problem has indeed, been solved. A concentric tube of lasers are fired to create a plasma beam, which creates an environment inside the tube for the HPM to travel to its target largely intact, without blossoming.
Here is the patent.
Thanks for verifying my earlier speculation Shane. This is important because much of the evidence I presented in that earlier series strongly points to the use of distant HPM’s in Lahaina.
Of course we can’t discuss the fires on Maui without discussing weather, particularly the fierce winds that fueled the fires, winds that authorities told us were generated by hurricane Dora. As I pointed out in my first post on the Maui fire series, there was no way that hurricane Dora could have played a role in creating the winds on Maui. Dora was 600 to 700 miles to the Southwest of Maui - moving away - at the time of the fires. As I also pointed out, the typical range of the winds produced by a small hurricane like Dora is 50 miles outside of the storm. So, anyone that says the winds were generated by Dora is lying.
Because of the roll it plays in fires and weather modification, geoengineering was also covered in that series of posts.
The first post included a link to an interesting presentation made by Maui resident, Bruce Douglas. I can relate to Bruce. He and I are both weather hounds and natural builders. Here is his natural building site. He’s been speaking out about the questions swirling around the jabs, he’s been fighting the release of genetically modified mosquitos on Maui, he’s been speaking out about geoengineering and he’s been pointing out the lies regarding the official narrative about the Maui fires.
Bruce is the son of an inventor and a PhD biomedical engineer. This likely explains why is such a great researcher.
Some of you may recall that on October 25, 2023 hurricane Otis hit Acapulco, Mexico, essentially bringing it to its knees. At the time I mentioned having some questions about the glaring anomalies regarding Otis, about the speed at which it developed and the fact that it had little to no rain. It was just a wind hurricane. Anyone who lives where hurricanes are common knows that dry hurricanes, especially ones as powerful as Otis, just don’t exist.
At the time I mentioned the possibility of doing a post on that storm, but I never got around to it. In an interview with Blossom Inner Wellness (below) Bruce Douglas takes a close look at both Otis and Dora. He uses a combination of known information about geoengineering and some very interesting computer imaging to explain how hurricane Otis was engineered to become a hurricane. His explanation about Otis answers those questions I had about it and his comments about Dora verify what I said about it not playing a role with the winds on Maui the day of the fires.
In the interview Bruce also revisits the atmospheric anomalies that he talked about in the interview linked in my first Maui post. This is the highly unusual sparkly clouds that appear to the East of Maui the day before the fires begin. The implication is that a mobile HAARP facility may have been responsible.
For those not familiar, HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The first HAARP facilities were permanent structures built in Alaska, Peru and a number of other places around the world. Today, some of those have become obsolete because the technology has advanced. Some of the older HAARP facilities have been abandoned in favor of portable facilities that use a new technology with more capability.
That new technology is called Ionospheric Current Drive (ICD). This portable technology allows HAARP facilities to be located on ships along the equator, which of course, allows for more precise control of hurricanes. Extra Low Frequencies (ELF) are used in tandem with Super Small Size Field Aligned Scattering Mirrors (SSS FAS) to create the same kind of ionospheric heating that was previously done by the much larger ground based facilities located closer to the poles. This gets into a whole ‘nuther field of dark science called frequency chirping that’s way beyond the scope of this post. Suffice it to say, ICD is another type of HAARP facility. In other words, it’s another type of DEW.
The photo at the top of this post is what Bruce Douglas and others believe to be one of the new SSS FAS HAARP facilities. The official narrative told to us by the “authorities” is that this facility is an X band radar used by the military to detect ballistic missiles. Bruce says people he knows in the military call it the HAARP dome.
As I explained in this post, capacitors have come a long way. Capacitors are similar to batteries except that they can be charged more quickly. More importantly, they can be discharged in large bursts. This burst potential is needed when firing DEW weaponry, which, as I pointed out earlier, is what HAARP is. This “X band radar facility” is loaded with large capacitors.
Below is a video tour of the inside of the facility. If this is truly a military facility meant to track ballistic missiles, why is there not a single person wearing a military uniform? Why are the people conducting the tour dressed in civilian clothing? Why does the facility not have any military insignia on it? If this thing is meant to discover ballistic missiles, that would make it a target for our enemies. Why is it not accompanied by military vessels for protection? The head honcho with the mustache claims it’s part of the Missile Defense Agency. Yet neither he nor anyone else, nor the facility itself, bear any MDA logos. I’ve never known the military to be so open about a top secret technology. It’s interesting to note that the gullible reporter never bothered to consider any of this. Why not? Was this a propaganda piece? Are we being sold a bill of goods?
Even the following video, put out just last year by the MDA, shows no military personnel on the facility, no military insignia on the vessel and no Navy vessels accompanying it. For a military facility that’s supposed to be as important as the military tells us this is, at the very least, this lack of protection seems irresponsible.
As is always the case, the stated purpose of the facility is to discover and track ballistic missiles, but the US has been able to do that for many decades prior to the building of this facility. Then, why the need to spend a billion of our taxpayer dollars for this facility?
Because the smaller domes located around the periphery of the facility are radar stations, perhaps the facility is dual purpose - able to track missiles and function as a HAARP facility.
According to this MDA video, this facility was built in Brownsville, Texas in 2004, then transferred to Pearl Harbor in 2005. It wasn’t handed over to the Navy until 2011. So, who built it? Is the Navy now using it as a weather weapon?
There are a lot of unanswered questions about this thing.
I know nothing about how this technology works, but its interesting to note that the collection of small panels that make up the main “radar” dish (seen in the thumbnail in the upper left hand corner of the above photo) look like different colored mirrors. Is this the Super Small Size Field Aligned Scattering Mirrors (SSS FAS) being used in the portable HAARP systems that create the same kind of ionospheric heating previously done by the old school, land based HAARP systems?
One of the things any type of HAARP facility can do is cause the ionosphere to bulge upward when a particular region is targeted, creating low pressure beneath. When the HAARP signal is turned off, the ionosphere collapses forcing winds away from the collapse. The same thing happens when a toilet plunger is pushed down on a flat surface… air is forced out from under the plunger causing a mini burst of wind away from the plunger. When a HAARP facility does this, the result is the generation of a lot of heat due to the HAARP machinery interacting with the ionosphere as well as the atmospheric friction of the air being forced outwards. This is why HAARP is called an ionospheric heater. It’s the prefect storm for fueling fires, manipulating weather, creating global warming, killing people and wresting money away from regular folks. It may very well be the ultimate globalist tool.
Another aspect of HAARP is the ability to create cymatic wave forms in the atmosphere on a grand scale. I’ve touched on cymatics in the past but Bruce presents a really nice description in the video.
Another aspect that we need to consider is aerosol injection. The aerosols used are particulates of aluminum, barium, strontium, titanium and other elements that are now being found in the blood of many people.
If these elements sound familiar, that’s because they are the same elements found in many of the covid jab vials.
These particulates can be at nanoscale. This is one of the primary forms of geoengineering (covered here) and it’s being deployed in several different ways. One of those ways are the chemtrails we see in the sky nearly every day. Bruce talks about another aerosol system - ship based injection of aerosols directly into a brewing tropical storms to make them become more volatile. He presents compelling evidence that this was done with Otis.
One of the most interesting things that Bruce discovered are the lapses in the satellite images that are provided by the various government services like the NOAA. For instance, the satellite loop that covers the region of the Eastern Pacific and Western Mexico where hurricane Otis developed is missing five hours of images from the its critical formation period just before it heads onshore to hit Acapulco. Clearly, someone didn’t want us to see the most critical aspects of how that dry hurricane was formed.
The satellite loop that Bruce depends on for weather patterns over Maui was missing critical images right during the height of the fire. Again, control from above.
it’s a package deal
All of these techniques - HAARP, different aerosol injection systems, cymatics - are being used in conjunction with each other to manipulate the weather and kill people for profit.
I haven’t even touched on the dangers that the radar on the SBX-1 presents to our biofield. Is this thing being used to generate illness wherever it goes to port?
Is all of this the ultimate satanic version of the Hegelian dialect?
Thanks to the work done by the authors of The Great Maui Land Grab, we know that the profit motive for destroying Lahaina was it’s value as one of the most desirable pieces of real estate in the US. Whoever or whatever group of investors develops it will become rich from filthy lucre.
Although the level of research about why Acapulco was targeted is not as well developed as the Maui story, because that region of the West coast of Mexico is some of the most valuable real estate in Mexico, it seems safe to speculate that, like Maui, whoever gets the rights to redevelop Acapulco will also become filthy rich from filthy lucre. I hope to find out more about the Acapulco story.
I don’t know about you, but I’m growing weary of global elites playing with our lives, to kill people for fun and profit. It now seems that if a group of investors, full of nefarious intent, want to exploit a region or a community and they have the financial resources to do so, all they have to do is pay the controllers of geoengineering technology to generate a weather or fire event (or a combination of both) to destroy the targeted area and kill or displace everyone who had built lives there. They can then swoop in and take over.
In the past, tyrants like this would have been strung up by the masses. Today the masses are are mute.
Be free.
I believe something we really need to talk about is the level of hatred that all the above implies. So many people still find it difficult to comprehend such extremes and thus they either, become dazed, fazed or shout 'conspiracy'. For me this is the little figure of hope that fluttered out after Pandora had opened the box. You might ask why and I'll answer because throughout literature hatred has been engendered by only one other emotion - fear. I think it was Leuren Moret who said that the 'elite' don't mind if you throw them in prison as long as you don't take their money away. This because it's all they have, it's what defines them and thus is the only way they can exert control. Yes they can blackmail people but for that they have to have money. In reality the 'elite' can do nothing for themselves, they live in the shadows, their puppets move in the real world and do nothing without payment. For the 'elite' nothing can be done, they are lost but the people who work for them can be worked upon. Similarly take heart that academics are no longer scholars with tenure, they are a business hybrid that loves money and are rewarded according to how much funding they can attract to the alma mater. They will quite cheerfully bend the truth to get it, so the technology and ideas they sell to the 'elites' quite probably are still in the 'in silico'. That said I'm not suggesting that the weaponisation of the weather does not exist, I'm just postulating that it isn't as exact a 'science' as they would have us believe. Before however, this does become such, we need to work on those in our immediate circle, including the wide-eyed embryo scholars, who think geoengineering is 'cool' and show them what's really going on here is another killing spree/land grab/environmental disaster engendered by those eaten up by so much fear and hatred that they can no longer identify as human.
After having 2 cat 5 storms 2 weeks apart ( also the beginning of Epstein info leaking out more) here in the VI in 2017, then seeing hurricane Dorian ( 2019) do a 90* turn after taking out a Chinese shipping port near the Bahamas I have no doubt that most of our weather is “modified “